Selling Services into Wider Markets Introduction The Government is committed to increasing the efficiency of the public sector, both through the more effective management and delivery of public services and the fuller utilisation of public assets. To this end the Government published the National Asset Register (NAR) in November 1997. At the same time it announced incentives for departments and agencies both to sell off surplus assets and to make the best use of those retained. This guidance sets out details of the revised arrangements in respect of retained assets and a framework for enabling departments to develop proposals for their more efficient use through commercial activity, where appropriate. The Government’s policy is that departments and their agencies, and NDPBs, should enhance the utilisation and value of their assets, whether physical or non-physical. The policy therefore applies to software, databases, skills and intellectual property as well as to physical assets such as equipment, land and premises. Exploiting Commercial Potential In some cases, and subject to sensible safeguards, the most efficient use of an asset may involve exploiting its commercial potential. Such public sector commercial activity has the ability to generate additional resources for core departmental objectives and to benefit the economy as a whole through more productive use of assets, for example by marketing widely high-quality goods and services originally developed in the public sector. The Wider Markets Initiative (WMI) encourages the public sector to adopt a more entrepreneurial approach to making the most effective and efficient use of public assets. It applies to the commercial exploitation of assets for non-core ("wider") purposes, and includes both: • • physical assets (irreducible spare capacity of equipment, land, buildings etc.); and non-physical assets (software, databases, skills, intellectual property etc). HM Treasury has produced a Policy and Guidance Note on Selling Government Services into Wider Markets that outlines the Initiative and establishes incentives for Wider Markets projects, including: • • • the automatic right to retain the benefit of receipts generated by sales into wider markets; the ability to use receipts to offset administration expenditure; and all departments to nominate an internal Wider Markets officer. The Partnerships UK Wider Markets Unit Partnerships UK has been tasked by HM Treasury to take forward coordination of the Wider Markets Initiative. The PUK Wider Markets Coordination Unit is a central resource, free at the point of use for public sector bodies. The Unit can call on a range of skills and experience to assist at all stages of a wider markets opportunity. The Unit provides a Helpdesk facility to answer queries on the Wider Markets Initiative. The Wider Markets Unit is currently staffed by Nick Forster. Wider Markets Guidance Policy on Wider Markets is set out in Selling Government Services into Wider Markets Policy and Guidance Note (HM Treasury 1998). This guidance is being updated and the revised version will be published shortly. Partnerships UK is producing a range of guidance on implementing Wider Markets policy: • A Guidance Note for Public Bodies forming Joint Venture Companies with the Private Sector • Selecting a Partner for selling into Wider Markets and Commercialisation of Public Sector Research (forthcoming) • Implementing Wider Markets: A Guide for Public Bodies (forthcoming) The Wider Markets Test below shows the key steps and questions for those considering Wider Markets projects. The Wider Markets Test Wider Markets Project Support The Partnerships UK Wider Markets Unit provides support to public bodies: • • • • • • identifying Wider Markets opportunities feasibility choice of commercial vehicle business case development implementation partner selection. The Unit also provides a review service to support internal approvals procedures. In-depth support can be provided on complex and innovative Wider Markets Public Private Partnerships through Development. Such projects are usually handled by the most appropriate transaction sector within Partnerships UK (Science, Technology and Equipment, Property and Accommodation, Environment, Transport and IT and Communication). Contact the Wider Markets Unit at: Wider Markets Officers All government departments and many agencies and non-department public bodies have Wider Markets Officers. Wider Markets Officers provide a contact point for all internal and external inquiries about Wider Markets opportunities and policy within the public body. Wider Markets Officers Contact Details Army Training & Recruitment Organisation (ATRA) David Adams (01980) 615522 Cabinet Office Tara Jayaratne (01256) 841 6129 Companies House Jack Mansfield Court Service Richard Pearson (020) 7210 1731 Lara Gregory (020) 7210 1731 HM Customs & Excise Ellen Owen (020) 7865 4928 Dept for Culture, Media & Sport Kathy Hosker (020) 7211 6348 Neil O'Grady (020) 7211 6350 neil.o' Dept for Education & Skills Susan Meehan (020) 7925 6348 Dept of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Jon Lowi (020) 7270 8030 Dept of Finance & Personnel (Northern Ireland) Frank Boyle (028) 9185 8189 Dept of Health Peter Kendall (non-NHS issues) (020) 7972 2763 Lindsey Proctor (NHS Issues) (0113) 2546438 Dept for International Development Mark Lowcock (020) 7023 0407 Dept of Trade & Industry Janice Humphries (020) 7215 5742 Dept for Transport Jonathan Daley (020) 7944 6955 Dept for Work & Pensions Paul Coppinger (0113) 232 7247 Mike Hofman (0113) 232 7136 Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency Fiona Murphy (01792) 782755 MurphyF.DVLAGP02. Environment Agency John Handley (0117) 914 2893 john.handley@ FCO Services Richard Beeson (01908) 516 727 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Bonny St John (020) 7008 0927 Health & Safety Executive Bill Tomkins (020) 7717 6454 Highways Agency Graham Burgess HM Land Registry Mick Lewis (020) 7917 5918 HM Treasury Rob Brightwell (020) 7270 1555 Home Office Pauline Griggs (020) 7273 2747 Rob McNeil Inland Revenue Gary Waller (020) 7438 7909 Job Centre Plus Julie Brown Lord Chancellor's Dept Stan Coats (020) 7210 8631 Maritime & Coastguard Agency Lorraine Weller (023) 8032 9197 Medicines Control Agency Dr Gordon Munro Meteorological Office Kate Smith (01344) 854142 Ministry of Defence Roger Paxton (020) 7218 6099 Ivor Lever (020) 7218 5665 Marian Sparling (020) 7218 0259 National Assembly for Wales Peter Jones (029) 2082 3530 Office of National Statistics James Denman (020) 7533 6210 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Jonathan Daley (020) 7944 6955 Office of the e-Envoy Roger Burke-Hamilton (020) 7276 3146 roger.burke-hamilton@ Ordnance Survey Duncan Shiell (023) 8079 2965 Public Records Office Anne Kilminster (020) 8392 5206 Radiocommunications Agency Michael Goddard (020) 7211 0030 Scottish Executive Andrew Clearie UK Hydrographic Office David Featherstone (01823) 723384 Further assistance and advice on Wider Markets can be obtained from the Partnerships UK Website at: widermkts.htm