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Anglické fráze pro radiology - mamodiagnostiky
Obecné konverzačni fráze
Come in, please….pojďte dále...
Can I confirm your name and date of birth, please?...mohu zkontrolovat vaše
jméno a datum narození?
Take off ( put on) your clothes, please….svlékněte se (oblékněte se)…
I will perform the MMG (USG) examination now….provedeme nyní vyšetření..
Would you like to lay down on the bed, please?...můžete se položit na lůžko,
Can you put your arms up above your head (down), please?.. dejte si paže nad
hlavu (dolů), prosim?
Can you turn yourself towards to me (away from me)?..otočte se na bok čelem
ke mne, (ode mne)…
Please, try to relax…prosím, uvolněte se..
I will be doing ultrasound examination now…provedu nyní USG vyšetřeni…
I need to put some gelly on your breast to perform the examination …použiji gel
na vyšetření vašich prsů…
We need to stick a needle into your breast to get some tissue samples of the
lesion…potřebujeme provést odběr jehlou z vaseho prsu k získáni vzorku
tkáně… …
I will give you some local anaesthesia…dám vám lokální anestezii..
Do you agree if I perform a biopsy?.. souhlasíte s provedením biopsie?
Can you sign this Consent form for me…můžete mi podepsat souhlas k biopsii?..
No complications usually occurred during biopsy… obvykle se během biopsie
nevyskytují žádne komplikace..
You can clean yourself now…můžete se nyni utřít..
We have to perform both, mammography and the ultrasound examinations…
provedeme obě vyšetření, MMG i USG…
Can you come closer the the mammography unit?...pojďte blíže k MMG přístroji..
I need to manipulate with you little bit…budu s vámi trochu manipulovat…
Can you rotate face to the machine (right side, left side)..můžete se otočit čelem
(pravou, levou stranou)…
Can you lift your arm and put it on this holder?...prosim, položte si paži na
Try to relax, please… snažte se uvolnit, prosim…
Nálezy normální
Normal, mostly fatty breast tissue. ( predominantly fatty breast)..tukovy prs
Normal glandular breast tissue…žlazový prs…
No focal lesions (abnormalities)…bez ložiskových změn..
Age related breast tissue…věku přiměřená struktura…
No signs of malignancy – bez známek malignity
Nálezy benigní
Benign change…benigní změna...
Benign solid (cystic) lesion ( cyst, FA)…benigní solidní (cystická) léze (cysta, FA)
Benign lumpy (nodular) breast tissue...žlazový (multinodulární prs)…
Benign lymph node with hypoechogenic rim less than 3 mm…normální uzlina s
hypoechogennim lemem pod 3 mm…
Nálezy maligní
Spiculated, ill-defined lesion (mass, density, dense lesion)
Nipple retraction…retrakce bradavky….
Skin thickening…ztluštění kůže (infiltration, hardening - zatvrdnutí, dimpling prohlubeň)…
Extensive infiltration of the surrounding tissue …rozsáhlá infiltrace okolní tkáně..
Obecná terminologie
Lesion (oval, circular, lobulated, partly sharply outlined, well-defined… dobře
ohranicená, ill-defined (poorly defined)- neostře, špatně ohraničená, low density,
radiopaque, smooth - hladká, hallo sign)
Filling the lobe ….vyplňujicí lalok
Newly arising….nově vzniklá
Nipple discharge….sekrece z bradavky (bloody, greenish, yellowish, chocolade
No associated microcalcifications – bez mikrokalcifikací.
Dotted (coarse, dystrophic) microcalc…teckovité (hrubé, dystrofické)
Teacup calc….šálky na čaj
Powderish (tiny, homogeneous, spherical)….práškovité (jemné, homogenni,
Eggshell-like – skořápkovité
Casting type (irregular in shape, density and size and follow the coarse of the
ducts and branches)……odlitkový typ (nepravidelného tvaru, density a velikosti,
sledují průběh duktů a větví)..
Amorphous, fragmented…amorfní, sférické
Clustered (granular, elongated)…shluklé (granulární, protažené)
Příklady nálezů
Bilaterally Mammography
Normal partialy involuted breast tissue bilaterally seen. No focal abnormality. No
signs of malignancy. The area described clinically at the upper inner quadrant of
the left breast shows normal breast tissues.
Normal mostly fatty breast with no signs of malignancy. No change compared to
previous film from. No signs of recurrence.
There are post operative changes on the left side due to previous WLE (wide
local excision). No signs of recurrence.
Normal, mostly fatty breast tissues. No dominant suspicion lesions. No signs of
malignancy. There are mild post operative changes due to previous surgery on
the right breast seen.
Moderately dense breast bilaterally. No signs of malignancy.
Bilateral MMG and Ultrasound
Glandular breast tissue with delayed involution is noted on both sides. No focal
abnormality. No evidence of malignancy. The palpable thickening corresponds to
glandular breast tissue. There are few benign calcifications on both sides seen.
No significant axillary lymphadenopathy.
Breast Ultrasound
Normal, glandular breast tissue bilaterally seen. No focal abnormalities. No signs
of malignancy. There are normal non-malignant lymph node within both axillas
with hypoechogenic rim less than 3 mms.
Right (Left) breast US
The palpable lump at the upper inner quadrant of the right breast corresponds to
benign-like lesion, 1cm in size, which appearance of FA. No other abnormalities.
Mammography (after BCT)
Comparison is made with the previous film from …No change. Previous
segmental mastectomy on the right side with post operative changes. No signs
of recurrence.
Left Mammogram
Normal mostly fatty breast with no signs of malignancy. No change compared to
previous film…. No signs of recurrence.
Pozn. Segmental mastectomy, resp. Wide local excision se pouziva pro
castecne operacni vykony (= Breast conservation therapy (surgery).
Bilateral Mammography
Normal, mostly fatty breast tissues. No dominant suspicion lesions. No signs of
malignancy. There are mild post operative changes due to previous surgery on
the right breast seen. No change compared to previous films from…
Bilateral Mammography
Moderately dense breast bilaterally. No signs of malignancy. In comparison with
previous.., no significant change is seen.
Bilateral Mammography, Bilateral Ultrasound
Glandular breast tissue with delayed involution is noted on both sides. No focal
abnormality. No evidence of malignancy. The palpable thickening corresponds to
glandular breast tissue. There are few benign calcifications on both sides seen.
No significant axillary lymphadenopathy although the evaluation of both axilla is
limited due to patient's reduced mobility.
Bilaterally Mammography, Right breast Ultrasound.
Normal, partially involuted breast bilaterally seen. The pointed area at the upper
outer quadrant of the right breast corresponds to normal glandular breast
tissues. No focal abnormalities. No signs of malignancy. There is normal
solitary chronic lymph node within the right axilla up to …cm.