[CHAPTER] BY-LAWS 0 Preamble These by-laws govern the operation of the [Name] Chapter of the Museums Australia NSW Branch under provisions in Museums Australia’s MA Constitution and Rules and its Regulations. 1 General 1.1 Boundaries The Chapter represents the interests of museums located in the following local government areas and post codes: [state local government areas] and [state post codes]. 1.2 Chapter membership An individual or institutional financial member of Museums Australia may become a member of the Chapter by [when a chapter membership fee is charged, upon payment of the Chapter membership fee, including GST] or [completing the chapter membership form]. An individual or organisation which is not a financial member of Museums Australia may become a member of the Chapter by [when a chapter membership fee is charged, upon payment of the Chapter membership fee, including GST] or [by completing the chapter membership form]. The Chapter will keep a record of members and their contact details in accordance with the association’s requirements. 2 Committee, elections and powers 2.1 The Committee The Chapter is managed by a committee of [state number] elected office bearers [and * ordinary members]. A chapter coordinator may be appointed by the committee to serve an unpaid executive officer as outlined in section 4. 2.2 Election of the committee and vacancies The Chapter will call for nominations from Chapter members and MA members within the boundaries for the election of officer bearers and ordinary members every * years. Office bearers [and ordinary members] may be re-elected. 2.4 Committee meetings The committee will meet when required to consider business of the Chapter. A quorum for committee meetings is **. 2.5 Minutes & records The chapter will keep minutes of any meetings, which include the names of all persons present at each such meeting. A copy will be forwarded to the Executive Officer of the NSW Branch. The chapter will also keep other records relating to the business of the chapter in accordance with sections below and Association guidelines. MA NSW Chapter by-laws template Page 1 3 General meetings The chapter will hold an annual general meeting and present its annual report and financial statement of the meeting. The chapter will give a minimum of 21 days notice of the annual general meeting. A quorum for AGMs and general meetings will be **. A copy of the annual report and financial statement will be forwarded to the Executive Officer of the NSW Branch. Minutes of general meetings will be made available to all members of the chapter and a copy forwarded to the Executive Officer of the NSW Branch. 4 Chapter coordinator The Chapter may elect or appoint a voluntary chapter coordinator to act on behalf of the chapter executive and committee. 5 Financial management and reporting The Chapter will comply with the Association’s financial management requirements as set out in the Treasurer’s Guidelines. The association’s volunteers insurance covers MA members, but not Chapter members who are not MA members. Museums Australia’s public liability insurance covers all people attending chapter events. 6 Changes to by-laws The by-laws have been approved by the NSW Branch and National Council and may only be modified with the approval of the NSW Branch and National Council. 7 Risk management The chapter will mange risks, insurance and litigation as specified in section B7 of the Regulations. 8 Winding up The chapter may be declared to be non-operational by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the association if it is unable to operate in compliance with sub-rule 35.5 of the Constitution and Rules. Obligations and procedures for winding up the chapter are as set out in the Regulations section B8 Version: 25 June 2010 Mansw\chapters\bylaws\chapterby-lawstempate2010v2 (2).doc MA NSW Chapter by-laws template Page 2