AGED & COMMUNITY SERVICES SA & NT INC RETIREMENT LIVING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACTION PLAN 2015 -2016 OBJECTIVE 1. LEGISLATION 1.1 Contribute to review of the Retirement Village Act ACTIONS 1.2 Contribute to the development of Regulations which support the new RV Act 1.3 Develop information, tools and resources to assist members in the implementation of the new Retirement Villages Act and Regulations 1.4 Monitor and communicate legislative changes which may have implications for the retirement living and housing sector RESPONSIBLE TIME FRAME Obtain member views on the Retirement Village Bill 2015 Prepare an ACS response to the RV Bill. Meet with OFTA staff to discuss ACS response. Meet with Minister Zoe Bettison to discuss Bill. Committee 13 April 2015 ACS CEO and Committee 22 July 2015 Advise OFTA of the preferred consultation process. Identify impacts on sector of draft regulations and prepare an ACS response to the Minister/OFTA. Liaise with other key stakeholders to obtain views and potential of shared voice. Meet with OFTA/Minister to advocate on behalf of members. Identify member needs relating to the new legislation. Seek partners to deliver information, tools and resources which meet the needs of members. Evaluate the information, tools and resources to measure the effectiveness and usefulness. Keep a watching brief on legislative changes via media, Government newsletters, networks, Advisory Committee, membership and national federation. Communicate information via ACS publications, Forums, communiques, meeting minutes and networks. Committee 31 July 2015 24 April 2015 18 June 2015 October 2015 September 2015 December 2015 Committee January 2016 May 2016 August 2016 Committee Ongoing 2. VILLAGE COSTS 2.1 Develop an ACS preferred position on the way retirement villages are valued by the Valuer Generals Department 2.2 Inform members of any changes to costs associated with managing or operating a retirement village. 3. TRAINING/FORUMS 3.1 Develop an Induction Training Program for Retirement Village Managers. 3.2 Deliver two Retirement Living/Housing Forums a calendar year. Research current remissions, concessions and rebates and how they are effected by the village valuation and land use zoning. Consult with members to develop an ACS preferred approach to valuing retirement villages. Advocate with key stakeholders, Government and Utility providers on behalf of retirement village members. Communicate around best practice management of village costs. Village Costs Working Group (VCWG) - D Moran, P Thorne, RLO August 2015 Keep a watching brief over Village valuation, land zoning, utility costs, concessions, rebates and remissions, ESL, land tax, GST and other Government and nongovernment charges. Communicate information and implications to members. Investigate any communicated risks/threats to village financial viability Committee Ongoing Identify training needs of retirement village managers and staff. Develop induction training program. Procure services of professional to deliver the training. Deliver induction training. Evaluate induction training. Training Working Group (TWG) - Nicole Willing, T Kelly, RLO August 2015 26 June Forum Putting the Independence Back into Independent Living Units – ½ day and Rural Village Managers Network over Forum WG (FWG) – V Stokes, N Willing, L Tribelhorn, RLO October 2015 November 2015 January 2015 October 2015 December 2015 February 2016 March 2016 26 June 2015 4. INDUSTRY ADVOCACY 4.1 Collate and communicate industry views/positions and needs relating to retirement living, housing models for seniors, accessible and affordable housing and housing innovation. 4.2 Represent the Retirement Village membership on the OFTA, Retirement Villages Advisory Committee. lunch. 67 attendees, $1,898 net income. 12 November Forum - Legislation review and dementia theme. 12 November 2015 Conduct research, write position papers, letters and submissions, meet with Government Ministers, administration and key stakeholders, develop campaigns etc to progress the views and aims of the ACS retirement living and housing membership. Committee Ongoing Attend RVAC meetings three times a year to communicate member views, concerns, questions, initiatives and suggestions at the RVAC meetings. ACS representative Ongoing ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE SURVEYS/ CONSULTATIONS 2015 Industry Survey profiling membership Retirement Villages Bill survey Pensioner Concessions survey ADVOCACY 2015 ACS Submission re: Retirement Villages Bill 2015 FORUMS 2015 SACAT Webinar 13 participants Half Day Forum Putting the Independence Back into Independent Living Units 67 delegates