6509.11m_40 Page 1 of 32 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES Amendment No.: 6509.11m-2008-2 Effective Date: May 12, 2008 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JESSE KING Chief Financial Officer Date Approved: 02/21/2008 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this handbook was 6509.11m-2008-1 to chapter 20. New Document 6509.11m_40 32 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date Digest: 40 - Establishes new code and caption for direction previously published in Interim Directive 2006-8. Sets forth direction previously published in CFO Bulletin 2002-024 for National Level Liability Accruals, with revisions in captions and updated procedures. 41 - Establishes new code and caption, “Employment Related National Accruals” and sets forth related direction. 41.1 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Unfunded Annual, Compensatory, and Sick Leave” and sets forth related direction. 41.2 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Actuarial Liability” and sets forth related direction. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 2 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES Digest--Continued: 41.3 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing FECA Unfunded Liability” and sets forth related direction. 41.4 - Establishes new code and caption, “Office of Personnel Management Benefit Accrual” and sets forth related direction. 41.5 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Forest Service Uniform Orders and Shipments” and sets forth related direction. 42 - Establishes new code and caption, “Legal Case-Related National Accruals.” 42.1 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruals for Judgment Fund Contract Disputes” and sets forth related direction. 42.2 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruals for Judgment Fund for “No Fear” Cases” and sets forth related direction. 42.3 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Contingent Liabilities for Pending Litigation” and sets forth related direction. 43 - Establishes new code and caption, “Payments to States and Counties.” 43.1 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Payments to Counties - National Grasslands” and sets forth related direction. 43.2 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Payments to States - National Forest Fund” and sets forth related direction. At yearend September 30, 2006, the Secure Rural Schools and Roads Act expired, after being in effect for 7 years. 43.3 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Payments to Minnesota – National Forest Fund” and sets forth related direction. 44 - Establishes new code and caption, “USDA- and Office Space-Related National Accruals.” 44.1 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Greenbook and USDA Working Capital Fund Expenses” and sets forth related direction. 44.2 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Office Space Rental, General Services Administration” and sets forth related direction. 44.3 - Establishes new code and caption, “Accruing Department of Homeland Security Services” and sets forth related direction. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 3 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES Table of Contents 41 - EMPLOYMENT-RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS................................... 4 41.1 - Accruing Unfunded Credit Hours, and Annual and Compensatory Leave ...................... 4 41.2 - Accruing Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Actuarial Liability ............... 6 41.3 - Accruing FECA Unfunded Liability ................................................................................ 7 41.4 - Accruing Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Benefits .......................................... 9 41.5 - Accruing Forest Service Uniform Orders and Shipments .............................................. 12 42 - LEGAL CASE-RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS ............................................. 14 42.1 - Accruals for Judgment Fund Contract Disputes ............................................................. 14 42.2 - Accruals for Judgment Fund “No Fear Act” Cases ........................................................ 17 42.3 - Accruing Contingent Liabilities for Pending Litigation (Legal Representation Letter) 19 43 - PAYMENT TO STATES AND COUNTIES ............................................................ 21 43.1 - Accruing Payments to Counties - National Grasslands .................................................. 21 43.1a - Accrual Amount Computation .................................................................................. 21 43.1b - Accrual Entry Details ............................................................................................... 21 43.2 - Accruing Payments to States - National Forest Fund ..................................................... 23 43.2a - Accrual Amount Computation .................................................................................. 23 43.2b - Accrual Entry Details ............................................................................................... 23 43.3 - Accruing Payments to Minnesota - National Forest Fund ............................................. 25 44 - USDA AND OFFICE SPACE RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS ...................... 27 44.1 - Accruing Greenbook and USDA Working Capital Fund Expenses ............................... 27 44.2 - Accruing Office Space Rental - General Services Administration ................................ 29 44.3 - Accruing Department of Homeland Security Services .................................................. 31 WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 4 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES “National level” accruals are in a group by themselves because they share a common characteristic: the field has no responsibility for any portion of the accounting for these servicewide expenses; and therefore, the national level business matters set forth in this directive. The Albuquerque Service Center-Budget & Finance (ASC-B&F) performs all necessary accounting functions including obligations and accruals. The Zero Code, sec. 07, includes the Accrual Review and Approval Plan for all accruals in this directive. This plan sets forth procedures for the review and approval of all period-end accrual adjustments before they are processed in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS), to achieve the greatest operating effectiveness possible. This procedure includes who will conduct the review, how the review will be evidenced, and how approval will be executed. 41 - EMPLOYMENT-RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS 41.1 - Accruing Unfunded Credit Hours, and Annual and Compensatory Leave The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Finance Center’s Payroll Accounting System (PACS) calculates for the Forest Service, the cost of employees’ unused credit hours, annual, and compensatory leave balances. The payroll system generates the Leave Liability Report which is used by the Forest Service to record its leave liability. As employees use and earn leave, the general ledger is updated to reflect the changes in leave costs. The source documents for the Forest Service accrual are the USDA Leave Liability Report and the USDA computer query report, “Account 2220/Account NM Unfunded.” ASC-B&F, Payments-Servicewide and Accounts Maintenance (Pay-SWAM), records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “EMPL” as instructed by the USDA/Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), budget object class (BOC) 1100, transaction code YE and transaction type UL. The YE/UL document has two lines of accounting: 1. An increase to record the current quarter’s accrual amount, and, 2. A decrease to reverse the prior quarter’s accrual amount. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed into FFIS by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM at the end of each fiscal quarter. Exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 5 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.1 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR UNFUNDED LEAVE Accrual Information Source 1. USDA: Leave Liability Report. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class EMPL BOC 1100 2. USDA: The SAS Query Report “Account 2220/ Account NM Unfunded” Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/UL Standard General Ledger Postings To record accrual for the current quarter. Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2220 Unfunded Leave Budgetary: None To reverse the prior quarter’s accrual. Proprietary: Debit 2220 Unfunded Leave Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 6 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.2 - Accruing Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) Actuarial Liability Federal Employment Compensation Act (FECA) Actuarial Liability is the amount recorded by employer agencies for the actuarial present value of future FECA benefits provided to Federal employees or their beneficiaries as a result of work-related deaths, disability, or occupational disease. Refer to Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Board’s (FASAB) Liability Standard, number 5, paragraphs 95 and 96 for further information on this topic. The source document for the FECA accrual is a written advisory from the U.S. Department of Labor to the USDA Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), documenting the accrual amount. The USDA OCFO forwards this information via email to the Forest Service, ASCB&F, Pay-SWAM. Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “FECA” as instructed by the USDA/OCFO, BOC 1200, transaction code YE and transaction type FE. The YE/FE document has two lines of accounting: 1. An increase to record the current quarter’s accrual amount, and 2. A decrease to reverse the prior quarter’s accrual amount. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM quarterly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. 41.2 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR FECA ACTUARIAL LIABILITY Accrual Information Source Written advisory from the Department of Labor to the USDA OCFO who then forwards the pertinent information via email notification to Forest Service ASCB&F Pay-SWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class FECA BOC 1200 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/FE Standard General Ledger Postings For increases in recorded liability: Proprietary: Debit 7600 Changes in Actuarial Liability Credit 2650 Actuarial FECA Liability Budgetary: None For decreases in recorded liability: Proprietary: Debit 2650 Actuarial FECA Liability Credit 7600 Changes in Actuarial Liability Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 7 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.3 - Accruing FECA Unfunded Liability Forest Service records the amount of the employer’s portion of contributions to employee benefit programs; although the benefit expense is incurred, the cost does not require current-year budget authority. This is not an actuarial liability. This benefit expense includes workers compensation for Federal employees. Unemployment accruals are recorded separately, part of the USDA “Greenbook” group of expenses (sec. 44.1). The amount of FECA liability is billed to agencies by the Department of Labor for FECA payments that were made on the agencies’ behalf. Department of Labor bills agencies 2 years in arrears of the actual disbursements to claimants. The funding for the liability comes from a future Forest Service appropriation. The source document for the FECA accrual is a written advisory from the U.S. Department of Labor to the USDA OCFO documenting the accrual amount. The USDA-OCFO forwards the information via email notification to Forest Service ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using the Department of Labor’s vendor identification code “16010001F A” EMPL”, BOC 1200, transaction code YE and transaction type UA. The YE/UA document records the actual FECA expense that the Department of Labor disbursed on behalf of the Forest Service during the quarter, with its related unfunded liability. The YE/UA document has two lines of accounting: 1. An increase to record the current quarter’s accrual amount, and 2. A decrease to reverse the prior quarter’s accrual amount. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM quarterly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 8 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.3 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR FECA UNFUNDED LIABILITY Accrual Information Source Written advisory from the Department of Labor to the USDA OCFO who then forwards the pertinent information via email notification to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class 16010001F A BOC 1200 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/UA Standard General Ledger Postings To record the current quarter’s FECA expense and related unfunded liability: Proprietary: Debit 6850 Employer Contributions to Employee Benefit Programs Not Requiring Current Year Budget Authority Credit 2225 Unfunded FECA Liability Budgetary: None To reverse the previous quarter’s FECA expense and related unfunded liability: Proprietary: Debit 2225 Unfunded FECA Liability Credit 6850 Employer Contributions to Employee Benefit Programs Not Requiring Current Year Budget Authority Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 9 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.4 - Accruing Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Benefits Agencies must reclassify OPM Benefit Accruals that come through the PACS feeder system, from SGL account 2190, Other Accrued Liabilities, to SGL account 2213, Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable. The source documents for the OPM Benefit accrual are a letter and data table from the USDA OCFO, containing the accrual amount. The USDA OCFO emails the information to the Forest Service ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “EMPL” as instructed by the USDA/OCFO, and the OPM’s vendor identification code, “24000001F A”, BOC 1200, with transaction code YE. The transaction code YE document has four lines of accounting: 1. A transaction type DE increase to reverse the previous quarterly accrual 2. A transaction type F2 decrease to reverse the previous quarterly accrual 3. A transaction type DE decrease to reverse the incorrect postings recorded by the PACS feeder for the current quarter’s accrual amount; and 4. A transaction type F2 increase to record the correct posting for the current quarter. The change in the accrual amount is manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM quarterly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 10 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.4 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR OPM BENEFIT ACCRUAL Accrual Information Source Letter and Data Table from the USDA OCFO who then forwards the information via email notification to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class EMPL and 24000001F A Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/DE Increase BOC 1200 Line 1 of 4 YE/F2 Decrease Line 2 of 4 Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the prior quarter accrual reclassification Proprietary: Debit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Credit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Budgetary: Debit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource To reverse the prior quarterly accrual reclassification: Proprietary: Debit 6400 Benefit Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2213 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 11 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.4 - Exhibit 01--Continued ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR OPM BENEFIT ACCRUAL Accrual Information Source Letter and Data Table from the USDA OCFO who then forwards the information via email notification to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class EMPL and 24000001F A Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/DE Decrease Line 3 of 4 BOC 1200 YE/F2 Increase Line 4 of 4 Standard General Ledger Postings To decrease recorded liability in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Credit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Budgetary: Debit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource To increase recorded liability in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6400 Benefit Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2213 Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes Payable 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 12 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 41.5 - Accruing Forest Service Uniform Orders and Shipments 1. Forest Service employees, who work outdoors and others whose job involves meeting the public, each have an annual allowance for the purchase of required components of the Forest Service official uniform. The uniform allowance amount is not disbursed to the employee; it is retained by the Forest Service who deducts allowance amounts when the employee receives their uniform components from the contracted uniforms provider. As the fiscal year progresses, existing employees liquidate their allowances as they order and receive uniform components. 2. The uniform vendor receives Forest Service orders, batched in a nightly electronic file. At the end of the quarter, the uniform vendor emails the source documents to ASCB&F Pay-SWAM for: (a) orders placed by the Forest Service and received by the vendor but not shipped to the employee, and (b) orders shipped but not invoiced. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using the uniform vendor’s identification code for the vendor ID, and BOC 1210. The accounting documents are manually entered and processed, as follows: a. Orders placed by the Forest Service and received by the vendor but not shipped. (1) A transaction code SV, transaction type CM, processed with a decrease indicator, reverses the commitment for uniform allowances. The SV/CM is processed only at the end of fiscal quarters 1 through 3. The SV/CM is not used at yearend (the 4th quarter) because FFIS automatically removes all open commitment documents (transaction code RQ). (2) A transaction code SV, transaction type UN, processed with an increase indicator, records the undelivered order for the uniforms ordered but not shipped. For fiscal quarters 1 through 3, the SV/UN is processed with SV/CM. For fiscal quarter 4, the SV/UN is processed alone for uniforms orders placed but not shipped. b. Orders shipped by the vendor but not invoiced. (1) A transaction code SV, transaction type CM, processed with a decrease indicator, reverses the commitment for uniform allowances. The SV/CM is processed only at the end of fiscal quarters 1 through 3. The SV/CM is not used at yearend (the 4th quarter) because FFIS automatically removes all open commitment documents (transaction code RQ). (2) A transaction code SV, transaction type DE, processed with an increase indicator, records the delivered order for the uniforms shipped but not invoiced. For fiscal quarters 1 through 3, the SV/DE is processed with SV/CM. For fiscal quarter 4, the SV/DE is processed alone for uniforms orders shipped but not invoiced. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 13 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 3. The prior period accrual amount(s) automatically reverse in the last month of each quarter; for example, the accrual for the quarter ended December 31 would reverse in early March so that the new accrual amount for the quarter ending March 31 could be recorded. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. 41.5 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR FOREST SERVICE UNIFORMS Accrual Information Source Accrual Frequency Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class Transaction Code/ Transaction Type SV/CM Decrease Vendor emails the accrual data to Forest Service, ASC-B&F SWAM. (a) orders Received but not Shipped, (b) orders shipped but not invoiced Used in fiscal quarters 1-3 with a SV/UN or SV/DE Quarterly Vendor’s Taxpayer ID Number BOC 1210 SV/UN Increase Used in fiscal quarters 1-3 with a SV/CM. In quarter 4, use SV/UN alone. SV/DE Increase Used in fiscal quarters 1-3 with a SV/CM. In quarter 4, use SV/DE alone. Standard General Ledger Postings To decrease recorded commitment for a General Fund: Proprietary: None Budgetary: Debit 4700 Commitments Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resources To record orders received by vendor but not shipped (undelivered orders) for a General Fund: Proprietary: None Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resources Credit 4801 Undelivered Orders Unpaid To record orders shipped by vendor but not invoiced (an accrual) for a General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resources Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 14 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42 - LEGAL CASE-RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS 42.1 - Accruals for Judgment Fund Contract Disputes In 1956 by statute, Congress created the Judgment Fund, a permanent, indefinite appropriation for the payment of final judgments that were "not otherwise provided for." This fund provides a mechanism that alleviates the procedural burdens of judgment payment, allows more timely payments, and reduces the assessment of interest against the United States (where such was allowed by law) during the period between the rendering and payment of an award. The Judgment Fund is available for most court judgments and Justice Department compromise settlements of actual or imminent lawsuits against the government. The Judgment Fund itself is broken down into several appropriations, as follows: 42.1 - Exhibit 01 JUDGMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS Treasury Symbol 20X1740 20X1741 20X1742 20X1743 Treasury Symbol Title Court of Claims (see sec. 45.3) U.S. Courts, Torts, and “No Fear Act” (see sec. 42.2 for “No Fear Act:, sec. 45.3 for Torts) Claims for Damages (Small Claims) (see sec. 45.3) Contract Disputes (see sec. 42.1) When contract disputes are settled and the settlement involves the Forest Service paying the claimant, the Treasury pays the settlement on behalf of the Forest Service from the Judgment Fund. The Forest Service is then responsible for repaying the Judgment Fund; from all available funds. Agencies must reimburse Contract Disputes, (Treasury’s Treasury Symbol 20X1743) in accordance with the provisions of The Contract Disputes Act (CDA): “. . . governed by 41 U.S.C. 612. Subsections 612(a) and 612(b) provide that awards made by federal boards of contract appeals and judgments made by federal courts will be paid from the permanent indefinite appropriation commonly referred to as the "Judgment Fund which was established by 31 U.S.C. 1304. Subsection 612(c) provides that CDA payments made on behalf of federal agencies by the Judgment Fund pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) shall be reimbursed to the Fund.” WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 15 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES When the Judgment Fund pays a Contract Disputes Act claim on behalf of an agency, the Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) reduces the fund's balance with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and records an expense in the fund’s standard general ledger. At the same time, FMS records a receivable in the recoveries account for Federal agency settlements of claims under the Contract Disputes Act. Consequently, the debtor Federal agency is required to record a payable to the Judgment Fund. Those amounts remain a receivable on FMS's books and a payable on the debtor agency's books until reimbursement to the fund is made by the agency. At the end of each fiscal year, FMS sends confirmation letters to agencies for the purpose of verifying account balances. ASC-B&F Financial Reporting & Reconciliation (FR&R) certifies quarterly balances and submits the certification to the USDA OCFO. The source document for the accrual is a letter titled “Judgment Fund for Period XX” (where the “XX” identifies the fiscal quarter) from the USDA OCFO to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. ASC-B&F, Pay-SWAM and FR&R jointly review and reconcile the cases previously accrued, with the Treasury Receivable Ledger, the Judgment Fund letter, and the actual payments recorded. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using Treasury’s vendor identification code “20050010F A,” BOC 4230, transaction code YE and transaction type FF. The YE/FF document has one line of accounting: an increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 16 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42.1 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR JUDGMENT FUND CONTRACT DISPUTES Accrual Information Source Letter “Judgment Fund for Period XX” from the USDA OCFO to Forest Service, ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly 20050010F A BOC 4230 Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class YE/FF Standard General Ledger Postings Used only when all cases are paid, this entry reverses the accrual recorded in the previous quarter in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2992 Other Liabilities Unfunded Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record the accrual for the current quarter in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2992 Other Liabilities Unfunded Transaction Code/ Transaction Type Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 17 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42.2 - Accruals for Judgment Fund “No Fear Act” Cases General information about the Judgment Fund is provided in section 42.1. The Judgment Fund also pays awards made on cases settled in accordance with the No Fear Act, formally titled, “Federal Anti-discrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act of 2002,” enacted May 15, 2002. The source document for the accrual is a letter titled “Judgment Fund for Period XX” (where the “XX” identifies the fiscal quarter) from the USDA OCFO to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM and FR&R jointly review and reconcile the cases previously accrued, with the Treasury Receivable Ledger, the Judgment Fund letter, and the actual payments recorded. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using Treasury’s vendor identification code “20050010F A,” BOC 4230, transaction code YE, and transaction type FF. The YE/FF document has one line of accounting: an increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 18 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42.2 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR JUDGMENT FUND “NO FEAR ACT” CASES Accrual Information Source Letter “Judgment Fund for Period XX” from the USDA OCFO to Forest Service, ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class 20050010F A BOC 4230 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/FF Standard General Ledger Postings Used only when all cases are paid, this entry reverses the accrual recorded in the previous quarter in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2992 Other Liabilities Unfunded Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record the accrual for the current quarter in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2992 Other Liabilities Unfunded Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 19 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42.3 - Accruing Contingent Liabilities for Pending Litigation (Legal Representation Letter) This entry records the contingent liability, estimated amount of probable payments provided by the USDA Office of General Counsel, which are expected to occur in the future when litigation settlements are ordered against the Forest Service. These amounts are recognized as a result of a past event where the future outflow or other sacrifice of resources is probable and measurable. These accrued expenses are required to be funded from future-year appropriations. The source document for the accrual is the “Legal Representation Letter” from the USDA Office of General Counsel (OGC). ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “LEGAL” as instructed by the USDA/OCFO, BOC 4230, transaction code YE and transaction type 80. The YE/80 document has two lines of accounting: 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM quarterly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 20 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 42.3 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR CONTINGENT LIABILITIES FOR PENDING LITIGATION Accrual Information Source Legal Representation Letter from the USDA Office of General Counsel to Forest Service ASC-B&F Financial Reports Branch Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class LEGAL BOC 4230 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/80 Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the accrual for the previous quarter’s liability in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2920 Contingent Liabilities Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record an accrual for the current quarter in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2920 Contingent Liabilities Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 21 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 43 - PAYMENT TO STATES AND COUNTIES 43.1 - Accruing Payments to Counties - National Grasslands Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act of July 22, 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1012), hereafter referred to as “the Act,” is the authority for the payments to counties. At the end of each calendar year, 25 percent of the revenues from each national grassland or land utilization project are paid to the counties in which such lands are located. These payments are not payments in lieu of taxes (PILT); instead, they are national grassland or land utilization project receipts to be shared through grants with local governments for the purposes stated in the Act. 43.1a - Accrual Amount Computation The ASC-B&F Receivables & Collections Branch, All Services Receipts (ASR) team computes the amount of the accrual using the following steps: 1. Obtain the “Draft Monthly Summary Report,” produced by the All Services Receipts (ASR) System for National Grasslands. Determine the number of months’ financial activity included in ASR for the current calendar year-to-date. 2. Divide the total revenue amount by the number of months to obtain a monthly rate. 3. Multiply the monthly rate by the number of months for the accrual, for example, multiply the monthly rate times twelve for December 31, times three for March 31. This calculation projects or estimates the amount of revenue for the months in the reporting period (in relation to the calendar year payment period). 4. Multiply the amount calculated in step 3 by 25 percent to estimated the amount of the payment to the counties. 5. Submit the request to ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM, to record this accrual using a YE/FF transaction that posts to Treasury Symbol 12X5896, fund code NGNG. 6. Review the accrual for accuracy prior to month-end, after it is keyed into FFIS and approved by the Pay-SWAM team. 43.1b - Accrual Entry Details ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “FS ACCRUAL” as defined by the Forest Service, BOC 4110, transaction code YE and transaction type FF. The YE/FF document has two lines of accounting: WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 22 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM quarterly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. 43.1 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES – NATIONAL GRASSLANDS Accrual Information Source ASC-B&F Receivables and Collections Branch, All Services Receipts Staff prepares the accrual estimate using current revenue data. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class FS ACCRUAL BOC 4110 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/FF Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter in recorded liability in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record the current quarter’s accrual in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 23 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 43.2 - Accruing Payments to States - National Forest Fund The Act of May 23, 1908, as amended (16 U.S.C. 500), commonly known as “Payments to States,” requires, with a few exceptions, that 25 percent of all revenue received from the national forests be paid to the states in which the national forests are located. The revenues include receipts from timber, grazing, special-use permits, power and mineral leases, and admission and user fees. In compliance with the provisions of the Act, states use the moneys for public schools and public roads in the county or counties in which the national forests are situated. 43.2a - Accrual Amount Computation The ASC-B&F Receivables & Collections Branch, All Services Receipts (ASR) team computes the amount of the accrual using the following steps: 1. Obtain the “Draft Monthly Summary Report,” produced by the All Services Receipts (ASR) System for the National Forest Fund. Determine the number of months’ financial activity included in ASR for the current fiscal year-to-date. 2. Divide the total revenue amount by the number of months to obtain a monthly rate. 3. Multiply the monthly rate by the number of months for the accrual, for example, multiply the monthly rate times three for December 31, times six for March 31. This calculation projects or estimates the amount of revenue for the months in the reporting period. 4. Multiply the amount calculated in step 3 by 25 percent to estimated the amount of the payment to States. 5. Submit the request to ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM, to record this accrual using a YE/FF transaction that posts to Treasury Symbol 12X5201, with a fund code of PSPS. 6. Review the accrual for accuracy prior to month-end, after it is keyed into FFIS and approved by the Pay-SWAM team. 43.2b - Accrual Entry Details The source documents for the accrual are prepared by the ASC-B&F Receivables & Collections Branch, ASR team, using actual revenue data from current accounting periods, recorded in the ASR System. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using vendor identification code “FS ACCRUAL” as defined by the Forest Service, BOC 4110, transaction code YE and transaction type FF. The YE/FF document has two lines of accounting: WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 24 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed. The data table in exhibit 01 below identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. 43.2 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR PAYMENTS TO STATES – NATIONAL FOREST FUND Accrual Information Source ASC-B&F Receivables and Collections Branch, All Services Receipts Staff prepares the accrual estimate using current revenue data. Accrual Frequency Quarterly Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class FS ACCRUAL BOC 4110 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/FF Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter in recorded liability in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record the current quarter’s accrual in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 25 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 43.3 - Accruing Payments to Minnesota - National Forest Fund The Act of June 22, 1948, as amended (16 U.S.C. 577g), provides that the Secretary of the Treasury, upon certification by the Secretary of Agriculture, shall pay to the State of Minnesota at the close of each fiscal year, from any national forest receipts not otherwise appropriated, an amount equivalent to three-fourths of 1 percent of the fair appraised value of certain national forest lands in the counties of Cook, Lake, and St. Louis situated within the Superior National Forest. The ASC-B&F Receivables & Collections Branch, All Services Receipts (ASR) team computes the amount of the accrual and submits it to ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. SWAM records the accrual using a YE/FF transaction to Treasury Symbol 12X5213 with a fund code of MNMN. After the accrual is keyed into FFIS and approved by the Pay-SWAM team, the ASR team shall review it for accuracy prior to year end. The source documents for the accrual are prepared by the ASC-B&F Receivables & Collections Branch, ASR team. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual annually at fiscal yearend, using vendor identification code “FS ACCRUAL” as defined by the Forest Service, BOC 4110, transaction code YE and transaction type FF. The YE/FF document has two lines of accounting: 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous period and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current year. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 26 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 43.3 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR PAYMENTS TO MINNESOTA – NATIONAL FOREST FUND Accrual Information Source ASC-B&F Receivables and Collections Branch, All Services Receipts Staff, prepares the accrual estimate using current revenue data. Accrual Frequency Annually Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class FS ACCRUAL BOC 4110 Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/FF Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter in recorded liability in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Credit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Budgetary: None To record the current quarter’s accrual in a sample Special Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6800 Future Funded Expenses Credit 2992 Other Unfunded Liabilities Budgetary: None WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 27 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44 - USDA AND OFFICE SPACE RELATED NATIONAL ACCRUALS 44.1 - Accruing Greenbook and USDA Working Capital Fund Expenses The USDA processes accounting transactions in a centralized manner for administrative functions and the related operating costs for its many bureaus in the Washington, DC, area. Among those services are: the centralized mailroom function, services for physically challenged employees, and photocopy machines. The Forest Service obligates its share of these expected costs in accordance with annual written notification from the USDA Office of the Chief Financial Officer. The source documents for the accrual are a letter and data table from the USDA OCFO who emails the pro-rated cost information to the Forest Service ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM. Pay-SWAM records the accrual quarterly, using various vendor identification codes, various BOCs, transaction code YE, and transaction types UN and DE. The YE/DE/UN document has two lines of accounting: 1. A transaction type DE increase in delivered orders to record the accrual for the current quarter, and 2. A transaction type UN decrease to record the corresponding reduction in undelivered orders. The SV’s automatic reversal period is set for the subsequent month. FECA expenses listed on Greenbook are accrued based on separate guidance provided by the USDA OCFO via email. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 28 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44.1 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR GREENBOOK AND USDA WORKING CAPITAL FUND EXPENSES Accrual Information Source Letter and Data Table from the USDA OCFO who then forwards the pertinent information via email notification to Forest Service, ASC-B&F PaySWAM. These entries pertain to expenses other than unfunded unemployment expense. Accrual Frequency Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class Transaction Code/ Transaction Type YE/DE Increase Quarterly Varies BOC Various YE/UN Decrease Standard General Ledger Postings To record the accrual for the current quarter, in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resources Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid To record the corresponding decrease in undelivered orders for the current quarter, in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: None Budgetary: Debit 4801 Undelivered Orders Unpaid Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resources WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 29 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44.2 - Accruing Office Space Rental - General Services Administration The General Services Administration (GSA) negotiates leases with building owners for Federal agency office space. This accrual is necessary to recognize the unpaid rent due at the end of the month for Forest Service leased facilities. The source documents for the accrual are titled “Rent on the Web,” and are retrieved by the ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM group from the GSA “Rent on the Web” Login Page Web site: https://www.pbs-billing.gsa.gov/drw/login.asp. After accessing the Web site, log in (requires user ID and password), locate the “Rent Bill” tab on the far left of the screen; select “Rent on the Web”, and request the reports by bureau, year, month, and state, to retrieve Forest Service costs. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual monthly, using vendor identification code “G01GSASPACE” as instructed by the USDA/OCFO, various BOCs, transaction code RC and transaction type 01. The RC/01 document has two lines of accounting: 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM monthly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 30 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44.2 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR OFFICE SPACE RENTAL GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Accrual Information Source Accrual Frequency Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class Transaction Code/ Transaction Type Access GSA Web site: https://www.pbsbilling.gsa.gov/ Reports retrieved by bureau, year, month, and state, “Rent on the Web”. G01GSASPACE Monthly BOC Various RC/01 Standard General Ledger Postings To reverse the accrual from the previous quarter, in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Credit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Budgetary: Debit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource To record the accrual for the current quarter, in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 31 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44.3 - Accruing Department of Homeland Security Services Security services provided by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have increased the safety of employees and facilities. This accrual recognizes unbilled services that the Forest Service has received from DHS. The source documents for the accrual, titled “DHS Federal Protective Service Security,” are retrieved by the ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM group from the following GSA Web site: https://www.pbs-billing.gsa.gov/drw.login.asp. After accessing the Web site, log in (requires user ID and password), select the “DHS Security” tab; request the reports by bureau, year, month, and State, to retrieve Forest Service security costs. ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM records the accrual monthly, using vendor identification code “G18DHSFPSSE” as instructed by the USDA/OCFO, various BOCs, transaction code RC, and transaction type 01. The RC/01 document has two lines of accounting: 1. A decrease to reverse the accrual recorded for the previous quarter and, 2. An increase to record the accrual for the current quarter. In this manner, the accrual and the reversal are manually entered and processed by ASC-B&F Pay-SWAM monthly. The data table in exhibit 01 identifies the source documents and data elements for the accrual entry. WO AMENDMENT 6509.11m-2008-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/12/2008 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.11m_40 Page 32 of 32 FSH 6509.11m - SERVICEWIDE ACCRUAL HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - ACCRUING NATIONAL LEVEL LIABILITIES 44.3 - Exhibit 01 ACCRUAL INFORMATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SERVICES Accrual Information Source Accrual Frequency Access GSA Web site: Pbsbilling.gsa.gov Vendor ID Code; Budget Object Class G18DHSFPSSE Monthly Advisory Information Retrieved From the “DHS Security” tab. Reports retrieved by bureau, year, month, and state. Reports are titled, “DHS Federal Protective Service Security” BOC Various Transaction Code/ Transaction Type RC/01 Standard General Ledger Postings For increases in recorded liability in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Credit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Budgetary: Debit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource Credit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid For decreases in recorded liability in a sample General Fund: Proprietary: Debit 2190 Other Liabilities 5700 Expended Appropriations Credit 6100 Operating Expense 3107 Unexpended Appropriations Used Budgetary: Debit 4901 Delivered Orders Unpaid Credit 4610 Allotments Realized Resource