Title of Course Unit Teacher Faculty & department Semester Total Working Hours Contact Hours per Week ECTS Credits Language of Teaching Compulsory / Elective Methods of Teaching Form of Assessment ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Dr., Assoc. Prof. ALA PETRULYTE Faculty of Educology, Department of Didactics of Psychology Spring 132 ( 16 - contact hours; 116 - hours of independent study) 1 3 English (and Russian) Compulsory Lecture, Practical classes ,Work with scientific literature, Consultations with teachers, Preparation for written exam Writen Exam Study outcomes: 1. Students can discuss works of prominent psychologists in the context of developmental psychology. 2. Students can identify manifestations and factors of adolescent psychosocial development while communicating in various communities. 3. Students will get ready to effectively communicate with adolescents and other subjects of educational community. Themes: 1. Conception of adolescence (psychoanalytic, psychosocial, cognitive, cultural-anthropological, humanistic), its periodization and current problems. 2. Cognitive, psychological and social development of adolescent, favorable and unfavorable factors of development (development of formal operational thinking , development of adolescent identity, adolescents and their family, styles of upbringing deployed by parents; adolescents and school; adolescent groups, experience of friendship and love). 3. Recognition of psychological and social problems connected with adolescent development and adolescent support in educational context (typical behaviour reactions of adolescents; harmful habits of adolescents; drop-outs school and running away from home; aggressive behaviour of adolescents, bullying, teenager’s depression and suicide; adolescent’s pubescence, sexual problems). Students‘ workload Nr. Study outcome 1. 2. Students can discuss works of prominent psychologists in the context of developmental psychology. Students can identify manifestations and factors of adolescent psychosocial development while communicating in various communities. Study activity Student‘s workload in hrs Contact workload: 1. Lectures 2. Seminar Independent workload: 1. Collection and selection of course 16 materials 2. Consultations with teachers 3. Preparation for an essay 4 16 Contact workload: 1. Lectures 2. Seminar Independent workload: 1. Collection and selection of course materials 2. Reading, studying and reflection course materials 3. Preparation for an essay. 2 2 4 4 16 24 12 3. Students will get ready to effectively communicate with adolescents and other subjects of educational community. Readings Contact workload: 1. Consultation with teachers 2. Practical classes Independent workload: 1. Reading, studying and reflection course materials 2. Preparation for an essay 2 2 24 16 1. McElhaney K. B., Porter M. R., Thompson L. W., Allen J. P. (2008) Apples and Oranges: Divergent Meanings of Parents’and Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parental Influence // The Journal of Early Adolescence. University of Virginia, Charlottesville http://people.virginia.edu/~psykliff/pubs/publications/applesandoranges.jea 2008.pdf 2. Santrock J.W, ( 2001) Adolescence, Softcover, 8th ed. McGraw- Hill Education http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/0072900156/132901/Santrock_Adolescence10e_prefa ce.pdf 3. Sternberg L.(2008) Adolescence. Tenth edition. (pp.165-456) New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies 4. Constantine N., Benard B., Diaz M. (1999) Measuring protective factors and resilience traits in youth. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the society of prevention research 5. Baumrindt D. (1991) Effective parenting during the early adolescent transition // In P.A. Cowan & E.M. Hetherington (eds.) Advances in family research , Vol. 2, Hillsdale N.J.- Erlbaum. 6. www.psypress.com/edp 7. www.developmentalpsychologyarena.com 8. www.tandf.co.uk/journals/onlinesamples.asp 9. www.blackwell publishing.com/journals/camh/submiss.htm 10. Recommended Journals: European Journal of Developmental Psychology.