Appendix C. Efficient computing methods and the analysis of multiplication operations When evaluating the fourth order orientation tensor components, aijkl , it is important to reduce the computing cost by using an efficient computing method for the closure approximation. The equations in this appendix describe an efficient computational method, and provide a detailed analysis of the corresponding multiplication operations for both the IBOF-5 and EBOF-5 closures. Using the symmetries and the normalization relations of aijkl , only nine independent components need to be calculated out of the 81 components of aijkl , regardless of which closure approximation is used. (The other 72 components can be evaluated based on the symmetries and normalization conditions, with negligible computing effort). Table C.1 summarizes the computation analysis for IBOF-5 and EBOF-5. Invariant-based system (IBOF-5) Introducing the symmetric part, as indicated in Eq. 8, explicitly into Eq. 7 results in the following equation: aijkl 1 ij kl ik jl il jk 3 aij akl aik a jl ail a jk 4 ij bkl klbij ik b jl il b jk jl bik jk bil 5 aij bkl a kl bij aik b jl ail b jk a jl bik a jk bil 6 bij bkl bik b jl bil b jk . 2 ij akl kl aij ik a jl il a jk jl aik jk ail (C.1) where the second order tensor bij represents the square of aij , i.e., bij aim am j (C.2) 1 1 / 3, 2 2 / 6, 3 3 / 3, 4 4 / 6, 5 5 / 6, 6 6 / 3 (C.3) and i is defined as follows: Eq. C.1 can be further reduced and categorized according to the number of identical indices in aijkl , as follows: Group 1: a1111, a2222, aiiii 31 6 2aii 33aii 2 6 4bii 6 5aiibii 3 6bii 2 , 1 (C.4) where i=1,2 (no sum on i). Group 2: a1122, a1122 1 2 a22 a11 3 a11a22 2a12 4 b22 b11 2 (C.5) 5 a11b22 a22b11 4a12b12 6 b11b22 2b12 . 2 Group 3: a1123 , a2231, aijkl 2 akl 3 (aij akl 2aik a jl ) 4bkl (C.6) 5 (aijbkl akl bij 2aik b jl 2a jl bik ) 6 (bijbkl 2bik b jl ). Group 4: a1131 , a1112, a2223 , a2212, aijkl 32akl 33aij akl 3 4bkl 5 3aijbkl 3aklbij 36bijbkl . (C.7) The computational burden in terms of the number of multiplication operations required to obtain the nine independent components of aijkl can be determined from Eqs. C.4 - C.7. In IBOF-5, the second and third invariants must first be evaluated: 1 1 aij a ji , 2 a11 (a22a33 a23a32 ) a12 (a23a31 a21a33 ) a13 (a21a32 a22a31 ). (C.8) Evaluation of II and III requires 10 and 9 multiplication operations, respectively. (Henceforth, the multiplication operation is indicated by appending M behind the number of operations: for instance, 10M and 9M for II and III, respectively.) Therefore, the calculation of the invariants requires 19M in total. To calculate the i ’s requires the following number of multiplication operations: Each i (i 3,4,6) requires 30M from Eq. 10; 1 , 2 , 5 require 15M, 11M, 5M, respectively, from Eq. 9. Thus 121M are required in total. The five components of the symmetric bij must be evaluated ( b11 , b12 , b13 , b22 , b23 ). Thus, aim am j requires 3M for each component, and the evaluation of bij requires 15M in total. The nine independent components of aijkl can now be calculated using Eqs. C.4 - C.7. Each component of group 1, group 2, group 3, and group 4 requires 14M, 15M, 17M and 15M, respectively, totaling 137M. Therefore, the number of multiplication operations required to obtain the nine components of aijkl totals 292M. If the order of the polynomial expansion for i changes, the number of operations will only change accordingly for i (i 3,4,6) . remains the same. The number of operations for the rest of the calculations This demonstrates the insignificant computational burden that results from using a 2 fifth order polynomial expansion for i in Eq. 10. Eigenspace-based system (EBOF-5) The transformation rule to change the fourth order tensor components from the global to the eigenspace coordinate systems is: aijkl VimV jnVkpVlq a m npq Lim jn Lkplq a m npq , p p (C.9) where Vij is the rotation tensor for coordinate transformation, and aijkl and aijkl p represent the fourth order orientation tensor components in the global coordinate system and in the eigenspace coordinate system, respectively. Lijkl is defined as follows: Lijkl VijVkl . (C.10) For efficient computation, Eq. C.9 can be explicitly expressed for the nine independent components of aijkl , as for the invariant-based system: Group 1: a1111, a2222, aijkl Li1 j1 Lk1l1a1111p Li 2 j 2 Lk 2l 2 a 2222 p Li 3 j 3 Lk 3l 3 a3333p 6 Li 2 j 3 Lk 2l 3 a 2323p 6 Li 3 j1 Lk 3l1a3131p 6 Li1 j 2 Lk1l 2 a1212 p (C.11) Group 2: a1122, aijkl Li1 j1 Lk1l1a1111 Li 2 j 2 Lk 2l 2 a 2222 Li 3 j 3 Lk 3l 3 a3333 p p p Li 2 k 3 4 Li 3k 2 Li 2 k 3 Li 3i 3 Lk 2 k 2 a 2323p Li 3k1 4 Li1k 3 Li 3k1 p Li1k 2 4 Li 2 k1 Li1k 2 Li 2i 2 Lk1k1 a1212 p Li1i1 Lk 3k 3 a3131 (C.12) Group 3: a1123 , a2231, aijkl Li1 j1 Lk1l1a1111p Li 2 j 2 Lk 2l 2 a 2222 p Li 3 j 3 Lk 3l 3 a3333p 2 Li 3 j1 Lk 3l1 Lk1l 3 Li 3i 3 Lk1l1 Li1i1 Lk 3l 3 a3131p 2 Li1 j 2 Lk1l 2 Lk 2l1 Li1i1 Lk 2l 2 Li 2i 2 Lk1l1 a1212 p . 2 Li 2 j 3 Lk 2l 3 Lk 3l 2 Li 2i 2 Lk 3l 3 Li 3i 3 Lk 2l 2 a 2323p Group 4: a1131 , a1112, a2223 , a2212, 3 (C.13) aijkl Li1 j1 Lk1l1a1111p Li 2 j 2 Lk 2l 2 a 2222 p Li 3 j 3 Lk 3l 3 a3333p 3Li 2 j 3 Lk 2l 3 Lk 3l 2 a 2323p 3Li1 j 3 Lk1l 3 (C.14) 3Li1 j 2 Lk1l 2 Lk 2l1 a1212 p . Lk 3l1 a3131p First, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the second order tensor aij are required. When they are calculated using an iteration method, as is generally adopted by many researchers, the number of multiplication operations is typically in the range of 18n3 ~ 30n3 for an n n symmetric matrix (Press et al., 1992). Approximately 486M ~ 810M operations are required. p The three independent principal values of aijkl must be determined. For EBOF-5, a fifth order polynomial expansion in terms of a1 and a2 is used for A11, A22 and A33 instead of Eq. 6 (which closure is written for EBOF-2). Thus, 30M are required for each Am m ( m 1,2,3, no sum on m ). The other three Aii (i 4,5,6) require only 1M via the normalization condition. This portion of the calculation totals 91M. Lijkl requires 81M operations. Finally, each of the nine independent components of aijkl can be determined from Eqs. C.11 C.14. Each component of group 1, group 2, group 3, and group 4 requires 15M, 18M, 21M and 15M, respectively, totaling 150M for the nine components. Therefore, the number of whole multiplication operations required to obtain the nine components of aijkl in EBOF-5 is at least 808M. closure Once again, if the order of polynomial expansion for Am m changes, the number of operations will only change accordingly for m 1,2,3 . The number of operations required for the rest of the calculations remains the same. Summary Therefore, IBOF requires 30 ~ 40% of the EBOF computational time. The major difference in the computation time is in the invariant calculation (IBOF) vs. eigenvalues / eigenvectors calculation (EBOF). 4 Table. C.1. Summary of Multiplication Operations for IBOF and EBOF IBOF EBOF Terms Multiplication Equation Terms Multiplication Equation calculated operations used calculated operations used 10 (C.8) a1, a2 , a3 486~810 Press et al. 9 Vij (1992) 3 , 4 , 6 30x3=90* (10) A11, A22 , A33 1 , 2 , 5 15, 11, 5 (9) A44 , A55, A66 1 b11 , b12 , b13 3x5=15 (C.2) Lijkl 81 (C.10) a1111, a2222 14x2=28 (C.4) a1111, a2222 15x2=30 (C.11) a1122 15 (C.5) a1122 18 (C.12) a1123 , a2231 17x2=34 (C.6) a1123 , a2231 21x2=42 (C.13) a1131, a1112 15x4=60 (C.7) a1131, a1112 15x4=60 (C.14) 30x3=90* (6) b22 , b 23 a2223 , a2212 Total a2223 , a2212 292 Total * valid for fifth order polynomial expansion (IBOF-5, EBOF-5) 5 808~1132