Unit 1: From Prehistory to Early Civilizations

Unit 1: From Prehistory to Early Civilizations
Chapter 1: Early Peoples of the World
Section I: Prehistoric Times
Pages 2-9
1. Where have the earliest human fossils been found?
2. Why would archeologists be interested in the artifacts of the early humans?
3. What would be three of our most common modern household tools?
4. How is human tool-making different from tool-making of other species?
5. What effect did changes in climate have on human life?
(What forces cause change?)
6. What are at least two possible reasons early humans migrated out of Africa?
7. What might be 2 of the challenges facing early humans as they migrated from Africa?
8. Why do you think Cro-Magnon people painted or carved animals?
Go to your book (Page 9) for the rest / (Using a Time Line)
9. Timelines are important in helping understand how one event may
10. B.C. stands for __________________________________
11. A.D. stands for “anno Domini” which means ___________________________________
12. A “c.” or “ca.” stands for “circa” which means _______________________________
13. B.C.E. stands for ______________________________________________
14. C.E. stands for ___________________________________________
15. Timelines may also help show how different groups have ________________ each other.
Unit 1: From Prehistory to Early Civilizations
Chapter 1: Early Peoples of the World
Section II: Early Settlements
Pages 10-15
1. What advantages did humans gain from using better tools?
2. How did climate changes encourage the spread of farming?
3. Why do you think humans began to domesticate animals?
4. How would you describe the three crafts developed in early permanent settlements?
(What common purpose did they have?)
5. Why was pottery making an important skill?
6. What is unusual about the way Catalhuyuk was constructed?
7. What were 2 of the benefits of living in a permanent settlement?
(How do groups determine unity and separation?)
8. Before money, how would one person get something that another person produced?
9. What is one opinion about how governments developed?
Go to your book (Page 15) for the rest / (Connect History and Archeology)
After reading the left hand side off the page, answer the following questions:
10. Without written records, how did archeologists learn about the Iceman’s history?
11. What objects were found in the Iceman’s tool kit?
12. How is archeology similar to history?
13. How is archeology similar to science?
14. What would be 5 things you’d feel were necessary for you to bring on a long trip today?
Unit 1: From Prehistory to Early Civilizations
Chapter 1: Early Peoples of the World
Section III: The Rise of Civilizations
Pages 16-19
1. What is one main feature of a civilization?
2. How did job specialization help people in early civilizations?
3. Why did some towns in early civilizations specialize in certain goods?
(Why is “where” important?)
4. What’s one good reason for developing a system of writing?
5. What kind of a geographic area would you pick to start a new community? And… why?
6. Is a river valley necessary for the development of a civilization? Why/Why not?
7. What is one factor you think led to the growth of civilization in the four river valleys?
8. What would be one thing a city might have that would be special enough to allow it to become
a capital of an area?
9. What is one way the growth of Mesopotamia is tied to the geography of the area?
10-14. You’re a farmer living in one of the cities located along a river. The spring floods have
begun. From what we read in this section, write a short letter (75 words) to a friend
describing how the river affects your life.