ALC Reading 7- Buildings Definitions Biblotheca Espace Latin word for library French word for "open space" Megalithic relating to very large agitator (ajuhtaytur) noun apse person who stirs up discussion or opposition semicircular projection at the front of a building asymmetrical (aysuhmEHtrihkuhl) avant garde Irregular in shape or outline. artistically experimental billowing (bihlohihNG) adjective,verb bulging, swelling out cacophony (kakofuhnee) noun 1. jarring sounds 2. harsh, jarring. unpleasant sound cantilevered attached to and jutting out from a supporting structure cardinal (korduhnuhl) noun,adjective the main directions of North, South, East and West citation (siitayshuhn) noun speech recognizing someone's achievements collaboration (kuhlaburayshuhn) noun contours (konturz) curves corrugated (kawruhgaytuhd) adjective crested (krEHstuhd) several people working together uneven, wavy reach the top dense (dEHns) adjective high mass; compact dialogue (diiuhlawg) noun discussion distinctive (dihstihNGktihv) adjective special, attractive encapsulates encloses etched (EHcht) adjective,verb carved exoskeleton (EHksohskEHluhtuhn) noun structure ferro (fEHroh) focal point The exterior protective or supporting iron center of activity inductees (ihnduhkteez) A person inducted into an organization. innovative (ihnuhvaytihv) adjective,verb legacy (lEHguhsee) noun Ahead of the times. something received from the past marvel (morvuhl) noun,verb Something that causes feelings of wonder. memorabilia (mEHmuruhbeelyuh) noun remembering/ souvenirs A record of things worth mundane (muhndayn) adjective ordinary nautilus (nawtuhluhs) delicate papery spiral shells. Cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have piles (piilz) A column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure. prefabricated (preefabrihkaytihd) quasi (kwosee) produced ahead of time Having some resemblance. reinforced concrete strong building material made of concrete and steel bars reminiscent (rEHmuhnihsuhnt) resounding (reesoundihNG) rotunda (rohtuhnduh) reminding someone of something else big round room or building seismic (siizmihk) adjective Subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration. signature (sihgnuhchur) noun A distinguishing style. spire (spiir) noun A tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building (usually a church or temple) and that tapers to a point at the top. suites (sweets) group of rooms synthesis (sihnthuhsuhs) noun mixture; blend titanium (tiitayneeuhm) A light strong gray lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong light-weight alloys (as for airplane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite. tolerance (toluruhns) noun acceptance of views & transitions of others versatility (vursuhtihluhtee) adjective,noun Having a wide variety of skills. whimsical (wihmzihkuhl) adjective dreamy, carefree outside witty (wihtee) adjective amusing ziggurat (zihgurat) noun ancient pyramidal structure with staircases on the