International law and the use of force by states

International law and the use of force by states
I. Brownlie, International Law and the Use of Force by States, Oxford, 1963
A. Bianchi (ed.) Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism, Oxford,
Y. Dinstein. War, Aggression and Self-Defence, 4th edn, Cambridge, 2005.
H. Duffy, The ‘War on Terror’ and the Framework on International Law, Cambridge,
M. Finnemore, The Purpose of Intervention: Changing Beliefs about the Use of
Force, Ithaca, 2004.
T. M. Franck, Recourse to Force: State Actions Against Threats and Armed Attacks,
Cambridge, 2002.
J. Gardam, Necessity, Proportionality and the Use of Force by States, Cambridge,
C. Gray, International Law and the Use of Force, 2nd edn, Oxford, 2004.
J.L. Holzgrefe and R. O. Keohane, Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal, and
Political Dilemmas, Cambridge, 2003.
T. Jaye, Issues of Sovereignty, Strategy and Security in the Economic Community of
West African States (ECOWAS): Intervention in the Liberian Civil War, Lewiston,
P. J. van Krieken (ed.) Terrorism and the International Legal Order: with special
reference to the UN, the EU and crossborder aspects, The Hague, 2002.
C. Ku and H. K. Jacobson (eds.) Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in
International Law, Cambridge, 2003.
B. D. Lepard, Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention: a fresh legal approach based on
fundamental ethical principles in international law and world religions, University
Park, 2002.
S. Neff, War and the Law of Nations: A General History, Cambridge, 2005.
B. Saul, Defining Terrorism in International Law, Oxford, 2006.
N. Stürchler, The Threat of Force in International Law, Cambridge, 2007.
N. J. Wheeler, Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society,
Oxford, 2002.
Journal articles:
Agora on Iraq, 97 AJIL, 2003, pp. 553, 803.
M. Bothe, ‘Terrorism and the Legality of Pre-emptive Force’, 14 EJIL, 2003, p. 227.
J. Brunnée and S. J. Toope, ‘The Use of Force: International Law After Iraq’, 53
ICLQ, 2004, p. 785.
O. Corten, ‘The Controversies Over the Customary Prohibition on the Use of Force: A
Methodological Debate’, 16 EJIL, 2005, p. 803.
J. Fitzpatrick, ‘Speaking Law to Power: The War Against Terrorism and Human
Rights’, 14 EJIL, 2003, p. 241.
R. Goodman, ‘Humanitarian Intervention and Pretexts for War’, 100 AJIL, 2006, p.
C. Gray, ‘The Eritrea/Ethiopia Claims Commission Oversteps Its Boundaries: A
Partial Award?’, 17 EJIL, 2006, p. 699.
G. Guillaume, ‘Terrorism and International Law’, 53 ICLQ, 2004, p.537.
D. Kritsiotis, ‘Arguments of Mass Confusion’, 15 EJIL, 2004, p. 233.
V. Lowe, ‘Clear and Present Danger’: Responses to Terrorism’, 54 ICLQ, 2005, p.
S. D. Murphy, ‘International Law, the United States, and the Non-military 'War'
against Terrorism’, 14 EJIL, 2003, p. 347.
N. Ochoa-Ruiz and E. Salamanca-Aguado, ‘Exploring the Limits of International Law
relating to the Use of Force in Self-defence’, 16 EJIL, 2005, p. 499.
J. Pejic, ‘Terrorist Acts and Groups: A Role for International Law’, 75 BYIL, 2004, p.
W. M. Reisman, ‘Why Regime Change Is (Almost Always) a Bad Idea’, 98 AJIL,
2004, p. 516.
W. M. Reisman and A. Armstrong, ‘Past and Future of the Claim of Preemptive SelfDefense’, 100 AJIL, 2006, p. 525.
A. Roberts, ‘The End Of Occupation: Iraq 2004’, 54 ICLQ, 2005, p. 27.
E. Rosand, ‘Security Council Resolution 1373, the Counter-Terrorism Committee,
and the Fight against Terrorism’, 97 AJIL, 2003, p. 333.
S. Von Schorlemer, ‘Human Rights: Substantive and Institutional Implications of the
War Against Terrorism’, 14 EJIL, 2003, p. 265.
A. D. Sofaer, ‘On the Necessity of Pre-emption’, 14 EJIL, 2003, p. 209.
C. Stahn, ‘Jus ad bellum’, ‘jus in bello’ . . . ‘jus post bellum’? -Rethinking the
Conception of the Law of Armed Force, 17 EJIL, 2006, p. 920.
C. Stahn, ‘Responsibility to Protect: Political Rhetoric or Emerging Legal Norm?’,
101 AJIL, 2007, p. 99.
K. N. Trapp, ‘Back to Basics: Necessity, Proportionality, and the Right of SelfDefence against Non-State Terrorist Actors’, 56 ICLQ, 2007, p. 141.
K. Watkin, ‘Controlling the Use of Force: A Role for Human Rights Norms in
Contemporary Armed Conflict’, 98 AJIL, 2004, p. 1.
J. R. Weeramantry, ‘Partial and Final Arbitration Awards (Eritrea/Ethiopia) 101
AJIL, 2007, p. 616.
E. Wilmshurst, ‘The Chatham House Principles of International Law on the Use of
Force in Self-Defence’, 55 ICLQ, 2006, p. 963.
Z. W. Yihdego, ‘Ethiopia's Military Action Against the Union of Islamic Courts and
Others in Somalia: Some Legal Implications’, 56 ICLQ, 2007, p. 666.