SNP SCALE Protocol. Overview SNP SCALE (SNP Scoring by Colour And Length Exclusion) is a SNP genotyping system based on allele specific PCR. Allele specific PCR relies on differences in the binding efficiencies of a perfect match versus a mismatch for each of the allele specific forward primers to distinguish between the two SNP alleles. The advantages of allele specific PCR include all of the normal benefits associated with PCR: high sensitivity, repeatability, can work on small amounts of tissue and degraded tissue, rapid, and flexible. However there are some problems unique to allele specific PCR for SNP genotyping, in particular the cost of fluorescent primers and potential errors associated with non-specific primer binding. SNP SCALE has been designed to take advantage of the benefits of allele specific PCR, while trying to overcome some of the drawbacks. SNP SCALE uses a specially modified oligonucleotide, Locked Nucleic Acids (LNAs), in the 3’ SNP position to overcome the problems of non-specific binding, and it uses 5’ tailing and universal fluorescent oligos (UFOs) to overcome the problems of fluorescent labelling costs. The 5’ tails, which are slightly different in length, have the added advantage of facilitating allele scoring by both colour and length exclusion. Described here is the SNP SCALE protocol, including PCR set-up and reaction conditions. Also discussed are issues associated with primer design. Because there are five primers in the reaction mixture, there are 25 possible forward and reverse primer combinations, exponentially increasing the chance of non-specific binding. Thus good primer design is critical. LNAs (Locked Nucleic Acids) LNAs are a specially modified nucleic acid that increase primer binding specificity, and thus decrease mis-priming. Also they raise the effective annealing temperature of the primer by about three degrees, so that the effective difference in annealing temperature between the allele specific primers is further increased. For example a primer that typically anneals at 50 degrees will anneal at 53 – 55 degrees. UFOs (Universal Fluorescent Oligos) One drawback of allele specific PCR is the cost of two fluorescent primers per SNP locus, one per allele. Furthermore SNPs are less polymorphic than microsatellites and thus less informative. Therefore more markers are required for the same information content, further increasing costs. We have largely overcome this problem by using a universal fluorescent labelling system. Each allele specific LNA oligo is tailed with one of two different M13 sequences identical in sequence to its corresponding universal fluorescent oligo (UFOs). The UFOs can then be incorporated during PCR, as explained below. The SNP SCALE process SNP SCALE is a homogenous two step process: allele specific amplification, and allele specific labelling (Fig 1). The PCR setup contains 5 primers: two 5’ tailed allele specific LNA oligos (LNAs), two universal fluorescent oligos (UFOs), and a single common reverse oligo (CRO). In phase one, the LNA-ASOs bind with high specificity to their corresponding alleles, while the CRO binds to the reverse template of both alleles and allele specific amplification begins. At this stage the temperature is too high for the UFOs to bind, preventing non-specific binding. During PCR, the CRO incorporates the 5’ tails into the template as it amplifies templates previously generated by the tailed allele specific LNAs, thus generating priming sites for the UFOs. After 10-15 cycles, the annealing temperature is lowered sufficiently such that the UFOs can bind and phase two, allele specific labelling, commence. Despite the lower temperature, mis-priming remains minimal due to the high template to background ratio and because the amount of each LNA added to the PCR is limited (1/10th concentration) so that it will run out during phase one and be unavailable for amplification at the lower temperature. Fig. 1: SNP-SCALE process overview. Protocol Table 1: SNP SCALE setup for a 10 ul PCR Reagent PCR Buffer dNTPs LNA-ASO 1 LNA-ASO 2 UFO 1 (FAM) UFO 2 (HEX) CRO MgCl2 Taq Water [stock] 10 x 2 mM 0.2 u M 0.2 u M 1 uM 1 uM 2 uM 50 mM 5 U/u l NA [PCR] 1x 0.2 mM 0.02 u M 0.02 u M 0.1 u M 0.1 u M 0.2 u M 2 mM 0.5U NA DNA 0.1 u g/u l 0.01 u g/u l Reaction Volume 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.05 1.6 1 Table 2: SNP SCALE PCR reaction: Phase 1 2 Temperature 94 Time 03:00 Cycles 94 60-1/cycle 72 00:30 00:30 01:00 10 94 50 72 00:30 00:30 01:00 30 72 10 05:00 01:00 END Primer Design Good primers are critical for good genotypes in SNP SCALE. So I will discuss here in some detail primer design. We use Primer 3 ( to design primers. There are many parameters to consider in primer design, listed below. PCR primers are designed with the following criteria Table 3: SNP-SCALE primer design criteria. Parameter PCR Product Primer Tm Self Complimentarity GC clamp Pigtail Mismatches (primer SNPs) Maximum 3' Stability Primer Size Min Max Opt Total 3' Min Max Opt LNA CRO 80-550 80-550 58 63 62 67 60 65 8 8 3 3 no yes no yes 0 0 9 9 18 18 25 25 20 20 The two most critical parameters are Primer Tm and Self Complimentarity. The LNA allele specific oligos (LNA-ASOs) should be designed with an annealing temperature as close to 60 degrees as possible, while the CROs should be designed with an annealing temperature as close to 65 degrees as possible. The difference in annealing temperatures is due to the inclusion of a 3’ LNA base, which effectively raises the annealing temperature of the LNA-ASO to that of the CRO. It is also important to remember that the position of the LNA-ASO is restricted; it MUST end on the SNP site, and there shouldn’t be any other SNPs in the rest of the primer (although of course the primer can be in either forward or reverse orientation on either side of the SNP). Note that a Tm of 65 on Primer 3 corresponds in practice to a PCR annealing temperature (Ta) of about 55 degrees. Although the optimal annealing temperature will change slightly for each pair of LNAs, it should remain constant for the UFOs. One problem often encountered in PCR, particularly with microsatellites, is nontemplated addition of a single adenine base at the 3’ end of the sequence (+A addition). This phenomenon can also occur in SNP-SCALE (see figure 2) and may interfere with accurate allele scoring. To avoid this we recommend appending a “pigtail” sequence to the 5’ end of the reverse primer. This will ensure that +A addition is standard across loci and across alleles. The pigtail primer sequence is: GTTTCTT. Once you have designed a forward and reverse primer you must then decide which tail to place on which primer. Currently we have a choice of only two tails, but there is no reason you can’t expand this set, giving you more options for better primer design while still allowing colour and length exclusion. The two tails are: Tail1_UFO_HEX: CAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC (21bp) Tail2_UFO_FAM: AGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGA (24bp) A new set of UFOs have now been developed and tested for their relative migration rates with different colour labels (Table 4). Table 4. Universal fluorescent primers (UFOs). Relative migration is relative observed size of PCR products with each UFO compared to UFO3-FAM. Name with dye UFO1-HEX UFO1-VIC UFO2-FAM UFO3-FAM UFO3-PET UFO4-FAM UFO4-NED UFO5-HEX UFO5-NED UFO6-HEX UFO7-HEX UFO7-NED UFO7-PET 5' - 3' mer Relative migration (bp) CAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC Same AGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGA AGCCGTTGCTACCCTCGTTC Same GTTCTGAGGGTGGCGGTTCT Same CATGGGTTCCTATTGGGCTTG Same GCAAAACCCCGCTAATCCTAATC AATCAGTGAGGCCACCGAGTAAA Same Same 21 Same 24 20 Same 20 Same 21 Same 23 23 Same Same 0.7 - 1.5 1.1 - 2.4 3.5 - 4.2 0 2.4 - 4.0 0.2 - 0.6 0.4 - 0.9 1.7 - 2.1 1.6 - 2.1 2.6 - 3.3 2.7 - 3.3 2.9 - 3.9 5.4 - 6.3 SNP Genotyping After the PCR reaction, PCR products are separated on the ABI3730, following standard protocols for genotyping microsatellites. A typical SNP product for a single locus will look like this: Fig. 2: SNP-SCALE genotypes for three individuals at a single SNP locus. The top genotype is homozygous for the HEX (green) labelled allele. The middle genotype is heterozygous for both alleles, while the bottom genotype is homozygous for the FAM (Blue) labelled allele. The double peak for each colour is due to plus-A addition, commonly seen in microsatellites. This can be overcome by using a pig-tail on the CRO. Since the SNPs take up a small and known size space on a gel, it is possible to screen multiple SNPS in one run, saving time and money. In theory you should be able to space SNPs at intervals of only 7-10bp. Thus it may be possible to fit up to 50 SNPs in a single gel. When screening multiple SNPs it may be better to use a multiplex protocol and a four dye system; two different dye pairs per adjacent SNP. Kenta has led the efforts to develop this advancement and has now submitted a paper for publication. An example of a cluster of 21 SNPs is shown below: Fig. 3: SNP genotype chromatogram for multiplex PCR of 21 SNP loci. SNP-Scoring Once all samples have been amplified and run on the 3730, it is necessary to score genotypes. While it is possible to score each manually, a faster and perhaps more accurate method is to score all genotypes using clustering methods. We have developed a clustering macro that can be used in excel to semi-automatically score SNP genotypes. The macro is currently hosted on Jon Slates personal web page (, Hinten et al. 2007). The macro will produce three types of cluster plot: Cartesian, polar, and peak intensity. An example of peak intensity plots, is shown below. Fig. 4: Peak intensity plots for two SNP loci. SNP A shows tight clustering, while SNP B shows broad clustering, although clusters are still clearly defined. For polar plots, the heterozygous peak should all cluster around /4 (0.785). For the peak intensity plots, the heterozygotes should cluster around 0.5. Cluster quality (validity) can be quantified using silhouette scores, using the ClusterA program, freely available at: