Ashley George January 27, 2010 Mt. Pinatubo Data Dump – Cycle A

Ashley George
January 27, 2010
Mt. Pinatubo Data Dump – Cycle A Individual
Event: Mt. Pinatubo Eruption in 1991
What I know:
Volcanic eruptions can be extremely unpredictable and are therefore hard to plan for. Since they cause
so much destruction, this is a very bad thing. Homeowners that live within a certain distance from an
active volcano usually get insurance to cover the costs of damages should the volcano erupt and reach
their home. Volcanoes have an effect on all of the spheres of the earth. When a volcano explodes, it
sends ash and gases into the atmosphere. This includes carbon dioxide, sulfur, water vapor, and sulfuric
compounds. The gases reach both the lower atmosphere and the upper stratosphere. They remain in
the lower part for only a few days but can stay in the stratosphere for several weeks or months. If there
a lot of volcanic eruptions near the same time, there can be an excess of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, which creates a slight warming. The excess of other particles in the atmosphere can also
block out sunspots, which could cause cooling. Volcanoes affect the lithosphere by shifting the earth’s
tectonic plates. This, in turn, can cause ocean currents to change, effecting temperature. The sediments
from the volcanic ash and material ends up in surrounding bodies of water and can be detrimental to
plant life, wild life, and fish by creating high acidity levels and poisonous elements. Volcanoes affect the
hydrosphere by creating tsunamis, which can destroy entire cities. The affect of volcanoes on the
biosphere is more obvious. The flowing lava/magma will of course kill wild animals that can’t get out of
the area, destroy homes, and cause human casualty. The gases and ash sediments kill vegetation,
causing famine, which will also affect the biosphere.
I know that volcanoes can be marked as dormant and that there are several different types of volcanoes.
Near the Hawaiian Islands, there is a chain of volcanoes called the Ring of Fire. Volcanoes are located all
over the earth.
Is there any way to predict a volcanic eruption?
How many times in the past have there been multiple volcanic eruptions at once?
Can one eruption cause a shift in tectonic plates that disrupts another volcano and causes it to
also erupt?
What are the different classifications of volcanoes?
What type of volcano is Mt. Pinatubo?
How many times has Mt. Pinatubo erupted?
How do scientists know when a volcano is dormant?
Are most volcanoes dormant or active?
Are there any active volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest?
What was the most destructive eruption?
How far does a volcano’s lava reach?
What is the difference between lava and magma?
What are the different layers/sections of a volcano called?
How are volcanoes created?
Where does the magma come from/how is it created?
Is there any scientific way to accurately guess when a volcano will erupt?
ESS Analysis:
E>A: The CO2 released into the atmosphere can cause temperature warming.
E>A: The sulfur and sulfuric compounds released into the atmosphere can cause temperature cooling.
E>L>H: The volcanic eruption caused a shift in tectonic plates, which in turn causes the ocean currents to
change and affect temperature.
E>H>B: Volcanic eruptions can cause huge tsunamis, which can destroy homes and cause casualty.
E>B: Volcanic gases and ash sediments kill vegetation and ruin fertile soil, which can cause famine.
E>H>B: Sediments end up in bodies of water and can be dangerous to the fish in the water and the
wildlife that drinks the water.