
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Independent group activities
Week 1 Monday
This plan links to Sessions 3-4a, Mandela Theme in Africa Topic. You need some biographies of Nelson Mandela & Emmeline Pankhurst. Multiple copies are useful so approach your local
Look at a collection of
Main focus: Prefixes
Discuss the terms ‘biography’
Children can:
biographies written for chn,
and ‘autobiography’. Underline
Start with the
Provide chn with
Investigate the use of 1. Recognise what
auto & bio
e.g. Livewire series, DK
6/6 Spell familiar
prefixes, auto and bio. Discuss
prefix ‘auto’ in the
sheet of A4, fold
prefixes ‘auto’ & ‘bio’ – biographies and
Biographies, True Lives Series
words correctly &
effect on meaning (Greek
middle of a spider
in half, on one side finding out how the
or Scholastic Biographies.
employ a range of
autos = self, bios = life). What
graph. Supporting
write ‘bio’ on the
prefix changes the
Have chn read a biography?
strategies to spell
other words do we know with
chn with dictionaries other ‘auto’.
meaning of root word.
Note any they’ve read on f/c.
unfamiliar words.
those beginnings? Brainstorm
help them to find
Create two spider
Which are familiar/
2. Use prefix
Look at covers & discuss the
6/7 Explore how word
other words on f/c on 2 spider
the correct page
graphs using known unfamiliar? How does
type of book and the authors.
meanings change if
graphs (Spelling Bank p68 or
efficiently. Find
words & those
a prefix help us to
What does information found
used in diff contexts.
Support for Spelling pp87,
other words &
found in
understand new
3. Use prefixes
out so far suggest about
5/6 Know & use
102), e.g. autograph,
meanings. TD
‘auto’ and ‘bio’
biographies? What features do
automobile, automatic, biology,
they have? Discuss how a
5/6 Group & classify
their effect on
autobiography should be based on
words according to
the root words.
fact, not fiction.
their meanings.
Week 1 Tuesday
Main focus: Read & assimilate a
6/7 Appraise text quickly, deciding
on its value or usefulness.
6/7 Understand how writers use
diff. structures to create
coherence & impact.
5/7 Use evidence from across a
5/7 Identify how diff texts are
Main focus:
Week 1 Wednesday
6/7 Understand how writers
use different structures to
create coherence & impact.
5/7 Identify how diff texts
are structured.
5/9 Adapt non-narrative
forms to write factual texts.
6/10 Use varied structures to
shape and organise text
Look at the biography of Emmeline
Pankhurst (plan resources). Have chn
heard of her? Go through the main
events in her life. Look at some online
biographies (scroll to end of plan for
web addresses). Talk about which
biography chn find easier to read – the
paper or the website one. Compare with
books too if you have access to any
copies. Encourage chn to give reasons.
Write CV on f/c. Ask if any chn know
what a CV is or what it stands for. Tell
the chn that a CV (curriculum vitae –
Latin) is like a short biography
organised into sections. It briefly
describes a person’s education,
qualifications, previous occupations &
interests and is usually sent with a job
application. Details like full name, age,
address, telephone number(s), email
address, marital state, chn, etc.
Highlight the verbs in the Easy
Children can:
text. Point out that these In pairs chn explore
In pairs chn
1. Read and understand a
are 3rd person (he did…)
this website about
write a timeline
biography, getting the main
rather than first (I) or
Emmeline Pankhurst
of Pankhurst’s
facts about a person’s life.
second (you) person.
and answer the
life (plan
2. Present biographical
Explain that a biography
resources). TD
information in a different
is written using third
text form.
person verbs. Ask chn
3. Identify verb tenses and
Share the timelines chn have produced.
what tense the verbs are
Can any of Easy group suggest other
in? - Past tense. Discuss
events to include on timelines?
why this is.
Children can:
Look at CV form provided
Chn use plan resource & any other information available
1. Identify
(plan resources) turn the
(see book & websites list), to prepare a CV for Emmeline
features of a CV.
information given in her
2. Present
Pankhurst. Explain that mostly they can use the facts –
biography (plan
into which section does each fact go? Encourage them to
information in a
resources) into a CV for
use a little imagination to fill any blanks. Consider why
different text
this information may not be available. They need to
Emmeline Pankhurst. Chn
may have to make up some consider how to lay out a CV, discussing this first as a
group with the teacher before starting. TD
facts, e.g. address.
What sort of job(s) would Emmeline Pankhurst have applied for?
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Week 1 Friday
Week 1 Thursday
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Main focus: Compare lives of
Ask chn if they know who Nelson Mandela is? Why is he well-known?
Where did/does he live? Look at one or more book biographies of
Emmeline Pankhurst & Nelson
Nelson Mandela (see suggested book list, but could include any others
5/7 Use evidence from across a you have available). Look at a traditional biography first. What features
can chn identify? Write a list on f/c. Third person, past tense,
text to explain events.
subheadings, paragraphs, facts, chronological order, captions,
6/7Appraise a text quickly,
photographs, text boxes, etc. If possible then compare with the
deciding on its value, quality or
graphic biography or Peaceful Protest. Some features are the same,
but others are different – differences: drawings, speech bubbles in
6/8 Read extensively & discuss
graphic version, more like a narrative. Both of the ‘narrative
reading with others.
biographies’ contain features usually found in information books, e.g.
6/1 Use a range of oral
bibliography, map, pronunciation guide, glossary, index, background
techniques to present
information, timeline, etc. Which do chn prefer? Why? Which is the
persuasive arguments.
most useful for finding facts? Are drawings or photographs most
5/1 Sequence points logically,
defending views with evidence.
Main focus: Write a book review
Look again briefly at the biographies of Nelson Mandela. Discuss
the features & the usefulness in understanding & finding out
5/9 Adapt non-narrative forms to
about Mandela’s life. If you have copies of any Emmeline Pankhurst
write factual texts.
book biographies they could be included at this point. Discuss book
5/7Compare different types of
reviews – why are they written, who writes them, what are their
information texts.
features? What makes a book review good? Look at one of the
6/7 Understand how writers use
books to find out information about it, e.g. title, author, illustrator
different structures to create
if relevant, publisher, date of publication, ISBN number, Indicate
6/9 Select words & language drawing the blurb on the back cover – sometimes quotes from reviews are
on their knowledge of formal writing. included there. Show chn a paper review layout (plan resources)
5/8 Reflect on reading preferences.
and some online reviews for Amazon (plan resources) – though
6/8 Discuss personal reading with
sadly these are not very plentiful or enthralling! Which do chn
think they might find the most useful?
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Independent group activities
Discuss the fact that we have looked at
Emmeline Pankhurst’s life & now at Nelson
Mandela’s. What do they have in common? What
are the differences? Chn work in small groups to
prepare a comparison between the lives of
Pankhurst & Mandela. Chn will need to decide the
layout of their comparison – a table with two
columns, paragraphs with subheadings, or…? They
can use ICT or write by hand. TD as required
Discuss chn’s findings. Have both campaigners
received the recognition they deserve? Would
chn look up to either person as a hero/heroine?
Children can:
1. Recognise
features of
2. Compare the
lives of two wellknown
3. Give their
Some good reviews for these books are needed!
Can chn help out? Chn each write a book review
for their favourite biography about Pankhurst or
Mandela. They can use differentiated plan
resource (recommended) or write a review for
Amazon (could actually publish some?). TD with
Read some samples of the chn’s reviews. These
reviews could be put in the school library to help
other chn choose the best book to read to find
out about Nelson Mandela or Emmeline
Children can:
1. Recognise the
features of a
good book review.
2. Write a book
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Week 2 Wednesday
Week 2 Tuesday
Week 2 Monday
Main focus: Planning
6/8 Compare how
different writers
present experiences.
6/9 Set own challenges
to extend experience in
5/8 Compare how a
common theme is
presented by different
5/9 Adapt non-narrative
forms & styles to write
factual texts.
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Show chn Nelson Mandela’s autobiography called Long
Walk to Freedom. Explain that he wrote the original book
for adults, but that this is an abridged version written by
Chris van Wyk. An abridged text is one that has been
shortened without losing the sense. Show chn some of the
pages without reading the text & ask what else makes this
book suitable for chn. The illustrations, large text, map,
glossary. Read several pieces of the text – how is this
different/similar from/to the biographies? First person
is used (I, we), past tense, etc. Nelson Mandela includes
personal feelings, e.g. about being reunited with his family
after being released from Robben Island prison, which a
biography cannot include in the same way, though quotes
from Mandela are included. Do chn prefer the
autobiography or one of the biographies? Take a vote
(thumbs up) & ask volunteers to explain why.
Independent group activities
Write fact,
fiction and
opinion on f/c.
Can chn explain
what these
Download the
activity from
the Oxfam site
that asks chn
to sort
about Nelson
Mandela into
fact, fiction &
Chn draw a timeline of their life to start the
planning of their own autobiography. Include
significant dates such as their birth date, when
they started school, when their siblings were born,
etc. but also include significant dates, e.g. when I
first watched my football team play live or when I
first rode a horse. Perhaps add what they would
like to do in the future – these ideas can be used
for the ending of their autobiography. TD as req’d
Explain that tomorrow chn will be given the chance
to write their autobiographies. They don’t need to
research the facts as they know themselves better
than anyone else, but they might want to double
check some dates at home this evening.
Main focus: Writing
Remind chn that they are writing their
Write a complex sentence
Easy/Medium/Hard Give chn plenty of time
autobiographies today. Briefly recap on the
on the board, e.g. – I first
to write their autobiographies. Have they
features to use, e.g. first person, past tense,
managed to include any complex sentences
became interested in
5/9 Adapt non-narrative
and possibly text boxes, subheadings, pictures
using suitable connectives? Remind chn that
styles to write factual texts.
football in 2004, although
with captions, etc. Look at the titles of some
these are not likely to be very long as they
5/9 Reflect independently &
it wasn’t until 2006 that I
(auto)biographies (plan resources). Highlight
critically on own writing &
went to my first match at…. have only lived a few years of their lives yet!
Once finished encourage chn to check their
how they are often clever plays on words and
edit & improve it.
Discuss how although has
own work & then share with a response
6/9 In non-narrative,
been used as a connective.
Peaceful Protest – The Life of Nelson
partner using 3 stars and a wish (plan
establish, balance & maintain
Make a list of suitable
Mandela sounds much more interesting.
resources). Edit & redraft their work. TD
connectives on the f/c &
6/6 Use a range of strategies Encourage chn to be imaginative when choosing
briefly discuss in what
Plenary Share some of the chn’s
the title of their autobiographies, e.g. ‘Andrew
to edit, proofread & correct
situation you would use
autobiographies. Are there any outstanding
– the Life and Times of a Football Fan’ or
spelling in their own work.
each. 5 min maximum.
titles to comment on? Create a class book of
‘Horsing Around with Gemma’.
6/3 Criticise constructively.
the autobiographies.
Remind chn that there is more to biographies today than just printed pages! Take a look at
Main focus: Look at
the biography for chn of Mary Seacole http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/famouspeople/ (link
Chn work in grps to look at in more detail &
online biographies
on left hand side), before searching the Audio and Visual archive of the BBC to see what
6/7. Appraise a text
compare interactive web biogs about Mary
else we can find out about this famous nurse of the past (weblinks below). What are chn’s
5/7 Make notes on &
Seacole from BBC’s Famous People site &
impressions of these online biography resources? What might be the advantages of
use evidence across a
other sites. Make notes. Each grp reports
presenting the information in this way? They can stimulate more of the senses; sight
back on their findings in the plenary. TD
5&6/12 Make informed (moving images!) sounds, etc and sometimes allows you to navigate your way through the
Plenary Groups report on web biographies –
choices about ICT use. information quickly so that you can find answers. Are there any disadvantages? Not
are they all effective, useful, interesting?
everyone has a computer/less permanent than a book…
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Children can:
1. Recognise the
features of an
2. Compare
3. Plan own
Children can:
1. Write
2. List suitable
3. Write an
using features.
4. Edit &
redraft their
Children can:
1. Understand &
use interactive
2. Research
biographical info
& make notes.
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Week 2 Friday
Week 2 Thursday
Main focus: Research &
plan oral biography
6/9 Select words &
language, drawing on
knowledge of literary
5/7 Make notes on & use
evidence from across a
text to explain events or
5/3 Plan & manage a group
6/7 Appraise a text
Main focus: Present oral
5/1 Tell an oral biography
using notes designed as cue.
6/1 Use a range of oral
techniques to present
engaging biographical
5/2 Identify some aspects
of talk for formal occasion.
6/2 Analyse and evaluate
how speakers present points
effectively through the use
of language and gesture.
6/4 Improvise, using a range
of drama techniques to
present information
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Independent group activities
Recap the advantages of interactive online biographies –
also highlight how these can be updated very easily. We
can add to & amend them. They are more fun…? They
can give one bit of information, and then allow the
reader to click if they want more detail. Show chn
hotlinks to other pages on the audio BBC site. Also online
interactive biographies can include video clips or clips
from News, etc. Disadvantages might be a lack of detail
& checks on how accurate the information can be.
Anyone can publish to the web in 2010! Discuss how
interactive online biographies might be particularly
suitable for people who are still alive or who have only
recently died – changes or additions can be made. Look
at a biographical video clip with audio – Lesley Davies or
Michael Foreman (see websites below). Do the sound &
pictures help understand what life was like for these
chn in the middle of the 20th century?
Remind chn that technology has changed the way
that we find out about the lives of famous &
ordinary people. We have moved from print to TV
(This is Your Life!) to the internet. People love
finding out about the lives of the famous. There
are even TV channels showing nothing but
biographies! Take a look at
s/nelson-mandela.html to show how you can find
out more about Nelson Mandela on the website of
the TV channel!
Will chn begin in the middle of the person’s life,
or at the end, or at the beginning? What is most
likely to make the audience want to hear more?
They need to excite their audience and make
them want to listen to more!
Give chn time to complete their preparation.
Chn work in pairs or small groups to create an oral presentation of a
famous African. They can choose somebody alive or dead - but they
must be a famous person! Show list of possible choices (plan
resources), though you may wish to suggest other names instead.
Explain that they will work together to create a short oral
presentation of their chosen person’s life but that they will be
allowed to show 2 or 3 images to accompany their presentation. These
can be pinned/stuck up to be looked at as they do their talk. Today
they research for the information for their talk, make notes and find
images. Suggest chn begin with headings, questions to help with their
research. Remind them to include fact not fiction, and that some
opinions of their chosen person can be included as quotes if they can
locate any. TD as required
Check how groups are getting on. Explain that they will have plenty of
time tomorrow to finish their presentations & then to give them to
the rest of the class.
Discuss what needs to be
WRITTEN down in the form of Chn present their oral biographies to the
prompts to enable a good oral
rest of the class. Encourage them to use
presentation – model what
expressive voices – and to vary their
happens when you read every
tone. Which parts of the biography need
word written down! Show how
to be said slowly? Which parts need to
shortened sentences, notes,
be said in a sad voice? Or a happy voice?
keywords, & bullet points, etc
Might they want to draw the audience’s
can be used to prompt the
attention to the images they have
speaker. Don’t need to worry
chosen? Remind chn that the rest of the
about punctuation or correct
class has to behave like an ‘audience’! TD
spelling – just needs to be
legible. Tell chn that they may
Give positive feedback to each pair or
not even need them but they
group & general feedback at the end
can be useful if you lose your
about possible improvements. Discuss
train of thought – presenting
how chn’s work could be developed into
can be a nerve-wracking
an audio-visual biography to be shown on
the Biography TV channel!
Children can:
1. Compare
online and audio
with paper
based texts.
2. Research &
plan an oral
3. Work
Children can:
1. Present an
oral biography
of a famous
2. Use good
skills and
Scroll down for success criteria and book & website lists
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Success criteria for the plan – these should be selected & adjusted to match the specific needs of the class being taught.
 Recognise what biographies and autobiographies are
 Use prefix ‘auto’
 With support read and understand a biography, getting
the main facts about a person’s life
 Present biographical information in a different text form
 Begin to identify verb tenses and persons
 Identify some features of a CV
 Recognise some features of biographies
 With support, compare the lives of two well-known
 Give their opinion
 Begin to recognise the features of a good book review
 Write a book review
 Begin to recognise the features of an autobiography
 Compare biographies with autobiography
 Plan own autobiography with support
 Begin to write complex sentences
 List suitable connectives
 Begin to understand & use interactive biographies online
 Find out biographical information and, with support, make
 With support, edit & redraft their work
 Compare online and audio biographies with paper based
 With support, research & plan an oral biography
 Work collaboratively
 Present an oral biography of a famous person with support
 Use good presentation skills and expressive voices
 Recognise what biographies and autobiographies are
 Use prefixes ‘auto’ and ‘bio’ understanding their effect
on the root words
 Begin to read and understand a biography, getting the
main facts about a person’s life
 Present biographical information in a different text
 Identify verb tenses and persons
 Identify features of a CV
 Recognise features of biographies
 Compare the lives of two well-known campaigners
 Give their opinion
 Recognise some features of a good book review
 Write a book review
 Recognise some features of an autobiography
 Compare biographies with autobiography
 Plan own autobiography
 Write some complex sentences
 List suitable connectives
 Write an autobiography using features
 Understand & use interactive biographies online
 Find out biographical information and make notes
 Edit & redraft their work
 Compare online and audio biographies with paper based
 Research & plan an oral biography
 Work collaboratively
 Present an oral biography of a famous person
 Use good presentation skills and expressive voices
 Recognise what biographies and autobiographies are
 Use prefixes ‘auto’ and ‘bio’ understanding their effect
on the root words
 Read and understand a biography, getting the main facts
about a person’s life
 Present biographical information in a different text
 Identify verb tenses and persons
 Identify features of a CV
 Recognise features of biographies
 Compare the lives of two well-known campaigners
 Give their opinion
 Recognise the features of a good book review
 Write a book review
 Recognise the features of an autobiography
 Compare biographies with autobiography
 Plan own autobiography
 Write complex sentences
 List suitable connectives
 Write an autobiography using features
 Understand & use interactive biographies online
 Find out biographical information and make notes
 Edit & redraft their work
 Compare online and audio biographies with paper based
 Research & plan an oral biography
 Work collaboratively
 Present an oral biography of a famous person
 Use good presentation skills and expressive voices
Optional books about Emmeline Pankhurst – sadly both out of print, but you may be able to borrow them from your local library.
Leading Lives: Emmeline Pankhurst by David Downing, Heinemann, ISBN: 0431138761
Livewire Real Lives: Emmeline Pankhurst by Sandra Woodcock, Hodder and Stoughton, ISBN: 0340711582
Nelson Mandela - have at least one of these or a similar book available (if possible the graphic biography or Peaceful Protest plus one other)
Nelson Mandela (Famous People) by Hakim Adi, Wayland ISBN: 978-0750255752
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
Nelson Mandela (Graphic Biographies) by Bob Shone and Neil Reed, Franklin Watts, ISBN: 978-0749689292
Peaceful Protest – the Life of Nelson Mandela by Yona Zeldis McDonough, and Malcah Zeldis, Walker, ISBN: 978-0802789488
Nelson Mandela (Pull Ahead Books) by Jennifer Boothroyd, Lerner Books, ISBN: 978-0761343769 or 978-0822564348 (more suitable for
less able readers)
Nelson Mandela (DK Biography) by Laaren Brown and Lenny Hort, DK Children, ISBN: 978-0756621094 (available new from www.amazon.com
or used from www.amazon.co.uk)
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela (autobiography specially written for children), abridged by Chris van Wyk, MacMillan Children’s
Books, ISBN 978-1405091886 (hardback), 978-0230013858 (paperback)
Emmeline Pankhurst biographies
Nelson Mandela biographies
http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/biographies/nelson-mandela.html To be used at the end of Week 2
http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/nelson_mandela/files/lesson2_long_walk_to_freedom_fact_fiction_and_opinion.pdf Fact,
fiction and opinion activity on Oxfam site
Mary Seacole sites
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/famouspeople/standard/seacole/game/index.shtml#focus Interactive biography with short game at the end
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoolradio/subjects/history/victorians/seacole/journey_crimea/ Listen to Mary’s biography
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/walk/timestrip/sea_brun.html Brief autobiography
Other autobiographies
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3
Year 5/6 Africa: Weeks 2-3
Literacy Non-fiction: Plan 7 Biography & Autobiography
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/lesley-davies-lesleys-life-extract/6452.html Audio-visual autobiography of Lesley Davies
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/michael-foreman-war-boy-a-wartime-childhood-extract/6451.html Audio-visual autobiography of
Michael Foreman
Biographies site for children:
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust and to the
best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that
Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole
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© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y5/6 AF N-F Plan 7 – Weeks 2 - 3