2006 Ground Rules - Upper

Upper Rogue Cal Ripken
“Playing Ball the Ripken Way”
URCR Ground Rules
All division standing rules are subject to approval by the Standing Rules
Committee. Any changes or additions will be subject to approval by the Board of
Directors. Rules will be reviewed each year.
2. Umpires will be paid a minimum of $15 for behind the plate and $10.00 for the
field (bases), for both minor and major divisions. Volunteers such as managers
and parents will be used as umpires for t-ball and rookie.
3. During the playing season, conduct forms will be available on our website
www.upperroguesports.com for anyone who needs to report to the Board,
unsportsmanlike behavior, bad attitudes, or displays of temper by a manager,
coach, or player. This from will be filled out and given to the Player Agent, Vice
President, or President.
4. If an infraction of a rule is made, or if improper conduct is observed of any
manger or coach, that manager or coach will be brought before the Board
regardless of being caught in time. All infractions of rules and improper conduct
situations are to be dealt with by the Board, regardless of how minor the incident
may seem.
5. Managers should report any infraction of game rules or misconduct by any umpire
to the Chief Umpire or President.
6. Sleeves under uniform can be any color except white, but MUST match the team
jersey color.
7. Transfer Rule: Refusal of a player from the Minor League to move up to Major
League shall result in forfeiture of eligibility at the Major League level for the
current season.
8. URCR does not want to hold any player back because the playing ability is at a
higher level and their age holds them at a lower division. The player must
complete three criteria:
a. Finish a previous year in a division
b. Petition (letter) by parent
c. Letter from previous coach
9. Managers will be assessed the current replacement value of equipment if not
10. Boys and girls 4-5 years of age will play T-Ball (refer to T-ball division rules)
11. Boys and girls 7-8 years of age may play Rookie. Six (6) year olds can play if they
already have a year of T-Ball.
12. Boys ages 8-12 can play Minor League baseball. Girls 8-10 can play 10U softball,
and 8-12 may play 12U depending on ability. It is recommended that a player
have at least one (1) year of Rookie division before he/she is eligible to for either
minors (boys) or 10U (girls).
a. Players that are 10 years of age can try out for Majors. 10 Year Olds that
made the previous year’s All-Star team or are new to the league must try out
for Majors.
b. Players that are 11 or 12 years of age and eligible for Majors must try out for
Girls 10-12 years of age shall be eligible for 12 and under softball (12U). Refer to
division rules.
Girls 8-10 years of age shall be eligible for 10 and under softball (10U). Refer to
division rules.
All girls 11-14 years of age are eligible for 14 and under softball (14U).
Draft rules apply to all levels that use a draft for player selection.
Draft System/Options:
a. Brothers/Sisters with ability to play in the same division will be selected
based on the 1st child drafted. The manager who drafts the 1st sibling will be
required to pick the other sibling. If he/she does not, and another manager
drafts 2nd sibling in a later round, those managers must trade his last draft
pick for 2nd sibling or 1st sibling will go to the same team that drafted 2nd
b. Sons or Daughters of Manger: A manager who has sons or daughters
eligible for the draft, who wishes to draft them, must state so in writing prior
to draft to the Player Agent. The Parent/Manager option takes priority over
any other option.
c. Siblings-Younger Brothers or Sisters: A manager may submit an option on
a draftee if the player already has a sibling on the manager’s team. The
option must be exercised by the 3rd round or it is forfeited.
d. Draft order is established by record. The team with the worst regular
season record the prior season picks first, followed by the team with the
second worst regular season team record, and so on.
e. You may make trades during the draft process; all trades are subject to final
approval of attending Board Members.
f. All 12 year olds must be picked starting the 4th round until all have been
selected. Prior to draft the Board will decide if any 12 year olds should
return to the minors.
g. Coaches shall NOT be appointed or approved before drafts. This avoids
“Red Shirting” or “Stacking” of players through selective coaching
Rainouts: All rainouts must be rescheduled within three (3) days. Schedule Agent
will assist during the 3 day period. After 3 days, Scheduling Agent will schedule a
game without manager’s consent. Any rescheduled game which one team fails to
show up for will be considered a forfeit and will constitute a loss in the standings.
All Star Selections for 9-10 and 11-12 Boys/Girls and 14U division.
a. Player agent will notify each manager at least one week before selection
night for their list of prospective all-star candidates.
b. Mangers will submit a list (generally no more than 4 players per team)
composed of player’s name, team, position(s) played and availability for
tournament time.
c. All players nominated for all-star will be discussed and then each manager
will vote for 11 players. The all-star manager will be allowed to pick the
final player to add to the roster, as long as they received at least 2 votes
1. A tryout may be held if decided to be necessary by the Board.
2. All-Star managers are selected for final approval by Board of Directors,
with special consideration placed on 1st place finishers in each division.
d. No player will be picked up as manager’s all-star pick without a qualifying
vote, (not the all-star manager or coach’s vote will count). Player picked as
managers pick must have one other managers vote to be selected.