FINAL PROJECT RUBRIC The total point of the final case study is 75, which is broken down into two major areas: Group (35 points) and Individual (40 points). GROUP Criteria Management Memorandum (5) Introduction, general description (5) Implementation Plan & feasibility (10) Excellence Provide a meaningful and concise management memorandum. Include a wellwritten and brief problem statement, purpose of the paper, and findings. (5) Clearly describe background of the selected organization, mission, objectives, business and IT strategy, motivations. (5) Demonstrate well understanding of behavioral issues. Apply concepts (managing technology, people, organization) to the project. Derive clear managerial implications that respond to the proposed solution. Discussions and recommendations are relevant and feasible. Provide clear managerial rationale for the implementation plan. (9-10) Good Provide a meaningful and lengthy management memorandum. Include a wellwritten problem statement, purpose of the paper, and findings. (4) Some of the information is not clear or needs further elaboration. (4) Demonstrate good understanding of behavioral issues, and some information was not described clearly. Somewhat apply concepts (managing technology, people, organization) to the project. Derive general managerial implications that may or may not respond to the proposed solution. Discussions and recommendations are somewhat feasible (some may sound impossible). Didn't provide clear managerial rationale for the implementation plan. (7-8) Fair Provide little information in the management memorandum. State only two of the followings: problem statement, purpose of the paper, and findings. (3) Some of the important information is missing. Didn't describe clearly background of the organization. (3) Lack of understanding of behavioral issues. Didn't apply concepts (managing technology, people, organization) to the project. Suggest managerial implications that don't respond to the proposed solution. Discussions and recommendations are unreasonable and infeasible. Discussions are mainly based on opinion. Didn't provide clear managerial rationale for the implementation plan. (56) Not there yet Provide no valuable information in the management memorandum. (0-2) It was not clear at all what business the organization is in or what mission, objective, business and IT strategy is used. (0-2) Didn't discuss behavioral issues. Didn't apply concepts (managing technology, people, organization) to the project. Didn't suggest any managerial implications. Recommendations are unreasonable and infeasible, or missing. Discussions are mainly based on opinion. Didn't provide clear managerial rationale for the implementation plan. (0-4) Criteria Reference (5) Coordination and participation - (10) Excellence Include citations in the text as well as at the end of the document. Use at least 3 articles from this course or Peer-reviewed journals. The articles are related to the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (5) Actively participate in a group discussion. Contribute time and effort to put the group paper together, and encourage other members to do the same thing. (9-10) Good Missing a few citations in the paper. Use only 2 articles that may or may not be related to the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (4) Fair Missing several citations in the paper or didn't cite references properly. Use only 1 article that may or may not be related to the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (1-3) Not there yet Copy ideas or concepts from articles or books without a citation may cause anything from zero point given to this category to no credit for the entire project. (0) Participate in a group discussion. Sometime disappear without telling the group. Contribute time and effort to put the group paper together but the contribution is not very useful or comes in late. Doesn't make much initiation. (7-8) Participate slightly in a group discussion. Didn't contribute much time and effort to put the group paper together. Need a lot of rework on your writing by other group members. Never make any initiation. (5-6) Didn't participate or participate minimally in the write up of the executive summary, introduction, and conclusion. (0-4) Address the issues and objectives clearly. Analyze and evaluate the as-is organization and identify problems clearly. Provide clear description of the as-is organization (both narrative & graphic). Identify current performance measures clearly. Information presented is supported by data collection from articles, reports, or experience. (9-10) Address the issues and objectives somewhat clearly. Analyze and evaluate the as-is organization and identify problems somewhat clearly. Provide description of the as-is organization (both narrative & graphic) is not quite clear. Identify current performance measures but didn't explain what they are. Information presented is supported by data collection from articles, reports, or experience. (7-8) Vaguely address the issues and objectives. Vaguely analyze and evaluate the as-is organization and didn't identify problems well. Provide little description of the as-is organization (both narrative & graphic). Didn't identify current performance measures clearly. No evidence shown that information presented is supported by data collection from articles, reports, or experience. (5-6) Didn't address the issues and objectives and didn't identify problems. Provide little or no description of the as-is organization (both narrative & graphic). Didn't identify current performance measures clearly. No evidence shown that information presented is supported by data collection from articles, reports, or experience. (0-4) INDIVIDUAL Addressing problems/ issues, detailed description of the As-Is organization (10) Detailed description of the to-be organization (15) Clearly discuss the to-be organization (both narrative & graphic). Arguments are well supported by previous studies or personal experience. Present clearly the result of technology review and provide a clear rationale why a certain technology is chosen. Apply concepts (e.g. change agent, enabling role of IT) learned from this course to come up with a reasonable design. Identify clearly costs/benefits of this proposed project and explain clearly and reasonably how to measure them. (13-15) Reference (5) Include citations in the text as well as at the end of the document. Use at least 3 articles from this course and 2 articles from Peer-reviewed journals. The articles are related to one of the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (5) Present the project in a clear and precise manner. The PowerPoint slides outline the problems and solutions. Provide useful discussion. Respond well to the questions. Excellent verbal communication skills. (9-10) Presentation (10) Discuss the to-be organization (both narrative & graphic) but some information is not clear. Arguments are mostly supported by anecdotal evidence. Provide little review technology and doesn't provide a clear rationale why a certain technology is chosen. Apply concepts (e.g. change agent, enabling role of IT) learned from this course slightly to come up with a new design but provide little a rationale. Tend to address general ideas but may not address how to solve the problem. Identify costs/benefits of this proposed project but didn't explain clearly how to measure them. (11-12) Missing a few citations in the paper. Use only 3-4 articles that may or many not be related to the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (4) Discuss very briefly the to-be organization (both narrative & graphic) and some information is not clear or missing. Select technology without a supporting reason. Didn't apply concepts learned from this course. Tend to address peripheral issues or present mainly an opinion. Identify costs/benefits of this proposed project but didn't explain how to measure them. (8-10) Discuss very briefly the to-be organization (both narrative & graphic) and some important information is missing. Didn't review technology. Didn't apply concepts learned from this course. Didn't address the issues or discuss how to solve the problems. Present mainly an opinion. Didn't identify costs/benefits of this proposed project. (0-7) Missing several citations in the paper or didn't cite references properly. Use only 1-2 articles that may or may not be related to the following areas: technology management, organizational behavior, IS behavior, and IS management. (1-3) Copy ideas or concepts from articles or books without a citation may cause anything from zero point given to this category to no credit for the entire project. (0) A few points in the presentation are vague. The slides outline the problems and solutions. Provide somewhat useful discussion. Can’t respond to some questions. Very good communication skills. (7-8) Several points are vague. The slides lack some major points or provide too much unnecessary detail. Can’t respond to some questions. Fair communication skills. (5-6) Didn’t present the project, or didn’t demonstrate a good understanding of the project. The slides are poorly created. Can’t respond to several questions. Poor communication skills. (0 – 4) **Note: Please check grammar and spelling before you submit the paper. All late submission will be subjected to 10% reduction each day after the deadline. A submission five days after the due date will not receive any points.