Events & Training Secretary

Technical Officials Co-ordinator
Role Descriptor
Responsible to:
Management Committee (Executive)
Aims & Objectives:
 To support the activities of Perth City Swim Club Technical Officials, and to
contribute to Club development.
 To ensure effective communication between PCSC Committee, Midland District
Swimming Technical Officials Convener, and Club Technical Officials
Duties & Responsibilities:
 To maintain an up to date record of all registered club technical officials (with membership secretary)
 To liaise directly with the District STO Convener on behalf of the Club
regarding recruitment and training
 To agree dates for officials’ training with the STO Convener/PCSC Head Coach
(target dates end September and February after scheduled new swimmer
 Within Perth City, make necessary arrangements for training ie book facility,
collect candidate names, arrange payments, complete paperwork.
 Identify and recruit individuals likely to benefit most from technical training
 Open meets - to identify technical officials for every Open meet and provide a
list of same detailing requested duties for submission by Events Secretary
 Home events - provide a list as above for Home Gala Convenor
 Midland District events – provide list as above for District STO Convener
 Tayside Age Group Leagues – compile list as above and forward direct to host
team Club Secretary or named contact
 Liaise with webmaster over content of officials pages on Club website to
ensure these are informative and up to date
 Advise Club Officials regarding timescales for training, funding, further sources
of information, British Swimming Technical Officials licensing and newsletter
 Advise PCSC Committee of nominations for Volunteer Awards
 Provide information on mechanisms for volunteering at National and British
events to all officials