Information on the Community Right to Bid and How to Nominate an Asset of Community Value How does the Community Right to Bid Work? Using new community rights under The Localism Act 2011 and The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012, local community and voluntary bodies and parish councils can identify and nominate land and buildings that are important to them such as a village shop, local pub, community centre or library. They can then nominate them for inclusion on a list of community assets maintained by the local Council. If the asset comes up for sale, long term rent or assignment, any qualifying community body can express an intention to bid for the asset during a six week window during which the landowner cannot legally dispose of the asset. If this happens it then triggers a pause of up to six months to enable the community body to raise money and bid to buy the asset. This does not however, mean that the community body gets a right of first refusal or that it will have the opportunity to buy the asset at below market value. A Community Asset is – a piece of land or a building whose use furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community and could continue to do so. Community assets may be owned by anybody and some assets are excluded including residential property. These are listed in Schedule 1 of the Localism Act. To Nominate a Community Asset – you must provide all of the following information: (a) a description of the nominated land including its proposed boundaries; (b) a statement of all the information your nominating body has concerning (i) the names of the current occupants of the land, and (ii) the names of the current or last known addresses of all those holding a freehold or leasehold estate in the land; (c) your nominating body’s reasons for thinking that the land is of community value; (d) evidence that your nominating body is eligible to make a community nomination (e) Confirmation that the asset is for sale, rent or long-term assignment at the time of nomination or in the near future What Happens Next? The Council has 8 weeks to decide whether the nominated asset meets the legal criteria. If this is the case then the Council must list it, inform all specified parties and register this fact about the property as a Local Land Charge. Assets will remain on this list for at least 5 years and can be re-registered. The land owner can object to the listing of an asset and has a right to review by the Council within 8 weeks of the decision to list or a negotiated period. If the owner disagrees with the outcome of the review there is a right of appeal to an independent tribunal. If the Council decides that a nominated asset is not of community value or that it is in an excluded category then it must place it on a list of assets nominated but not listed, and inform the nominating body with an explanation. It is up to the Council as to how long unsuccessful nominations are held on this list. The lists of successful and unsuccessful nominations are available free of charge on request and on the Dorset for You website. Moratorium Periods If the owner of a listed community asset decides to sell it or grant or assign a long lease; (at least 25 years), then they must tell the local authority. If a community body* wishes to develop a bid to buy the asset then they can call for the Council to trigger a 6 week interim moratorium period during which the owner cannot proceed to sell or otherwise dispose of the asset. During this time, the community body can make a written request to be treated as a potential bidder. If no request is made then the owner is free to sell the asset at the end of the 6 weeks. *A community body is the nominating body or any community or voluntary body listed under The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations, 2012. If a qualifying voluntary or community body makes a request in the interim moratorium period then a full 6 month moratorium will operate from the date the owner originally notified the Council. During this period, the owner may continue to market the asset and negotiate sales but cannot exchange contracts or enter into a binding contract to do so later but they can sell to the qualifying voluntary or community body that has expressed an interest to bid. After either moratorium period, if there has been no community interest from a qualifying voluntary or community body, the owner is free to sell to whomever they choose at whatever price and no further moratorium will apply for the remainder of a protected period lasting 18 months from when the owner notifies the Council of the wish to sell. Landowner Compensation The Localism Act also provides a section on compensation for owners or former owners of listed or previously listed land from the Council where they have incurred loss or expense in relation to the land which would be unlikely not to have been incurred if the land had not been listed. This compensation scheme applies to private property owners and not to public bodies and the Council will be responsible for administering the scheme including assessing and determining compensation awards. Who to Contact if you need Help or Advice You can get advice by e-mail on or by ringing 01305 252358 and explaining what you need to know and providing the details in the section of this leaflet on nominating a community asset. This information will help us to assist you in your enquiry. Community Right to Bid Leaflet Version 2, December 2013 Assets of Community Value Register Nomination Form for West Dorset and Weymouth and Portland Nominator Contact Details Name Address Telephone number Email Name of Nominating group or organisation Provide full name of your group or organisation here: Is the group? Tick box to indicate the type of organisation Parish Council Neighbourhood Forum An unincorporated group Community interest company Charity Company limited by guarantee Other, please specify: Nomination of Asset Details Name and description of asset you wish to nominate (please send a map including the proposed boundaries) Full Postal Address of asset (including postcode) Name(s) of current occupants of the asset Name(s) and current, or last-known, address of all those holding a freehold or leasehold estate of the asset Is the asset already up for sale or long-term assignment? Y / N (Delete as appropriate) Reasons for this asset being of community value (please explain why you see this as an asset of community value) Please include the following with your nomination: Location Map of asset Evidence of your group’s approval for nominating this asset (e.g. meeting minutes) Proof of Group or Organisation’s Identity Please supply proof of identity and tick the relevant box: Memorandum & Articles of Association Annual Statement of Accounts Minutes of Meetings Other (please specify): Please submit this form and accompanying documents to: or Spatial and Community Policy West Dorset District Council Council Offices Dorchester DT1 1UZ Spatial and Community Policy Weymouth and Portland Borough Council Council Offices North Quay Weymouth DT4 8TA