Optimum Noise Filtering Overview of Noise Filtering Introduction: The goal of noise filtering is to extract the signal of interest from random noise. Important factors: o Signal information o Noise information o Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio o Distortion o Implementation Signal information: o Deterministic signals–The signal of interest is known. The goal is to detect the signal with the presence of noise. For examples: Radar or sonar echoes, tracking device signals, and digital signals o Random signals–Only the statistical properties of the signal of interest are known. The goal is to detect and/or estimate the signal with the presence of noise. For examples: Radio signals, image data, and seismic signals. Noise information: o White noise – The spectrum of white noise is constant. This assumption is appropriate for many kinds of noise phenomena. White noise can be handled easily but sometimes this assumption oversimplifies the problem. White noise o Band-limited white noise – The spectrum of band-limited white noise is constant within a specified frequency band and is zero outside the band. Unlike a white noise process, a band-limited white noise process has finite energy, a requirement that must be satisfied for any physical process. Low-pass white noise Band-pass white noise o 1/f noise – The spectrum of 1/f noise is proportional to 1/f . As a result, the 1/f noise process mainly produces noise components at low frequencies. 1/f noise o Other noise types – Man-make noise, atmospheric disturbances, and … Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio: o Maximizing signal energy – To maximize received signal energy we need to increase the gain (decrease the loss) at the frequency bands where the signal of interest is strong compare to noise. o Minimizing noise energy – To minimize received noise energy we need to decrease the gain (increase the loss) at the frequency bands where the signal of interest is weak compare to noise. For example, the gain should be 0 (loss = ) at frequencies where the signal energy is negligible. o The gain should be zero (the loss should be infinite) outside the signal frequency band. Distortion: o Maximum S/N ratio usually requires the system to have a non-uniform frequency response. o Non-uniform frequency responses introduce distortion because signal components at different frequencies are amplified (attenuated) differently. o A practical system has to consider the trade-offs between noise and distortion. Implementation: o A physical system cannot provide infinite energy – an all-pass filter is impossible to build. o A physical system must be casual – discontinuities in the response spectrum cannot be realized. o A physical system must be stable – RHP poles are not allowed. Matched Filters Introduction: When the signal of interest is known and the goal is to detect its presence, a matched filter is used to maximize the S/N ratio of the detection process. Basic principles: o Background noise is assumed to be white noise or band-limited white noise with the noise bandwidth encompasses the entire signal spectrum. o The signal of interest is deterministic. o Background noise is assumed to be additive: Input = signal + noise s(t) n(t) y(t) h(t) yo(t) o If the frequency response of the filter matches the frequency spectrum of the signal, the S/N ratio is maximized. At frequencies where the signal is strong, the system gain should also be high to enhance the difference between the signal and the noise. At frequencies where the signal is weak, the system gain should also be low to de-emphasize the noise energy at these frequencies. At frequencies where the signal energy is negligible, the system gain should be zero to filter out the out-of-band noise. o Because of the non-uniform frequency response, the filter output is distorted. o This technique is ideal for signal detection since in this case only the signal energy (with respect to noise), not the actual shape, is. o This technique is not useful if the shape of the signal waveform is unknown. Mathematical details: o From linear system theory the output is obtained from the convolution integral: yo (t ) h(t ) y ( )d h( ) y (t )d h( ) s (t )d h( )n(t )d so (t ) no (t ) For a white noise input with unity magnitude the S/N ratio at t = T is: 2 (S / N ) 2 T 2 2 h ( ) s ( T ) d h ( ) d s (T )d 2 s (T ) o 2 E[no (T )] 2 2 h ( )d h ( )d Note: The inequality is the direct result of the Schwarz inequality. The equality holds if the following is true: h 2 ( )d s 2 (T )d , which means: ( S / N ) 2 T, max s 2 (T )d . o In general, the following filter response can maximize the S/N ratio if the autocorrelation function (or the auto-spectrum) of the input noise is known: S ( f ) j 2 f T H( f ) where is an arbitary constant, T is the e S nn ( f ) observatio n period, and S nn ( f ) is the autospectr um of the noise process. o For white noise process, the impulse response of the matched filter is: h(t ) s (T t ) for t 0 s(t) 0 h(t) T t Numerical examples: o Rectangular pulses: Noise Noise Spectrum 5 N n 20 log 0 5 5 S 20 Signal 100 n 0 20 200 1 n 20 log S_F n 5 Signal Spectrum 10 100 n 0 0 n N_F 20 40 100 Signal + Noise n 200 1 10 n 100 Frequency10Response 100 S + N Spectrum 5 0 T 20 log 0 n T_F n 20 5 5 h0 Impulse 100 Response 200 n 0 20 log 0 n 1 n H0 n 5 20 40 100 n 200 1 Output 10 n 100 Output Spectrum 40 400 out 2 n 20 log 200 0 out_F n 20 0 100 n 20 200 1 10 n 100 o Saw-tooth pulses: Noise Spectrum Noise 5 0 if ( n W ) Shapen n 20 W (n W otherwise 20 N n 20 log 0 N_F n 5 20 100 Signal n 200 1 100 0 20 log 0 n 10 Signal nSpectrum 5 S 0 S_F n 5 Tn Sn Nn 20 40 100 Signal + Noise n 200 1 10 100 S + Nn Spectrum 5 0 T 20 log 0 n T_F hm n 0 if ( n m) n n m otherwise 20 20 5 100 n Impulse Response 200 1 5 h0 n 20 log 0 H0 n 200 1 10 100 Output nSpectrum 100 2 20 40 100 Output n n 100 0 5 out 10 n Response Frequency 40 20 log 50 out_F n 20 0 0 100 n 20 200 1 10 n 100 h0n h 900 1000 (n m n 2 Examples: o White noise process: s(t) e -t for t 0 S ( f ) -j 2 f T e H( f ) 1 j 2 f h(t ) 0 o Realistic low-pass noise: y (t ) Acos 2 f C t n(t ) for s (t ) 1 1 j 2 f e -j 2 f (T t ) 1 j 2 f -(T t ) for t T df e 0 otherwise 0t T A ( f f C ) ( f f C ) 2 E[n(t )n(t )] e S ( f ) F{ Acos 2 f c t} E[n(t )] 0, S * ( f ) j 2 f T S nn ( f ) F{e } hF e 1 4 2 f 2 S nn ( f ) A A e 2 f (T t ) e 2 f (T t ) cos 2 f C (T t ) 2 2 1 4 2 f C 2 1 4 f C constant 2 1 Radar echo detection: X Matched filter Detector Display Matched filter implementation Matched filter y(t) T 0 yo(t) s(t) T T T 0 0 0 yo (t ) y( ) h(T ) d y( ) s(T T ) d y( ) s( ) d Wiener Filters Introduction: The matched filter technique requires the exact knowledge of the signal and thus is used for detection only. If we need to reconstruct a signal with minimum distortion and only the statistical properties of the signal is available, the Wiener filter technique can be used for this purpose (signal estimation). Basic principles: o The filter that minimizes the mean-square error (minimum distortion) has the following transfer function H( f ). S (f) S ss ( f ) H ( f ) ss S yy ( f ) S ss ( f ) S nn ( f ) o It is called the Wiener filter. More information on optimum filtering can be found in Cooper; Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis, 2nd edition, p. 402-411. o The above transfer function can be implemented numerically for pre-recorded data but is not physically realizable because it is non-casual. The following steps convert the non-casual Wiener filter into a casual one. 1) Express Syy( f ) as a product of two factors: S yy ( f ) S ss ( f ) S nn ( f ) Ayy ( f ) Ayy ( f ) where Ayy ( f ) has all of the LHP poles and zeros and Ayy ( f ) has all of the RHP poles and zeros. Split the poles and zeros on the j axis evenly to both planes. j 2) Use partial fraction expansion: S ys ( f ) B ( f ) B ( f ) Ayy ( f ) where B ( f ) has all of the LHP poles and zeros and B ( f ) has all of the RHP poles and zeros. Split the poles and zeros on the j axis evenly to both planes. Note: if n(t) and s(t) are uncorrelated, S ys f S ss f 3) The transfer function of the casual Wiener filter is given by: B ( f ) B ( f ) j 2 f t H( f ) h(t ) e df Ayy ( f ) A (f) yy Example: t 1) Rss (t ) e S nn N 0 t S ss ( f ) F{Rss (t )} F{2e } 2 S ys ( f ) 1 4 2 f 2 For a non-casual filter: S ss ( f ) 2 1 4 2 f 2 1 H( f ) 2 2 S ss ( f ) S nn ( f ) 2 1 4 f N 0 1 N 0 2 1 (2 f ) 2 S yy S yy S yy Step 1: S yy S ss ( f ) S nn ( f ) N0 2 N 0 2 1 4 f 2 N0 2 N 0 N0 N0 K2 N0 2 N 0 S ys ( f ) Ayy ( f ) Ayy ( f ) , 2 N 0 j 2 f (1 j 2 f ) N0 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f 1 j 2 f 1 j 2 f j 2 f 2 N 0 N0 1 N0 1 1 j 2 f 2 N 0 N0 N0 , 1 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f N0 1 1 j 2 f N0 1 K2 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f 1 K1 1 2 N 0 N 0 B ( f ) Ayy ( f ) B K1 1 j 2 f 2 1 N 0 1 2 N 0 N 0 1 j 2 f Step 3: H0 ( f ) 2 N 0 j 2 f 1 N0 2 N0 1 2 N 0 B ( f ) h0 (t ) N 0 j 2 f 2 (1 j 2 f )(1 j 2 f ) 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f 1 j 2 f 1 1 j 2 f N0 2 1 4 2 f 2 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f 1 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f K1 N 0 j 2 f N 0 2 N 0 N 0 (2 f ) 2 1 (2 f ) 2 1 j 2 f S (f) ss Ayy ( f ) Ayy ( f ) 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f Step 2: S ys ( f ) N0 (1 j 2 f )(1 j 2 f ) Ayy ( f ) 2 1 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f , B ( f ) 2 N 0 N 0 1 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f N0 2 N 0 N 0 1 1 j 2 f 2 N 0 N 0 1 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f 1 j 2 f 2 N 0 N 0 j 2 f ( f ) Ayy ( f ) e j 2 f t df 2 N 0 N 0 1 exp 2 N 0 N 0 t u (t )