Annex VII of the Funding Contract no. …......... Project Information for

Annex VII of the Funding Contract no. ….........
Project Information for DoRIS platform
Basic Project Information
Project summary
A short project summary should be provided for each project (max 1 000 characters no spaces) in
order to be published on the web for a general audience. This has to be written in an accessible
way, using clear and understandable language, avoiding jargon, abbreviations and
technical/bureaucratic language.
The project summary should cover the following points:
Why is the project needed? (Describe current problems /challenges. Include any relevant references
to wider public plans or priorities)
What is the objective of the project? (The objective of a project is equivalent to an outcome of the
What is the project expected to achieve? (Describe the project outcome(s) and mention any
concrete targets or indicators)
How will the project address these challenges? (Describe the project outputs – what will be
produced or delivered?)
Who is expected to benefit? (Target groups)
How will bilateral relations be strengthened? (Describe the role of the donor partner, where
What will the partnership achieve?
Project partnership planned results
A short summary should be provided describing how each Project Partner(s) will contribute to
achieving the project objective and what role the Partner(s) will play in the project (max 1 000
characters no spaces). Due to the summary is published on the web for a general audience, this has
to be written in an accessible way, using clear and understandable language, avoiding jargon,
abbreviations and technical/bureaucratic language.
The summary should cover the following points:
 What did the donor project partner contribute to the project at a technical/professional
 What did the partnership contribute towards the project outcome and outputs?
 What has the partnership achieved towards strengthened bilateral relations?
 Is any wider impact of the partnership expected? (e.g. wider international cooperation in
the sector, wider dissemination of knowledge/experience etc.)
Specific project Information
This section allows for the reporting of the relationship of the project objective and project
outcome(s) to the Programme expected outcome and Programme output(s) respectively.
Project objective
A project shall have at least one project objective. The project objective shall be identical to the
Programme outcome that the project contributes to.
Project outcome
A project shall have at least one outcome. A project outcome shall be identical to a Programme
output that the project contributes to.
Project measures (activities)
A minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 measures may be selected and marked as main or secondary
Main measure = main focus of the project in terms of budget or human resource dedicated
Secondary measures = other important measures
It could be choosen one main measure with the possibility to choose up to two secondary measures.
Categories of measures (activities):
- Research;
Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken on a
systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture
and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.
- Infrastructure development and provision of equipment;
- Capacity building:
Capacity is the ability of individuals, organisations and the broader system or enabling environment
to perform their functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably. Capacity building is defined as:
i. Human resources development, In the context of organizational development,
ii. Institutional and organisational development, including development of systems,
management structures, and procedures, not only within organisations but also the
management of relationships between the different organisations and sectors (public, private
and community), and development of beneficiary participation (men/women)
iii. Development of an enabling environment with appropriate legal frameworks.
- Provision of services
- Information and awareness raising.
Information specific to research projects under any Programme Area
This section must be completed in case “Research” is chosen as one of the Projects measures. It has
to be specified if the project is included in one of the three types of research mentioned in the
following table.
Basic research
Study of the causal relations
between economic conditions
and social development
Study of the social structure
and the sociooccupational
mobility of a society, i.e. its
composition and changes in
socio‐occupational strata,
social classes, etc.
Study of the role of the family
in different civilisations past
and present
Study of the reading process in
adults and children, i.e.
Applied research
Study of the economic and
social causes of the drift of
agricultural workers from rural
districts to towns, for the
purpose of preparing a
programme to halt this
development in order to
support agriculture and prevent
social conflicts in industrial
to foresee future consequences
of recent trends in social
Study of the role and position
of the family in a specific
country or a specific region at
the present time for the purpose
of preparing relevant social
Study of the reading process
for the purpose of developing a
Experimental development
Development and testing of a
programme of financial
assistance to prevent rural
migration to large cities
Development and testing of a
programme to stimulate
upward mobility among certain
social and ethnic groups
Development and testing of a
programme to maintain family
structure in low‐income
working groups
Development and testing of a
special reading programme
investigating how human
visual systems work to acquire
information from symbols such
as words, pictures and
new method of teaching
children and adults to read
among immigrant children