Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Omran Contact Information Phone number: 084 6379562 - 084 6379569 Fax number: 084 6370025 E-mail Address: ama35@fayoum.edu.eg Office: Department of Computer Science - Faculty of Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University – Department of Computer Science - Faculty of Computers & Information P.O. Box: 63514 Academic Qualifications B.Sc. Computer Sciences - Department of Decision Support, Faculty of Computer Science - Cairo University- 2001 M.Sc. Department of Decision Support, Faculty of Computer Science- Cairo University- 2004 Ph.D. Department of Decision Support, Faculty of Computer Science - Cairo University - (IDSS include domain knowledge, modeling, and analysis systems to provide users the capability of intelligent assistance that significantly improves the quality of decision-making.) 2009 Academic Positions Lecturer: from 2009 to now Research interests Artificial Intelligent Data-mining Knowledge-Based Systems Geographical Information System Research Profile .Published 18 papers in several international journals and conferences .Participated in 9 projects for the Egyptian Cabinet, as a modeling expert Participated in 3 projects for the Data Mining and Computer Modeling Center of Excellent, as a .modeling expert. Ministry of Communications and Information .Participated in 2 international projects (EU, FAO), as a DSS expert Participated in 4 regional and local projects (Arab Organization for Agriculture Development. .League Arab States) as a modeling expert .Participated in Information Technology Planning for all the Egyptian Universities Supervising Ph.D. theses of Decision Support System students at the University of Military .)Technical College (1 Ph.D & 2 Masters Supervising Students' Graduation Project of Decision Support System & Data Mining at My . )University ( 35 projects Teaching Profile Participated in writing the "Self -Evaluation" reports for the faculty of Computers and .)Information, Fayoum University, for several academic years (4 years Lecturing various Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Data-Mining, Operations Research, and Futures Studies courses, at the Faculty of Computers and Information, Fayoum .University .Number of teaching hours, in the last 4 years, are 1500 H Ex of some Curses: Decision support systems, Information engineering, Software engineering, System analysis and design, Data-mining, Artificial intelligent, Neural network, .Operation Research and Crisis Management Conducting various seminars and workshops for senior government officials, in the Arab .region Number of seminars and workshops: 23 S&W .Lecturing various courses at several Egyptian universities Ex. of some Universities: Cairo University (faculty of computers and information and .Institute of statistical and information), Military Technical College and Fayoum Universities Academic Rank .Chief Information Officer (CIO). Fayoum University From 2009 - 2014 .Manager. Data Mining & DSS Center. Fayoum University From 2010 - 2014 IT Consultant. Arab Organization for Agriculture Development , League of Arab State From .2010 - 2013 Member of the National Committee for Information Technology Planning. Supreme Council of .Egyptian Universities From 2009 - 2014 .Chief Information Officer (CIO). Fayoum University From 2009 - 2014 Consultant. Data Mining and Computer Modeling Center of Excellent. Ministry of Communications and Information From 2008 – 2010. Consultant. Center for Futures Studies. Information and Decision Support Center. The Egyptian Cabinet From 2007 – 2011. Consultant for Information Systems. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). United Nation From 2005 – 2007. Head of the expert system department. Central Lab for Agriculture Expert Systems (CLAES). Egypt From 2004 – 2006. Researcher. The Central Laboratory of Expert Systems From 2002 – 2009. . Publications Refereed Journal Articles Ahmed Omran, Motaz Khorshid, Mohamed Saleh “Structural analysis with knowledge-based MICMAC approach”, International Journal of Computer Applications 86 (5), 39-43, 2014. Ahmed Omran, Motaz Khorshid “An intelligent recommender system for long view of Egypt's livestock production”, 2nd AASRI Conference on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics (CIB 2013, S.KORIA), IERI Procedia, 2013. Ahmed Omran, Motaz Khorshid “A knowledge-based approach for trend impact analysis”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC2013), India, 2013. Ahmed Omran, Motaz Khorshid “Intelligent Environmental Scanning Approach (A case study: the Egyptian Wheat crop production)”, International Conference on Applied Computing, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering (ICACC 2013, USA), IERI Procedia, 2013 Sahar Gnan, Tark Mohamed, Ahmed Omran , “An Ontology-Driven Decision Support System for Wheat Production”, The International Journal for Computer Science and Communication, 4 . (8), 11-17, 2013. Sahar Gnan, Tark Mohamed, Ahmed Omran ,“Effectives environmental scanning and structural analysis systems for long-term strategic planning: Syrian Wheat Production as a case study”, The International Journal for Computer Science and Communication, 4 (8), 11-17, 2013. Ahmed Omran , Mohamed Saleh , Hisham El-Shishiny “An Intelligent DSS to Anticipate the Impacts of Wildcards on the Tourism Industry in Egypt”, The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2010 Proceedings), 2010. Ahmed Omran , Mohamed Saleh , Motaz Khorshid “A Decision Support System for the Egyptian Food Security", The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, (ISDA 2010 Proceedings), 2010. N.Agami, M. Saleh, A.Omran, and H. El-Shishiny, “Futures studies tool for Wildcards”, ICGST International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), vol.8, Special Issue on computational Methods for the Tourism Industry, pp. 9-14, 2008. N.Agami, A. Omran, M. Salehand H. El-Shishiny, “An Enhanced Approach for Trend Impact Analysis”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal, Full Paper, Science Direct, Elsevier, 2009. A.Omran, N. Agami, M. Saleh, and H. El-Shishiny, “Integration Anticipating the Impacts of Wildcards on the Future of the Tourism Industry in Egypt”, eurochriedubai2008,Dubai, 2008. Refereed Proceedings Articles A.Omran, N. Agami, M. Saleh, and H. El-Shishiny, “Integration strategic planning and futures studies: theoretical justifications”, Sixth International Conferences, infos2008, faculty of computers and information, Cairo University, 2008. M.Saleh, A. Omran, N. Agami, “A Survey on Futures Studies Methods”, Sixth International Conference, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, 2008. A.Omran, M.Saleh, N.Agami, “A Futures Studies Tool to Anticipate the Impacts of Wildcards on the Future of the Tourism Industry in Egypt”,Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University. Fifth International Conference, 2007. M.Samany, M.Hely, and A.Omran “Optimizing Neural Networks Architecture and Parameters Using Genetic Algorithms for Diagnosing Plant Diseases", the 41st Annual Conference on Statistics, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, 2006. A.Omran, K.Motaz, K.Hisham, A.,Ihab., “A Conceptual Framework of a Web-Based KB-DSS for Financial Planning and Monitoring of a bank”, Fourth International Conference, INFOS2006, Cairo, 2006. A.Omran, M. Khorshid, A.Tharout and A.Badr “A DSS for Financial Planning of a Bank Based on Simulation Modeling and AI Techniques”,M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Computers & Information, Cairo University, 2004. A.Omran, M. Khorshid, A.Tharout and A.Badr “ARIMA Versus Artificial Neural Network”, ThirdInternational Conference, infos2003,Cairo, 2003. Skills Extensive use of Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Software Systems: GAMS. Advanced working knowledge of several computer simulation programming language such as SIMSCRIPT.II.5 and ARENA. Working knowledge of the Decision Support Packages and software such as DSSOMS, WinQSB, and IFPS. Working knowledge of the procedural languages such as Fortran and Pascal and Microsoft Systems. Working knowledge of Oracle on-line analytical process (OLAP) and other decision support tools.