Textbook of Basic Nursing, Rosdahl and Kowalski

Assignments, Chapter 3, The Healthcare Delivery System
Written Assignments
1. Prepare a report on the significance of the following:
Acute care hospitals
Intensive care unit (ICU)
Home healthcare
Hospice care
Community health service
The Joint Commission’s functions
2. Prepare a report on holistic care features in the delivery of
Learning Objective(s)
2, 3, 5
Group Assignments
1. Divide the classroom into groups of four and ask the students to
Learning Objective(s)
6, 7
prepare a document and have a short discussion on the following:
Accreditation of nursing schools
Standards of quality assurance in healthcare centers
Modes of payment in healthcare centers
2. Invite a client representative or an ombudsperson to discuss client
care issues and his/her role as a client representative. Prepare a brief
report on the discussion.
Clinical Assignments
1. During your clinical rotation, observe an industrial nurse and a
school nurse. Prepare a report based on your observation and have a
Learning Objective(s)
short discussion on the following:
Roles of an industrial nurse
Roles of a school nurse
Comparison of the roles of the two nurses
Web Assignments
1. Conduct online research on the latest healthcare trends in the 21st
Learning Objective(s)
century. List the healthcare trends and discuss their impact on
2. Conduct online research on the impact of consumer fraud on public
wellness. List the problems that arise out of fraud in healthcare.