TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 1995 In pursuance of the powers exercised by it as District Planning Authority this Council, DOES HEREBY GIVE NOTICE of its decision to REFUSE PERMISSION for the development detailed below. APPLICATION NO: F/COL/03/0730 APPLICATION DATE: 29th April 2003 PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing service station, sales building and provision of a new convenience store and residential units - Resubmission of COL/02/1563 LOCATION: 280 Maldon Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3BN APPLICANT: Manhattan Corporation C/o Agent 1. Policy TCS1 of the Colchester Borough Local Plan 2nd Deposit Draft adopts a sequential approach to the consideration of proposals for new retail development, however Policy TCS2a indicates that small stores, which primarily serve a local walk in the catchment area, will be permitted in the urban area where they are widely accessible to the local catchment population and would not prejudice the vitality and viability of a defined shopping centre. Policy B/S1 of the Adopted Review Colchester Borough Local Plan and 2nd Deposit Draft Policies DC1 and TCS11 also presume against retail proposals which would adversely affect defined Local Shopping Centres. The Council does not consider that the proposal constitutes a smaller store as envisaged by Policy TCS2a in the Colchester Borough Local Plan 2nd Deposit Draft. At 383 sq.m. it exceeds by some margin the size anticipated for such stores (300 sq. metres). With reference to the proposed modification to TCS2a to delete the 300m2 threshold and replace it with a small store based on function, role and catchment it is considered that the proposal does not constitute a small store. This is because it would have a larger catchment area than envisaged by the policy and be unlikely to primarily serve a local walk in catchment area. By reason of its location between two main roads leading into Colchester town centre and its occupation by the Country's leading retailer the store is bound to serve a wider role than anticipated for smaller stores by the emerging local plan. DC100MW 02/02 Need for the store has not been adequately demonstrated. In particular insufficient evidence has been submitted to indicate that there is a shortfall in day to day convenience provision in the area. Nor has a convincing argument been made on the grounds of encouraging more sustainable patterns of development. The proposal is likely to lead to a significant diversion of trade from the existing anchor retail stores at the two nearby local shopping centres at Prettygate/The Commons and Shrub End, thereby compromising the vitality and viability of these two centres. The implications would be increased further if the current proposal is considered cumulatively with other "pipeline" schemes. The proposal is consequently considered unacceptable in retail policy terms and is contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan. 2. Policies in the Adopted Review Colchester Borough Local Plan and Colchester Borough Local Plan 2nd Deposit Draft seek to protect existing residents from development where either it, or activities associated with it, including vehicular noise, would unduly affect their amenities. The application site lies within a predominantly residential area and is surrounded on all sides by residential development. The Council has successfully resisted proposals for open early/close late commercial operations on this site. This application proposes a busy retail use intending to operate from 06.00hrs to midnight daily with the likelihood of early morning and late night servicing. These hours are considered excessive and unacceptable given the close proximity to residential property whose occupants are likely to suffer from an unreasonable degree of noise disturbance. Potential detriment to residential amenity is particularly highlighted by the extremely close proximity of the proposed open space service yard to existing dwellings at Rayleigh Mansions. The proposed development, if permitted, would prove unduly detrimental to the residential amenities of neighbouring occupiers contrary to Policies B/ENV1, B/ENV48 and H18 of the Adopted Review Colchester Borough Local Plan and Policies DC1, UEA12 and P1 of the Colchester Borough Local Plan 2nd Deposit Draft. DC100MW 02/02 3. Policy B/ENV1 in the Adopted Review Colchester Borough Local Plan and Policy UEA 12 in the Colchester Borough Local Plan 2nd Deposit Draft set out various design principles for new development including criterion (f) requiring that the design and layout of buildings should ensure that the amenity of adjacent property is not unreasonably affected. The proposed development, by reason of its footprint and height on the Maldon Road boundary, would give rise to a loss of amenity to the adjoining residential property at 278A Maldon Road. More specifically, the proposed development would result in a material reduction in daylight and outlook to habitable rooms lit by windows on the flank elevation. This would be contrary to the abovementioned policies. Date: 24th November 2003 Signed: Nicola George, Head of Planning and Protection In determining this application the Council has taken into account the following policies: Approved Review Borough Local Plan. B/S1 - New shopping development B/T3 - Road Hierarchy B/T8 - Car parking for new development B/T15 - Cycling facilities B/ENV1 - Non-residential design B/ENV32 -Development should retain landscape features. B/ENV48 - Pollution B/ENV54 - Economy of land use. B/H18 - Presumption against non-residential development in predominantly residential areas. Colchester Borough Local Plan -2nd Deposit Draft. DC1 - Development Control considerations UEA12, 13 & 14 - Design P1 - Pollution T2 - Cycle parking requirements T10 - Car parking (outside central Colchester) TCS1 - Protecting the vitality and viability of Colchester Town Centre TCS2a - Major food stores TCS11 - Rural, district and local shopping centres. DC100MW 02/02 Essex Structure Plan. CS2 - Protecting the Natural and Built Environment CS3 - Encouraging Economic Success BE1 - Urban intensification BE6 - Polluting, hazardous or noisy development TCR1 - Strategic hierarchy of urban centres TCR2 - Retail and town centre redevelopment - The Sequential Approach T6 - Walking and cycling. T12 - Vehicle parking. DC100MW 02/02