Consortium for Ocean Leadership

Version 3
Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Ocean Observing Subcommittee
established by the Board of Trustees: October 28, 2011
final Terms endorsed by the Executive Committee: December 1, 2011
Terms of Reference for the Ocean Observing Subcommittee
Ocean Observing Subcommittee. Members of the Ocean Observing Subcommittee shall be nominated by
the Executive Committee and/or can be self-nominated and are appointed by the Ocean Leadership Board
of Trustees. The Subcommittee shall serve as a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees, as allowed under
Article XII of the Ocean Leadership bylaws.
Membership Qualifications. The Ocean Observing Subcommittee shall consist of at least eight (8)
members total, drawn from among the Board of Trustees and the Ocean Leadership membership. The
Member Representative from each of the Implementing Organizations of the Ocean Observatories
Initiative (OOI) Program subcontract Member institutions – Rutgers University, University of California
at San Diego, University of Washington, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and other IOs, as
necessary – shall serve on the Subcommittee, ex officio, and shall be non-voting. In addition, at least two
(2) members shall be drawn from among the Board of Trustees, and at least two (2) members shall be
drawn from among the Voting Member Representatives. Other Subcommittee members beyond the
aforementioned eight may be drawn from among the Voting, Associate and/or Affiliate Members with
specific interest in Ocean Leadership’s ocean observing activities.
The Ocean Leadership President, the Director of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Program, and the
Director of Research and Education shall be non-voting members of the Subcommittee and shall not
count toward establishing quorum.
Subcommittee Leadership. The Chairperson of the Board shall appoint a Chair from among those
Subcommittee members who also serve on the Board of Trustees, as noted in Article XII of the Ocean
Leadership bylaws.
Term. Members of the Ocean Observing Subcommittee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees for
three-year terms, except in the case of appointments to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term.
Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership or the chairpersonship may be filled for the unexpired term by
appointment by the Chairperson of the Board.
Duties. The Ocean Observing Subcommittee is established to increase the depth of discussion and timely
information exchange between OOI Program Management Office personnel and the Ocean Leadership
Board of Trustees and membership.
The Subcommittee will meet 3-4 times annually, as necessary, and via teleconference whenever possible,
and shall provide a for each of the semiannual, in-person Board of Trustees meetings (in March and
October). If there is a written report, it should be submitted to the Board Secretary approximately one
month prior to each of the in-person Board meetings, though it will be the Secretary’s responsibility to
semiannually request the report from the Subcommittee.