Department of Foreign Languages Faculty Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM Willingham Hall 127 In attendance: Dr. William Griffin, Chair Dr. Anja Bernardy Dr. Neysa Figueroa Dr. Luc Guglielmi Dr. Kristin Hoyt Dr. June Laval Dr. Federica Santini Dr. Ernesto Silva Dr. Sabine Smith Ms. Marsha Powell, Secretary Dr. Lynn Fedeli Dr. Audrey Garcia Ms. Janet Holbrook Dr. Susanne Kelley Dr. Louis Meng Dr. Francesco Scordato Dr. Robert Simon Dr. Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson Ms. Ayala (excused, class conflict) I. Announcements: 1. SPRING 2007 SYLLABI due ASAP but no later than Friday, January 12th . 2. Access Data base: Is now available for us by faculty to query data related to majors and minors. 3. Foreign Language Day date will be announced by Dr. Smith 4. Deadline for submitting ARDs is Tuesday, January 16th (not Monday, January 15th) due to MLK Holiday. 5. Arrange time to meet with new faculty members and their mentors. Suggested, Tuesday, 1/16 or Thursday, 1/18, 12:30 – 1:45. (Hoyt, Kelley, Meng, Santini, Simon, ViakinnouBrinson). Please let Marsha Powel know your availability. 6. Arrange time to meet with Lower-division language coordinators. (Figueroa, Guglielmi, Smith, Meng, Santini, Scordato). Please let Marsha Powel know your availability during the week of January 22nd to 26th . 7. FLED programs in GA, letter from Brandi Meeks (President, FLAG) (Handout 1) 8. “Genocide in Sudan” discussion, Dr. Bobia (Handout 2) 9. Francophone Tournées Film Festival, February 5th -9th. Call for proposals from all languages. 10. Update on moves to 2nd FL Pilcher: Moves will occur in early February. 11. There were no other announcements from the floor. CALL TO ORDER: 12:50 PM II. Old Business 1. Documents sent to the Dean on December 15, 2006 -- Governance Document, Strategic Planning, Tenure and Promotion Guidelines – are “under review,” reports Dr. Léger, Associate Dean. 2. Assessment: Dr. Griffin stressed the need for coordination between/among faculty teaching the same courses across the curriculum -- for program review data. More information will be forthcoming from the Assessment Committee and the Chair. 1 3. Dr. Griffin reviewed the FPA and ARD procedures. ARD deadline, January 15, 2007. (Handout 3: Deadlines; Handout 4: copy of ARF template) Dr. Griffin reminded faculty to reference student evaluations in their ARD and to respond, if appropriate, to significant areas of concern expressed by students. Dr. Griffin distributed the FPAs with Chair’s comments and requested that faculty make all editorial corrections (spell-check, check for consistent format for bibliographical references, use action words, replace “plan to” language with “will…”, etc. FPA’s must be turned in with the ARDs on Tuesday, January 16, 2007. III. New Business 1. Three new Search Committees were constituted for searches for lecturer positions assigned to the DFL: FLED Lecturer Search Committee Dr. Hoyt, Dr. Bernardy, Dr. Scordato, Dr. Santini Spanish I Lecturer Search Committee Dr. Figueroa, Dr. Simon, Dr. Silva Spanish II Lecturer Search Committee Dr. Garcia, Dr. Fedeli, Dr. Laval 2. Schedules: Dr. Griffin distributed a draft Summer 2007 Schedule (Handout 5).The schedule must be completed for BANNER by Monday, January 16th. Faculty must return their teaching requests by Friday, January 12th. The Fall 2007 Schedule is due in BANNER on January 26th (Handout 6). Dr. Griffin distributed a form for faculty members to use to inform him of their preferred schedule for fall. Due to Dr. Griffin by January 26th. [Amended: the form states that it is due January 19th.] 3. Committee Reports Outstanding Senior: Update from Awards Committee: Dr. Laval reported that a list of potential candidates will be circulated. Faculty should check the list and offer additions. The Committee will select three top candidates and ask the faculty to vote for one. 4. There was one new business item from the floor: Dr. García announced that the Senior Seminar presentations for Spanish and French will be held at the following dates and times. A detailed schedule of presentations will be provided as the dates approach: April 25, Wednesday 10:00 – 3:00 pm April 27, Friday 10:00 – 3:00 pm 2 IV. Adjournment: 1:45PM All handouts are available online to DFL faculty only at: /faculty/wgriffin/Faculty Meetings: Spring 2007 DFL Faculty Meetings -- 127 Willingham Hall, 12:30-1:45PM. Tuesday, February 13th Tuesday, March 13th Tuesday, April 10th Tuesday, May 8th . 3