Feature Summary


TPS Imaging

Feature Summary

Publication Date: August, 2008

Last Revision Date: August 4, 2008

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 2

TPS Imaging Feature Summary ................................................................................................................. 3

Architecture .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Storage of Documents in Imaging ......................................................................................................... 4

Network Bandwidth Considerations ...................................................................................................... 4

Security ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Viewing ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Indexing ................................................................................................................................................... 5

System Management ............................................................................................................................... 5

Documents from Alliance Import, Alliance Export, and CargoPoint .................................................. 5

Automated Processing of Source Documents ..................................................................................... 6


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

Introduction TPS Imaging is a Kewill solution for the storage, retrieval, and identification of document images for the Alliance Import, Alliance Export, and CargoPoint products. It integrates tightly with Kewill’s Internet Tracking and eVENT products.

This document outlines the characteristics and features of TPS Imaging. It refers to other documentation for details.


Imaging Architecture TPS Imaging is a 3-tier (data-application-client) database solution supported by ancillary tools and processes.

The data layer is the Cache’ database. TPS Imaging information is stored in the AMITAL nam espace in the Cache’ database. TPS Imaging integrates tightly with the Kewill Internet Tracking and eVENT products, which share a common data repository in the Cache’ database. For CargoPoint installations, the CargoPoint database, hosted by Microsoft SQL Server, is also part of the data layer.

The application layer is a Windows-based DCOM component called Alliance

Imaging Connection Server, which provides a connection-pooling mechanism for the Cache’ database. The client layer communicates with the Cache’ database via Alliance Imaging Connection Server. For CargoPoint installations, the client layer communicates directory with the CargoPoint database. Also in the application layer are a number of processes that support

TPS Imaging: the TPS Source Document Manager service and the TPS

Cache’ Connection Check service.

The client layer is comprised of two Windows-based applications: TPS Imaging

Document Viewer and TPS Source Document Processing. They provide all client functions, including viewing of indexed document images, indexing of source document images, and system management.


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

Storage of Documents in Imaging

Storage of Imaging


Imaging stores and presents rendered document images in multi-page compressed TIFF image format. As inputs it accepts TIFF, JPEG, and PDF image formats.

Imaging stores the document images in designated network folders.

Network Bandwidth Considerations

Considerations Characteristics of Imaging that require consideration for network bandwidth are:

Transfer of document images to the TPS Imaging client layer from the

TPS Imaging application layer

Transfer of document images to TPS Imaging from Alliance Import, and Alliance Export, CargoPoint, and other sources

Dissemination (printing, e-mail, disk) of document images from the

TPS Imaging client layer and from Internet Tracking and eVENT.


Access Security The TPS Imaging client layer is intended for use within a customer’s secured facilities. As such, its security is lightweight. Only system management functions are secured. Integration with Internet Tracking and eVENT is controlled by security features in those products.


Document Viewer Indexed documents are viewed via the TPS Imaging Document Viewer application in the client layer. Simple search filters that integrate with Internet

Tracking (if present) help the user find documents.

Indexed document display leverages the capabilities of the workstation hosting the TPS Imaging Document Viewer application.

Users can print, e-mail (MAPI), save to disk, delete, and recall (for reindexing) indexed documents via the TPS Imaging Document Viewer application.


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

TPS Imaging Feature Summary


Source Document

Indexing Description

Source documents are indexed (associated with shipments, as well as identified by document type and suffix) via the TPS Source Document

Processing application in the client layer. Source documents queued for indexing are displayed in a list called the Inbox in the TPS Source Document

Processing application. The user can view the contents of the queue and select the source document image that they want to process.

The processing screen in the TPS Source Document Processing application allows for document association and identification of the source document as a whole. However, tools within the TPS Source Document Processing application allow source documents to be split, merged, and edited prior to processing.

System Management

Description TPS Imaging system management is integrated into the TPS Source

Document Processing application in the client layer. System Management encompasses:


Process configuration and control

Reference information (Document Types, etc.)

Security controls access to System Management.

Documents from Alliance Import, Alliance Export, and CargoPoint

Description of Alliance


Alliance Import and Alliance Export send document requests to the Alliance

Fax/E-Mail Engine (currently Fax Sr.). The Alliance Fax/E-Mail Engine renders the document requests into document images and associated metadata files

(information about the document images such as shipment, document type, suffix, and document date/time). The document images and metadata files are sent to designated folders.

CargoPoint sends document images and metadata files directly to designated folders.

A p rocess in the Cache’ database reads the metadata files and stores the information for TPS Imaging.


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

Automated Processing of Source Documents

Automated Processing An important function of the TPS Source Document Manager service in the application layer is the retrieval of source documents from e-mail and/or folders. The service scans the source documents to detect lead sheets and automatically index the source documents accordingly. This feature is called


AutoScan facilitates the association of a large number of documents with shipments with a minimum amount of operator intervention. It works on the idea of lead sheets, which are specially encoded pages that separate documents and groups of documents in a scan stack. File Lead Sheets identify a set of documents that are to be associated with a particular shipment and precede that document group in the scan stack. Document Lead Sheets identify each document by its type, and precede each document in the scan stack. Lead Sheets are printed using the Lead Sheet Generator tool in the applications in the client layer.

AutoScan uses either OCR (Optical Character Recognition) or barcode recognition to detect and decode lead sheets. Documents that can be identified by a File Lead Sheet and a Document Lead Sheet are automatically indexed; those that cannot are placed in the Inbox for manual processing.

The example below illustrates how AutoScan works.


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

AutoScan Documents Example:

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

AutoScan illustration The first page in this scan stack is a Commercial Invoice . Because it is not preceded by a File Lead Sheet or a Document Lead Sheet, it is placed in the

Inbox for manual processing.

The second page is a File Lead Sheet for Import file number 101495.

The third page is another Commercial Invoice . It is not preceded by a

Document Lead Sheet, so it too is placed in the Inbox for manual processing.

The fourth page is a Document Lead Sheet for a Commercial Invoice.

The last page in this scan stack is a Commercial Invoice . Because it is preceded by both a File Lead Sheet and a Document Lead Sheet, it will be automatically indexed as a Commercial Invoice associated with Import file number 101495.


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc

TPS Imaging Feature Summary

Source documents retrieved from e-mail

Source documents retrieved from e-mail can be automatically indexed if the subject line of the e-mail message contains the information necessary to automatically index the document.

[See the on-line help of the TPS Source Document Processing application for details.]

Copyright © 2008 by Kewill plc [last revision date: 08/06/08]


Copyright © 2008 Kewill plc
