Geology 1121K

Geology 1121K
Introductory Geosciences I
Weekly Study Guide
Lab 8
The following list of topics is intended to guide the student during their studying of the topics introduced in the lab.
Not all topics in each chapter will be tested; however, any topics introduced in the laboratory by the instructor should
be considered information that will be tested. This list is meant only to guide the student as they study each chapter for
the exams. As you read through each chapter, pay particular attention to the words marked in bold and italics.
Chapter 9 – Topographic Maps
o What is a topographic Map? What does it show and how does it show it?
 What is the difference between a topographic map and a planimetric
 Topographic quadrangles and declination
 What is the quadrangle and how is it bounded?
 What do the terms “7.5” and “15 minute” quadrangles refer to?
 What are GN (grid north), TN (true North) and MN (magnetic
o How does each relate to one another and how are they
represented on a map?
o What is magnetic declination?
o Be able to determine the magnetic declination of a map.
 Map symbols and revisions
 Be able to identify the basic map symbols on a topo map as
worked through in lab
 Contour lines
 What are contour lines (what do they represent and how are they
shown on a map?)
 What are index contours and the contour interval?
 Reading elevations: Relief and Gradient
 What is a benchmark?
 What is local and total relief?
 Be able to determine the elevation of a location, the relief
between two points and the gradient of a slope
 Scale
 What is scale?
 What are the different types of scales notes on maps?
 Be able to measure distances on the map and convert to
meaningful distances on the ground
 Topographic Profiles