LEVI 3.0 – A Program For Multiple Criteria Evaluation Peldschus, F., Leipzig University of Applied Science Zavadskas, E.K., Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Ustinovičius, L., Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1. General description of the program The program LEVI 3.0 is a result of the co-operation between the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. Both institutions have done research into the problem of multiple criteria evaluation for several years. Due to the different approaches different methods were used by the two institutions. The common aim has always been the evaluation of the optimal variant for production processes in the building sector. With this new software it is possible to find solutions for a task using different methods and to compare the solutions. 2. Structure of the program 2.1 Input Every problem to be solved is represented by a matrix, which contains variants (rows) and criteria (columns). The variants represent a set of situations for a problem that really exist. All considered variants are evaluated using the same criteria. The results of the evaluation are put in a matrix. Usually the criteria have different dimensions. That is why their effectiveness can not be compared directly. An exception is the application of evaluation numbers without any dimensions according to a points system. This, however, involves subjective influences to a great extent. Hence, it should only be used in exceptional cases. In order to avoid the difficulties due to different dimensions of the criteria, the ratio to the optimal value is used. That way the discrepancy between the different dimensions of the optimal values is also eliminated. There are various theories about the ratio to the optimal value. Note that the decision for a theory may affect the solution. However, the values are mapped either on the interval [0;1] or on the interval [0,infinity) by the transformation. Only those well-known theories of transformation are used that are appropriate for both problems of maximisation and minimisation. Transformation through normalization of vectors is applied mainly to the method of solution “distance to the ideal point”, but may also be used for other methods. The ratio of the values remains constant for this transformation to the interval [0;1]. aij bij (1) m a i 1 2 ij The linear transformation uses a scale of the existing values. The calculated values are dependent on the size of the interval [a(io);a(iu)] and thus change if the interval is altered. bij aij aiu if bij should be maximised aio aiu (2) bij aio aij if bij should be minimised aio aiu aio – maximum value, aiu – minimum value The calculation of the relative deviation is a well performing linear transformation. The application of this transformation is limited to an interval (0..2 Min). a j aij * bij 1 aj (3) * a(j*) – optimal value for the criterion Using the non-linear transformation the calculation of the results is not dependent on the size of the interval. The values, however, are diminished more than by using the other methods. Min aij bij i aij 3 if Min i a ij is desirable (4) aij bij Max aij i 2 a ij is desirable if Max i After the transformation it is possible to evaluate the criteria with factors 0 < q(j) < 1. The sum of the weighting factors for the different criteria should equal 1, otherwise errors might occur in the solution. Only well-founded weighting factors should be used because the weighting factors are always subjective and influence the solution. 2.2 Methods of solution A distinction is made between one-sided and two-sided problems for the methods of solution. The one-sided problems are solved using various well-known methods of the selection of variants and the determination of an order of precedence. Using the Game Theory, the two-sided question aims at finding the equilibrium as a result of the rational behaviour of two parties having opposite interests or at the equilibrium in a game against nature. 2.2.1 One-sided problems For one-sided problems only the method of solution “distance to the ideal point” is considered in the actual version. A completion is planned. Using the method “distance to the ideal point” an order of precedence according to the deviation from the ideal variant is determined. The solutions consists of the following steps: The input matrix is transformed according to formula (1). With these dimension-less values the set a+ (ideal variant) and a(negatively ideal variant) are calculated. max f / j J , min f min f / j J , max f a a ij i i ij i i ij ij / j J / i 1, m f (5) (6) / j J / i 1, m f 1 , f 2 ,..., f n 1 , f 2 ,..., f n where J is the set of the problems of maximisation and J’ is the set of the problems of minimisation. With the distances L and L Li Li f fj 2 ij f fj 2 ij n j 1 n j 1 ; i; i 1, m ; i; i 1, m (7) (8) the relative proximity to the ideal variant is determined. Ki L1 Li Li , i ; i 1, m (9) The calculated values K(i) are in the interval [0;1] and can be ordered in a decreasing sequence, which is the wanted order of precedence. The limits of the interval are obtained from: 1 , if ai a ; Ki 0 , if ai a . (10) 2.2.2 Two-sided problems For two-sided problems a distinction is made between games with rational behaviour and games against nature. Games with rational behaviour The solutions for problems with rational behaviour are found in the ideal case as a saddle point solution (simple min-max principle) or as a combination of strategies (extended min-max principle). Simple min-max principle max min aij j i min max aij j (11) i If the solution with pure strategies is a saddle point (only one optimal strategy for each player)- trivial solution. Extended min-max principle Calculation of a point of equilibrium with mixed strategies (combination of strategies) max min A( s1 , s2 ) min max A s1 , s2 A s1 , s2 j i i j * * (12) 2.2.2 Games against nature Wald’s rule: This method searches for the best of the worse solutions. The decision-maker acts according to the worst situation occurring – pessimistic attitude. S1 S1i / S1i S1 max min aij * i j (13) Savage criterion: The aim is the minimization of the loss of appropriateness, which is the difference between the greatest and the achieved benefit. S1 S1i / S1i S1 min max cij cij max a rs a rs * i j r (14) r = 1, m ; s = 1, n Disadvantage of the method: the presence of non-optimal strategies affects the solution. Hurwicz’s rule: The optimal strategy is based on the best and the worst result. These values, calculated from the row minimum and row maximum, are unified to a weighted average using optimism parameters. S1 S1i / S1i S1 max hi hi min aij 1 max aij 0 1 * i i j (15) The value =1 gives the most pessimistic solution (Wald’s rule).For the value =0 only the maximal values are considered, greatest risk. Laplace’s rule: The solution is calculated under the condition, that all probabilities for the strategies of the opponent are equal. n * S1 S1i / S1i S1 max 1 / n aij i i 1 (16) Bayes’s rule: If the probabilities for the strategies of the opponent are given, the maximum for the expected value can be used. n n * S1 S1i / S1i max q j aij q j 1 i j 1 j 1 (17) Hodges-Lehmann-rule: With this rule confidence in the knowledge of the probabilities of the strategies of the opponent can be expressed by the parameter . n * S1 S1i / S1i S1 max q j aij 1 min aij 0 1 (18) j i j 1 =0 (no confidence) gives the solution according to Wald’s rule. =1 (great confidence) gives the solution according to Bayes’s rule. 2.2.3 Solutions for series of production The optimal variant for production of various products with different number of pieces is calculated using a weighted matrix. A requirement is that all product can be manufactured with the same variants of production. For each product a matrix for the considered variants of production is made and evaluated using the selected criteria. The sum of all these matrices, which are multiplied with the number of units of the corresponding product, is divided by the total number of units. Thus the modified matrix, which is processed using the described methods of solution, is created. The optimal variant of production is determined using the described methods of solution. 3. Applications The program LEVI was developed for the calculation of production processes in the building sector. Following the static equilibrium the equilibrium in the game theory has a particular significance. Comparing calculations with other methods of solution are necessary because the application of the equilibrium in the game theory to the building process is not always possible. Apart from the practical use of the program LEVI the scientific interest should be mentioned. Up to now it is not possible to evaluate the effects of the different methods of transformation on the numerical result. Another problem is the variety of the solutions. This causes difficulties for the practical user. These problems are to be solved through the application of the program LEVI.