Trigeminal nerve
(thin myelinated/ unmyelinated fibers; midpons)
Neuro Objectives 23
Trigeminal nerve contents : general sensory afferents of the face and anterior
2/3 of the tongue; special visceral efferents to the muscles of mastication
Trigeminal nuclei location : a.
Spinal nucleus : mediolateral in the medulla and caudal pons b.
Main sensory nucleus : dorsolateral in the midpons; dorsal to motor nucleus c.
Motor nucleus : dorsolateral in the midpons; ventral to main sensory nucleus d.
Mesencephalic nucleus : mediolateral in the rostral pons and medulla; actually NOT a nucleus, but a ganglia for psuedounipolar primary afferents (mostly mechanoreceptors from muscles around temporomandibular junction)
Central pathways : a.
Pain/temperature : midline
Spinal trigeminal tract
Spinal nucleus
(caudal medulla)
Spinothalamic tract
Touch/position : midline
Trigeminal nerve
(thick myelinated fibers; midpons)
Main sensory nucleus
Medial lemniscus
Somatotopic arrangement of fibers/terminations in the spinal tract/nucleus :
The more anterior (CN V
) sensory aspects terminate anteriorly in the spinal nucleus (near the obex) while the posterior (CN V
) sensory aspects terminate posteriorly in the spinal nucleus (in the caudal medulla)
3. Facial motor nucleus location : medial to the spinothalamic tract in the caudal pons
Pathway of facial nerve fibers : leave the facial motor nuclei dorsally and wrap around the adbucens nucleus (internal genu of the facial nerve) before leaving the caudal pons
Motor neurons for the pharynx/larynx (IX, X) : Nucleus ambiguus (blends into reticular formation ventrolaterally in the medulla)
Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic neuron location (CN X) : Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus (between hypoglossal nucleus and sulcus limitans in the caudal medulla)
Visceral afferent pathway (CN VII, IX, X) : Solitary nucleus (ventral to the floor of the 4 th
ventricle and lateral to sulcus limitans in the medulla and caudal pons)
7. Gustatory information pathway (CN VII, IX) : Rostrolateral part of solitary nucleus (ventral to the 4 th
ventricle and lateral to sulcus limitans in the rostral medulla and caudal pons)
8. Neural circuitry of : a.
Jaw-jerk reflex (CN V) : mesencephalic nucleus
Muscle spindle
Motor ending trigeminal motor root b.
Blink reflex (CN V afferent, CN VII efferent) :
Eye touch
V sensory afferent
VII facial
nuclei mesencephalic tract trigeminal motor nucleus
V spinal nucleus
9. Effects of damage : a.
Trigeminal motor nucleus : a.
Nucleus damage : ipsilateral weakness in the muscles of mastication b.
Corticobulbar damage : slight contralateral weakness in the muscles of mastication b.
Facial motor nucleus : a.
Nucleus damage : ipsilateral weakness in all the facial muscles b.
Corticobulbar damage : contralateral weakness in the lower face muscles (bilateral projection to upper face) c.
Nucleus ambiguus : a.
Nucleus damage : ipsilateral weakness in the larynx/pharynx b.
Corticobulbar damage : no real effect (bilateral projection to the larynx/pharynx) d.
Accessory nucleus : a.
Nucleus damage : ipsilateral weakness in the sternocleidomastoid b.
Corticobulbar damage : ipsilateral weakness in the sternocleidomastoid (contralateral head rotation) e.
Hypoglossal nucleus : a.
Nucleus damage : ipsilateral weakness in the tongue b.
Corticobulbar damage : slight contralateral weakness in contralateral tongue
10. Location/contents of : a.
Spinal trigeminal tract/nucleus : a.
Location : mediolateral extending from the caudal medulla to the caudal pons b.
Contents : primary facial pain/temperature afferents (CN V) b.
Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal : a.
Location : dorsolateral to the area where trigeminal fibers enter the midpons (mediolateral caudal pons, dorsolateral to motor nucleus of c.
trigeminal) b.
Contents : primary facial touch/position afferents (CN V)
Motor nucleus of trigeminal : a.
Location : where trigeminal fibers enter the midpons (mediolateral caudal pons, ventromedial to main sensory nucleus of trigeminal) b.
Contents : Primary efferents to the muscles of mastication (CN V) d.
Motor nucleus of facial : e.
Location : medial to spinothalamic tract in the caudal pons b.
Contents : ipsilateral lower motor neurons (CN VII)
Internal genu of facial : a.
Location : facial wraps ventromedially around the abducens nucleus near the midline and 4 th ventricle in the caudal pons b.
Contents : lower motor neuron axons leaving the motor nucleus of the facial nerve (CN VII)
Solitary tract/nucleus : a.
Location : ventral to the floor of the 4 th ventricle and lateral to sulcus limitans in the medulla b.
Contents : site of primary visceral afferent termination of the tongue
(CN VII, IX) and abdomen (CN X) g.
Nucleus ambiguus : a.
Location : blends into the posterolateral reticular formation in the medulla b.
Contents : branchial muscle efferents to larynx/pharynx (CN IX, X) h.
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus : a.
Location : lateral to hypoglossal nucleus and medial to sulcus limitans in the rostral medulla b.
Contents : preganglionic parasympathetic efferents to the abdomen
(CN X)