Pre- Admission/Crisis Intervention Screening Form Request for __ (Request for mental health eval-even if the person does not go into the hospital) __ Inpatient __ (Request for Sandbeach, Crisis bed or Children’s Home place) ___ Crisis Residential __ (Request for Services) __ Outpatient Request __ (This can be checked in conjunction with #1 or used for a crisis intervention other than hospital request) ____ Crisis Intervention ___ (used if involved with crisis but an Agency like the jail is asking for CMH input) ____ Consult Date __ (Date of service)___ Time of Request_ (When request is received from the crisis line or presents at CMH) ___ Location Code__ (On call code or from Grid) Service Code_ (Inpatient=T1023_others from grid) ______Contact was: Face to face____ Telephone ______ Contact Start Time: _ (When you started intervention; either face to face or telephone) ______am/pm Contact End Time: _(Contact end time including completion of paperwork and Access contact if applicable) __ am/pm Disposition Time _ (The time you made the decision to hospitalize. This has to be with in 3 hours. It is not the end of the contact or the time you actually get someone in the hospital it is when you decide hospitalization is needed ___ Name ___ (Consumer Name) _________________ Case #__ CMH case # ______ DOB __/____/____ Age ______ Social Security # _______-______-_____ Address___________________________________________ City ____________________ State ________ Zip___________ Phone #_____-_____-________ County of Residence __(Where the client lives)________County of Liability _(County responsible for payment)_ Race ________ Vet Status __________ __ Medicaid: Health plan ________ ____Medicare ___ Private Insurance; Type __________ Policy # ____________________ No Insurance _____ Education: C ٱdarg rednu gnidnettA ٱnoitacude ceps nI ٱmargorp gniniart nI ٱloohcs nI ٱ.D.E.G/.S.H /de .cepS .pmoC ٱS.H naht sseL pmoCٱollege grad Employment Status: crof krow evititepmoc ni toN ٱkrow rof gnikool ,deyolpmenU ٱemit trap deyolpmE ٱemit lluf deyolpmEٱe ٱRetired from work A/N ٱtnemyolpme detroppus nI ٱpohs krow deretlehSٱ Corrections Status: airt gnitiawA ٱnoitcidsiruj rednu toN ٱnoisivrepus truoC ٱretneC noitneteD elinevuJ ٱliaJ morf noitaborP ٱliaj nI ٱnosirp nIٱl nosirp morf eloraP ٱdekoob/tserra morf detreviD ٱdekoob dna tserrA ٱtruoc yb derrefer roniM ٱgnicnetnes gnitiawAٱ Residential Living Arrangement: etavirPٱmargorp ecnednepedni detroppuSٱretnec.ted elinevuj ,liaj nosirPٱresidence w/parentsٱPrivate residence on own gnissiMٱsselemoHٱemoH gnisruNٱemoH .seR lareneGٱemoH laitnediseR dezilaicepSٱemoh ylimaf retsoFٱ Place of Contact _ (Where the person is seen)_CMH status: Open Case __ Closed Case __ Pending Case _ (may be awaiting a decision) _ New Case _ (first time call/intervention) ________ CMH CSM/Therapist Name: _ (Primary Worker assigned to case) ________ Psychotropic Meds prescribed by:__ (Psychiatrist or Primary Care Physician) _____________ Current Meds and Dosage: ___ (list meds) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Referral Source: ٱFamily ٱHospital ٱPolice ٱOther_________Address:__ (Where did the request originate from? Also need to ask consumer if they would like us to follow up with referral source. If so need release) ____________________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician: _____ (Name) _____________________ Address: _ (Complete address./ Need to complete co-ordination of care letter). Assessment/ Precipitating Factors/ Intervention/Plan/Disposition: _ As much as possible list what happened during the crisis intervention. INCLUDING THE PRECIPITATING FACTORS. Also note that additional information can be recorded in different spots on the backside of form. _________________________________________________________ Substance Abuse History: (Need to address this issue with all consumers) 1. Alcohol Use: ٱYes ٱNo How much? ___________________________ How Long? __________________________ 2. Drug Use: ٱYes ٱNo 3. When Last Used? _____________________________________________ 4. Substance Abuse Treatment: ٱYes ٱNo Drug of Choice:________________________ How much?___________________________ How long?________________ When ? ______________________________ Where ?________________________________ Accommodation needs: __ (Does the consumer need any accommodations for service? Language, wheelchair, interpreter, etc..) _________________ Preliminary Diagnosis: (All Axis need to be addressed. Including 5th digit if appropriate) Axis I: __________________________________ Axis II: _________________________ Axis III:__________________ Axis IV: Problems with: Primary support group/Social environment/Education Occupation/Housing/Economic/Access to Health Care Services/Legal/Other Axis V: ________________ Severity of Illness 1: Severe/serious 2: Moderate 3: Mild 4: Not applicable (Instructions: Mark the number relating to the level of severity criteria the individual meets under each category. Write supporting clinical documentation including symptoms, functional impairments and risk potential in the Clinical Documentation Section. Level of Severity Severity of Illness: Documentation All of this data will come from the protocol guidelines as provided . 1.Psychiatric Reminder: If you list a consumer as Severe/serious that should follow the criteria explained under the section labeled “Inpatient” If you list the severity of illness as Moderate the documentation should fit within the criteria as outlined as “crisis residential”t If you list the severity of illness as mild it could be behaviors listed in the “crisis bed section” or not be to the levels explained in Severe or Moderate. Symptoms 2.Disruption of Self Care Abilities 3.Possibility of Harm to Self Remember consumers that are evaluated as Moderate and appropriate for crisis residential must be open consumers in order to be placed in Sandbeach or Jones Place. If consumer has private insurance, contact MI director or designee for approval prior to getting auth. 4.Possibility of Harm to Others 5.Possibility of Medication/ Drug Compliance or Regimen Complication Intensity of Services Required/ Disposition: Inpatient Crisis Residential Other Community Support Disposition/ Service Recommendations A. Continuous medical supervision and observation are necessary. B. Requires highly structured supervised care. C. Meets criteria for Crisis Bed. This is the section where you identify what the outcome was and the intensity is identified. This must be all A. Continuous skilled medical observations needed due to unmanageable side effects of psychotropic medications B. Consistent observation and supervision of behavior is needed. C. Appropriate for MI Outpatient Services in one section. For example you can not circle one Intensity from Inpatient and another from Crisis res. A. Continuous observation and control of behavior is needed to protect individual, others, and/or property. B. Individual has reached a level of clinical stability-but continues to require a structured and supervised 24 hour program to consolidate progress. C. Appropriate for referral to other community services A. A comprehensive multimodel therapy plan is needed requiring close medical supervision and coordination. B. Intensive monitoring of medication regimen and response is necessary. B. Individual needs to be temporarily separated from natural environment. at risk of further deterioration of condition. B. A comprehensive, intensive program of treatments, services and supports is needed. Inpatient: ٱFormal Adult Voluntary ٱInvoluntary Admission (Petition=involuntary) Access Worker:_________ Service Authorized:___________ Authorization #____________Duration:____________Substance Abuse Referral:___________ Crisis line number provided:__Y/N____Referred elsewhere:______Where:______________ Appeal rights explained/Given:ٱYes ٱNo Client Initials_____ . Release of information: oN ٱseY ٱA/N ٱCo-ordination of Care: ٱYes ٱNo A/N ٱ ___________________________________________________________________Cc: Hospital Liaison, Outpatient Receptionist, Outpatient Supervisor, Billing Signature Credentials Date MI Services Director, Access Center, Original to Chart. REV:1/2014 mc