Department of Foreign Languages Faculty Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Department of Foreign Languages
Faculty Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, October 14, 2008
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
History Center, 5 Floor Social Science Building SO5074
In attendance:
Dr. William Griffin, Chair
Ms. Janice Carter, Secretary
Ms. Marsha Powell, Secretary
Dr. Anja Bernardy
Ms. Maureen Clouse
Ms. Susan Crooks
Ms. Kristen Elley
Dr. Lynn Fedeli
Dr. Neysa Figueroa
Dr. Luc Guglielmi
Ms. Betsy Hance
Dr. Kristin Hoyt
Dr. Susanne Kelley
Dr. June Laval
Dr. Thierry Léger
Dr. Noah McLaughlin
Mr. Roy Michalik
Dr. Peter Schultz
Dr. Robert Simon
Dr. Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson
Ms. Patricia Wood
Absent: Dr. Audrey Garcia – HSS Curriculum Committee Meeting
Dr. Louis Meng – Study Abroad Fair
Dr. Federica Santini – Off Campus
Ms. Rosana Farias Ayala – Study Abroad Fair
Dr. Ernesto Silva – Study Abroad Fair
1. Introduction of CHSS Web designer Mr. Brett Fielder (designer of new DFL webpage).
New website:
Give website feedback to Dr. Peter Schultz by October 28, 2008. All decisions will be made within the
Technology Committee.
2. Summer 2009 schedule due to Chair by October 24th ; fall 2009 schedule due November 14th.
Contact Dr. Griffin for any special requests by October 24 th for summer. Enrollment cutoffs: 20
undergrad/15 graduate.
3. Travel Requests/PeopleSoft: Assistance available from Candace Doughty and Rose Procter on nonsoftware (i.e., technical) issues. Call either at 6124 or 6999.
4. Study Abroad Fair today: Participants and programs. Staff Changes at International Programs
5. Minutes of the Chairs Council will be posted monthly in the “Faculty Meeting”folder on
6. Staffing updates in International Programs office. Bernard Anderson is our new contact for Study Abroad.
7. Graduate faculty applications: “Round two”; tentative due date: November 17 th. Applicants must have CV
with list of non-refereed and refereed publications listed separately. All materials must be submitted by
November 17th to Dr. Griffin.
8. Holiday Party: Friday, Dec. 5th, Dr. Fedeli’s home;
9. Holiday Schedule-Dr. Papp’s announcement 10/14
10. Changes in Registration dates: Early Registration, Registration, Drop/Add – Once confirmed the changes in
registration dates will be effective beginning Summer 2009.
11. Expanded DFL Office hours: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
12. Travel Reimbursement Update; visual
13. Maintaining an appropriate workload and attention to personal and professional health. If you have
concerns regarding your workload see Dr. Griffin.
14. Summer Evaluation update from Dr. Hunt. “A point of information: you may remember that we started
sending out summer evaluations early in the fall--only to discover that we had made a slight mistake in the
calculation of the means.” Revised evaluations for all faculty members have been prepared. Please replace
summer data which you have received with the current files to be sent to you this week.
The comparative data will not be available for summer evaluation. You might use the spring comparative
data to compare your summer courses at different levels, across the department, and college-wide. Marsha
will send you the new files individually as an email attachment.
15. Other announcements: awards, honors, etc.
a) German Week was successful.
b) Friday, October 17th – next Spanish film
c) Wednesday, October 22nd – Graduate Studies Fair
d) Both student evaluations will be on WebCT with a URL link to a Survey Monkey for Fall 2009.
Discussion followed with concerns of new procedures for evaluations.
e) Dr. Vengroff would like the quantitative data included in the Annual Report and Portfolio.
II. Old Business: Use this link to access the files referenced below as HANDOUT:
1. Approval of Minutes from the September 9, 2008 Faculty Meeting. Approved at submitted.
2. TABLED FROM September 9 meeting:
On Aug 22nd, Dean Vengroff conducted a workshop with Chairs and others to discuss the
definition of a Learning-Centered University and situate KSU in the context of this definition. On Aug
27th, the Dean sent the following request for input from departments. Our discussion will focus on the
topics that the dean identifies here. [See "learning-centered" handouts in the Fac. Mtg. Folder.]
"I see opportunities identified in the workshop as coming in several areas but primarily in curriculum and
research/scholarship. In the curriculum area we have already launched a pilot Writing across the
Curriculum (WAC) initiative that provides incentives for faculty participation. The training and
preparation begins in September with the first pilot courses to be offered in the spring semester 2009 and
others to be added for fall 2009. Some other possible initiatives I would like your feedback on include
 Curriculum developed across disciplines, either as interdisciplinary courses, as team taught courses, or
 New learning communities that emphasize learning centered components including a problem solving
orientation. This could be linked to interdisciplinary developments as well.
 Innovative ways to incorporate technology into the learning experience (e.g., learning objects,
podcasting, online gaming and simulations).
 Enhanced methods for assessing student learning.
 We could commit necessary resources to pilot efforts in any of these areas.
 In the research area, suggestions include creating an undergraduate research center and/or creating new
competitive grants in the College for joint faculty student research that involves students as actual
collaborators. This research could include community engagement projects as well as innovative
research of other types.
Feedback form with your comments and/or suggestions should be submitted to Dr. Griffin.
Dr. Luc Guglielmi will report on WAC initiative at the December Faculty Meeting.
Update on Searches:
a. Assistant Professor of Spanish: The search is going well. We have received 10 applications. There
are applicants backgrounds in Linguistics/Second language Acquisition, Peninsular Lit., and Latin
American Lit. The Committee will have a meeting on Friday, October 24 from 10 AM to 12 PM.
Please direct your questions or comments to the Committee Chair, Dr. Audrey García,
b. Director FLRC – Candidate coming to campus on Thursday, October 16th. Please plan on
attending presentation from 12:30 -1:30 pm in PS237.
Other old business from the floor.
III. New Business
1. Coordination of 3303 assessments / final examinations (Dr. Bernardy).
2. Faculty Senate report: Dr. Kelley (report via email; Dr. Kelley is attending CHSS Curriculum Committee
3. Internationalization of Campus USG Grant: Dr. Léger
Two of the main items in the grant proposal are:
1) To strengthen the Arabic Language program at KSU
2) To offer a study abroad in Morocco
Question: Does the DFL support either or both items?
Dr. Griffin will provide a survey monkey to submit your comments on this grant.
4. Presentation for discussion of New DFL Website: Dr. Peter Schultz for the DFL Technology Committee
5. Consideration of current name of our department; does our name continue to accurately reflect our
6. Report for language group coordinators, as needed (Dr. Smith, Dr. Fedeli)
7. Other new business from the floor
IV. Adjournment: 1:45 PM
Handouts are available in the "Faculty Meeting" folder at
Next DFL Faculty meeting: November 11, 2008. 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM
Place: History Center, 5th Fl. Social Sciences Building