DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. Name of School: Address of School: Person(s)/Group at Risk: Staff, Pupils, Contractors, Visitors and Hirers Type of Assessment: Initial Assessment/Review/Following Incident* Date of Assessment: Assessor: Task burns / explosions / penetrating eye injuries / eye injuries from UV and infrared / asphyxiation by CO2 or metal fume / electric shock Guidance Compliance Yes No N/A Action by Manager (If No, include actions. Yes, provide comments of how; N/A, provide comments of why not) Machinery maintained in safe condition by regular maintenance/inspection of equipment. …[state local arrangements]… Reference is made to CLEAPSS guide L254 All gas appliances will be inspected annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer and records maintained Pupils are only allowed to operate equipment under supervision of qualified staff Staff have completed training in accordance with the Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 1 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. FORGING & BRAZING Design and Technology Association training standard …[state relevant modules attended]… Only one pupil is allowed to operate the equipment at any one time Staff check the work and the setting of equipment before student use Substantial foot wear will be worn when undertaking heat treatments activities. Specific additional PPE will be provided and PPE requirement identified by signs Loose clothing is secured and long hair tied back Floor surfaces kept clean and obstacle free. Floor markings around machinery to identify hazard area Hot metal handled only with suitable tools which are quenched and stored safely after us Students warned of the dangers of ‘black heat’. Warning signs used when metal is left to cool Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems checked formally every 14 months by a competent contractor The equipment is provided with a power isolator either on or adjacent to the equipment, a gas shut off device and non return valves on both the gas and air lines It is controlled by a starter incorporating overload protection and no-volt release LEV system is provided and maintained Warning signs displayed after forge has been used when metal and/or ceramic chips are left to cool For brazing, the hearth contains only ceramic chips and/or firebrick blocks …[state which]… designed to be heated Ceramic chips are handled with appropriate tools if being moved as they remain very hot for some time Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 2 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. CRUCIBLE AND TILT FURNACES after heat has been applied. Care is taken to ensure that the chips are free from foreign bodies such as stones For forge work, the anvil is on a stable base at an appropriate height for the user Anvils and quenching tanks are situated as close as possible to the hearth. Tools stored on storage rack Fire resistant aprons, gloves, substantial footwear and a face shield conforming to BSEN166 9B will be used Equipment of the forced draught type is provided with a power isolator adjacent to the equipment, a gas shut off device and a non return-valve on the gas line. It is controlled by a starter incorporating overload protection and no-volt release Casting work is limited to aluminium, zinc based alloys lead free pewter …[state what]… LEV system is provided and maintained Casting is carried out in an area remote from a water supply – including sprinkler heads Only oil bonded casting sands used The crucible and any other tool or steel/ingot mould coming into contact with molten metal is pre-heated before use to avoid thermal shock and to remove moisture Aluminium alloys are never melted in a plain iron pot All tools which come into contact with the melt will be wire brushed and coated in a limestone refractory wash and thoroughly dried Moulding boxes are made of light alloy or steel and light-weight boxes are adequately weighted before pouring Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 3 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. WELDING Metal-arc welding All persons not taking part in the pouring operation are kept at a safe distance Fire resistant aprons, heat resistant gloves, protective footwear and a face shield conforming to BSEN166 9B will be used by all persons undertaking casting work or observing within the vicinity A good standard of general ventilation is ensured Welding areas are separated from other areas by …[state local arrangement, curtains, portable or fixed screens]… Walls within the welding area are painted black Warning notices are prominently displayed to prevent unprotected persons from entering the area whilst welding operations are undertaken Area kept free from combustible materials and waste. Fire extinguisher …[state type]… and fire blanket readily available. Welding equipment and welded materials will be stored away from combustibles until cool. Welding not undertaken on concrete or other nonrefractory base No welding to be undertaken within 30 minutes of working day’s end Users of welding equipment, and other observers in segregated welding area, will be provided with resistant aprons, heat resistant gloves, substantial footwear and eye protection. Eye protection to BSEN166 B will also be worn when chipping or cleaning welds No tanks containing potentially explosives vapours will be welded The equipment is provided with a power isolator adjacent to the equipment. Only welding systems with an open Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 4 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. Oxy-acetylene circuit voltage of not more than 50 volts AC or 120 volts DC will be used Welding equipment has reinforced insulation (two circles within a shield symbol) OR the work piece is earthed …[state which and delete as appropriate]… All jewellery is removed, including metal watch straps Face shield, incorporating an eye protection filter conforming with BSEN169 …[or the older standard BS679 - state which]…, will be worn. The correct grade of filter is used for the type of work carried out. Substantial footwear, a leather apron and gauntlets are worn The electrode cable is inspected before use to ensure it is in good condition. Care is taken not to place the hand set on to the earthed table or near other earthed equipment. An insulated container/hook is used …[state precise local arrangement]… The equipment is turned off if it is left unattended Smallest practicable cylinders used Gas cylinders ready for use are kept in the workshop and should be held securely, with the valves uppermost, next to a wall / bench / in a cylinder trolley…[amend and delete as appropriate]… Spare cylinders, whether full or empty, are kept in a secure, well-ventilated external store …[state where or delete if not applicable]… The equipment is kept in a clearly defined designated area away from sources of heat and combustible materials. Suitable notices indicating the presence of flammable gases under pressure are displayed …[state where]…. The location of cylinders is brought to the attention of the Fire Service during routine inspections. A schematic of any Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 5 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. HANDLING AND STORAGE OF CYLINDERS fixed installation pipework is kept Before using the equipment, hose connections etc. are inspected for damage and leaks. Regulators purged after use. Appropriate regulators, hoses, and torches are used. Nonreturn valves and flashback arrestors are fitted. All welding equipment is kept free from oil and grease All connections, regulators, valves and hoses should be checked for leaks regularly …[state local arrangement and frequency]… Proprietary leak detecting fluids used. Equipment is inspected annually by supplying contractor …[state who]… and is replaced every 5 years Substantial footwear, a leather apron and gauntlets are worn. Goggles, incorporating an eye protection filter conforming with BSEN169 …[or the older standard BS679 - state which]…, will be worn. The correct grade of filter is used for the type of work carried out. Substantial footwear, a leather apron and gauntlets are worn. Gas cylinders ready for use are kept in the workshop and should be held securely, with the valves uppermost, next to a wall / bench / in a cylinder trolley…[amend and delete as appropriate]… …[Delete as appropriate for tools/equipment not in place. Similarly, add the control measures for any additional tools/equipment not accounted for above. Reference should be made to the relevant CLEAPSS risk assessment and BS4163]… Spare cylinders, whether full or empty, are kept in a secure, well-ventilated external store away from drains or basements …[state where or delete if not applicable]… Care is taken to avoid striking or dropping cylinders/valves. Cylinders are never rolled Valves are operated without haste and never fully opened Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 6 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY AREAS AND ACTIVITIES – Heat Treatment Activities (CL24) HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS This checklist is developed to assist Managers in their duty to manage Heat Treatment Acitivities, Health and Safety within their areas of control. Managers should use this checklist as intended to identify gaps and build an action plan for continual improvement. against the back stop (so that other users know the valve is open). Valves are never wrenched shut Immediately a cylinder becomes empty, its valve will be closed. When changing cylinders, all valves and appliance taps are closed and naked flames before disconnecting them When reconnecting, all connections and washers are clean and in good condition and not over-tightened. A gas leak test is carried out each time a cylinder is changed using a proprietary leak test solution. If a leak is suspected all flames are extinguished and the cylinder valve turned off Damaged or leaking cylinders are labelled and taken outside to a safe place, away from drains or basements and any source of ignition. The supplier will be notified immediately and the area kept clear until the cylinders are removed. The workroom will be ventilated before re-use Equipment is inspected annually by supplying contractor …[state who]… and is replaced every 5 years Doc. No. Issue No. Prepared & Approved by IMS Approval 01 Corporate H&S Team IMS Co-ordinator Date Page 7