I "CLAIM" Director YPRES ____________ Dmitriyev A.Yu. "____" ____________ 2015. WORKING PROGRAM OF DISCIPLINE GEOLOGY OOP direction: 21.05.03 "Technology of geological investigation" Preparation profile: • Geophysical methods of research of wells • Geophysical methods of searches and investigation of mineral deposits Qualification (degree): Mining engineer-geophysicist Basic curriculum of reception of 2015. Course 1 semester 1 Quantity of the credits 3 Code of discipline of C1.BM4.6 Types of educational activity the Time resource on full-time tuition Lectures, h 16 h. Laboratory researches, h 16 h. Classroom occupations, h 32 h. Independent work, h 76 h. TOTAL, h 108 h. Type of intermediate certification Examination The providing division: Department of the general geology and land management (OGZ) YPRES I.O. Department chair Head of OOP Teacher Seryakov S. V. Sokolov S. V. Poliyenko A.K. 2015 1. Purposes of development of discipline As a result of development of this discipline the student acquires the knowledge, skills providing achievement of the objectives of Ts2, Ts4 and Ts5 of the main educational program "Technology of geological investigation". The discipline is aimed at training of students to: – interdisciplinary experimental and research activity for the solution of the tasks connected with development of innovative technologies in the prospecting sphere; – to ability to prove and defend own conclusions and conclusions in audiences of different degree of interdisciplinary professional readiness; – to self-training and continuous professional self-improvement in the conditions of the competitive environment, modernization of production and globalization of economy. 2. A discipline place in structure of OOP The discipline "Geology" belongs to variable part of the interdisciplinary professional module (C1BM4). It is directly connected with disciplines of a mathematical and natural-science cycle (physics, chemistry, mathematics) and a professional cycle (engineering graphics) and relies on the knowledge mastered when studying these disciplines and ability. Korekvizitami for discipline "Geology" are disciplines of a humanitarian, social and business cycle, and also a mathematical and natural-science cycle. 3. Results of development of discipline After studying of discipline "Geology" students acquire the knowledge, abilities and experience corresponding to results of the main educational program "Technology of geological investigation". The student has to be ready: • to apply mathematical, natural-science, social and economic and engineering knowledge in professional activity (P1); • independently to learn and to improve continuously skills during the entire period of professional activity (P3); • to identify, formulate, solve and make out professional engineering tasks with use of modern educational and information technologies (P4); • effectively to work individually, as the member of team on interdisciplinary subject, and also to direct team for the solution of professional innovative tasks according to requirements of corporate culture of the enterprise and tolerance (P10). The student who studied discipline "Geology" has to learn to define the most widespread minerals and rocks and to explain their genesis; to distinguish simple tectonic structures, geological bodies and forms of a relief; to use a mountain compass; to represent morphological types of folds and types of dizjyunktiv; to analyze simple geological cards, to build to them geological cuts, to make stratigrafichesky columns. 4. Structure and content of discipline 4.1. Structure of discipline according to sections, forms of the organization and control of training 4.2. Contents of sections of discipline Section 1. Introduction. Fundamentals of geology. Geological processes and documents. Lecture 1. Definition of geology, its purpose and task. Communication of geology with other disciplines. Methodological principles of geology. Principle of an actualism and role of experiment. Main directions of development of modern geology. General information about geological processes: endogenous and exogenous processes; minerals, rocks, geological bodies and structures – documents of geological processes. Section 2. Systematization of minerals. Main rock-forming and ore minerals. Rocks. Classifications of magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Lecture 2. Definition of a mineral. Aggregate state and chemical composition of minerals. Optical properties of minerals (color, line, gloss, pobezhalost). Mechanical properties of minerals (hardness, spaynost, break). Morphology of crystals and units. Endogenous and exogenous processes of mineralogenesis. Systematization of minerals. Rocks – natural associations of minerals. Magmatic rocks. Classifications by a chemical composition, situation in crust. Intrusive and effusive magmatic rocks. Textural and structural features. Minerals. Rainfall, sedimentary rocks. Classification terrigenous, hemogennykh and organogenic rocks. Textures and structures. Minerals. Metamorphic, metasomatic rocks. Systematization. Textural and structural features. Minerals. Laboratory work 1. Classification of magmatic rocks. Main rock-forming minerals. Textures and structures of plutonic and volcanic rocks. Laboratory work 2. Classification of sedimentary rocks. Structure, textural and structural features terrigenous, hemogennykh and organogenic rocks. Systematization of metamorphic and metasomatic breeds. Viewing of a collection. Solution of tasks Section 3. Magmatism. Metamorphism and метасоматоз. Lecture 3. Definition. Magma and lava. Magma origin. Division of magmatic processes (effusive, intrusive magmatism). Classification of magmatic rocks. Effusive magmatism (volcanism). Types of outpouring of lavas. Staging of volcanic process. Modern volcanoes, elements of their structure and nature of eruption (Icelandic, Hawaiian, etc. types of volcanoes). Products of volcanic eruptions: firm, liquid, gaseous. Effusive rocks. Shapes of bodies of effusive rocks: domes, streams, etc. Intrusive magmatism (plutonizm). Stages of development of intrusive magmatism (magmatic, vein, hydrothermal). Intrusive rocks. Shapes of intrusive bodies (concordant and discordant). Reasons of a variety of intrusive rocks (staging of process, magmatic differentiation, assimilation and hybridism). Magmatism and minerals. Metamorphism and its factors. Types of a metamorphism (thermal, dinamometamorfizm, dynamothermal, ultrametamorphism) and their products, localization. Metasomatoz, types of a metasomatoz. Metasomatic rocks. Laboratory work 3. A colloquium on geological terminology. Section 4. Aeration. Geological activity of surface flowing water. Geological activity of underground waters Lecture 4. Aeration. Definition and types of aeration. Physical (temperature, frosty), chemical (dissolution, oxidation, restoration and hydrolysis), organic aeration and their products. Classification of products of aeration by the size of fragments and provision of a relative place of education. Elyuvy and bark of aeration. Selectivity of aeration and its role in formation of a relief. Aeration bark fields. Water cycle in the nature. Linear and vulgar drain. Conditions of formation of a vulgar drain. Vulgar erosion and washout. Linear drain. Erosion and its types. Longitudinal profile of dynamic balance and basis of an erosion. Material transfer by waterways. Activity of temporary water currents on plains. Education and development of ravines. Work of temporary water currents in mountains. Prolyuvy; carrying out cones; also torrential deposits sat down. Activity of constant water currents. River valleys, their elements. Types of valleys on morphology of a cross profile. Stages of development of the river valley. Allyuvy and his types; flood plain structure. River terraces, reasons of their education. The minerals connected with activity of the rivers. Geological activity of underground waters. Origin of underground waters (atmospheric, residual, juvenile). Water in crust, its types. Classifications of underground waters by extent of communication with rocks; under the terms of a bedding in rocks; on temperature and a chemical composition. Destructive activity of underground waters. Karst (superficial and underground). Deposits of underground waters. Suffosion, landslides, conditions of their manifestation and types. Value of geological activity of underground waters. Laboratory work 4. Definition of traces of aeration in samples. Viewing of a collection. Solution of tasks. Section 5. Tectonic earth movements. Lecture 5. General concepts. Types of tectonic movements: epeyrogenichesky (slow vertical oscillatory); orogenichesky (skladkoobrazuyushchy, earthquakes); horizontal movements of continents (drift of continents). Slow vertical oscillating motions. Signs and methods of studying of modern, latest and ancient oscillating motions. The main conclusions about character of oscillating motions. Earthquakes. Earthquake parameters: seismic waves and speed of their distribution, hypocenter, epicenter. Registration of earthquakes and their geographical distribution. Forecast of earthquakes. Folded (plikativny) structures: anticlinal and sinklinalny folds and their elements – wings, the lock, etc. Geometrical classification of folds: under the provision of an axis (hinge) and the axial plane of a fold, in a lock form, etc. Features of folded structures of geosinklinalno-folded zones and platforms. Explosive (disjunctive) structures. Conditions of their emergence. Elements of a dizjyunktiv – a smestitel, the trailing and lying block, shift amplitudes. Types of dizjyunktiv. Jointing of rocks. Concordant and discordant bedding of rocks. Parallel and angular disagreement. Geological card. Reading geological cards and geological cuts. Laboratory work 5. Work with a mountain compass. Measurement of elements of a bedding of the geological bodies, drawing made in the field of measurements on the map or the plan. Laboratory work 6. Viewing of models of folds, the image of various types of folds on the plan and in a section. Laboratory work 7. Solution of tasks of dizjyunktiva. Laboratory work 8. Geological card. Analysis of the card, rule of creation of geological cuts. Section 6. Geochronology Lecture 6. Chronology in geochronology (relative and absolute). Methods of relative and absolute geochronology. International stratigrafichesky (geochronological) scale and its main divisions. Principle of allocation of the main stratigraficheskikh of divisions. Local stratigrafichesky schemes. Construction stratigraficheskikh of columns. Section 7. Geological activity of a wind Independent work. The atmosphere, its physical parameters, air currents in the atmosphere (wind). Destructive work of a wind, transfer and accumulation of products of destruction. Eolovy deposits. Forms of a relief and their short characteristic (barkhans, barkhan chains and ridges, cumulus sand, dunes). Loess and its origin. Types of deserts – sandy, etc. Geological activity of the sea Independent work. General information about the World Ocean. Geomorphological elements of a relief of a bottom of oceans and seas: shelf, continental slope, etc. Physical and chemical features of sea water. Organic world of the seas and its bionomic zones. Movements of sea water: a surf, having flowed, etc., the reasons of their emergence; transgression and regression. Destructive activity of the sea – abrasion, its features. Abrasion forms of a relief. Accumulation of rainfall in various zones of the sea. Regularities of distribution of detrital material in a neritovy zone. Rainfall of batialny and abissalny zones. Transformation of rainfall to sedimentary breeds. Sedimentary rocks and minerals. Conference week No. 1. Section 8. Geological activity of snow and ice. Geological processes in a permafrost zone. Geological activity of lakes and bogs. Lecture 7. Concept about a hionosfer. Destructive work of snow (nivation). Formation of ice. Types of glaciers and their mode. Destructive work of glaciers (ekzaration). Ekzaratsionny forms of a relief. Transfer and accumulation of products of destruction. Moraines and their types. Flyuvioglyatsialny deposits and forms of a relief. A freezing in the history of Earth, the freezing reasons. Geological processes in a permafrost zone. Structure of a kriolitozona, relief form. The Fizikogeologichesky (cryogenic) phenomena in regions of permafrost. Practical value of studying mnogoletnemerzlykh of rocks. Lakes – definition, general information about the lake. Origin of lake hollows. Classification of lakes by the mode of salinity of water. Lake abrasion and sedimentation. Origin and types of bogs. Marsh deposits. Lake and marsh minerals. Section 9. General information about Earth Lecture 8. Forms and sizes of Earth. Concept about an ellipsoid of rotation and a geoid. Structure and structure of Earth. External and internal geospheres and their characteristic. Geophysical fields of Earth. Gravitational field of Earth and gravitational anomalies. Thermal mode of Earth and its surface. A layer with a constant temperature; geothermal step and geothermal gradient. Sources of a thermal field. Magnetic field of Earth and its parameters. Variations of a magnetic field: magnetic anomalies, magnetic storms, inversion and drift of poles, paleomagnetism. Origin of a magnetic field. Structure tektonosfer. Main geotectonic structures. Geotectonic hypotheses. Structure tektonosfer. Main geotectonic structures. General scheme of a structure tektonosfer: crust (main types), lithosphere, nadastenosferny cloak, asthenosphere, main geotectonic structures: oceans and continents their main parts – median and oceanic ridges, oceanic platforms, geosynclines, geosinklinalno-folded zones, epigeosinclinal orogena, continental platforms, epiplatformenny orogena, continental rifta. Deep breaks, ring structures. Fiksizm (hypothesis of deep differentiation of substance) and mobilizm (new global tectonics) as two main concepts of this development. A possible role of rotational factors in development of Earth. Conference week No. 2. 4.3. Distribution of competences according to sections of discipline Distribution according to sections of discipline of the planned results of training on the main educational program formed within this discipline and specified in point 3 are provided in table 2. 6. Organization and educational and methodical ensuring independent work of students (CPC) 6.1 Types and forms of independent work The flowing and advancing SRS directed on deepening and fixing of knowledge, and also development of practical abilities includes the following: − work with lecture material, search and the review of literature and electronic sources of information on individually set course problem; − performance of homeworks, house examinations; − the advancing independent work; − studying of the subjects submitted for independent study; − preparation for laboratory works, for practical and seminar training; − preparation for examination and colloquium, for offset, examination. − studying of educational collections on minerals and rocks; – performance of homeworks (solution of tasks of subjects: mountain compass, folds and dizjyunktiva); performance of an individual task according to the analysis of the geological card; preparation for examination; performance on a geological circle with the report. Creative independent work includes: − search, analysis, structuring and presentation of information; − performance of settlement and graphic works; − performance of a term paper or project, work on the interdisciplinary project; − research work and participation in scientific student's conferences, seminars and Olympic Games; − the analysis of scientific publications on the subject which is in advance determined by the teacher; − the analysis of statistical and actual materials on the set subject, carrying out calculations, drawing up schemes and models on the basis of statistical materials. 6.3. Control of independent work The assessment of results of independent work is carried out by check of the tasks performed by students. 7. Means of the current and intermediate assessment of quality of development of discipline (fund of estimated means) The gain score of students is carried out on: – to questions of entrance control; to the control questions asked during the performing and protection of laboratory works; to the control questions asked when carrying out a practical training to questions for self-checking; to questions of testings; to the questions submitted for examinations and offsets, etc. - to colloquiums, examinations; - to homeworks; - to the prepared papers. 7.1. Requirements to the maintenance of examination questions Examination cards include three types of tasks: 1. A theoretical question on exogenous geological processes. 2. A theoretical question on endogenous geological processes. 3. A theoretical question on Earth structure, characteristics of geospheres and geophysical fields. 7.2. Examples of examination questions 1. Destructive activity of underground waters: suffosion, opolzneobrazovaniye, karsts. 2. Types of volcanoes and structure of volcanic devices. 3. Earth geospheres (bark, cloak, kernel). An aggregate state of substance according to seismic data. 8. Rating of quality of development of discipline (module) The assessment of quality of development of discipline during the current and intermediate certification of the student is carried out according to "The leading materials on the current control of progress, intermediate and total certification of students of Tomsk polytechnical university", approved as the order of the rector No. 77/odes of 29.11.2011. According to "The planned schedule of studying of discipline": the current certification (an assessment of quality of digestion of theoretical material (answers to questions, etc.) and results of practical activities (the solution of tasks, performance of tasks, the solution of problems, etc.) is made during a semester (it is estimated in points (at most 60 points), by the time of end of a semester the student has to gain not less than 33 points); intermediate certification (examination, offset) is made at the end of a semester (it is estimated in points (at most 40 points), at examination (offset) the student has to gain not less than 22 points). The total rating is determined by discipline by summation of the points got during the current and intermediate certifications. The maximum total rating corresponds to 100 points. 9. Educational and methodical and information support of discipline Literature The main 1. A course of lectures on the general geology: textbook / V. N. Salnikov; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU), Institute of Natural Resources (INR), Department of the general geology and land management (OGZ). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2013P.1. — 1 computer file (pdf; 61.8 MB). — 2013. — The title from the title screen. — Electronic version of the printing publication. — Access from the TPU corporate network. — System requirements: Adobe Reader. Scheme of access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2014/m153.pdf 2. Practical guidance on the general geology: the manual / under the editorship of N. V. Koronovsky. — 5th prod., испр. — Moscow: Academy, 2012. — 158 pages: silt. — Higher education. Natural sciences. — Bachelor degree. — ISBN 978-5-7695-9010-8. 3. Krasnoshchyokova, Lyubov Afanasyevna. Rock-forming minerals and structures of crystal breeds: manual for higher education institutions/L. A. Krasnoshchekova; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — 3rd prod. — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2011. — 84 pages: silt. — Bibliogr.: page 72. — Index of names: page 73. — Index of rocks: page 74. — Dictionary of terms: page 75-76. — ISBN 978-5-98298-800-3. 4. Gumerova, Nina Vadimovna. Geology [An electronic resource]: manual / N. V. Gumerova, V. P. Hoopoes; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — 1 computer file (pdf; 3.4 MB). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2010. — The title from the title screen. — Electronic version of the printing publication. — Access from the TPU corporate network. — System requirements: Adobe Reader. Scheme of access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2011/m12.pdf 5. Knysh, Sergey Karpovich. General geology. Endogenous and exogenous processes: a workbook for foreign students: manual / S. K. Knysh, L. I. Yaritsa; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2010. — 62 pages: silt. — Bibliogr.: page 61. — ISBN 978-5-98298-762-4. The additional 1. Gudymovich, Sergey Sergeyevich. Educational geological practicians [An electronic resource]: manual / S. S. Gudymovich, A. K. Poliyenko; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — 3rd prod. — 1 computer file (pdf; 3.6 Mb). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2012. — The title from the title screen. — Electronic version of the printing publication. — Access from the NTB TPU network. — System requirements: Adobe Reader. Scheme of access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2013/m002.pdf 2. Dyachenko, Vladimir Viktorovich. Sciences about Earth: manual / V. V. Dyachenko, L. G. Dyachenko, V. A. Devisilov; under the editorship of V. A. Devisilov. — Moscow: Knorus, 2010. — 301 pages: silt. — Bibliogr. at the end of hl. — ISBN 978-5-406-00069-4. 3. Krasnoshchyokova, Lyubov Afanasyevna. Rock-forming minerals and structures of crystal breeds [An electronic resource]: manual for higher education institutions/L. A. Krasnoshchyokova; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — 2nd prod. — 1 computer file (pdf; 1.7 MB). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2010. — The title from the title screen. — Electronic version of the printing publication. — Access from the TPU corporate network. — System requirements: Adobe Reader. Scheme of access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2011/m58.pdf 4. Lazarev, V. V. Geologiya: manual for average special educational institutions / V. V. Lazarev. — Moscow: Ying Folio, 2010. — 384 pages: silt. — Bibliogr.: page 370. — ISBN 978-5-903826-32-2. 5. Gudymovich, Sergey Sergeyevich. General geology: methodical instructions and control tasks for the solution of tasks when performing laboratory works / S. S. Gudymovich, M. I. Shaminova, A. Yu. Falk; National research Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2010. — 36 pages: silt. — Bibliogr.: page 36. 6. Solovyov, Vladimir Aliyevich. Geology as science (methodological, theoretical and historical problems): manual / V. A. Solovyov, L. P. Solovyova; Kuban state university. — Krasnodar: Publishing house of the Kuban GU, 2009. — 228 pages: silt. — Thematic index: page 215-216. — Nominal index: page 217. — Bibliography: page 218-226. — ISBN 978-5-8209-0693-0. 7. Gudymovich, Sergey Sergeyevich. Geological structure of vicinities of Tomsk (territory of passing of geological practice): manual / S. S. Gudymovich, I. V. Rychkova, E. D. Ryabchikova; Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU). — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2009. — 84 pages: silt. — Bibliogr.: page 80-82. Software and Internet-resources – http://geo.web.ru (Information Internet resources of Geological faculty of MSU); – http://www.nlr.ru (National Library of Russia); – http://dic.academic.ru (Dictionaries and encyclopedias); – http://popovgeo .professorjournal.ru/13 – http://slovari.yandex.ru – http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki 10. Material support of discipline When studying the main sections of discipline, performing laboratory works students use educational collections of minerals and rocks, posters, models, mountain compasses, geological cards, presentations of lectures. The special office on the general geology (the 207th miss is equipped.) with examples of breeds from the VA fundamental collection. Obrucheva. The program is made on the basis of the OOP TPU Standard according to requirements of FGOS for the OOP direction 21.05.03 "Technology of geological investigation" and to preparation profiles: "Geophysical methods of research of wells", "Geophysical methods of searches and investigation of mineral deposits". Author A.K. Poliyenko Reviewer S. K. Knysh The program is approved at faculty meeting of the General geology and land management (the protocol No. 85 of June 05, 2015).