Club Leader/Advisor Handbook

Roosevelt High School
Club Advisor
Table of Contents
Goals of Handbook……………….
Page 3
Club Advisor Responsibilities………….
Page 3
Registering a New or “Old” Club………..
Page 3
Club Expectations…………
Page 3
Binder Requirements………….
Page 3
Student Officers………
Page 3
What is ASB? ……….
Page 4
How to Write a Constitution……..
Page 5
How to Write Meeting Minutes……..
Page 6
Page 7
Pages 10-20
Constitution Outline
Constitution Example
Fundraising Approval Form
Private Fundraising Form(s) – Charity Fundraising
Parental Authorization for Fundraising Form
Blank Meeting Minute Form
Sample Deposit Slip
Blank Payment Order Form (Reimbursement Form)
Goals of this Handbook:
Better define the role of the Advisor
Assist Advisors in activity management
Help give Advisors a reference to answer questions and guide your Clubs work
Open line of communication up between the Advisor and the Activity Coordinator
Promote proper procedures for handling money and fundraising
Club Advisor Responsibilities
 Select a day of the week for your club to meet during lunch/afterschool.
 Make sure rosters are updated, members purchase an ASB card and members are adhering to school rules and
 Get any bulletin announcements advertising your club meeting to Boswell by the Thursday BEFORE the week
you want the announcement up in the Commons.
 Club Meetings/Advertising – the bulletin board as across from the downstairs vending machine will be a new
space to advertise your club meetings or news.
 Supervise ALL club meetings and events.
 Confirm that proper district policies regarding fundraising are being met. Follow all federal, state and local laws,
rules and policies concerning ASB monies and fundraising.
 Oversee the organization and upkeep of club binder.
Registering a Club- New and “Old”
Pick up the Club Registration forms from ASR (room 109)
Find an Advisor, fill out the forms with your advisors signature
Write a constitution & have an ASB Budget on file or turn in with application(per ASB law)
Turn in completed paperwork to Club Coordinator in the ASR room (109)
Club Expectations
Club will meet regularly on day and time as on Registration form.
Club will maintain accurate and updated meeting minutes, fundraising forms, current roster and keep their club
binder organized. (per ASB law)
Club will participate in Roughrider Day with a table to introduce students to your club. You may sell merchandise
and potentially food as well. Then one more club fair at the beginning of Second Semester.
Will meet with ASR Club Coordinator once a month to check in with club activities and fundraising efforts.
If participate in Diversity Week- club members need Food Handlers Permit, store bought food ok, anything else
needs to be cooked and prepared on campus, prepare assembly routine, be prepared for assembly run-through.
Binder Organization
Copy of your Club Registration Packet, with Club Constitution (per ASB law)
Current Club Roster/Contact Information
Meeting minutes (per ASB law)
Fundraising Paperwork (per ASB law)
Past meeting minutes and Club Information with Activities/Club Audit Form (per ASB law)
Student Officers: You will need to turn this binder in at the end of the school year with a summary of the club
activities/club audit form for the school year. An outline is provided below
(yes – students can do this)
Basic Things to Know about ASB
It is an ASB event or Fundraiser if:
Students are involved; AND
The school district or school name is used; AND
It is conducted on or off school property; AND
It is done with the approval of the school board or their designees.
Money raised during the school day, on school property, using school personnel, or school materials is public money and
MUST be deposited into ASB.
1. All purchases must show evidence of prior student approval (minutes, requisitions).
2. Purchases are to be made with an ASB Purchase Order or District Procurement Card.
3. Follow school district procedures for obtaining a purchase order or card. It is probable that private purchasing
methods may not be reimbursed!! Plan ahead.
4. Holly Poulias, and district, pay all bills. Fill out Reimbursement form and attach bills, receipts and invoices to form.
Hand in to Holly Poulias for processing.
5. All money collected MUST be deposited with Holly Poulias. Receipts are required each and every time money
changes hands as they provide a record of responsibility and verify amounts.
6. Maintain club records as they are subject to review by the State Auditor and provide your club with a history of what
has happened. Minutes are permanent records and need to be collected by the ASB Activity Coordinator at the end
of each school year.
7. Each individual ASB Club or Activity is assigned an account number.
8. Clubs and Activity Groups should periodically compare their records with the Fiscal’s records to confirm that all
deposits and expenses have been recorded.
9. Summer Activities??? Make prior arrangements to ensure that all money is deposited promptly. All activities must
be pre-approved before the end of the school year by the students.
10. DO NOT use cash from ASB sales or fundraisers to buy or pay for anything like food, decorations, or additional
inventory. These actions are ILLEGAL per state law. There must be a record of all transactions and a record of
where/whom the money came from.
11. Raffles and Gambling activities can only be done in certain circumstances (per state law!!). Talk with Fiscal and
Activity Coordinator BEFORE planning and implementing a raffle or gambling fundraiser or event.
What turns a parent group fundraiser (PTSA, Parent Booster groups) into an ASB activity?
Is majority of the work done by the students?
Event workers are wearing official school apparel implying school event;
The cash receipts are given to a school employee or stored in the school safe;
Students handle the cash during the reconciliation process;
Inventory is purchased through ASB… students sign off on the purchase order;
School district holds and inventories goods for resale;
District facility use did not follow district policy
School personnel are involved during school hours;
A good question to ask is: “Would a reasonable person in the community think the event was sponsored activity? If
the answer is yes, the activity is most likely an ASB activity or event.
Writing or Revising the School Constitution
WASC - Washington Association of Student Councils
• When was the last time the constitution was looked at?
• Can you easily locate a copy?
• Is it an accurate reflection of the current practices of your group?
Writing or revising a constitution allows you to give serious consideration to the purpose of your organization.
The following guidelines, prepared by Dr. Earl Reum, may be of help as you evaluate or create a new
• How is the ASB Constitution organized?
• Look for limitations (private funds); membership; elections
• Does it address the role of Club Advisors and Students (duties)?
• The ASB Constitution must be School Board approved
• If revised or amended, the School Constitution should be presented and approved by the School
Board again
• Does the Constitution address the student approval process?
• Does it discuss dissolution of a club or activity and the distribution of any remaining fund balance?
People support what they help to create.
• Involve members of your group in the constitution revision process
• Hold a constitutional convention or retreat where you begin by determining your reason for existing
as an organization
• Write a mission statement for your group
• This statement can serve as your preamble
A Check-List:
The Constitution and By-Laws
A Constitution is a list of the rules of a group. It lists a group’s powers and describes the rules for
conducting its business.
The Student Council Constitution should be written in simple terms which are easily understood. It
should include only important items. It must be written by both the school staff and students.
Amendments (changes) should be easy and simple. A good Constitution must be reviewed often and
kept current with what is really happening.
Teddy Roosevelt Club Meeting Minutes Form
Club President(s)/Captain(s):
Meeting Date:
Theodore Roosevelt & Franklin Roosevelt
Nov. 9. 2102
Meeting Time: 3:00 – 3:45
Meeting was called to order by:
Location: Room 109
Theodore Roosevelt
The meeting minutes of the meeting dated
Nov. 4, 2012
were read and approved. YES
Circle One
The following expenditures/Fundraisers were approved:
Purpose of Item
Motioned By
Second By
Club Shirts
Club Unity
Sarah C
Eleanor R.
Meeting Snacks
Incentives for new
people to attend
$150.00 for
the year
Fundraiser –
Safeway receipts
Raise $ for club
No costs = Theodore
goal $1,000
Topics Discussed (New/Old Business)
 Winter Assembly- talked about our performance, music
 Ideas about improving school spirit- more running through the halls (maybe every
Friday morning? – talk with cheer & drum line; more advertising for athletics and
 Safeway Fundraiser- Eleanor will fill out fundraising form and turn into Room 109
o Shifts from 9 am to noon then noon to 3; sign-up sheet
Club Secretary: _____Eleanor Roosevelt
________ Signature: ____Eleanor Roosevelt __
Club Advisor/Coach: _________Kate Plesha ______ Signature: ___Kate Plesha ____
** Meeting Minutes are about STUDENTS!
Students need to approve what happens with their Club, their Funds and their time in regards to the club.
These are required by STATE LAW and MUST be turned in at the end of the year.
When turning in the fundraising form- also attach the meeting minutes that shows students approval!!!
Any items purchased with ASB funds become the property of Roosevelt High School.
Here are the simple guidelines we need to use –
Before the Fundraiser1. Record in Club meeting minutes that students are in agreement to plan and implement a fundraiser (be specific
about what students are being asked to do) and what the monies will be spent on. Follow club constitution
about voting procedures. Staple a copy of these mtg. minute to Fundraiser Form!!!
2. Fill FUNDRAISING FORM first and have the activity approved by the ASB – do this early, ASB Officer Meetings
happen only once a week (Mondays) – the fundraiser must be approved BEFORE it happens. If you wish to use a
purchase order – fill the form out at this time.
a. If fundraising for your club account- fill out Roosevelt HS Fundraising Form (in appendix)
b. If fundraising for a non-profit organization- fill out District Private Monies Fundraising Form; check with
Holly Poulias to be sure they have registered with the state (501c). We cannot donate funds to
organizations that are not registered with the State of Washington. (in appendix)
3. Have students and parents sign the Parental Authorization for Fundraising form (in appendix)
4. Request a Purchase Order (PO) if needed
5. When merchandise is received, be sure to: Count and verify (color, quantity, sizes, etc.), sign your name and
date received on the invoice packing slip, forward invoice to Holly Poulias with Reimbursement Form filled out,
keep merchandise securely locked up and accounted for. (Club responsible for missing merchandise- will be
added to fine list to be paid by end of year)
6. Request change from Poulias the day or two BEFORE you need it for your sales
During the Fundraiser
1. Deposit the money the day of the event – if that is not possible, deposits need to be made the next business day
to Holly Poulias (room 164).
2. Continue to keep any merchandise locked up securely.
3. Maintain Individual student record sheets, or create a merchandise check-out sheet that students and the
Advisor sign off on each time merchandise is sold.
After the Fundraiser
1. Fill out any reimbursements forms needed (if you spend your own money); have Club Advisor sign. Give to
2. Finish filling out the Fundraising Approval form after the event to reconcile the fundraiser. This is the official
document that shows how much the fundraiser made.
3. Update Fundraiser Fundraising Section:
a. Copy of Fundraising Approval Form/Reconcile
b. Copies of all Vendor invoices
c. Requisitions
d. Purchase Orders
e. Receipts
f. Student Record Sheets
g. Deposit Records
h. Any other documents related to your fundraiser
All monies raised by your team/club goes directly into your ASB club account. If your club collects dues – you will need to
do a fundraiser and reconciliation form for the school year.
You CAN NOT spend ASB money on items that become the possession of an individual, and gift cards cannot be
Your ASB funds can be used to purchase equipment/supplies for the club, fees to tournaments, and items that become
the possession of BHS. If you are unsure – please ask BEFORE PURCHASING – we will do our best to answer any
ASB Account Balances
Each sport/club will carry over the account balance from year to year. In March, you will be asked to fill out a budget
request for the next school year if you are requesting money from the ASB reserve balance. In order to receive the any
money requested and approved, your team/club needs to have 100% in purchasing activity cards.
Club Constitutions
We have a number of club activities within our wonderful community that need to have “Charters” under ASB. Once a
club's charter is approved by our Associate Student Body (ASB) that club can fundraise in the building, request funds
from ASB and act in other fashions as allowed under law and our ASB Constitution.
Chartering is a simple process, there's a form you can acquire in the ASB Office, which includes:
~Title of your club
~Purpose of that club
~Student leadership of that club ~Staff advisors of that club and
~Meeting times and location
Once this information is gathered please pass it along to the ASB Coordinator, as it needs to be delivered an accepted by
the ASB at an ASB General Meeting.
Positions of student leadership are the foundations of good club organization. Club leaders typically provide the soul of
that group maintaining a focus for events and activities. Club secretaries typically maintain an archive of meeting
minutes and discussions; club treasurers know what monetary resources are on hand.
If you are not sure…please ask
Fiscal Specialist: Holly Poulias – 252-4866,
Activity Coordinator: Kate Plesha – 252-4861,
If we do not know the answer – we will find it for you. These guidelines are provided to protect you!
FUNDRAISING – in more detail
Student activities promote positive vibrations here at Roosevelt and the more class spirit you promote, the more
students that will become involved in school activities and later help raise funds.
Any fundraising activity must be cleared with the activity coordinator and approved by ASB. It is important that
all procedures are followed so that we do not inadvertently break rules. An example would be, if you are going to have a
raffle it is necessary to acquire a gambling license from the State, participants and distributors must be at least 18 years
of age, etc. Most problems can be avoided if the activity coordinator and class advisor communicate at the start of the
fundraiser and for this reason a Project Proposal sheet must be completed and turned in for review at least two weeks
prior to any activity. ASB must approve ALL fundraisers. Example documents of the proposal and reconciliation forms are
at the end of the handbook.
All proceeds from any fundraiser must be accounted for and properly deposited in the class ASB account. If your
fundraiser requires money to be spent in order to get started, you must either acquire a purchase order from the school,
or spend personal money that will be reimbursed upon submittal of an exact receipt to the bookroom and proper
It is important to remember, there must be a paper trail for all transactions.
Example: You are having a car wash and need to buy soap and sponges. You cannot take proceeds from the car wash to
run out and buy these items. One way to do this is to spend your own money, submit the receipt, and get reimbursed
Fundraising is time consuming and takes a real commitment from advisors and students. But it is a fine way to build
ensembles, class spirit and leadership with our students.
Remember, clear your fundraiser in advance with the activity coordinator and if you have any questions be sure to ask.
Any money that is raised by a class must be deposited into that class's student body account. Deposit slips, to be
filled out in duplicate, can be obtained from the fiscal clerk in the AC. An example of how to fill out a deposit form is at
the end of the handbook.
Donations, fundraising income, t-shirt sales, concessions, any money raised on behalf of a class at Ballard, is the
property of the RHS Student Body. These moneys can only be spent on extra-curricular activities or supplies to support
these activities. In other words, ASB money is not to be spent on curriculum or curricular items such as books, pens,
computers, fine dining… Also, ASB money cannot be used for the giving of gifts. State law allows for only the giving of
gifts of nominal value, such as a pencil or a plaque as an award. For instance, it would not be appropriate to buy a crystal
apple for a retiring faculty member or flowers for our classified staff using ASB class funds
Always make sure that you leave a paper trail when dealing with ASB money. That receipt should identify what
you purchased, how it was paid for, and be sure to keep all receipts. You will need to submit these receipts for
reimbursement with the fiscal specialist. Never take money out of a cash box to reimburse oneself for goods purchased.
It is necessary to get the activity coordinators permission in order to sell items at school or do a fundraiser.
Whether it is T-shirts, super healthy donuts, or no fat, non-flavored suckers, (School Board policies dictate what food
items can and cannot be sold in school) the activity coordinator needs to give permission prior to sales. This allows for
proper accounting and prevents several groups from scheduling sales during the same time period.
Acquire a form from the activity center office in order to sign up for a fundraiser. This form (RHS Fund
Raising/Sales Form) is necessary for the activity center to keep accurate records of who is selling and what they are
selling. Also, after the sale it is required that the sale is recorded on the "Sales/Fund Raising Inventory Form". Both of
these forms allow for an orderly method of keeping all clubs and classes organized in the sales process. Both forms are
included at the end of this manual.
Each day something is sold at Roosevelt the money needs to be deposited with the fiscal clerk in the AC
immediately after the sale. Do not wait a day or two before depositing money. State law requires that all money be
deposited within 24 hours of acquisition. Use the deposit slip procedure that is explained in this manual.
Remember, you may be dealing with a great deal of money in the hallway. Make sure you have sufficient
precautions in place to insure your money or merchandise is not stolen. Also, don't forget to plan ahead and ask Holly
Poulias to have money on hand for change. You will need to check the petty cash out beforehand.
All money handled by students or teachers during the school day needs to be deposited into an ASB account and
delivered to the AC. Roosevelt students are not to handle money for PTSA sponsored events like Senior Party and other
PTSA activities and/or fundraisers. State laws prevent students from handling other organization's money.
Constitution Outline
To write or re-do a Constitution for the Student Council
• To help the student body know the Constitution and what it means
• To suggest changes in the Constitution
There should be sections:
• Preamble – tells why we have the Council
• Name of the Council
• Our goals
• What powers do we have (and don’t have)
• Membership (duties), removal from office, etc.
• Officers (duties)
• Who can vote. How it is done – when!
• Committees (standing and temporary)
• Meetings
• Advisor’s selection and job
• How to run meetings
• How to change the Constitution
By-laws should include quorum and meeting procedures:
• Election rules (time, kind, number, campaign rule, speeches, assemblies, voting, installation)
• Voting rules
Warning: The Constitution should tell how the Club works. This plan should fit the students; follow school district rules
and regulations as well as how the students are organizing themselves. The Constitution should be brief and specific.
Article 1
The International Club shall organize for the year during the first month of school.
Article 2
The International Club shall have one or two advisors who shall be on the school staff.
Article 3
All high school students are eligible to be members of the International Club. Foreign exchange students are automatically
considered members and will be invited to all meetings and activities.
Article 4
By the fourth week of the new school year, members shall nominate club members to fill the following positions: Prime
Minister, Scribe Treasurer, Activities Coordinator, and an ASB Representative. No person shall hold more than one office.
Officers are elected by secret ballot.
Article 5
A. Each member of the cabinet shall serve the term of the school year and the
following year until a new cabinet is elected, if possible.
B. Each cabinet member shall find a substitute if absent from a meeting.
C. Each cabinet member shall meet the following requirements:
1. Prime Minister: Candidates should have been active the previous year or be a foreign exchange student.
a. Duties of the Prime Minister:
1. Schedule and conduct meetings
2. Make sure meetings and activities are announced
3. Coordinate the cabinet, the activities and lead the club
2. Scribe-Treasurer: May be any member
a. Duties of the Scribe-Treasurer:
1. Taking minutes at meetings
2. Being prepared to give a financial report
3. Coordinating business obligations of the club
4. Being involved in club activities
3. Activities Coordinator: May be any member
a. Duties of the Activities Coordinator:
1. Initiate and coordinate the club’s activities together with other cabinet members and
the advisor
2. Being involved in all club activities
3. Making sure members are aware of activity plan
4. ASB Representative: Any member
a. Duties of the ASB Representative:
1. Taking over if the prime minister is absent
2. Attend all ASB meetings
3. Present our issue of concerns to the ASB executive board
4. Give the ASB report
Article 6
New members shall be admitted at any time of the year and guests shall be welcome
Article 7
Activities shall be approved by the cabinet and advisor, or by three-fourths of the membership
Article 8
A vote of three-fourths of current members shall be needed to amend this constitution
Roosevelt High School
Parental Permission for Fundraising
Dear Parent:
The __________________________________ Club has decided to sell _________________________________________
________________________________________ items as a fundraiser to support activities. Certain guidelines are
necessary and I ask that you read this carefully and review it with your son or daughter before the fundraiser begins.
Your student will have totally responsibility over the product. If it is lost or stolen, he or she must pay for that
Merchandise shall never be left in lockers, unattended in cars, or in classrooms.
It is not necessary for a student to carry boxes of the product with him or her during the entire day. It is
suggested that students pick up the product from me toward the end of the school day.
It is also recommended that the student carefully count all merchandize that is checked out to him or her prior
to signing off for the product.
Full credit will be given to the student for any unopened merchandise returned to me.
Either the merchandise checked out to your son or daughter, or the appropriate amount of money, MUST be
returned by the end of the sale.
Money collected should be turned in exactly as collected. Do not deposit into a personal account and write a
check for the total. It is against state law to deposit ASB money into a personal account and once students
handle the money, it is now ASB money.
Club Advisor
I have read the above guidelines and agree to allow my son/daughter to participate in the fundraiser.
Parent/Guardian Print Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Parent Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Student Print Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
_________________________________ Club Meeting Minutes Form
Club President(s)/Captain(s): __________________________________________________________________________
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Meeting was called to order by: ________________________________________________________________________
The meeting minutes of the meeting dated _______________________________ were read and approved. YES
Circle One
The following expenditures were approved:
Purpose of Item
Motioned By
Second By
Topics Discussed (New/Old Business)
Club Secretary: ___________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________
Club Advisor/Coach: _______________________________________ Signature: _________________________________