Appendix A-7 DSF Demonstration Scenario No.7: Floodplain Embankments Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Contents 7 Scenario 7: Impact of Floodplain Embankments 7.1 Scenario Objective 7.2 Specification of Scenarios in the DSF 7.2.1 Climate Component 7.2.2 System Demand Component 7.2.3 Assumed Interventions Component 7.3 Model Setup 7.3.1 SWAT Models 7.3.2 IQQM Model 7.3.3 iSIS Model 7.4 Demonstration Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change – Test Results: Primary Level 7.5 Scenario 7: Embankment Scenario – Test Results: Secondary Level 7.5.1 Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow 7.5.2 Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season 7.5.3 Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season 7.5.4 Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding 7.5.5 Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion 7.5.6 Test 6: Irrigated agriculture performance 7.5.7 Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes 7.5.8 Impacts on flows in the tidal areas 7.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 106750408 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 7 7 7 7 12 14 14 14 17 A.7-ii Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Figures Figure A 7-1: Location of the 150 km long embankment intervention (pink line) ................................................................................................................... 2 Figure A 7-2 Maps of inundated area downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions and Embankment scenario) ................................................................................................... 8 Figure A 7-3 Map showing the difference in inundated area downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Embankment scenario).......................................................................... 9 Figure A 7-4 Inundation-depth maps for >0.5 m depth during peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions and Embankment scenario) .................................................................................................10 Figure A 7-5 Map showing the difference in the depth-duration >0.5 m for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Embankment scenario)....11 Figure A 7-6 Map showing the extent of Embankment scenario saline intrusion for maximum dry-season salinity intrusion in year 2000................13 Figure A 7-7 Map showing the difference in saline intrusion for maximum dryseason salinity intrusion in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Floodplain Embankments) .................................................................13 Figure A 2-12 Comparison of flows at Chau Doc for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus LMB dams scenario) ...........................................14 Figure A 2-13 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus floodplain embankments scenario)...................15 Figure A 2-14 Comparison of flows at Phnom Penh (Mekong) for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus floodplain embankments scenario)..15 106750408 A.7-iii Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Tables Table A 7-1: Maximum inundation areas by depth class in the year 2000 ............11 Table A 7-2: Inundation duration > 0.5 m depth for the year 2000 ......................12 Table A 7-3: Maximum dry-season salinity intrusion areas .....................................14 106750408 A.7-iv All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation 7 Scenario 7: Impact of Floodplain Embankments 7.1 Scenario Objective The objective is to assess the effect of restricting inundation of the floodplain downstream of Kratie. It is analysed in terms of impacts in both the wet and dry seasons with respect to flood levels and depth-durations and salinity penetration. There is ample evidence to demonstrate that there is a slow but accelerating pace of floodplain fragmentation and alienation from flooding. In the Cambodian portion of the floodplain, this is occurring principally through such developments as upgrading of existing roads, construction of new roads and new irrigation channels, rather than deliberate flood control works. In Vietnam on the other hand, it is the construction of irrigation channels, levees and regulators that cause restrictions to flooding and indeed to salinity penetration in the delta. Of course, these changes have both positive and negative aspects, such as for agriculture, aquaculture and capture fisheries. It is up to the users of the DSF to determine what their planning objectives are and to correspond these with specific assessment criteria. This then needs to lead on to the identification of appropriate indicators in each case that can be simulated by the DSF models, together with the thematic layers stored in its Knowledge Base. Of all the possible interventions that could and should be modelled, this demonstration scenario is but one. Its sole purpose is to demonstrate how it can be done and the scale of impact if an (unlikely) project was undertaken was made to protect the entire left bank floodplain in Cambodia from Kampong Cham to downstream of Phnom Penh where Cambodian National Road No.1 crosses the Mekong River. 7.2 Specification of Scenarios in the DSF 7.2.1 Climate Component There are no differences compared with the Baseline Scenario. 106750408 A.7- 1 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 7.2.2 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation System Demand Component There are no differences in system demands compared to the Baseline Scenario. Any changes that would in fact take place by virtue of making an large area of the floodplain flood free, have not been taken into account in this scenario. 7.2.3 Assumed Interventions Component The map in Figure A 7-1 shows the 150 km long embankment in Cambodia. It extends from upstream of Kampong Cham to Cambodian National Road No.1 where it crosses the Mekong River. Its height was set to a very high level such that it would never be overtopped during floods. The majority of the area that is leveed off by the embankment is agricultural land, although there are some areas of reed and grassland wetlands and forest. Towards its downstream end there is one long permanent water body. Two areas of flow constriction would be created, one adjacent to Kampong Cham and one adjacent to Phnom Penh. It is the latter constriction that is likely to raise water levels in Tonle Sap Lake and cause additional flooding in and around Phnom Penh. Figure A 7-1: 106750408 Location of the 150 km long embankment intervention (pink line) A.7- 2 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 7.3 Model Setup 7.3.1 SWAT Models Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Model Configuration No changes were made, however, it is worth noting that the SWAT sub-basins that abut the iSIS hydrodynamic model extend only to the wet-season flood limit, i.e the area covered by the iSIS schematisation. Any rain falling on the floodplain, between the river and the SWAT sub-basins when not flooded, is ignored in iSIS as though it all soaks into the ground; the ground being very flat and dry after the dry season. Thus for any particular floodplain area, rain is only added to the water balance when river flood waters inundate that location. Thus when the embankment is introduced, a large area of the floodplain is made permanently free of river flooding, but rain falling on it is not taken into account. Whilst this may have been a reasonable assumption under Baseline Conditions, as the period of the year when rain falls on a dry floodplain prior to river flooding is relatively short at the beginning of the wet season, it may not be appropriate under such extreme flood mitigation scenarios as this one, where rain falling on the protected part of the floodplain is unaccounted for over the entire wet season. Model Input Variables No changes required. 7.3.2 IQQM Model Model Configuration Whilst no changes were made in this demonstration scenario, in practice many changes could be anticipated that should reasonably be modelled as an integral part of such a development. This might include such things as increased dry-season irrigation in the protected area, increased wet season irrigation demands, inclusion of the rain falling on the protected floodplain area in the wet season, even though not flooded (see s.2.3.1 above) and changes in socio-economic conditions, including population growth and distributions. Model Input Variables No changes required. 106750408 A.7- 3 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 7.3.3 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation iSIS Model Model Configuration The variables remain the same as for the Baseline Conditions scenario, with the sole differences being the raised elevation of the new embankment. The embankment was located such that it used existing features included in the model, such as the natural river levee, roads and other structures. Hence, no changes to the cell or node structure of the model were required. Model Input Variables Other than changing the height values (‘z’ values) of the above mentioned features that were used to form the raised embankment, no other changes were required. 106750408 A.7- 4 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 7.4 Demonstration Scenario 3: Impact of Catchment Cover Change – Test Results: Primary Level Tests 1 to 3 : MRC Agreement, Article 6 requirements Tests against Article 6 Scenario conforms? Most Critical Location? By how much? Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow Yes N/A No changes Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season Yes Tonle Sap Lake levels are raised by up to 0.5 m over most of the lake, a result of increased flow reversal Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season No Kampong Cham Peak wet season river levels are raised by up over 1.0 m near Kampong Cham Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding (km2) – downstream of Kratie. Awaiting iSIS results Flooded Area >0.5 m by Duration (km2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario Baseline Conditions > 1 day 59,300 > 1 mth 55,444 > 2 mths 51,687 > 4 mths 43,679 > 6 mths 29,650 Embankment Scenario Difference Area (km2) Difference Percent (%) Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion (km2) – in the delta. Awaiting iSIS results Maximum Saline Intrusion by Salinity Class (km 2) Jan 2000 – June 2000 Scenario > 1 g/l Baseline Conditions 21,603 > 4 g/l 19,287 > 8 g/l 17,279 > 15 g/l 14,195 Embankment Scenario 106750408 Difference Area (km2) Difference Percent (%) A.7- 5 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Test 6: Irrigated agriculture performance Total Deficit Upstream of Kratie (million hectare days) Baseline Conditions 42.77 Scenario Illustrations of approach in Scenarios (1) – (3) Difference (million hectare days) - Difference (%) - Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes Maximum Connected River Length (km) Baseline Conditions 45,571 Scenario 7: Embankment scenario Difference (Km or 106750408 Maximum Flooded Area (km2) 43,328 45,571 Km2) 0 Difference (%) 0 A.7- 6 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation 7.5 Scenario 7: Embankment Scenario – Test Results: Secondary Level 7.5.1 Test 1: Acceptable Minimum Monthly Dry Season Flow This and subsequent time-series tests below, were not conducted as the results are the same as the Baseline Conditions for all mainstream assessment sites from Kratie upstream. Downstream of Kratie, iSIS has only been run for the year 2000 at the time of the demonstration testing, hence it is not possible to provide flow regime-based comparisons for sites downstream of Kratie as the IQQM river simulation model ends at the upstream end of the iSIS hydrodynamic model. 7.5.2 Test 2: Acceptable Reverse flow of Tonle Sap in Wet Season As above, the results of the Embankment scenario will be the same as for Baseline Conditions for peak wet season flows at Kratie (the basis for determining if an acceptable level of flooding is achieved in Tonle Sap). Maps and tabulated data of flood depth, depth-durations and changes to these indicators between the Embankment scenario and Baseline Conditions, are provided in s.2.5.4 below. 7.5.3 Test 3: Average Daily Peak Main Stream Flow in the Flood Season As above, the results of the Embankment scenario will be the same as for Baseline Conditions for peak wet season flows from Kratie upstream. Changes downstream of Kratie have been explored through the various spatial analyses presented in the sections below. 7.5.4 Test 4: Extent and Duration of Flooding The extent of flooding is shown in Figure A 7-2 for both Baseline Conditions and the Embankment scenario. The difference in water levels is shown in Figure A 7-3. The triangular yellow area (i.e. agriculture) below Kampong Cham in the Baseline map is an artefact of the DeltaMapper process. Most of that area would in fact be flooded. With more time, users can avoid such problems when creating the TIN used by DeltaMapper to map the point data simulated by iSIS. However, the same aberration is present in all the maps generated in the demonstration testing process (although not evident in the Embankments scenario due to the absence of flooding in that area) and accordingly, between scenario comparisons of tabulated areas calculated from the maps are true measures of relative changes (but not absolute areas). 106750408 A.7- 7 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Baseline Conditions Embankment scenario Figure A 7-2 106750408 Maps of inundated area downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions and Embankment scenario) A.7- 8 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Figure A 7-3 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Map showing the difference in inundated area downstream Kratie for peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Embankment scenario) The changes in flooding are clearly apparent in the difference map (Figure A 7-3) above. Levels are as much as 2 m lower over large areas of Cambodia and Vietnam protected by the embankment and in some areas more than 4 m lower. These reductions are offset by increased water levels in the remaining inundated areas from Kratie downstream, being most severe (>1 m) in the vicinity of Kampong Cham where it can be seen the flow is highly constricted between the new embankment and the high ground to the north of the river. Height increases in Tonle Sap Lake are less, but substantial, at 0.5 – 0.55 m higher over the whole lake. Figure A 7-5 below shows the difference in duration of inundation for areas receiving at least 0.5 m depth of flooding. Durations are typically reduced by two months throughout the area protected by the embankment and by up to four months in some areas that flooded for long periods under Baseline Conditions. 106750408 A.7- 9 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Within Tonle Sap Lake the changes are the reverse of those above, the increases in flood duration being indicated by blue colours. Increases in durations of 14 to 30 days occur in a narrow band around the periphery of the lake, whilst changes in other areas are generally less than 14 days, whilst the center of lake remains unchanged. Baseline Conditions Embankment scenario Figure A 7-4 106750408 Inundation-depth maps for >0.5 m depth during peak flood conditions in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions and Embankment scenario) A.7- 10 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Figure A 7-5 Map showing the difference in the depth-duration >0.5 m for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Embankment scenario) The area of each depth class and differences tabulated in Table A 7-1. The values substantiate the differences observed in the above maps. The Embankment scenario decreases the total area flood by 3.4%, although in terms of depth classes, the greatest decrease of 4.3% is seen for the areas having depths greater than 0.5 m. Table A 7-1: Maximum inundation areas by depth class in the year 2000 Flooded Area by depth class (km 2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario Baseline Conditions >0m Embankment scenario 106750408 (km2) Difference Area Difference Percent (%) >0.5 m > 1.0 m > 2.0 m > 4.0 m 43,328 42,003 38,612 29,664 16,409 41,847 -1,481 40,180 -1,823 37,501 -1,111 29,350 -314 16,728 318 -3.4 -4.3 -2.9 -1.1 1.9 A.7- 11 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only As observed in Table A 7-2 the reduction in flood duration at locations having at least 0.5 m flooded depth is more uniform across the depth-duration classes but is never greater than 5.2%. Table A 7-2: Inundation duration > 0.5 m depth for the year 2000 Flooded Area >0.5 m by Duration (km2) Year 2000 (Wet Year) Scenario > 1 day > 1 mth > 2 mths Baseline Conditions 59,300 55,444 51,687 43,679 29,650 Embankment scenario 56,225 52,668 49,461 42,014 28,112 -3,075 -2,776 -2,226 -1,664 -1,538 -5.2 -5.0 -4.3 -3.8 -5.2 7.5.5 Difference Area (km2) Difference Percent (%) > 4 mths > 6 mths Test 5: Extent and Duration of Saline Intrusion Figure A 7-6 below shows the maximum saline intrusion area under the Embankment scenario in the year 2000. The differences are shown as zones of coloured bands in the difference map Figure A 7-7, from which areas of change can be seen on the west and east sides of the delta. The total area of each salinity threshold class is provided in Table A 7-3 which also presents the differences to the Baseline Scenario. Whilst there is no more than a 1% decrease in any salinity class area, interestingly all changes are towards fresher conditions, except for a very small area in the west of the delta. Intuition might have lead to the reverse case being assumed prior to the analysis because of the large area of reduced flooding in the eastern portion of the Cambodian floodplain. However, what is driving the trend to fresher conditions in the delta is the 0.5 m peak flood levels in Tonle Sap. This provides a correspondingly higher volume that takes longer to discharge in the dry season. Thus flows are slightly higher downstream of Phnom Penh (not analysed in this demonstration scenario report, but the data are in the DSF for interest parties to analyse them for themselves), even into the driest months. 106750408 A.7- 12 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Figure A 7-6 Map showing the extent of Embankment scenario saline intrusion for maximum dryseason salinity intrusion in year 2000 Figure A 7-7 Map showing the difference in saline intrusion for maximum dry-season salinity intrusion in year 2000 (Baseline Conditions verses Floodplain Embankments) 106750408 A.7- 13 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Table A 7-3: Maximum dry-season salinity intrusion areas Maximum Saline Intrusion by Salinity Class (km 2) Jan 2000 – June 2000 Scenario > 1 g/l Baseline Conditions Embankment Scenario 7.5.6 Difference Area Difference Percent (%) > 4 g/l > 8 g/l > 15 g/l 21,603 19,287 17,279 14,195 21,477 19,155 17,154 14,083 -125 -131 -125 -112 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.8 (km2) Test 6: Irrigated agriculture performance See Scenarios (1) – (3) for demonstration of this test. 7.5.7 Test 7: Degree of Connection for Fisheries Purposes There is no change in the maximum longitudinal fish migration network extent as there were no physical barriers introduced that would reduce it. Changes in lateral connectivity to the floodplain can be observed through the inundation and inundation-duration maps and tabulated data presented above. 7.5.8 Impacts on flows in the tidal areas Impacts of LMB dams scenario on flows below Kratie are illustrated by reference to representative flows in the year 2000 at Chau Doc, Tan Chau and Phnom Penh (Mekong) in the figures and table below. Figure A 7-8 Comparison of flows at Chau Doc for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus LMB dams scenario) 106750408 A.7- 14 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Time Series Analysis Tool 10,000 9,000 8,000 Flow(cumecs) 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Chau Doc: Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S7] Chau Doc: Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 Figure A 7-9 Comparison of flows at Tan Chau for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus floodplain embankments scenario) Time Series Analysis Tool 28,000 26,000 24,000 22,000 Flow(cumecs) 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Tan Chau: Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S7] Tan Chau: Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 Figure A 7-10 Comparison of flows at Phnom Penh (Mekong) for year 2000 (Baseline Conditions versus floodplain embankments scenario) 106750408 A.7- 15 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only Time Series Analysis Tool 42,000 40,000 38,000 Flow(cumecs) 36,000 34,000 32,000 30,000 28,000 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 15/01/2000 15/03/2000 14/05/2000 13/07/2000 [S1] Phnom Penh (Mekong): Flow 11/09/2000 10/11/2000 [S7] Phnom Penh (Mekong): Flow 01/Jan/2000 - 30/De c/2000 Table A 7-4: Impacts of floodplain embankments scenario on flows and water levels at Chau Doc, Tan Chau and Phnom Penh (Mekong) for year 2000 Flow (m3/s) 106750408 Stage (mAD) Max Value Max Date Min Value Min Max Date Min Value Min Date Max Value Phnom Penh Mekong upstream – Floodplain Embankments 43,323 20/07 1,633 03/04 10.37 15/09 0.79 02/04 Phnom Penh Mekong upstream Baseline 40,815 18/07 1,632 03/04 9.98 16/09 0.79 02/04 Phnom Penh Mekong upstream Difference 2,508 2 days 1 0 days 0.39 -1 day 0.00 0 days Tan Chau – Floodplain Embankments 27,999 16/9 1,811 03/04 5.60 18/09 0.37 01/04 Tan Chau - Baseline 28,063 20/9 1,826 03/04 5.61 19/09 0.37 01/04 Tan Chau - Difference -64 -4 days -15 0 days -0.01 -1 day 0.00 0 days Chau Doc - Floodplain Embankments 10,527 21/09 71 06/04 5.12 20/09 0.18 29/04 Chau Doc - Baseline 9,813 23/09 73 06/04 4.92 22/09 0.18 29/04 Chau Doc - Difference 714 -2 days -2 0 days 0.20 -2 days 0.00 0 days Date A.7- 16 All assessments are made for DEMONSTRATION purposes only 7.6 Mekong River Commission - Water Utilisation Project Component A: Development of Basin Modelling Package and Knowledge Base (WUP-A) Technical Reference Report:: DSF 650 DSF Testing and Evaluation Conclusions and Recommendations Substantial changes in flood patterns are observed for this scenario, as would be expected from such a dramatic intervention. The most significant changes are the major reductions in flood depths and durations in the area protected by the floodplain embankment, i.e. that area to the south of Kampong Cham and to the east of Phnom Penh. Balancing these decreases are the increases in Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake levels. An unforeseen impact is the (slight) decrease in saline intrusion in the delta due to the higher volume stored in Tonle Sap. This additional volume is discharged over the dry season months, including the driest month corresponding to the time of maximum saline intrusion. It is the constricted flow in the river reach between Kampong Cham and Phnom Penh that leads to the higher levels in the lake. These increases would not be without consequence, as can be seen from the difference map (Figure A 7-3) that many roads would be inundated for longer periods and to deeper levels, as would villages around the lake. A more comprehensive analysis and presentation could enumerate the number of villages and people in them, as well as impacts on flooded rice and other socio-economic activities. 106750408 A.7- 17