Fact or Fantasy - OuchDoesthathurtornot

Woodbury School
‘Every Footstep Counts’
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals: Critical Media Literacy is important to develop in children from an early age.
By studying visual images students will develop an
understanding of what the images mean
That children can extend their experiences and
personal explanations of media literacy through:
constucting and expressing ideas clearly
collaborating or co-operationg
in authentic contexts.
Students will know:
1. what is a feeling/emotion
2. what is real and what is not and why it is
important to know the differences
3. ways to keep safe
Essential Questions:
What is the difference between between fact
and fantasy?
What are emotions?
How do we handle our different emotions?
What do we do if we watch something we don’t
Students will be able to…….
1. explain the difference between fact and
2. share own ideas about feelings
3. create a list that shows ways they can keep
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Use IT tools to create:
Other Evidence:
 Teacher observation, questioning from
the students and their responses.
a brainstorm of ideas about fact or fantasy
a list of feeling words
a survey of TV or computer game watching
photos to show emotions
digital story or Comic life Page
recorded music to add to photosphotostory
 a safety checklist
 Students able to name/ locate the
 Body language and miming and
movement to show feelings
 Art work showing feelings/expression
Stage 3- Learning Plan
IT Tools: video, camera, Comic Life, Photo Story, Power Point.
Web tools: bubblus; Graphic organisers, Wordle, surveymonkey, youtube, teachertube,
Kids.Zone, SmartSlide, Slideshare
Time frame: Term 2: Weeks 1 – 5.
Active – Investigating and exploring
Students bring their favourite game, DVD , toys or know about their favourite TV programme.
Generate questions – What is special about…? When do you watch it? Are the characters real? Why
or why not? How do you feel when you watch…?
Students will be assisted by teacher and parent helpers who will model operating the technical
equipment and assist with supervision for the activities. Student work in groups and each group will
be allocated technological equipment.
For example
1. Group 1 LCD /TV to view a morning children’s program
Group 2 Computers to view a game on the internet.
Group 3 DVD player to view movie.
Each group discusses what they have just viewed and talk about fact and fantasy, the technology
they used and what features it has. Each member takes turns and talks about what they have seen.
(Show and Tell) Brainstorm ideas from each group and display on smart board. Printout a copy for
each group.
Or use bubbl.us or kidspiration. Use graphic organisers
Swap viewing groups to compare ideas and results.
2.View selected clips from teachertube or youtube showing different emotions/situations
Use above brainstorm to decide whether it is fact or fantasy.
Construct a page with a list of feeling words, children select from list words to describe the feeling
they are viewing.
Children make own key words into a sign-attach to stick and show when feeling is displayed/ or how
they are feeling. (Can be used in other activities)
Teacher model first then children buddy to complete task.
How do you think Road Runner feels now?
How would you feel?
Discuss further:
Do you think this could happen?
Is it fact or fantasy?
3. Create a joint powerpoint, each child contributing an idea about what they watch at home.
Survey TV watching at home or computer game time.
What have we discovered?
Share findings with parents.
4. Listen to on-line stories
identify fact or fiction
list or share aloud the feelings of Big Bad Wolf, Three Little Pigs etc (use signs)
Constructive- How children can communicate what they have learned
Children to use kidspiration or bubbl.us to make brainstorm. Share together as class using smart
board or projector and computer.
Review and reflect on brainstorms identifying characteristic generating questions, what is fact and
what is fantasy and discuss emotions how they felt when watching the game, TV or movie.
2. View ideas and thoughts using projector
Combine pages into a power point to view
3 Role play emotions . Demonstrate a feeling to the class using body language and facial
expressions. Ask students to identify feeling and say how they knew this. (Use list already made or
Name a feeling student use body language and facial expressions to demonstrate each feeling
(See Getting On Together, MOE 2001)
3. Find out how to make a simple graph, use spreadsheet.
Use surveymonkey to find out about TV viewing. Completed at school with a buddy or helper or at
home with parent.
4 .What are emotions? How do we know what they are? Can we recognise them?
Groups are given a digital camera. Each member is to show an emotion and have their picture taken.
The group then uses the pictures with a variety of emotions to write a digital story.
Teacher models process for making digital story to students. Class view each group story on smart
Children use Comic Life and add cartoon bubble of emotion eg I am sad, angry etc
5. What about music does that make you think that something good is happening? How does this
help the character?
Listen to clips of music
Create own sounds for soundscape using instruments, voice etc
Record and add to pictures taken with camera (above)
Intentional – the goals
A class discussion about emotions which cause us to feel frustrated and angry and how we react to
our emotions. For example when we are playing a game is we miss our target and get frustrated and
scream at the TV or stomp our feet.
Sort the emotions into positive and negative. Think/pair share as to ways to change the emotion.
Play pass the feeling (circle and ‘throw’ the feeling to another person who mirrors it then passes it
Link this to examples of anger, happiness etc they have seen on the screen(TV, computer etc) and in
particular to cartoons
How do we react to ….? crying, laughing
What happens if we see something we do not like?
Discuss why it is important to monitor what we watch and do when using technology.
Design a class safety check list. Use focusing questions for example,
How can we keep ourselves safe when using technology?
Who should I tell if I don’t feel safe?
Link to netsafe
The activities will include and use a variety of publishing ICT tools to help create an effective poster
Ways I Keep Safe, What to do When….
Create a safety check list using Comic Life, Kids .Zone and Smart Slide .
Children draw pictures using (software programs paint shop)
Write a digital story and include themselves as characters in the book. (Use photos and Comic Life,
Photostory, power point)
Make a movie each group role plays characters in the happy clapping song (Emotions) imovie, photo
Use story The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and dramatise. Record and make a movie or
Make finger puppets of the different fish and children act the story, make into a movie.
Make their own cartoon using animate.
draw happy/sad picture; PVA prints happy/sad;
Use image from camera showing an emotion (taken previously) print A3 light copy, children colour
Drama :
Role play and dramatisation
Music that makes me feel….
Music that shows a giant is coming, a fairy or a ‘mean’ character…
Happy dancing- Movements will be ?
Sad dancing etc
Many of the activities are expected to undertaken with a buddy, group or class so that ideas are
shared and common undertandings are made.
Students share ideas about fact and fantasy by watching a movie and identifying what actions is real
or not
Hold up signs fact/fantasy when movie is paused.
Children take home safety check list and parents are asked to add their ideas and these are added to
the posters.
Parents involved with survey of watching habits.
Parents aware of safety on the net
Parents are also asked to look at the recommended web sites for keeping safe when using
Next time: