Questions for discussion Bullying opera 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Briefly summarise the story. How is this opera different to more traditional forms of opera? How did the kids become involved in writing and performing opera? What issue did they choose for their opera? Why did they choose it? What is a librettist? How did Shaun work with the kids writing the opera? Retell the story they wrote for their opera. What do you think the audience will get from it? How has your thinking about opera changed since watching the story? Research opera from the 1700’s and 1800’s and compare it with opera being written today. What are the similarities and differences? Youth detention 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Discuss the main issues in the BtN story with another student. What is a juvenile detention centre? Why do you think the youth justice system tries to keep kids out of jail? What is mediation? What happens at a youth court? About how many kids in Australia are in detention centres? Why do the kids in juvenile detention centres do school work? Why are some people saying that juvenile detention isn’t working? Do you agree or disagree with young people going to jail? Explain your answer. 10. What was surprising about this story? Send a message or tell us what you think on the BtN Guestbook. Kids’ ads 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. © ABC 2009 What was the main point of the story? Why do health authorities want a ban on junk food advertising? What health problems can be caused by obesity? Describe the role of ACMA. What has ACMA recommended for `C’ classified programs? Why are health authorities unhappy with the decision? Do you think there should be a ban on junk food advertising? Explain your answer. EPISODE 25 8TH SEPTEMBER 2009 8. Do you think junk food advertising contributes to childhood obesity? Why or why not? 9. What are some solutions to the childhood obesity problem in Australia? 10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story? `Should junk food ads be banned in kids’ TV?’ Vote in the online poll. Museum animals 1. 2. 3. 4. Illustrate an aspect of the BtN story. Why do museums preserve animals for display? Describe the process of taxidermy. What are the similarities and differences between preserving animals and the mummification of humans? 5. What are the benefits of displaying animals in museums? 6. What part of Jo’s job did he used to hate? 7. How is new technology being used to preserve animals? 8. What role does art play? 9. What can people learn from studying preserved animals? 10. What are three adjectives that describe animals found in museums? Research the history of taxidermy and create a quiz or wordsearch. Solo sailors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Retell the BtN story. Describe Mike’s sailing journey. What are the dangers of sailing in an open ocean? How old is the Dutch teenager who wants to sail around the world? What have child protection authorities done? What do her parents think about her making the journey? What character traits do you thinks someone who sails solo would need to have? 8. Why does Jessica Watson want to sail around the world? 9. Do you think kids should be allowed to sail solo around the world? Why or why not? 10. How did this story make you feel? Test your knowledge in the online sailors quiz. Kids’ ads © ABC 2009 Focus Questions 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. What was the main point of the story? Why do health authorities want a ban on junk food advertising? What health problems can be caused by obesity? Describe the role of ACMA. What has ACMA recommended for `C’ classified programs? Why are health authorities unhappy with the decision? Do you think there should be a ban on junk food advertising? Explain your answer. 18. Do you think junk food advertising contributes to childhood obesity? Why or why not? 19. What are some solutions to the childhood obesity problem in Australia? 20. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story? Food ads for kids Ask students to recall food advertisements and write them down. The following questions can be used to focus the discussion: What makes you remember the advertisement? Which foods are the ones you most often remember the ads for? Why? Does the ad motivate you to try the product? Why? EPISODE 25 8TH SEPTEMBER 2009 Learning Area Health and Physical Education Key learning Students will analyse the impact of junk food advertising on young people. Record 1-2 hours of children’s programs or ask students to watch the ads during their favourite television programs. Their task is to look at the techniques being used by advertisers to sell food. These could include: Animation Music/jingles Characters or celebrities to sell a product Give aways/toys Students give a short presentation of their findings giving details of the techniques used in one or more advertisements. Other key questions that students can investigate include: Which food groups are most heavily advertised? What target group are these products aimed at? How do you know this? What are the recommendations in the healthy eating pyramid/guidelines for this food group? Conclude the session by asking students to think of strategies to help reduce childhood obesity in Australia. Share these with the class focussing on the effectiveness of the strategies. Further investigations © ABC 2009 . Develop a persuasive argument for or against the following statement: `Children should be protected from junk food advertising.’ Reflect on an occasion where advertising has influenced your food choice. What factors motivated you to purchase the product? Share with a small group or the whole class. What do you reckon? Ask students from across the school whether banning junk food advertising will stop them eating it. Related Research Links ABC News – Regulator refuses to ban junk food ads ABC News – Health groups unite to fight junk food ads ABC Behind the News – Obesity action ACMA Media release Australian Medical Association – Study backs kids’ TV junk food ad ban: AMA Kids’ own news Create your own news Students will be creating their own run down for a kids’ news program like Behind the News does each week. Discuss with students who they think make the decisions EPISODE 25 8TH SEPTEMBER 2009 Learning Area © ABC 2009 English Key learning Students will about what stories will be included on the program (Producer, Executive Producer, Journalist) and what things might influence their decisions about what should be included. Ask students to analyse the different aspects of the program that are put together to make Behind the News. How many stories in the show each week? Quiz questions The Wire and the Score Online poll question (linked to a story) The task for students is to create a run down for the show. The transcripts in the teachers section of the website and viewing previous episodes of BtN, will give students a sense of how the show is structured. Discuss with students the different types of stories covered in each show. Working in small groups, students choose five news stories to include in their run down. The first two or three stories should be `harder stories’ and the others are usually softer, human interest stories. Story Why you chose it Lead story Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5 Other information that students will need to include in their run down includes: A brief synopsis of each story (2or 3 sentences) 2 or 3 quiz questions and answers Information that will be covered in The Wire and The Score An online poll question that is linked to a story Each group presents their run down for their kids’ news program to the rest of the class, giving reasons for their selection. Encourage students to give constructive feedback about their choices. © ABC 2009 Further investigation Go behind the scenes of Behind the News and summarise how BtN is made each week. What was surprising about the behind the scenes look at the show? Research and compare two different news programs/services for kids (print, online or television). How are they similar and different? Related Research Links ABC Behind the News website BtN: Episode 25 Transcripts On this week's Behind the News: © ABC 2009 08/09/09 Life on the inside – in a Youth Detention Centre. Should ads during kids’ TV be censored? And we find out how to bring dead animals to life. Hi I'm Nathan Bazley welcome to Behind the News. Also on the show today – is 13 too young to sail solo around the world? We’ll get to those features in a sec, but first, let’s check the latest news. The Wire An earthquake in Indonesia has killed more than 60 people. The quake was under the ocean just off the island of Java, which is to the north-west of Australia. It was measured as 7 on the Richter scale which means it was very strong. *************** A while ago we told you how a supermarket chain was stocking more free range eggs because consumers were worried about chickens being locked in small cages. Now there's a warning that some free range eggs are fake. Critics say one in six eggs labelled as free range is actually from a caged bird. © ABC 2009 *************** And medical experts have warned about a big increase in a disease called whooping cough. In New South Wales ten thousand people have been infected with the disease since January - more than half of those were children under ten. They say people should be getting immunisations. Youth Detention Reporter: Nathan Bazley INTRO: OK time for our first feature. One question we're regularly asked by kids is what happens when kids break the law? We all know what goes down when you do something wrong at school, but what happens when you get into serious trouble. Well it's actually something that's been in the news a bit lately because some people reckon kids aren't being treated the right way, so we decided it was time for a closer look. NATHAN BAZLEY, REPORTER: It's 6:30 am and you're seeing a daily wake up call for the inmates in one of Australia's biggest juvenile detention centres outside Sydney. Fifteen boys live here in this block, although we can't identify any of them, and they are watched constantly by three officers. © ABC 2009 Girls are kept in different places. They have to do everything they are told straight away. No one gets much choice in what they do, or where they go. Some can be locked in their rooms for up to 18 hours a day. So how did they end up here? For every crime there is some form of punishment, but kids are treated differently to adults. The aim of the youth justice system is to do everything possible to keep kids out of trouble and out of jail. First up you could be given a warning. But if it's more serious, or you've done it before, you could end you up in something called mediation, which is where you have a talk with the victim, police and your parents to work out a suitable punishment, like a written apology or community service. But a step up from that and this is where you could end up - a special court for kids. Here a judge or magistrate decides whether you are guilty or not, then decides a punishment. NATHAN: Usually a youth court will try to give you as many chances as possible to make amends, but really troubled kids will sometimes end up in juvenile detention. For that to happen they must have committed very serious crimes - like very violent assaults or stealing cars lots of times. © ABC 2009 Across Australia, around a thousand kids are locked up in juvenile detention centres like this one every day. And kids can be in their early teens when they first found themselves in here. Their stay can be a few months or quite a few years, so they can miss out on a lot. But one thing they don't miss is school. School is seen as a way to help these kids stay out of trouble once they leave. Most kids inside get the chance to do classes, as well as practice other job skills. NATHAN: The whole point of the juvenile justice system is to stop kids turning into lifelong criminals but unfortunately that's not always the result. For example, in NSW, over half of the boys in detention will get in trouble again within a year. That's led some people to say that juvenile detention centres like this aren't working. Critics point out a few problems with the system. Some say putting all these troubled kids together means they're more likely to have a bad influence on each other. Others say it's because kids don't get enough support to live within the law when they get out. And some people say it's because the law goes too easy on kids for a start. © ABC 2009 It's a controversial debate and one that might get you thinking about what really goes on behind the wire. Presenter: Doesn’t look like somewhere any kid would want to end up, but it does raise some interesting questions. So, do you think it’s right to lock kids up? Leave a comment on our story. Next we’re going to look at junk food, but to whet your appetite, let’s do a quiz. Quiz 1 How much of an average bag of chips is fat? 1. 12% 2. 17% 3. 32% Answer: 32% Kids’ Ads Reporter: Catherine Ellis INTRO: Yep, it's a bit scary to think about really! But there is help at hand, because right now Australia is having a health check! The Government wants to improve the country's health and has just finished a big two year report looking at ways to stop people smoking, abusing alcohol and eating too much fatty food. © ABC 2009 Part of it involves having tougher rules on junk food ads during kids TV. But as Catherine reports, some health experts reckon the new rules don't go far enough. CATHERINE ELLIS, REPORTER: Feeling hungry? That's exactly what these ads are designed to do - and Health authorities want them stopped! The push to ban junk food ads during kids TV has been going for a long time because some people reckon it's contributing to the obesity problem. CATHERINE: Three in every ten Aussie kids are now overweight or obese and if you stay that way when you grow up, you can get serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's a group in charge of keeping a close eye on everything on Television. It's called the Australian Communications and Media Authority - or ACMA. Part of ACMA's job, is to protect kids from seeing stuff that's inappropriate and it's just spent two years looking at junk food ads. Its final conclusion was not to ban them because it says there's no proof the ads are linked to obesity. ACMA has however agreed to toughen up the rules. So during 'C 'classified programs - that are made especially for kids they've decided to limit the way advertisers can use popular characters and celebrities to promote stuff. © ABC 2009 Commercial stations show on average five hours of 'c' programming a week so most of the time the new rules don't apply and advertisers can still do what they like. Health authorities aren't happy. They say the rules don't go far enough - they don't want any junk food ads at all during kids TV. There are a lot of adults talking about what's best for kids, but how do kids feel? KID 1: Make the adverts later at night I guess. KID 2: And there should be more healthier ones so kids want more healthier food and they should make healthier food more interesting. KID 3: I reckon I would like more healthy ads promoted, less junk food ads and junk food should be given as a treat and not something they should just be abusing. KID 4: I think maybe at certain times of the day when young children are most likely to be watching TV it's probably not the best idea, but I wouldn't say ban them completely because obviously companies wouldn't be happy about that. KID 5: I think they show them way too often and during programs that people watch a lot so a lot more people see them and think I want to eat that. CATHERINE: Do you think it's what influenced you to buy your snack in your hands? ACMA's review may be over, but it looks like the debate about junk food ads will continue for a long time yet. Presenter: Well one place you know you won't see any junk food ads is right here on BtN, except for the couple in that story. © ABC 2009 Poll The issue is an interesting one that directly effects you guys, so I think that can be our online poll. The question is 'Should junk food ads be banned in kids' TV?' If you want to vote go to our website. Bullying Opera Reporter: Sarah Larsen INTRO: Cyber bullying is an issue that we've talked a lot about this year and we know from your letters in our Guestbook that it's something you guys feel strongly about. Well you're about to meet some young people who are getting the issue out there, but how they're doing it might surprise you! SARAH LARSEN, REPORTER: This is opera, but probably not as you know it. There are no funny costumes, no wigs and they're singing in English. It's opera by kids, for kids. Some of these guys are experienced opera singers, but for some it’s a new passion. It started with a program called Moving Opera, where professional singers, directors and composers go into schools and give workshops. The kids loved it and wanted to keep performing, so the pros decided to give the kids an opera of their own. © ABC 2009 VALENTINE DUBOIS, SINGER: We pretty much all got together in a room and decided what would get young people interested and the main thing people came up with was relevant location and a relevant theme that they would be able to relate to. The theme they chose was cyber bullying. REPORTER: It's something you guys probably know all about; how phones and the internet can become tools for bullies and make kids' lives miserable. It's a really serious issue and one that the young opera singers could relate to. ALANA KLEIN, SINGER: We shared stories and everyone in the group almost had a story about something that had happened to a friend with cyber bullying. There was an incident in school where one of the teacher got a MySpace created on them it wasn't really nice stuff. SHAUN CHARLES, LIBRETTIST: For me personally, like it's been said, everyone had a story to tell whether they were involved directly or whether it involved someone else. So I would go away from those workshops and every other night there's an incident every night there's a horrific image of bullying captured by a camera phone. Shaun is a librettist, which is a person who writes the words of an opera. He worked closely with the kids to make sure the opera was in their language. ALANA KLEIN, SINGER: He'd bring text to us and we'd read it and say, wait a minute we wouldn't say that, so it is written in our language. Together with a composer, they came up with a story that was just as dramatic and tragic as any classical opera but much more realistic. © ABC 2009 KATHERINE O'HALLORAN, SINGER: The story follows a group of students four of them and on their summer holiday they decide they're going to get back at one of their teachers and they do go and create a MySpace account and just the repercussions from that and how it affects the students and the teacher. It was a great opportunity for these guys - not only to perform but to help create their very own opera. And they reckon there's a message in it for kids and adults. KATHERINE O'HALLORAN, SINGER: I think everyone will enjoy it I think everyone can take something from it. We're trying to bring people in and try to get rid of some of the stereotypes they have about opera I think it’s really good for the older generation as well to experience and to understand the issues that we're facing. And maybe in the process they've created some new opera fans. Presenter: A very different way of getting a point across there, and if you're worried about bullying of any kind there's advice and contacts on our website. Time for another quiz. Quiz 2 What is the name given to female singers with the highest vocal range? 1. Tenor 2. Soprano 3. Alto The answer is – soprano. © ABC 2009 Tenor is the name given to a male singer with a high vocal range although there is a classification called countertenor which is even higher. Museum Animals Reporter: Nathan Bazley INTRO: When you go to a museum you see some pretty amazing animals. They might be well and truly dead, but they can look so lifelike it's nearly scary! Have you ever wondered how these exhibits are actually made? Well some of them used to involve the death of a lot of animals, but these days, technology has come to the rescue to save many lives and the resulting exhibitions help people to think about our environment and the animals which call it home. NATHAN BAZLEY, REPORTER: Everyone has seen mummies before - preserved bodies wrapped in cloth that generally come to life in movies and scare everyone. But did you know that you've probably seen a mummy or two in real life - but these ones are animals! Okay maybe not like that at all! But if you've ever been to a museum, there they are - genuine preserved animals, without the cloth of course! And they are there, not for terror and mayhem, but education. Preserving and mounting animals has to be one of the creepiest concepts around when you think about it, but people have been doing it for hundreds of years. © ABC 2009 The technical term is taxidermy and it normally means pulling out all the guts of a dead animal, preserving the skin, then mounting the skin over a mould it so it looks alive. Museums around the world use this process for their displays, to give people a detailed and realistic view of the animal kingdom. NATHAN: Here at the South Australian Museum, these artists are getting thousands of animals ready for a new display. It hopes to capture the amazing array of wildlife in the state, from the scorching deserts to the dark and cold oceans. Jo is the man behind it all and strangely enough, it's his job to take animals which have died and make them into these amazing models. But there was one part of his job the Jo always hated. JO BAIN: Well when I first started here, the thing that really upset me is if we needed a couple of lizards for an exhibit, we'd go out and knock off a dozen lizards. And I'm a reptile keeper myself and it used to really upset me. That's how taxidermy used to be done. For each specimen an animal had to be killed so its skin could be used. But at least for some animals, new technology has brought an end to that. Now only one specimen of each type needs to be taken from the wild and from there special plastics are used to make as many models as needed. They can even be bent into any pose. © ABC 2009 And the best news is - that one specimen can come from nearly anywhere. JO BAIN: This is a goanna that was killed by a car, and in being killed by the car, it ripped off the end of its tail. And so, from our preserved specimens, we've moulded a tail to attach to a specimen of a goanna. So we haven't had to go out and kill goannas. Once the mould is made, it's up to these artists to bring the model to life. They paint each one to look exactly how it does in real life using photos, videos and even real bodies. They spend hundreds of hours getting all the details right, but in the end the results speak for themselves. These model animals end up looking real enough to give you a pretty good fright and all without causing too many native animals a fright either. Presenter: The detail in some of those models is amazing - definitely worth a look. Quiz 3 Alright – one last quiz now. What is the world’s largest animal? Blue Whale © ABC 2009 It can grow to more than 200 tonnes. The largest land animal is the African Elephant but that's a lot smaller - it weighs just 8 tonnes. The Score Time for the details on sport now, here's Sarah. It's taken 7 attempts , but Australia has finally won a tri-nations match. The Wallabies defeated South Africa in Brisbane 21 points to 6. ********************** In soccer it wasn't such good news. Playing without stars Harry Kewell and Tim Cahill, the Socceroos were outclassed by South Korea in Seoul. They went down 3 - 1. *************** And the netballers also had a bad weekend. The Diamonds lost to New Zealand in the opening match of the 3-test Trans-Tasman series. The Silver Ferns finished on 53, the Aussies on 50. *************** And the World Mountain Bike Championships have wrapped up in Canberra. 41 countries competed in the event and Australia finished third on the medal tally with two gold, one silver and two bronze. Presenter: And some of the riders competing there you would have seen on Btn before -just check out the past stories on our website. Solo Sailors © ABC 2009 Reporter: Catherine Ellis INTRO: Now from pedal power to wind power. Imagine what it would be like to sail around the world all by yourself. It'd be lonely and dangerous yet exciting. Well a 17-year-old kid from Britain has just done it and now a 13year-old girl is hoping to beat his record. She may not be allowed to though, because as Catherine reports there are a lot of people trying to stop her. CATHERINE ELLIS, REPORTER: British teenager, Mike Perham has just become the youngest person to sail solo around the world. He left in November last year and was away for nine months! He even turned seventeen at sea! It was tough being alone all that time, but he had the ride of his life. MIKE PERHAM, SOLO SAILOR: Sometimes it'll be calm and there's no wind other times there'll be storms and you'll be out of control and you'll be asking yourself why on earth are you there what the hell are you doing! He started at a place called Portsmouth in Britain, but was forced to stop in the Canary Islands because of technical troubles. Then as he headed towards Sydney, he had to battle 15 metre waves, a broken rudder and ripped sails! In the Panama Canal he hit another boat. © ABC 2009 And on the last stretch to Britain he had Hurricane Bill to deal with! The open ocean can be a very dangerous place. There's not only huge waves and storms that can capsize your boat or send you flying into the water. There are also pirates in waters off areas of Asia. But Mike achieved his dream and his family were very relieved to see him. CATHERINE: But Mike may not be the record holder for long because now Netherlands teenager Laura Dekker wants to complete the same 45,000 kilometre journey and she's just 13! The only trouble is child protection authorities are trying to stop her and have taken her to court because they reckon it's too dangerous. Her parents are happy for her to go. They say she was born on a yacht, she had her own yacht by the age of six and has been sailing solo since she was ten. She'd taken two years off school to complete the trip but now she'll have to wait ‘til next month to hear if the judges will let her go. One sailor girl that won't have to wait is Aussie teenager Jessica Watson. The 16-year-old Queenslander plans to set sail around the world this month and be back in time for her 17th birthday. JESSICA WATSON, SOLO SAILOR: I want to get out there and inspire other young girls to do amazing things and really show there's more to everything than just whatever. © ABC 2009 So what do you guys think about kids sailing solo? Is it too dangerous? Or if you've got the experience like Lauren and it's your childhood dream, should you just be allowed to go? What do you reckon? Closer And you can tell us what you think by leaving a comment under the story on our website. Well I think it's about time for us to set sail - don't forget you can tune in every Monday to Friday at 5 to 6 for BTN Daily. Have a great week and we'll see you next time. © ABC 2009