Cllr Meadows.
Mrs Boote, Mrs Butler, Erwin, Harris.
[Cllr Mrs Boote in attendance in order to maintain quorum; Full Council minutes dated 26.2.07.
(07/7597c) refer.]
Mr Grocock [Clerk].
Apologies received from Cllrs Mrs Abbey, Barton and Kemmer; accepted and reasons for
absence APPROVED.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Meadows declared an interest in respect of 07/6652b, and signed the interests book.
The minutes of the meeting held on 22.1.07 were APPROVED and it was AGREED that Cllr
Meadows should sign them as a true record.
The Clerk updated the committee in respect of the proposed new telephone system which
had been delayed pending installation of a new BT line.
Matters Arising
Accounts for the ten months ended 31.1.07 and the eleven months ended 28.2.07 had been
circulated prior to the meeting, along with a covering note from the Clerk.
The Clerk drew attention to the Q4 electricity bill which was nearly 75% up on Q4
2005/6. He explained that a fixed rate contract had expired, there having been six price
rises during the period of the contract, the effect of which was only being felt now. As a
result, Heat/Light/Water expenditure would be substantially in excess of the 2006/7
budget, and the amount budgeted for 2007/8 would, in all probability, be insufficient.
Cllr Erwin queried whether the Clerk had explored the possibility of switching to another
provider. The Clerk confirmed that he intended to do so, but that, initially, he wanted to
discuss the existing contract &/or other options with the current provider.
Notwithstanding the above, the Clerk pointed out that a substantial budget surplus for the
financial year looked very likely. Cllr Harris suggested that committees should be urged
to reconsider their 2007/8 spending plans in the light of this. The Clerk agreed that there
might be scope for additional spending, but suggested that committees should firm up
their current plans initially, so that the situation could be reviewed once the end of year
figures were available.
There were no other questions.
AGREED that earmarked reserves as at 31.3.07 should be as follows:
Village Hall £20870.
Burial Ground £4850.
Planning £1500.
KUFC Provision £10000.
All other monies to be transferred to uncommitted reserves.
Expenditure for Approval
a) Village Hall Decorating
Estimates had been invited from three contractors for redecorating the Village Hall and
Centenary Lounge internally and externally.
The Clerk and Cllr Mrs Horne had met with all three contractors, and discussed the work
Two estimates had been received [copies circulated]; the third contractor had failed to
submit an estimate.
The Clerk pointed out that, whilst three estimates would have been ideal, any further
delays might make it difficult for the work to be done during the school summer holiday
period when hirers would be least inconvenienced.
AGREED that the lower of the two estimates received [£7590 plus VAT] should be
AGREED that a further estimate [£2955 plus VAT] should be accepted for refurbishment
of the main Village Hall toilets.
b) Other Items
AGREED that an estimate of £1275 should be accepted for work required at the Burial
Grants/Donations to Local Organisations
AGREED that the following donations should be made in 2007/8:
Arts Assoc £750.
Twinning Association £950.
Community Concern £500.
AGREED that the current Council Chairman should be paid an additional allowance of
£200 towards expenses incurred on his forthcoming trip to Feignies
Audit/Internal Control
Internal Audit 2006/7
The Clerk had circulated a copy of the internal auditor’s interim report for 2006/7. It was
noted that there were “…no areas to which I need to draw your attention following the interim
Appointment of 2006/7 External Auditor
It was noted that Hacker Young had been appointed as external auditor for 2006/7.
Review of Internal Control/Internal Audit
This had been undertaken by Full Council on 19.3.07, but Cllr Kemmer had suggested that
internal control should be looked at in further detail by the Finance & General Purposes
committee[07/7609b&c]. In the absence of Cllr Kemmer, it was agreed that any review
should be deferred for the time being.
Review of Risk Assessment
It was noted that the Council’s system of internal control encompasses:
Six-monthly RoSPA inspections at skatepark and trials-bike course.
Annual RoSPA inspections at play area.
Weekly inspections at skatepark, trials-bike course and play area.
Periodic inspections of Village Hall and Burial Ground.
Annual inspection [by insurers] of stage equipment, ladders and step ladders.
Annual inspection of portable electrical appliances.
Periodic [five-yearly] electrical inspection.
Annual manufacturers’ inspection of fire appliances.
Asbestos surveys.
Risk assessments:
It was noted that the risk of losing key personnel is one of which the Council needs to be
constantly aware, as illustrated by problems stemming from the retirement of Frank
Brown , the erstwhile caretaker, and the recent incapacity of Mike White, the
groundsman. Cllr Erwin suggested that there was little the Council could do about this.
Cllr Harris suggested maintaining close links with other Parish Councils in the hope that
locums could be arranged if need be.
Village Hall
Village Hall Car Park
Burial Ground
Office staff.
The Clerk had circulated draft heads of terms for a revised lease, prepared by the
Council’s solicitor following discussions with the Clerk, Cllr Meadows and Cllr Kemmer.
Cllr Erwin expressed concern regarding the inclusion of the old play area in the property
leased, bearing in mind possible changes of use in the near future.
The Clerk pointed out that the solicitor had advised that the lease should be revised before
any decision is made on the old play area, and that, in any case, the lease would ultimately
require the approval of the KPFA.
The heads of terms were APPROVED in principle, pending the outcome of discussions
with the KPFA.
AGREED that Cllr Kemmer [the Council’s representative on the KPFA] should initiate
the next step.
Terms of Reference
The Clerk had circulated a draft revision of the committee’s terms of reference. He
queried whether clause 4b [re sub committees] was still appropriate, given the quorum of
five stipulated for the committee itself.
Cllr Erwin suggested that clause 4b was no longer appropriate, and proposed that it should
be deleted.
Cllr Harris suggested that the terms of reference should stipulate that:
The Clerk should attend meetings whenever possible.
There should be a minimum of four meetings per year.
The draft terms of reference were APPROVED subject to the amendments suggested,
and approval in due course by Full Council – see Appendix 1.
Administrative Issues
a) Banking Arrangements
The Clerk pointed out that, with a number of current F & GP members not standing for reelection, there would be a shortage of signatories until a new mandate could be
Cllr Erwin suggested that this was not a cause for concern.
AGREED that the mandate should not be revised until after the election.
b) Other Administrative Issues
AGREED that the four statutory/concessionary days holiday to which the office staff are
contractually entitled in addition to their normal holiday entitlement, should be taken of
Dec 24, 27, 28 and 31.
Staff/Contractual Issues
a) 2007/8 Payroll
The Clerk had circulated a draft 2007/8 payroll budget – see Appendix 2.
He pointed out that no national pay award had been announced as yet.
The budget was APPROVED subject to any subsequent national pay award.
b) Groundsman
Contractual Duties
The Clerk had circulated a summary of the steps he had taken thus far to cover for the
absence of the groundsman, Mike White, and also a copy of a quotation which had been
received from Notts County Council.
It was noted that the arrangements made, or proposed, involved increased costs, but it was
AGREED that they were acceptable provided they were strictly short term.
It was AGREED, in particular, that the contractor engaged on a temporary basis to tend
to the bowling green should be engaged on the same basis to take care of maintenance at
the Burial Ground and around the periphery of the playing field, but that, in the event of
Mike White being unable to return to his former duties, the Council should reserve the
right to put the contracts out to tender.
Tennis Club
The Tennis Club had requested that the Council should pay the cost [£1280 plus VAT] of
power washing and chemically treating the courts, plus minor repairs to fencing, gates and
door frames.
After due consideration, it was AGREED that this work would not have been within the
groundsman’s remit, and that this was, therefore, a matter which should be referred to the
KPFA rather than the Parish Council.
1. Note dated 22.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘Accounts – Months 10 & 11’.
2. Letter [undated] from Zurich Municipal re refund of hirers’ liability premium.
3. Note dated 13.2.07 to all Councillors: ‘Committees – Q3 Income/Expenditure
4. Schedule of Payments for Approval at Full Council meeting on 19.3.07; circulated to
all Councillors.
5. Letter dated 2.2.07 to Principal Accountant, Rushcliffe Borough Council re Parish
precept 2007/8.
6. Quotations re Village Hall decorating; copies circulated to all members, F & GP.
7. Quotations re Burial Ground.
8. Email dated 7.2.07 from Cllr Mrs Boote re 2007/8 Arts Association grant.
9. Letter dated 2.2.07 from Keyworth & District Twinning Association re 2007/8 grant,
together with the Clerk’s response dated 7.2.07.
10. Interim report dated 21.3.07 from internal auditor re 2006/7 internal audit.
11. Letter dated 22.3.07 from the Audit Commission re appointment of external auditor.
12. Note dated 30.3.07 to all members, F & GP re review of risk assessment.
13. Note dated 20.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘KPFA Lease’.
14. Note dated 25.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘Terms of Reference’.
15. Note dated 27.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘Payroll Budget 2007/8’.
16. Letter dated 12.2.07 to groundsman.
17. Letter dated 27.3.07 to Keyworth Bowls Club re groundsman’s duties.
18. Letter dated 27.3.07 to Lawncraft Landscapes Ltd re groundsman’s duties at Bowls
19. Letter dated 27.3.07 to Keyworth Tennis Club re grass cutting and hedge trimming.
20. Note dated 28.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘Groundsman’.
21. Note dated 29.3.07 to all members, F & GP: ‘Grounds Maintenance at Tennis Club’.
22. Letter dated 30.1.07 from Zurich municipal re new PDF format LCAS bulletin.
23. Letter dated 19.1.07 from Zurich Municipal re policy renewal, together with the
Clerk’s reply dated 31.1.07.
24. Brochures re 2007/8 council tax and non-domestic rates.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed
the meeting at approximately 8.35pm.