NEWFANE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Program Planning September 2015 Entered Grade 9 Graduation June 2019 Student _________________________________________________________Student Number ___________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: CAREER PLANS: After completing my formal education, I plan to be working as a ____________________________ EDUCATION PLANS: To prepare for my career, I will enter: A Two Year College A Trade/Tech School A Four Year College The Armed Services A Business School The Work Force If you plan further education, what will be your major field of study? __________________________________________ 2. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: UNITS NEEDED ENGLISH 4 SOCIAL STUDIES 4 MATHEMATICS 3 SCIENCE 3 ART OR MUSIC 1 HEALTH 1/2 FOREIGN LANGUAGE** 3* PHYS. ED. 1/2 (per year) *Regents credit in foreign language is awarded upon successful completion of the comprehensive regents examination. Some students will need to complete a fourth credit of study to fulfill this requirement. **Students taking a five credit sequence in career and technical education, art or music are exempt from the foreign language sequence requirement. CREDIT A minimum of 22 credits is required for a Regents diploma. All courses used for credit toward a REQUIREMENTS Regents Diploma must be Regents level with a passing grade on the Regents exam and course credit. A sequence is a specified number of credits in one subject area. All Adv. Regents Diploma students must choose one of the following: * 3 unit sequence in foreign language or *5 unit sequence in career and technical education or the arts. REGENTS: All students must take and pass a regents exam in the following areas: Math, English, Global Studies, U.S. History and Science. 3. DIPLOMA I expect to complete a major in: ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. STUDENT: I understand that it is my responsibility to give careful thought to my choices and discuss my plans with my counselor and my parents. Date: ________________ Student Signature: __________________________________________ Form #1568