Inventory Dataforms for Bats Standards for Components of British Columbia's Biodiversity No. 20 [Forms] Prepared by Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Resources Inventory Branch for the Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force Resources Inventory Committee March 1998 Version 2.0 Table 1. Types of inventory surveys, the data forms needed, and the level of intensity of the survey. Survey Type Mist Netting / Harp Trapping Bat Detection Roost Count Any Survey Type Forms Needed Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture: Mist Netting / Harp Trapping Taxonomic Code Form-Bats Ecosystem Form Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Taxonomic Code Form-Bats Ecosystem Form Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General Animal Observation Form- Bat Roost Count Ecosystem Form Wildlife Inventory Survey Collection Label - is used whenever a voucher specimen is collected. *Intensity PN PN RA PN RA PN RA *PN = presence/not detected (possible); RA = relative abundance; AA = absolute abundance Using RIC Dataforms: See Table 1 to determine what forms are necessary for the survey type chosen. Ensure forms are filled out correctly by checking the coding instructions provided with each form (it will also indicate which fields are mandatory and which are optional). Dataforms and codes that are generic to all surveys are found in the Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms] (previously referred to as the Dataform Appendix). Some forms have more than one part (e.g. A and B). All sections of a form must be filled out. In many cases, forms will be double-sided and both sides will be the same. Computer Buttons that appear next to groups of fields correlate to the Data Form Hierarchy and are used to assist Digital Data Entry. DC = Design Component Section DCV = Design Component Visit Section OBS = Observation Section Taxonomic Code Form - Bats Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Taxonomic Group Codes for Bat Surveys. Taxon Code *Detection / Capture Species Code: M- MYCA MYCI MYEV MYKE MYLU MYSE MYTH MYVO MYYU PLTO ANPA EPFU EUMA LANO LABL LACI Create codes for bat ‘taxonomic groups’, then indicate what species belong to each group by marking the appropriate fields in the table above. 1 Comments Example Taxonomic Group Code Taxon Code *Detection / Capture X Species Code: M- MYCA MYCI MY10 1 MYEV X MYKE X MYLU MYSE X MYTH MYVO MYYU PLTO ANPA EPFU EUMA LANO LABL LACI Form Explanation: This form is used when bats observed, detected, or captured can not be determined to species. In these circumstances taxonomic group codes are created to capture as much taxonomic detail as possible (e.g. observer knows and can record that the bat is one of 2 species, instead of only recording Myotis in the Spp field). TAX_BATS_OBSV_2.0 Taxonomic Code Form - Bats Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Taxonomic Group Codes for Bat Surveys. Taxon Code *Detection / Capture Species Code: M- MYCA MYCI MYEV MYKE MYLU MYSE MYTH MYVO MYYU PLTO ANPA EPFU EUMA LANO LABL LACI Create codes for bat ‘taxonomic groups’, then indicate what species belong to each group by marking the appropriate fields in the table above. 1 Comments Example Taxonomic Group Code Taxon Code *Detection / Capture X Species Code: M- MYCA MYCI MY10 1 MYEV X MYKE X MYLU MYSE X MYTH MYVO MYYU PLTO ANPA EPFU EUMA LANO LABL LACI Form Explanation: This form is used when bats observed, detected, or captured can not be determined to species. In these circumstances taxonomic group codes are created to capture as much taxonomic detail as possible (e.g. observer knows and can record that the bat is one of 2 species, instead of only recording Myotis in the Spp field). TAX_BATS_OBSV_2.0 Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture: Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ DC Capt Sta Label __________ Stratum _________ UTM _____/__________/__________ Ecosystem Form: Type / # _____/_________ # Capt Mech Dim Time Open / Close Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date DCV Time Start _____/____/___ End _____/____/___ CC Wind Precip Temp Lunar Phase Surveyors _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OBS Capt Mech# Mech ## Obs # Capt Time Spp Taxon Code Sex Reprod Cond Age Class Clss Weight t (g) 1 Forearm Lgth 2 3 Ave Comments (morphometric measurements, Voucher Labels) MMMMMMMMMMMM- [Use the back side of this form if additional lines are needed for observations associated with the capture station labelled at the top of this form.] OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture: Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ Capt Sta Label __________ OBS Capt Mech# Mech ## Obs # Capt Time Spp Obs Date Start _____/____/___ Taxon Code Sex Reprod Cond Age Class Clss Weight t (g) 1 Forearm Lgth 2 3 Ave Comments (morphometric measurements, Voucher Labels) MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- [Use this side of the form only when additional lines are needed for observations associated with the capture station labelled on the reverse side of this form.] OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ DC DCV Detect Stat Label _________ Stratum ________ UTM _____/_________/_________ Ecosystem Form: Type / # _____/_________ Detector Type ______________________ Band: Broad Date Time Start _____/____/___ End _____/____/___ Time /Narrow Time ; Hand Held Time /Remote CC ; If Remote: Night Sensitive Switch Y Wind Precip Temp /N ; Timer Y Lunar Phase Surveyors _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OBS Obs # Time Start / End Freq KHz Pass / Buzz Spp Taxon Code Comments / Reference Recording MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- [Use the back side of this form if additional lines are needed for observations associated with the station labelled at the top of this form.] OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 /N Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ Detect Stat Label _________ OBS Obs # Time Start / End Freq KHz Obs Date Start _____/____/___ Pass / Buzz Spp Taxon Code Comments / Reference Recording MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- [Use this side of the form only when additional lines are needed for observations associated with the station labelled on the reverse side of this form.] OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count -Part A Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ DC Roost Label ___________ Stratum ___________ UTM _____/_________/_________ Ecosystem Form: Type / # _____/_________ Roost: Type_________________ Characteristics _____________________________________________ Tot Roost Area ________ DCV Date Start _____/____/___ End _____/____/___ Time CC Wind Precip Temp Lunar Phase Surveyors Roost Interior Count OBS Obs # Spp Taxon Code Area ______ m2 Cnt Comments MMMM- Roost Emergence Patterns OBS Obs # Time Cnt In /Out Spp MMMMMMMMMMMM- OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 -Part A Taxon Code Comments Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count -Part B Page___/___ Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________ DC Roost Label ___________ Stratum ___________ UTM _____/_________/_________ Ecosystem Form: Type / # _____/_________ Roost: Type_________________ Characteristics _____________________________________________ Tot Roost Area ________ Roost Diagram (include exits/entrances) OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 -Part B Taxonomic Code Form - Bat Coding Instructions for the Taxonomic Code Form - Bat Form Explanation: This form is used when bats observed, detected, or captured can not be determined to species. In these circumstances taxonomic group codes are created to capture as much taxonomic detail as possible (e.g. observer knows and can record that the bat is one of 2 species, instead of only recording Myotis in the Spp field). Field Name Description Requirement Project (Name) The name of the project as it has been specified on the Mandatory Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). Survey (Name) The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Mandatory Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). Taxonomic Group Indicate for what type of survey these codes will be Mandatory Codes applied by marking the appropriate box. Create codes to represent bat ‘taxonomic groups’, then indicate what species belong to each group by marking the appropriate fields. Comments Additional information that may be relevant to the Optional taxonomic group codes (freeform text). TAX_BATS_OBSV_2.0 1 Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture (Station): Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Coding Instructions for the Animal Observation Form Bat Capture:Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Field Name Project (Name) Survey (Name) Study Area (Name) Capt Sta Label Stratum UTM Ecosystem Form Type / # Capt Mech Dim [m] Time Open/Close Comments Obs Dates Start/End Time Start/End OBS_BATS_CAPT_2.0 Description The name of the project as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The name of the Study Area as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The label assigned by the surveyor(s) to identify a particular Capture Station within a survey. Capture Stations must be labelled uniquely within a project. Note: >1 Capture Mechanism may be used per Capture Station. The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form) in which the Station is established. The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Component. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. The type of habitat form used to record environmental attributes at that location. Codes: GIF = Ground Inspection Form; EFF = Ecosystem Field Form; OTHER = list it. Also record the pre-printed form number from the associated Ecosystem Field Form, or the plot # from the Ground Inspection Form. The mechanism or technique used to capture a bat at a particular Capture Station. Codes: refer to Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms]. Note: The corresponding Capture Mechanism # is found in the column to the right of the Capture Mechanism field. The length and width of the Capture Mechanism (m). e.g. 9 m x 2 m. The time the trap is opened and the time it is closed again. Use the 24 hour clock. Additional information that may be relevant to the Capture Mechanism (freeform text). The year/month/day (YYYY/MM/DD) on which the gathering of the data on the form commences and finishes. e.g. 1995/04/17. The time at which surveying the specified Design Component commences and finishes. Use the 24 hour clock. 2 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory if Station stratified. Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture (Station): Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Field Name CC Wind Precip Temp Lunar Phase Surveyors Capt Mech # Obs # Capt Time Spp OBS_BATS_CAPT_2.0 Description The extent of cloud cover at the start and end of the survey. Codes: 1 = clear; 2 = scattered clouds (<50%); 3 = scattered clouds (>50%); 4 = unbroken clouds. The strength of wind at the start and end of the survey using the Beaufort Scale. Codes: 0 = calm (< 2 km/h); 1 = light air (2-5 km/h); 2 = light breeze, leaves rustle (6-12 km/h); 3 = gentle breeze, leaves and twigs constantly move 13-19 km/h); 4 = moderate breeze, small branches move, dust rises (20-29 km/h); 5 = fresh breeze, small trees sway (30-39 km/h); 6 = strong breeze, large branches moving, wind whistling (40-50 km/h). The type of precipitation at the start and end of the survey. Codes: N = None; F = Fog; M = Misty drizzle; D = Drizzle; LR = Light Rain; HR = Hard Rain; S = Snow. The temperature at the start and end of the survey (degrees Celsius). The phase of the moon during the capture period. Codes: NM=New Moon; FQ=First Quarter; SQ=Second Quarter; TQ=Third Quarter; FM=Full Moon. The names of the people conducting the survey during the specified Design Component Visit. The full name is not required, but initials should be provided to identify the person as one of the surveyors listed on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description form. The number of the Capture Mechanism at which observations are made. This number must correspond to one of the previously assigned Capture Mechanism numbers found in the right column of the Design Component section. Observations must be numbered so that each is unique within a station. For each new station, start at 1 and continue numbering observations sequentially. Note: observations may include information about a Capture Mechanism (trap) or a captured animal. The approximate time at which an animal is captured. Use the 24 hour clock. The 5-letter code that uniquely identifies the taxa of the observed animal (the first letter has already been filled in). Species codes: see manual No. 2, Vertebrates of BC. If it is not possible to identify the animal in the field, record the best taxonomic description possible. 3 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Capture (Station): Mist Netting/Harp Trapping Field Name Taxon Code Sex Reprod Cond Age Class Weight [g] Forearm Lgth [mm] Comments Voucher Label OBS_BATS_CAPT_2.0 Description Record the appropriate taxon code. This code must correspond to one of the codes already assigned for a survey on the Taxonomic Code Form. The sex of the animal. Codes: M = Male; F = Female; UC = Unclassified. The reproductive condition of the animal, where one of the pre-defined conditions is available. Codes: refer to Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms]. The age class of the animal. Codes: J = Juvenile; A = Adult; UC = Unclassified. The weight of the captured animal (g). Take this measurement in the manner prescribed in the associated species manual. If this measurement can not be collected for some reason (i.e. animal escaped), provide an explanation in the “Comment” field. The length of the forearm from wrist to elbow (mm). For bats, take this measurement three times and record the average length. Additional information that may be relevant to the observation (freeform text). A unique label (within a project) assigned to a voucher specimen. This label should be meaningful with respect to the Design Component in which it was found. e.g. a mouse found on grid A, station A, with an observation # could be recorded as A/A/#. 4 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory: RA/AA Optional: PN Mandatory Optional Mandatory if collection made. Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Coding Instructions for the Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Field Name Project (Name) Survey (Name) Study Area (Name) Detection Sta Label Stratum UTM Ecosystem Form Type / # Detector Type Band: Broad / Narrow Hand Held / Remote Night Sensitive Switch Timer Obs Dates Start/End OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Description The name of the project as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The name of the Study Area as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The label of the station at which bat observations are made. Stations must be labelled so that each station is unique within a project. The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form) in which the Station is established. The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Component. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. The type of habitat form used to record environmental attributes at that location. Codes: GIF = Ground Inspection Form; EFF = Ecosystem Field Form; OTHER = list it. Also record the pre-printed form number from the associated Ecosystem Field Form, or the plot # from the Ground Inspection Form. The brand name and model of bat detector used (freeform text). Indicate whether a broad or narrow band bat detector was used by marking the appropriate box. Indicate whether a hand held or remote bat detector was used by marking the appropriate box. Indicate whether a Night Sensitive Switch was used with the remote bat detector by marking the appropriate box. Codes: Y = Yes; N = No. Indicate whether a timer was used with the remote bat detector by marking the appropriate box. Codes: Y = Yes; N = No. Note: if a timer was used, record the intervals that the detector was active in the extra start and end time fields. The year/month/day (YYYY/MM/DD) on which the gathering of the data on the form commences and finishes. e.g. 1995/04/17. 5 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory if Station stratified. Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory if a remote bat detector used. Mandatory if a remote bat detector used. Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Field Name Time Start/End CC Wind Precip Temp Lunar Phase Surveyors Obs # Time Start/End Freq [KHz] OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Description The time at which surveying the specified Design Component commences and finishes. Use the 24 hour clock. Note: if a timer was used, record the intervals that the detector was active in the extra start and end time fields. The extent of cloud cover at the start and end of the survey. Codes: 1 = clear; 2 = scattered clouds (<50%); 3 = scattered clouds (>50%); 4 = unbroken clouds. The strength of wind at the start and end of the survey using the Beaufort Scale. Codes: 0 = calm (< 2 km/h); 1 = light air (2-5 km/h); 2 = light breeze, leaves rustle (6-12 km/h); 3 = gentle breeze, leaves and twigs constantly move 13-19 km/h); 4 = moderate breeze, small branches move, dust rises (20-29 km/h); 5 = fresh breeze, small trees sway (30-39 km/h); 6 = strong breeze, large branches moving, wind whistling (40-50 km/h). The type of precipitation at the start and end of the survey. Codes: N = None; F = Fog; M = Misty drizzle; D = Drizzle; LR = Light Rain; HR = Hard Rain; S = Snow. The temperature at the start and end of the survey (degrees Celsius). The phase of the moon during the capture period. Codes: NM=New Moon; FQ=First Quarter; SQ=Second Quarter; TQ=Third Quarter; FM=Full Moon. The names of the people conducting the survey during the specified Design Component Visit. The full name is not required, but initials should be provided to identify the person as one of the surveyors listed on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description form. Observations must be numbered so that each is unique within a station. For each new station, start at 1 and continue numbering observations sequentially. The start and end time of a bat detection period when using a hand held tunable detector. Generally this corresponds to an interval that the detector is left at a specific frequency. Use the 24 hour clock. Note: if a remote bat detector is used, only record the time that a detection was recorded in the 'time start' field. The frequency of the bat detector when the bat detection was made (KHz). 6 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory for hand held detectors; only 'time start' field mandatory for remote bat detectors. Mandatory for narrow band tunable bat detectors only. Animal Observation Form - Bat Detection Field Name Pass/Buzz Spp Taxon Code Comments Reference Recording OBS_BATS_DETC_2.0 Description The number of passes and feeding buzzes detected in the specified time interval. One pass is a series of continuous sounds unbroken by silence or a feeding buzz. The 5-letter code that uniquely identifies the taxa of the observed animal (the first letter has already been filled in). Species codes: see manual No. 2, Vertebrates of BC. If it is not possible to identify the animal in the field, record the best taxonomic description possible. Record the appropriate taxon code. This code must correspond to one of the codes already assigned for a Survey on the Taxonomic Code Form. Additional information that may be relevant to the observation (freeform text). Reference recordings are listed if a good recording has been made and can be used as a reference either to aid in the identification of a species, or to document a possible rare and endangered species. Record the filename (if captured digitally by computer), or provide a reference to the audio tape on which it is recorded (freeform text). 7 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count Part A Coding Instructions for the Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count Explanation of Form: the ‘Roost Interior Count’ section is only used when it is possible to observe and count the bats at the roost. The ‘Roost Emergence Pattern’ section is used for all observations made near the roost and is used to document information on emergence patterns. Field Name Description Requirement Project (Name) The name of the project as it has been specified on the Mandatory Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). Survey (Name) The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Mandatory Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). Study Area (Name) The name of the Study Area as it has been specified Mandatory on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). Roost Label The number of the roost at which the observations are Mandatory made. Roosts must be numbered so that each is unique within a project. Stratum The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Mandatory if Inventory Survey Description Form) in which the Station stratified. Station is established. UTM The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Mandatory Component. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. Ecosystem Form The type of habitat form used to record environmental Mandatory Type / # attributes at that location. Codes: GIF = Ground Inspection Form; EFF = Ecosystem Field Form; OTHER = list it. Also record the pre-printed form number from the associated Ecosystem Field Form, or the plot # from the Ground Inspection Form. Roost Type The type of roost that the bat(s) are observed in. Note: Mandatory more than one code may be used when appropriate. Codes: CLIFFS = Cliffs; RKCREV = Rock Crevices; CAVES = Caves; MINES = Mines; BUILD = Building; HOLTRE = Hollow Tree; HTUBA = Hollow Trees under bark; TRECAV = Tree Cavities; FOLIAG = Foliage; OTHER = Record in field. Roost The characteristics of a roost the bat(s) are observed Mandatory Characteristics in. Note: more than one code may be used when appropriate. Codes: HIB = Hibernaculum; SDR = Summer Day Roost; SNR = Summer Night Roost; MAC = Maternity Colony; MAR = Male Roost; OTHER = Record in field. Tot Roost Area The total area of the roosting location (square meters). Mandatory [m x m] e.g. Cliff side or cave ceiling. OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 8 Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count Field Name Obs Dates Start/End Time Start/End CC Wind Precip Temp Lunar Phase Surveyors Area [m x m] Obs # Spp OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 Description The year/month/day (YYYY/MM/DD) on which the gathering of the data on the form commences and finishes. e.g. 1995/04/17. The time at which surveying the specified Design Component commences and finishes. Use the 24 hour clock. The extent of cloud cover at the start and end of the survey. Codes: 1 = clear; 2 = scattered clouds (<50%); 3 = scattered clouds (>50%); 4 = unbroken clouds. The strength of wind at the start and end of the survey using the Beaufort Scale. Codes: 0 = calm (< 2 km/h); 1 = light air (2-5 km/h); 2 = light breeze, leaves rustle (6-12 km/h); 3 = gentle breeze, leaves and twigs constantly move 13-19 km/h); 4 = moderate breeze, small branches move, dust rises (20-29 km/h); 5 = fresh breeze, small trees sway (30-39 km/h); 6 = strong breeze, large branches moving, wind whistling (40-50 km/h). The type of precipitation at the start and end of the survey. Codes: N = None; F = Fog; M = Misty drizzle; D = Drizzle; LR = Light Rain; HR = Hard Rain; S = Snow. The temperature at the start and end of the survey (degrees Celsius). The phase of the moon during the capture period. Codes: NM=New Moon; FQ=First Quarter; SQ=Second Quarter; TQ=Third Quarter; FM=Full Moon. The names of the people conducting the survey during the specified Design Component Visit. The full name is not required, but initials should be provided to identify the person as one of the surveyors listed on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description form. The area of the roost in which the bat observations are being made (square meters). Observations must be numbered so that each is unique within a roost. For each new roost, start at 1 and continue numbering observations sequentially. The 5-letter code that uniquely identifies the taxa of the observed animal (the first letter has already been filled in). Species codes: see manual No. 2, Vertebrates of BC. If it is not possible to identify the animal in the field, record the best taxonomic description possible. 9 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count Field Name Taxon Code Cnt Comments Obs # Time Cnt: In / Out Spp Taxon Code Comments Part B Project (Name) Survey (Name) Study Area (Name) Roost Label Stratum UTM OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 Description Record the appropriate taxon code. This code must correspond to one of the codes already assigned for a survey on the Taxonomic Code Form. The number of bats (recorded by species or taxon group) observed at the roost site. Additional information that may be relevant to the observation (freeform text). Observations must be numbered so that each is unique within a roost. For each new roost, start at 1 and continue numbering observations sequentially. The time the observation was made. Use the 24 hour clock. The number of bats (recorded by species or taxon group) observed entering the roost (going In) or emerging from the roost (moving Out). The 5-letter code that uniquely identifies the taxa of the observed animal (the first letter has already been filled in). Species codes: see manual No. 2, Vertebrates of BC. If it is not possible to identify the animal in the field, record the best taxonomic description possible. Record the appropriate taxon code. This code must correspond to one of the codes already assigned for a survey on the Taxonomic Code Form. Additional information that may be relevant to the observation (freeform text). The name of the project as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The name of the Study Area as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). The number of the roost at which the observations are made. Roosts must be numbered so that each is unique within a project. The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form) in which the Station is established. The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Component. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. 10 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory if Station stratified. Mandatory Animal Observation Form - Bat Roost Count Field Name Ecosystem Form Type / # Roost Type Roost Characteristics Tot Roost Area [m x m] Roost Diagram OBS_BATS_ROST_2.0 Description The type of habitat form used to record environmental attributes at that location. Codes: GIF = Ground Inspection Form; EFF = Ecosystem Field Form; OTHER = list it. Also record the pre-printed form number from the associated Ecosystem Field Form, or the plot # from the Ground Inspection Form. The type of roost that the bat(s) are observed in. Note: more than one code may be used when appropriate. Codes: CLIFFS = Cliffs; RKCREV = Rock Crevices; CAVES = Caves; MINES = Mines; BUILD = Building; HOLTRE = Hollow Tree; HTUBA = Hollow Trees under bark; TRECAV = Tree Cavities; FOLIAG = Foliage; OTHER = Record in field. The characteristics of a roost the bat(s) are observed in. Note: more than one code may be used when appropriate. Codes: HIB = Hibernaculum; SDR = Summer Day Roost; SNR = Summer Night Roost; MAC = Maternity Colony; MAR = Male Roost; OTHER = Record in field. The total area of the roosting location (square meters). e.g. Cliff side or cave ceiling. Sketch a diagram of the roost at which observations were made. Include exits and entrances to the roost. Note: only 1 sketch per roost per survey is required, unless the roost site changes in some way. 11 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory