Appendix A-3 DSF Demonstration Scenario No.3: Catchment Cover Change Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Contents 3 Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change 3.1 Scenario Objective 3.2 Specification of Scenarios in the DSF 3.2.1 Climate Component 3.2.2 System Demand Component 3.2.3 Assumed Interventions Component 3.3 Model Setup 3.3.1 SWAT Models 3.3.2 IQQM Model 3.3.3 iSIS Model 3.4 Demonstration Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change – Test Results: Primary Level 3.5 Scenario 2: Catchment Cover Change– Test Results: Secondary Level 3.5.1 Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow 3.5.2 Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season 3.5.3 Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season 3.5.4 Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding 3.5.5 Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion 3.5.6 Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes 3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 106751643 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 7 7 15 16 19 20 22 25 A.3- ii Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Figures Figure A 3-1: Land use Change verses Baseline Scenario flows at Vientiane (1997 – 2000)........................................................................................... 7 Figure A 3-2: Land use Change verses Baseline Scenario flows at Kratie (1997 – 2000) ......................................................................................................... 8 Figure A 3-3: Dry season flow duration curves for Vientiane and Kratie (dry seaon; 1 Dec – 31 May data period; 1 Dec 1985 – 31 Dec 2000) 11 Figure A 3-4: Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Vientiane with comparisons to Baseline conditions for 50% and 10% (directly over-laid as no change).........................................................12 Figure A 3-5: Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Kratie with comparisons to Baseline conditions (directly over-laid as no change) ...................................................................................................12 Figure A 3-6: Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Kratie with comparisons to Baseline conditions (directly over-laid as no change) – truncated vertical axis ........................................................13 Figure A 3-7: Annual flood frequency at Kratie ......................................................16 Figure A 3-8: Daily time-series showing high flows for Vientiane and Kratie (Feb 1985 – Dec 2000) ........................................................................17 Figure A 3-9 Map showing the difference in inundation depths downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Catchment Cover Change) ......................................................19 Figure A 3-10 Map showing the extent of Catchment Cover Change saline intrusion for maximum dry-season salinity intrusion in year 2000 .................................................................................................................21 Figure A 3-11 Comparison of flows at Chau Doc for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change).................................23 106751643 A.3- iii Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Figure A 3-12 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change).................................24 Figure A 3-13 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change).................................24 Tables Table A 3-1: Conversion table for CN2 curve numbers ......................................... 3 Table A 3-2: Between scenario comparison of annual minimum daily flows (cumec) ..................................................................................................... 9 Table A 3-3: Mean daily dry season flow for each month of the dry season ....... 9 Table A 3-4: Mean start and end of the dry season based on the Baseline Scenario’s median annual flow (Oct 1985 – Dec 2000) .................13 Table A 3-5: Duration of Stable Flow Conditions for the Baseline Scenario (days).......................................................................................................15 Table A 3-6: Change in mean annual peak daily flow at Kratie ...........................15 Table A 3-7: Comparison of Highest and Average Annual Peak Daily Flows ..17 Table A 3-8: Comparison of flood return periods for mainstream monitoring sites .........................................................................................................18 Table A 3-9: Maximum inundation areas by depth class in the year 2000 .........20 Table A 3-10: Inundation duration > 0.5 m depth for the year 2000 ...................20 Table A 3-11: Maximum dry-season salinity intrusion areas ..................................21 Table A 3-12: Impacts of catchment cover change on sustainable irrigation area .................................................................................................................22 106751643 A.3- iv Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Table A 3-12: 106751643 Impacts of catchment change on flows and water levels at Chau Doc, Tan Chau and Phnom Penh (Mekong) for year 2000 ..........25 A.3- v All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation 3 Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change 3.1 Scenario Objective The objective is to assess the effect of reducing catchment forest cover by half. It is expected that such a change would have impacts in both the wet and dry seasons, making both more extreme. 3.2 Specification of Scenarios in the DSF 3.2.1 Climate Component There are no differences compared with the Baseline Scenario. 3.2.2 System Demand Component There are no differences compared with the Baseline Scenario. 3.2.3 Assumed Interventions Component The reduction in forest cover is achieved through changes in those SWAT sub-basin models in which there is forest, i.e. it is assumed that all existing forest areas are reduced by 50%. Normally this would be achieved by changing both the CN2 curve number variable and the crop management type variable. However, given the contrary results in some subbasins if the latter is changed, it was decided to change on the CN2 factor. 3.3 Model Setup 3.3.1 SWAT Models Model Configuration No changes required. 106751643 A.3- 1 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Model Input Variables For each sub-basin covered with forest (five types of forest have been considered in this tests, i.e. DECD, EHCD, EMLD, MEDM and WSEV), the variable "CN2" within the associated input file (.mgt) for land and water management has been changed to the value representing for the sub-basin covered with half-forest and agriculture. The values of CN2 for each sub-basin are shown in Table A 3-1. 106751643 A.3- 2 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 3-1: 106751643 Conversion table for CN2 curve numbers Subbasin Hydrologic Soil Group CN2 Existing Mgt Landuse 101 201 203 204 205 206 207 209 212 214 301 305 306 402 405 406 411 412 413 420 421 423 424 426 427 431 509 510 511 513 514 515 519 601 602 603 604 606 607 608 609 610 613 614 616 617 618 619 621 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B D B B B B B B B B B B B B C B B B B B B B B B B B B B 55 61 61 61 61 70 61 61 61 61 85 85 85 74 74 55 66 61 55 61 61 55 80 74 61 66 65 65 65 66 75 66 65 77 77 77 77 55 77 61 61 61 66 75 77 77 77 77 77 EHCD WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV WSEV EHCD MEDM WSEV EHCD WSEV WSEV EHCD WSEV WSEV WSEV MEDM DECD WSEV DECD WSEV WSEV WSEV DECD DECD DECD DECD DECD EHCD EMLD WSEV WSEV WSEV DECD WSEV EMLD EMLD EMLD EMLD EMLD 50% Conversion to AGRF CN2 rev Factor 1.18 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.18 1.07 1.03 1.18 1.03 1.03 1.18 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.07 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.00 1.18 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 65.1 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.8 72.0 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.8 87.5 87.5 87.5 76.1 76.1 65.1 70.6 62.8 65.1 62.8 62.8 65.1 84.1 76.1 62.8 70.6 65.2 66.9 65.2 67.9 77.2 67.9 65.2 77.3 77.3 81.4 77.3 65.1 80.0 62.8 62.8 62.8 66.2 77.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 A.3- 3 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 3.3.2 IQQM Model Model Configuration No changes required. Model Input Variables No changes required. 3.3.3 iSIS Model Model Configuration No changes required. Model Input Variables No changes required. 3.4 Demonstration Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change – Test Results: Primary Level Tests 1 to 3 : MRC Agreement, Article 6 requirements Tests against Article 6 Scenario conforms? Most Critical Location? By how much? Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow Yes N/A Essentially no change Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season Yes Kratie Essentially no change Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season Yes N/A Essentially no change 106751643 A.3- 4 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding (km2) – downstream of Kratie Flooded Area >0.5 m by Duration (km2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario > 1 day > 1 mth > 2 mths > 4 mths > 6 mths Baseline Conditions 59,300 55,444 51,687 43,679 29,650 Catchment Cover Change 59,411 55,477 51,776 43,634 29,706 Difference Area (km2) 111 33 89 -44 56 Difference Percent (%) 0.2 0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.2 Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion (km2) – in the delta Maximum Saline Intrusion by Salinity Class (km 2) Jan 2000 – June 2000 Scenario > 1 g/l > 4 g/l > 8 g/l > 15 g/l Baseline Conditions 21,603 19,287 17,279 14,195 Catchment Cover Change 21,671 19,324 17,286 14,183 Difference Area (km2) 69 37 7 -13 Difference Percent (%) 0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.1 Test 6: Irrigated agriculture performance Total Deficit Upstream of Kratie (million hectare days) Baseline Conditions 42.77 Scenario 3: Catchment Cover Change 37.87 Difference (million hectare days) Difference (%) 4.90 11.8% Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes Maximum Connected River Length (km) 106751643 Maximum Flooded Area (km2) A.3- 5 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Baseline Conditions 45,571 43,328 Scenario 3: Catchment Cover Change 45,571 43,333 Difference (Km or Km2) 0 5 Difference (%) 0 0.0 106751643 A.3- 6 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation 3.5 Scenario 2: Catchment Cover Change– Test Results: Secondary Level 3.5.1 Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow Figure A 3-1 and Figure A 3-2 display daily flows for the last three years for Vientiane and Kratie. The difference between them is shown by the residual series (lowest black line). At both sites only one hydrograph is visible as there is minimal difference between the Baseline Scenario and the Land use Change Scenario, as indicated by the ‘residual’ line oscillating around zero. Time Series Analysis Tool 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 Flow(cumecs) 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 26/11/1997 26/03/1998 24/07/1998 21/11/1998 21/03/1999 19/07/1999 16/11/1999 15/03/2000 13/07/2000 10/11/2000 01/Feb/1985 - 31/Dec/2000 Figure A 3-1: 106751643 Land use Change verses Baseline Scenario flows at Vientiane (1997 – 2000) A.3- 7 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Time Series Analysis Tool 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 Flow(cumecs) 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 26/11/1997 26/03/1998 24/07/1998 21/11/1998 21/03/1999 19/07/1999 16/11/1999 15/03/2000 13/07/2000 10/11/2000 01/Feb/1985 - 31/Dec/2000 Figure A 3-2: Land use Change verses Baseline Scenario flows at Kratie (1997 – 2000) Differences between the Baseline and Catchment Cover Change Scenarios’ lowest minimum flows, on an annual basis are provided in Table A 3-2. The table compares both the extreme lowest daily flow over the entire 16 years, as well as the mean annual lowest flow. It can be seen that there is essentially no difference in the lowest annual flows, be they the mean or extreme annual minimum values. The greatest difference is at Stung Treng where mean minimums are reduced by just 2% in each case. This is due to the fact that flow changes in the dry season from this type of intervention, are a function of changes in wet season flows, and these are also minimal as shown in Table A 3-7. 106751643 A.3- 8 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 3-2: Between scenario comparison of annual minimum daily flows (cumec) Chiang Saen Luang Prabang Vientiane Baseline Lowest Annual Minimum Flow 338 582 680 Land use Change Lowest Annual Minimum Flow 337 578 Difference (cumec) -1 Nakhom Phanom Mukdahan Pakse Stung Treng Kratie 909 975 1,014 1,328 1,324 676 899 980 1,006 1,303 1,334 -5 5 1 -8 1 -26 2 10 1 -10 1 0 -3 1 Baseline Mean Annual Minimum Flow 713 803 844 1,220 1,235 1,298 1,814 1,819 Land use Change Mean Annual Minimum Flow 712 799 840 1,210 1,234 1,285 1,775 1,807 Difference (cumec) -1 -4 1 -4 -10 1 -1 -14 1 -39 2 -12 1 Difference (%) Difference (%) - - 0 - - 0 - 0 1 Using Test 1.1, the mean daily dry season flows for each month of the dry season are tabulated below in Table A 3-3. There is essentially no change in mean monthly flows at all sites and for all months of the dry season, i.e. land use change has not resulted in any change in dry season flow volume. Table A 3-3: Station Name Chiang Saen Luang Prabang Vientiane 106751643 Mean daily dry season flow for each month of the dry season Scenario Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Dec - Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change - Jan Feb 1580 224 1,557 23 1150 149 1,155 5 -1 2182 344 2,142 40 -2 2170 351 2,128 Mar April May 944 137 944 0 876 137 879 3 939 169 942 3 1421 302 1,423 2 0 0 0 0 0 1436 239 1,462 26 2 1383 241 1,413 1105 174 1,058 47 -4 1065 132 1,058 980 169 975 5 0 975 158 975 1126 197 1,144 18 2 1145 165 1,144 1778 416 1,910 132 7 1897 467 1,910 - - - A.3- 9 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Station Name Nakhon Phanom Mukdahan Pakse Stung Treng Kratie Scenario Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean Standard Deviation Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Base Line mean B-L Std Dev Land use Change Difference (cumec) Difference (%) Dec - - - - - - Jan Feb 42 -2 30 2 3053 464 2,978 75 -2 3111 474 3,065 46 -1 3600 530 3,512 88 -2 5482 688 5,327 155 -3 5618 760 5,563 55 -1 1888 400 1,938 50 3 1907 413 1,981 74 4 2046 471 2,102 56 3 3077 753 3,150 73 2 3130 794 3,288 158 5 - - - - - Mar April 7 -1 0 0 1462 189 1,445 17 -1 1473 192 1,474 1 0 1537 212 1,517 20 -1 2259 384 2,203 56 -2 2283 406 2,282 1 0 1362 228 1,356 6 0 1389 232 1,396 7 1 1474 264 1,465 9 -1 2025 359 1,989 36 -2 2044 370 2,049 5 0 - - - - - - - - May 1 0 13 1 1614 243 1,608 6 0 1676 256 1,675 1 0 1969 367 1,962 7 0 2512 501 2,493 19 -1 2552 532 2,567 15 1 2908 772 2,925 17 1 3063 785 3,085 22 1 3795 1233 3,818 23 1 4724 1747 4,767 43 1 4851 1830 4,918 67 1 Test 1.2 compares the dry season flow duration curves (daily flows between 1 Dec and 31 May) for two representative mainstream primary reporting stations, Vientiane and Kratie (Figure A 3-3). The curves present the cumulative duration (frequency) of flows equal to or greater than each flow level. As for the mean monthly flows, it can be seen there is little difference in flows between the two scenarios at either site. Figure A 3-4 to Figure A 3-6 provide a between scenario comparison for the 90, 50 and 10 percentile flow volumes by month (in million cubic metres, MCM) over the whole year for Vientiane and Kratie respectively. Whilst these curves are generated directly in the DSF, the data they draw on is effectively obtained by ‘reading off’ values from the 106751643 A.3- 10 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only types of flow duration curves shown in Figure A 3-3, but calculated for each month not the entire dry season. The vertical axis in Figure A 3-6 is truncated to highlight the differences in dry season flows. Lack of difference in the mean daily flows by month are paralleled across the range of flow percentiles, i.e. there are no changes at any time or at any flow level at either Vientiane or Kratie. cumecs Flow: Exceedence-Probability 10,000 9,500 9,000 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 5 10 15 20 25 g b c d e f b c d e f g b c d e f g b c d e f g Figure A 3-3: 106751643 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Cumulative Exceedence Probability % 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 [S9] Kratie ([01/Dec-31/May], 85-00) [S9] Vientiane ([01/Dec-31/May], 85-00) [S7] Vientiane ([01/Dec-31/May], 85-00) [S7] Kratie ([01/Dec-31/May], 85-00) Dry season flow duration curves for Vientiane and Kratie (dry seaon; 1 Dec – 31 May data period; 1 Dec 1985 – 31 Dec 2000) A.3- 11 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Flow: Percentile Distribution 36,000 34,000 32,000 30,000 28,000 Monthly Total [MCM] 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Jan Feb g b c d e f b c d e f g b c d e f g Figure A 3-4: Mar Apr May Jun Jul b c d e f [S9] Vientiane 90%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Vientiane 50%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Vientiane 10%ile (85-00) g Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec [S7] Vientiane 90%ile (85-00) [S7] Vientiane 50%ile (85-00) [S7] Vientiane 10%ile (85-00) Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Vientiane with comparisons to Baseline conditions for 50% and 10% (directly over-laid as no change) Flow: Percentile Distribution 120,000 110,000 100,000 Monthly Total [MCM] 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Jan Feb g b c d e f b c d e f g b c d e f g Figure A 3-5: 106751643 Mar Apr May Jun b c d e f [S9] Kratie 50%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Kratie 10%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Kratie 90%ile (85-00) g Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec [S7] Kratie 50%ile (85-00) [S7] Kratie 10%ile (85-00) [S7] Kratie 90%ile (85-00) Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Kratie with comparisons to Baseline conditions (directly over-laid as no change) A.3- 12 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Flow: Percentile Distribution 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 Monthly Total [MCM] 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 Jan Feb Mar g b c d e f b c d e f g b c d e f g Figure A 3-6: Apr May Jun b c d e f [S9] Kratie 50%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Kratie 10%ile (85-00) g b c d e f [S9] Kratie 90%ile (85-00) g Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec [S7] Kratie 50%ile (85-00) [S7] Kratie 10%ile (85-00) [S7] Kratie 90%ile (85-00) Percentile flow distribution of 90 %, 50% and 10% at Kratie with comparisons to Baseline conditions (directly over-laid as no change) – truncated vertical axis Low flow variability is quantified by Test 1.3. Table A 3-4 provides values for the start, end and duration of the dry season (where the definition of the dry season is based on the flows below the median flow under Baseline Conditions. There is no more than one day difference in any of the dates or durations, i.e. effectively no change. Table A 3-4: Mean start and end of the dry season based on the Baseline Scenario’s median annual flow (Oct 1985 – Dec 2000) Reporting Site Development Scenario Baseline Difference Chiang Saen Start Date 9-Dec 9-Dec (Sc1 median = 1,768) End Date 27-May 26-May Duration (days) 168 168 Luang Prabang Start Date 8-Dec 8-Dec (Sc1 median = 2,355) End Date 4-Jun 4-Jun Duration (days) 178 178 Start Date 5-Dec 4-Dec Vientiane 106751643 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 A.3- 13 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only (Sc1 median = 2,416) End Date 3-Jun 3-Jun Duration (days) 180 181 Nakhon Phanom Start Date 30-Nov 28-Nov (Sc1 median = 3,869) End Date 1-Jun 1-Jun Duration (days) 183 185 Mukdahan Start Date 29-Nov 28-Nov (Sc1 median = 4,028) End Date 31-May 31-May Duration (days) 184 184 Pakse Start Date 28-Nov 27-Nov (Sc1 median = 4,972) End Date 29-May 29-May Duration (days) 182 183 Stung Treng Start Date 4-Dec 3-Dec (Sc1 median =7, 189) End Date 1-Jun 1-Jun Duration (days) 179 180 Kratie Start Date 4-Dec 3-Dec (Sc1 median = 7,369) End Date 1-Jun 1-Jun Duration (days) 180 180 0 1 -2 0 2 -1 0 0 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 0 Relative flow height changes are analysed by the low flow variability tool. The median duration of events where the flow does not change by more than 10% of the median annual flow for at least 30 days are shown in Table A 3-5. This analysis reveals more change than in the above low flow analyses, indicating that there is a slight decrease in dry season flow stability. However, only at Pakse does the reduction exceed 10%. 106751643 A.3- 14 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 3-5: Duration of Stable Flow Conditions for the Baseline Scenario (days) (Where flows change by < 10% of the Baseline Condition’s mean annual flow for a period of at least 30 days) Baseline Annual Median Flow (cumec) Reporting Site Chiang Saen Luang Prabang Vientiane Nakhom Phanom Mukdahan Pakse Stung Treng Kratie Mean Number of Days of Stable Flow Baseline Conditions Land use Change 1,768 2,355 2,416 3,869 4,028 4,972 7,189 7,369 3.5.2 46 45 55 59 61 56 56 55 50 44 56 57 62 62 57 56 Difference (days) Difference (%) -4 1 -1 2 -2 -6 0 -1 -7 3 -2 4 -3 -10 -1 -1 Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season Test 2.1 compares the mean peak annual wet season (daily) flows and standard deviation for Baseline Conditions with the development scenario at Kratie. The 1995 Mekong Agreement defines wet season flows at Kratie as the basis for determining if acceptable inundation level in Tonle Sap lake is achieved. Consequently, the difference between flows at Kratie are compared for Baseline and Land use Change conditions in Table A 3-6. The table shows that there is only a 1% difference in flows, i.e. there is essentially no change in peak annual flows at Kratie. Figure A 3-7 displays the relationship of peak annual discharge with the average annual return period under the Land use Change scenario. Tabular values are presented in Table A 3-8. Table A 3-6: Change in mean annual peak daily flow at Kratie Reporting Site Kratie 106751643 Baseline Conditions Mean Annual Peak Flow (cumec) 44,651 Standard Deviation (cumec) 9,785 Land use Change Mean Annual Peak Flow (cumec) 45,218 Difference cumec 567 % 1 A.3- 15 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Annual Flood Frequency Analysis Flow (Simulated flow) (cumecs) Kratie K = 0.18: 105,000 100,000 95,000 90,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1 2 Figure A 3-7: 3.5.3 4 5 10 20 25 Return Period (years) [S9] Kratie - Gringorten (1985-2000) 50 100 200 500 [S9] EV1 Kratie - Gringorten (1985-2000) [S9] GEV Kratie - Gringorten (1985-2000) Annual flood frequency at Kratie Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season A portion of the daily flow time-series data are plotted in Figure A 3-8 to provide a visual reference as the scale of changes between the Baseline and Land use Change Scenarios. Only two stations have been plotted to retain clarity. It is evident that there is no discernable difference at any point in the hydrographs. As can be seen from Table A 3-7 neither the highest nor mean annual flood over the 16 year period is increased under the land use at any site by more than one or two percent. This unexpectedly small impact of a reduction of by 50% of the remaining LMB forest cover has been investigated by the DSF development team. In part it is due to the limitations of the SWAT model to humid tropical regions compared to its area of development in the mid-west of the USA. These limitations forced land use change to be simulated only by changes in CN2 values, as indicated in the above sections, rather than by also changing the landcover parameters. The limitations of SWAT are discussed in the DSF Modeller’s User Guide. However, apart from those limitations, it has been found that the Potential EvapoTranspiration (PET) is limited by the prevailing humidity in the LMB, such that clearing forest does not necessarily reduce these values and in some cases, in areas with shallow soils, they can actually increase. Hence the net minimal change in runoff and stream flow rates observed. 106751643 A.3- 16 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Time Series Analysis Tool 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 Flow(cumecs) 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 26/11/1997 26/03/1998 24/07/1998 21/11/1998 21/03/1999 19/07/1999 16/11/1999 15/03/2000 13/07/2000 10/11/2000 g b c d e f b c d e f g b c d e f g b c d e f g Kratie: Flow (Simulated flow ) [WUPA Scenario 3 - Impact of Catchment Cover Change] Vientiane: Flow (Simulated flow ) [WUPA Scenario 3 - Impact of Catchment Cover Change] Kratie: Flow (Simulated flow ) [WUPA Scenario 1 - Baseline] Vientiane: Flow (Simulated flow ) [WUPA Scenario 1 - Baseline] 01/Feb/1985 - 31/Dec/2000 Figure A 3-8: Table A 3-7: Daily time-series showing high flows for Vientiane and Kratie (Feb 1985 – Dec 2000) Comparison of Highest and Average Annual Peak Daily Flows Baseline Highest Annual Peak Flow Land use Change Highest Annual Peak Flow Difference - highest (cumec) Difference - highest (%) Mean Annual Peak Flow Mean Annual Peak Flow Difference in means (cumec) Difference - means (%) Baseline Land use Change 106751643 Chiang Saen Luang Prabang Vientiane Nakhom Phanom Mukdahan Pakse Stung Treng Kratie 13,300 7,997 17,830 31,654 35,195 47,212 66,067 67,268 13,389 18,396 18,156 31,903 35,474 47,537 66,731 67,925 89 399 326 249 280 325 664 657 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 9,754 14,058 14,733 23,828 25,827 34,035 43,502 44,651 9,935 14,333 14,940 24,119 26,209 34,396 44,036 45,218 182 275 208 291 382 361 533 567 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 A.3- 17 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only In addition to the comparison of average annual flood peaks, Table A 3-8 shows the changes in peak flows for different return periods for each mainstream monitoring site. As would be expected, the changes in peak flows (cumec) for each return period confirm the lack of change in mean and extreme peak values shown above in Table A 3-7; after all, they are merely alternative indicators of the same change. It can also be noted that floods having an average annual return period of two years are equivalent to the median annual flood, i.e. on average half the annual flood peaks are greater and half smaller. Figure A 3-7 above provides a graphical representation of the Annual Flood Frequency Curve at Kratie, this being a critical location for determining changes in flooding in both the Tonle Sap Lake and the Cambodian and Vietnamese floodplain areas. Table A 3-8: Comparison of flood return periods for mainstream monitoring sites (Changes >10% highlighted in bold) Main Stations Chiang Saen Scenarios Baseline Landuse Change % change Luang Prabang Baseline Landuse Change % change Vientiane Baseline Landuse Change % change Nakhon Phanom Baseline Landuse Change % change Mukdahan Baseline Landuse Change % change Pakse Baseline Landuse Change % change Stung Treng Baseline Landuse Change % change Kratie Baseline Landuse Change % change 106751643 2 10,126 10,352 2 15,112 15,396 2 15,914 16,113 1 24,500 24,787 1 26,092 26,494 2 33,803 34,166 1 42,795 43,362 1 43,989 44,589 1 5 11,815 12,008 2 16,922 17,150 1 17,265 17,489 1 27,817 28,065 1 30,321 30,675 1 40,261 40,695 1 51,347 52,019 1 52,622 53,314 1 Return Periods 10 20 12,449 12,844 12,593 12,955 1 1 17,402 17,631 17,606 17,821 1 1 17,556 17,676 17,790 17,915 1 1 29,091 29,896 29,323 30,117 1 1 32,265 33,672 32,584 33,958 1 1 43,678 46,435 44,148 46,929 1 1 56,199 60,327 56,895 61,020 1 1 57,476 61,578 58,186 62,281 1 1 50 13,159 13,259 1 17,769 17,948 1 17,737 17,979 1 30,551 30,762 1 35,003 35,249 1 49,373 49,892 1 64,998 65,659 1 66,184 66,852 1 A.3- 18 100 13,305 13,259 0 17,816 17,991 1 17,754 17,997 1 30,858 31,065 1 35,731 35,952 1 51,189 51,721 1 68,062 68,682 1 69,182 69,809 1 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 3.5.4 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding Figure A 3-9 shows the difference in inundated area for peak flood conditions in the year 2000. As would be expected from the above time-series analysis results, there are no observable differences between the two scenarios. Flooded levels are either the same or reduced by less than 0.01 m. Figure A 3-9 106751643 Map showing the difference in inundation depths downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Catchment Cover Change) A.3- 19 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 3-9: Maximum inundation areas by depth class in the year 2000 Flooded Area by depth class (km 2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario Baseline Conditions >0m Catchment Cover Change Table A 3-10: (km2) Difference Area Difference Percent (%) >0.5 m > 1.0 m > 2.0 m > 4.0 m 43,328 42,003 38,612 29,664 16,409 43,333 5 42,006 3 38,596 -16 29,654 -10 16,418 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Inundation duration > 0.5 m depth for the year 2000 Flooded Area >0.5 m by Duration (km2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario Baseline Conditions Catchment Cover Change 3.5.5 (km2) Difference Area Difference Percent (%) > 1 day 59,300 > 1 mth 55,444 > 2 mths 51,687 > 4 mths 43,679 > 6 mths 29,650 59,411 55,477 51,776 43,634 29,706 111 33 89 -44 56 0.2 0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.2 Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion The lack of any differences between the two scenarios is clear from the lack of differences apparent in Table A 3-11 which shows the area of each salinity exceedance class and the differences with the Baseline Scenario. There is no more than a 0.3% increase in the area of any salinity class. Figure A 3-10 shows the area affected. 106751643 A.3- 20 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Figure A 3-10 Map showing the extent of Catchment Cover Change saline intrusion for maximum dry-season salinity intrusion in year 2000 Table A 3-11: Maximum dry-season salinity intrusion areas Maximum Saline Intrusion by Salinity Class (km 2) Jan 2000 – June 2000 Scenario > 1 g/l Baseline Conditions Catchment Cover Change 106751643 (km2) Difference Area Difference Percent (%) > 4 g/l > 8 g/l > 15 g/l 21,603 19,287 17,279 14,195 21,671 19,324 17,286 14,183 69 37 7 -13 0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.1 A.3- 21 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 3.5.6 Test 6: Irrigated agriculture performance Compared to the baseline conditions the shortfall in theoretical water requirement (as measured in million hectare days of irrigation equivalent per year1) is marginally reduced by the changes in water availability caused by catchment cover change. Table 3-12 illustrates the impact in each year. Table A 3-12: Impacts of catchment cover change on sustainable irrigation area Sustainable area (Mha-days) Year Baseline Catchment change Difference % change 1986 162.12 165.13 3.00 1.9% 1987 158.52 161.55 3.03 1.9% 1988 173.42 176.63 3.21 1.9% 1989 171.01 174.24 3.23 1.9% 1990 161.79 164.99 3.20 2.0% 1991 150.43 153.43 3.01 2.0% 1992 160.45 163.51 3.06 1.9% 1993 141.04 143.87 2.83 2.0% 1994 164.32 167.28 2.96 1.8% 1995 168.36 171.38 3.02 1.8% 1996 167.89 170.98 3.10 1.8% 1997 152.36 155.36 3.00 2.0% 1998 154.15 157.19 3.04 2.0% 1999 168.92 172.02 3.10 1.8% 2000 166.55 169.78 3.23 1.9% Average 161.42 164.49 3.07 1.9% 1 Sustainable area represents the aggregate area in a year (expressed in million hectare-days, ie the sum of the areas under irrigation on each day of the year) equivalent to that which could be theoretically irrigated with the water abstracted. The sustainable area is found to be commonly less than the recorded irrigated area, reflecting the likelihood that not all crops are irrigated to the full extent determined from theoretical calculations. It may be noted that theoretical calculations include an estimated efficiency factor, and part of the apparent deficit may be attributed to uncertainties in the estimated efficiencies. Deficit area is the difference between the target area and the sustained area, again expressed in Mha-days. 106751643 A.3- 22 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 3.5.7 Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes There is no change in the maximum longitudinal fish migration network extent as there were no physical barriers introduced that would reduce it. It is evident from the inundation and inundation-duration maps and tables above that there are no changes in flooded area and therefore no changes to the lateral connectivity of the river to the floodplain. 3.5.8 Impacts on flows in the tidal areas Impacts of climate change on flows below Kratie are illustrated by reference to representative flows in the year 2000 at Chau Doc, Tan Chau and Phnom Penh (Mekong) in the figures and table below. Figure A 3-11 Comparison of flows at Chau Doc for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change) Time Series Analysis Tool 9,000 (S1 is baseline, S3 is catchment cover change scenario) 8,000 Flow(cumecs) 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Chau Doc: Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S3] Chau Doc: Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 106751643 A.3- 23 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Figure A 3-12 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change) Time Series Analysis Tool 28,000 26,000 24,000 22,000 Flow(cumecs) 20,000 (S1 is baseline, S3 is catchment cover change scenario) 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Tan Chau: Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S3] Tan Chau: Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 Figure A 3-13 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus Catchment Cover Change) Time Series Analysis Tool 40,000 38,000 36,000 34,000 (S1 is baseline, S3 is catchment cover change scenario) 32,000 30,000 28,000 Flow(cumecs) 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Phnom Penh (Mekong): Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S3] Phnom Penh (Mekong): Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 106751643 A.3- 24 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 3-13: Impacts of catchment change on flows and water levels at Chau Doc, Tan Chau and Phnom Penh (Mekong) for year 2000 Flow (m3/s) 3.6 Stage (mAD) Max Value Max Date Min Value Min Max Date Min Value Min Date Max Value Phnom Penh Mekong upstream – Catchment cover change 40,877 18/07 1,615 03/04 9.98 16/09 0.77 02/04 Phnom Penh Mekong upstream - Baseline 40,815 18/07 1,632 03/04 9.98 16/09 0.79 02/04 Phnom Penh Mekong upstream - Difference 62 0 days -17 0 days 0.00 0 days -0.02 0 days Tan Chau – Catchment cover change 28,078 20/9 1,803 04/04 5.61 19/09 0.36 01/04 Tan Chau - Baseline 28,063 20/9 1,826 03/04 5.61 19/09 0.37 01/04 Tan Chau - Difference 15 0 days -23 1 day 0.00 0 days -0.01 0 days Chau Doc - Catchment cover change 9,831 23/09 69 06/04 4.92 22/09 0.18 29/04 Chau Doc - Baseline 9,813 23/09 73 06/04 4.92 22/09 0.18 29/04 Chau Doc - Difference 18 0 days -3 0 days 0.00 0 days 0.00 0 days Date Conclusions and Recommendations The objective is to assess the effect of reducing catchment forest cover by half in the Lower Mekong Basin by conversion of all forest types to a type of non-irrigated agriculture (SWAT land use code AGRF). It was expected that such a change would have impacts in both the wet and dry seasons, making both more extreme. Flows entering the LMB from China were not altered because these flows are not modelled, but treated as an inflow based on the same historical flows as were used in the Baseline Scenario. The changes in land use were represented by altering values of CN2 (‘Curve Number’) within each of the SWAT sub-basins that contained any of the five forest types. No change was made to any other parameters, in part because of the hard coded limitations reported on in the calibration report. 106751643 A.3- 25 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation As the SWAT sub-basins in fact cover a range of land use types, the CN2 values are representative of not just the predominant land use, but also the other minor land uses. This in part explains the variation in CN2 values between sub-basins despite them having the same nominal ‘land use’ and hydrologic soil type. Because only half the forest cover was removed, the CN2 values for each forested sub-basin were altered by 50% of what would be the case if all the forest were to be cleared. The new value for each sub-basin is provided in a look-up table (Table A 3-1) that was derived by linear optimisation of the range of CN2 values within each land use – hydrologic soil type such that departures from the mean were on average minimised. The testing demonstrated that the Catchment Cover Change scenario has minimal impact on either dry or wet season flows. This was unexpected but when investigated proved to be correct. Fundamentally, the maximum potential evapo-transpiration (PET) is highly constrained under the generally prevailing humid conditions in the Lower Mekong Basin. Coupled with higher potential leaf-transpiration rates for nonforest vegetation and the majority of soils in the hilly forested areas having soil depths less than 2 m, means that grass and crops have an equal, or sometimes even greater potential to use the available soil moisture than does forest. Hence actual evapotranspiration rates can be close to, equal or higher than those for forest. Consequently, the results of this scenario are quite profound if confirmed by actual data collected in the region. They show that there would be essentially no change in the volume of runoff and only small changes in the timing. Trans-boundary impacts, therefore, are not generated by even a 50% reduction in remaining forest cover. 106751643 A.3- 26