EXPLO Outline



Exploration of Vocational Training (EXPLO)

Mr. Robinson



The Exploration of Vocational Training program offers young people the opportunity to become familiar with the vocational training sectors and the world of work. It enables them to discover a number of trades and occupations that might appeal to them, and to explore some of them more closely. Thus it encourages them to think about their future, identify their aptitudes, aspirations and keenest interests, and see themselves as future workers. The Exploration of Vocational Training program encourages students to think about their future, identify their aptitudes, aspirations and keenest interests, and see themselves as future workers. The diversity of exploration activities proposed in the program and the resulting reflections and exchanges should help students step back to take a critical look at the myths, prejudices and stereotypes associated with vocational training. Thus they will be better equipped to make decisions concerning their career and their education in accordance with their ambitions.


This course offers students the opportunity to become familiar with the vocational training sectors, particularly in the carpentry, cabinetry and construction industries. In addition, students will also become familiar the job market for these trades and occupations. This course provides theoretical knowledge and hands on experience, and is ideal for students who whish to learn how to design, implement and produce projects using wood and wood related materials.

Topics Covered

Procedure Planning

Drafting / Technical Drawing

Hand Tools

Portable Power Tools

Machine Operation






Wood Burning








Explores Vocational Training :

Consults different sources of academic and career information.

Learns about different trades and occupations. Takes stock of his/her discoveries


Contemplates his / her suitability for vocational training

: Updates his/her personal profile. Considers the possibility of enrolling in vocational training. Shares his/her reflections

Marking Rubric:

See reverse

Competency 1 -

Explores Vocational Training






Demonstrates attitudes that are conducive to exploration (sense of initiative, commitment, autonomy, open-mindedness). Uses a wide range of documentary, human, material and institutional resources. Diversifies his/her exploration of vocational training whenever possible.

Mobilizes various strategies (exploration, meta-cognitive, career-planning, communication) in an autonomous manner. Uses diversified and pertinent sources of information suited to the context. Records his/her explorations and information validated in detail. Based on the information gathered and his/her discoveries, defines his/her representation of vocational training.

Mobilizes pertinent strategies (exploration, meta-cognitive, career-planning, communication) with occasional help from the teacher. Broadens his/her exploration, sometimes upon recommendation from the teacher or his/her peers, to include trades, occupations or types of training that are less familiar or new to him/her. Records most information on his/her explorations and validates most of the information gathered. Draws up a portrait of the trades, occupations or programs of study explored, using the information gathered and the discoveries made during activities (information, observation and experiential).

Uses exploration strategies when suggested by the teacher. Gathers some pertinent information about the trade, occupation or program of study explored. Constructs a partial representation of vocational training, which takes into account onl2y some of its characteristics.

Partially explores (with no purpose) the trades, occupations or programs. Uses various resources (resource persons, documentary and material resources) on a superficial level.

Records little information on his/her exploration even when tools are recommended.

Competency 2 Contemplates his / her suitability for vocational training


Demonstrates attitudes that are conducive to reflection (e.g. open-mindedness, self-criticism, rejection of prejudices and stereotypes). Presents a well-structured summary of his/her explorations and reflection on the characteristics of vocational training. Compares vocational training with other types of training.





Makes effective use of various strategies (metacognitive, career-planning, communication).

Defines the upcoming steps in his/her training path and justifies his/her choices. Considers the information gathered from people he/she trusts in his/her reflections. Presents a summary of his/her reflections regarding the trades or occupations explored and vocational training.

Makes some connections between his/her personal profile and the trades and occupations explored. Records his/her main reflections and identifies some steps of his/her training path.

Shares his/her discoveries and reflections with others.

With help from the teacher, makes a few connections between the characteristics of his/her personal profile and the trades, occupations or programs of study explored. Presents unverified information on vocational training.

With help, presents the characteristics of his/her personal profile. Considers or rejects a possible vocational training path without justification.
