Social Studies

Indiana Standards met in 4-H project manuals
Social Studies: World Geography, page 1; World History and Civilization, page 2.
No standards met: Economics, Geography and History of the World, Psychology
Sociology, United States Government
World Geography
Social Studies
WG.1.3 Use locational technology (remote
Geology, Level 3: p. 22
sensing, Global Positioning Systems [GPS]
and Geographic Information Systems [GIS
]) to establish spatial relationships.
WG.1.4 Explain that maps contain spatial
Geology, Level 3: p. 22
elements of point, line, area, and volume,
each of which must be digitized differently
for incorporation within a GIS.
WG.1.5 Ask geographic questions and
Forestry, Level 3: p. 14, 16
obtain answers from a variety of sources,
such as books, atlases, and other written
materials; statistical source material;
fieldwork and interviews; remote sensing;
word processing; and GIS. Reach
conclusions and give oral, written, graphic,
and cartographic expression to conclusions.
WG.1.6 Give examples of how maps are
Geology, Level 3: p. 13, 20, 22
often used to convey biased information, so Weather, Level 4: p. 4, 9
that critical analysis of map sources is
WG.2.3 Give examples of how places and
Forestry, Level 3: p. 14, 32
regions change over time.
WG.3.2 Categorize elements of the natural
Geology, Level 3: p. 7
environment as belonging to one of the
four components of Earth’s physical
systems: atmosphere, lithosphere,
biosphere, or hydrosphere.
WG.3.5 Describe the world patterns of
Forestry, Level 3: p. 16
natural vegetation and biodiversity and their
relations to world climate patterns.
WG.3.6 Integrate understandings
Geology, Level 3: p. 7
concerning the physical processes that
shape Earth’s surface and result in existing
land forms: plate tectonics, mountain
building, erosion, and deposition.
WG.3.7 Give specific examples, in terms of Geology, Level 3: p. 7
places where they occur, of the physical
processes that shape Earth’s surface.
WG.3.8 Map with precision the occurrence Geology, Level 3: p. 20
Indiana Standards met in 4-H project manuals
of earthquakes on Earth over a given period
(at least several months), and draw
conclusions concerning regions of tectonic
World History and Civilization
Social Studies
WH.9.2 Define and explain the causes, main Forestry, Level 3: p. 18, 22
events, and global consequences of
nineteenth-century imperialism.