12-14 May 2013, BERN, SWITZERLAND
The 29th EUFASA Conference took place in Bern from 12 to 14 May 2013. 55 Delegates from
24 EUFASA member countries represented their Associations. At the invitation of the Swiss
Chair, 33 diplomats and diplomatic observers from European Embassies in Bern attended the
Minutes of the 29th EUFASA Conference, 12-14 May 2013, Bern, Switzerland
Sunday 12 May 2013 was the first official Conference day.
During the lunch meeting at Bellevue Palace the actual Steering Committee chaired by the Mrs.
Daniela Lauer until July 1st 2013, discussed proposals and the composition of the new Steering
Committee for the period 2013-2014 under the presidency of the Italian Association.
The actual Steering Committee discussed the Chairs duties according to EUFASA guidelines.
The Swiss Chair expressed its future support to the incoming chair.
EUFASA topics 2014 for next year’s conference in Rome were discussed.
Monday 13 May 2013 the 29th EUFASA Conference was officially opened.
Audiophiles of the two days, 29th EUFASA Conference, 13-14 May 2013, Bern,
(Please click on this active link to the MP3 audio-files)
The Opening Ceremony took place at the KulturCasino Bern, the Conference venue, with the
speech of welcome by Mrs. Barbara Zehnder Schoenenberger, President ACET / VEEDA, the
opening speech given by Mrs. Friedrun Sabine Burkhalter, honorary president of ACET/VEEDA
and wife of Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and
the opening statement by Mrs. Daniela Lauer, EUFASA Chair and Swiss delegate.
Speech of President of ACET/VEEDA, Mrs. Barbara Zehnder Schoenenberger
(Please click on this active link)
Speech of wife of Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, Mrs. Friedrun Sabine Burkhalter
(Please click on this active link)
Speech of EUFASA Chair and Swiss Delegate, Mrs. Daniela Lauer
(Please click on this active link)
The new EUFASA delegates were invited by the Chair to shortly introduce themselves.
The Swiss Chair is happy to introduce to the audience the new EUFASA delegates and to invite
them to shortly present themselves.
Short self-presentations by the new EUFASA delegates were provided to the Chair at his
request in beforehand of the conference for protocol.
After introducing themselves, each new delegate expressed their interest in diplomatic family
matters as well as their motivation in representing their Associations at this Conference in Bern,
and their intention to participate in existing or new launched EUFASA workshops from now on.
The Chair congratulated the newcomers for their responses, their future commitment and
promised to help them to get familiar with the EUFASA topics, content and use of the website,
whenever needed.
Please click the active links to get to each self-presentation.
Mrs. Florence Cunningham, EU delegate
(Please click on this active link)
„We offer many services for the spouses, for example: Training in different fields.”
Mrs. Nadia von Bassewitz, EU delegate
(Please click on this active link)
Adriana de la Riva, Spanish delegate
(Please click on this active link)
„The Spanish government is working on a new law for the Foreign Service and wish to have the
opinion of the spouses in matters like: Education, training, health service and pensions.
Louise Åkerblom, delegate from Luxembourg
(Please click on this active link)
Cliodhna Noonan, Irelands delegate
(Please click on this active link)
Ruta Paulauskiene, Lithuania’s delegate
(Please click on this active link)
Veronika Vacková, delegate from the Czech Republic
(Please click on this active link)
Eva Thengilsdottir, delegate from Iceland
(Please click on this active link)
Carla Sofia Domingues, delegate from Portugal
(Please click on this active link)
News from member associations was presented.
On the request of the Chair, two associations, from Finland and GB were willing to present
latest news from their respective associations.
Mrs. Marianne Repo, the delegate from Finland presented the latest news.
(Please activate the link to the presentation.)
Mrs. Pam Gordon the delegate of GB presented news from her association.
Mrs. Gordon informed that The British Associations is closely working with the Human resources
department as part of the FCO’s “21st Century working group”, thinking of the career structure
of the 21. Century concerning subjects as: youth career, pension compensation, spouse
compensation and coaching for spouses abroad or about to go abroad working together with
private companies, like Shell, advise spouses to settle their own business, work permit
agreement with other countries (90), evaluation of courses organized by the Human Resources
Department in order to offer those to the spouses.
Unaccompanied postings, hardship postings: Increases of allowances for example, 2 extra
journeys for the employees or their families are discussed as well as school check list for data
collection purposes, about transportation, canteen, medical services, the spouses abroad can
help to collect this data and send it electronically.
The UK delegate invited for more information about the UK Association to see “CAROUSEL”,
The British delegate also mentioned: DSFA in conjunction with Human Resources department of
the MFA had announced some changes to overseas allowances, following the
recommendations of the FCO’s 21st century Working Group. These changes recognise that
increasingly dual careers are the norm and that the FCO needs to adopt a flexible approach to
allowances which recognises that couples would adapt to the new realities in different ways.
The key staff concerns arising from the 21st century group were that better support was needed
for spouses and partners, both in terms of helping them to find work and in recognising the
impact on their pension rights.
Pension compensation (subject to conditions) is now payable on a first posting provided the
partner remains at post.
A tailored professional coaching programme to support careers at post where a spouse/partner
is already at post or is about to go on posting – the DSFA is currently running a pilot project with
thirty spouses/partners through an external service provider. The programme includes tailored
career advice and help with job searches through contacts in the country concerned; advice and
help on setting up own business; and where no work permit can be obtained, advice and help
seeking voluntary work which would enhance their CV.
A new category of voluntary unaccompanied postings where the spouse/partners /family choose
to stay at home for reasons such as career or children’s’ education was mentioned. Two extra
APEX journeys would be given to enable the couple/family to keep in contact.
Mrs. Gordon mentioned that the education adviser has started a DSFA schools check list, an
idea which could be used by other associations. It’s a short document which lists basic
information on schools overseas such as IT provision, medical facilities, canteen, school
transport etc). The information is collected by the CLO at post or by parents them and is then
made available online for families being posted to that country who would like to see information
on the schools in addition to what is in the school prospectus. Our education adviser is happy
to share the template with other national associations – contact DSFA.
Mrs. Gordon mentioned that their office had moved and the new address is: DSFA, K118, King
Charles Street, Foreign and Commonwealth office, London Sw1A 2AH
This first Conference day was entirely dedicated to employment or issues related to work
and employment.
We learn that work and employment for accompanying partners are no longer an
exception and that the accompanying person aims for a professional career, while
trailing their partners, husbands or wives, transferable civil servants.
The EUFASA Working Group on Employment composed of the EUFASA delegates from Italy,
Finland, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland and chaired by Mrs. Nicki Epinay, the delegate from
France, presented their one year work on this important topic, which is work and employment
for the accompanying diplomatic spouse.
The delegates from France, Italy and Portugal presented the sub-topics of the working group on
The idea of having a Public Website with instant access to the practical guide how to look for a
job and use the given information on employment was very well received by the audience and
much looked after.
The question is how to access jobs vacancies not advertised by the companies and how to
access and apply to these “hidden jobs” (50 - 60% of total job offers).
This working group was congratulated by the participants for their ideas, committed work and
useful solutions.
The WG Employment compelled there presentations:
Presentation and overview chaired and reported by Mrs. Nicki Epinay, delegate
from France (Active link to presentations)
Employment Column of EUFASA Public Website (EUFASA extranet) presented by Mrs.
Ilaria De Franchis, delegate from Italy (Active link to presentations)
EUFASA Internal Website (EUFASA intranet) on Employment functions reported by Mrs.
Ilaria De Franchis, delegate from Italy (Active link to presentations)
The Start Kit for Employment research completed and successfully presented
by Mrs. Veronica Scherk Arsenio the delegate from Portugal (Active link to
Questions and general discussion on the new name and the permanent function proposed by
the Swiss member of the working group Employment followed.
It was proposed that starting with this year’s conference in Bern the working group shall include
not only the employment, but all types of work issues in a larger sense, paid or unpaid work, like
volunteering, charity, fundraising work, and honorary tasks for NGO, other public or private
Organizations for general interest.
The permanent function of the working group was proposed to be voted at the end of the
conference and launched with immediate effect.
It was proposed that the new name for the working group will be:
EUFASA Permanent Working Group on Work and Employment abbreviated and named
hereafter as PWG EWE. It was proposed and discussed that the PWG EWE will annually issue
a report, by the reporting chair. Two new sub- topics chaired by two sub-chairs to the PWG
EWE were proposed to be discussed in future. These subtopics are self-employment and
portable career on one hand and on the other, social insurances issues.
Follow-up on Pension Fund was presented by Mrs. Marja Loopik, the delegate
from Netherlands (active link to presentations)
“EUFASA in Future” working group was presented by Mrs. Katarzina Abraiter,
delegate from Poland (active link to presentations)
The Swiss MFA, represented by Mrs. Emi Georgieva Head Marketing &
Concours, presented an “Overview of activities” - Services for accompanying
(Active link to presentation)
Two professional training sessions on Self-presentation and Self-marketing
were given by Mrs. Chris Kotsionis, the delegate from Greece and HR
specialist, working in Geneva and Athens, as a professional HR specialist and
independent career consultant
(Active link to Mrs. Chris Kotsionis hand out.)
Chris’ invaluable career development advises were enthusiastically received by the delegates
during the two unique workshop sessions, as well as the practical hands on advice, specially
conceived for the accompanying partners and spouses of MFA, all from a first-hand specialist in
HR, an experienced accompanying partner herself. During this workshop, participants had the
opportunity to write a brief 2 minutes self-presentation for a job interview and get concrete step
by step guidance from Mrs. Kotsionis.
The train- the- trainer Module - Career transition Management Program on Career Networking,
Self-Presentation and Self-Marketing- specially designed by Mrs. Chris Kotsionis and handed
to the delegated for the first time at an EUFASA Conference.
This training emphasize on future and further training the delegates are authorized by
permission to organize.
This train the trainer self-marketing training sessions for the delegates, to extend the trading
exclusively and only their associations members by authorization , made Chris’ self-marketing
training-sessions the highlight of this 29th EUFASA first Conference day in Bern.
Presentation of the Swiss project „Dual Career” by Mrs. Melissa Woods in her
quality as project manager to the HR/MFA Switzerland
(Please click on the active link to presentation)
Mrs. Melissa Woods project manager, working for the HR department of FDFA Switzerland on
the Dual Career Project and experienced accompanying spouse presented the conclusions of
her scientific research recommending to delegates, how to approach the dual career issue
together with their ministries.
Roundtable EUFASA in the Future presented by Dr. Svala Guðmundsdóttir,
delegate from Iceland, Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management,
University of Iceland School of Business (Active link roundtable presentation - Day 1)
Iceland presented the conclusions from the roundtable on the future of EUFASA.
The question - Why think about the future of EUFASA, why think about change launched the
debate. Answers like “because societal norms, technology, economies of the world, politics are
changing all the time and “there is a generational change” were found. The conclusion was that
“organizations need to change and renew themselves every 7 to 10 years in order to survive”.
The questions for EUFASA: “are we happy with where EUFASA is currently? Do we need to
change? What challenges do we face? What opportunities are there for EUFASA?” got some
answers right away, like “Change is hard, but necessary”. More questions came up, like “Why
Denmark and Norway are not here?” Comments and recommendations by the speaker on how
to address challenges were made, suggesting that EUFASA working groups have to focus on
practical projects, not just analyzing problems, but finding solutions.
Designating EUFASA delegates for a minimum/maximum number of years: for example,
minimum of 2 years, and a maximum of 5 years. Proposals that delegates after 5 years could be
alumna delegates with an advisory role encouraged more comments on opportunities.
More questions and suggestions were made: “Would it be possible to offer workshops online to
make them accessible to national association members who do not attend EUFASA?”
What does this mean to “Love-Live-Learn-Dream”? The idea was on how to take more
responsibility for yourself and your own happiness, to enjoy life as it comes was analyzed.
EUFASA is a large network and to be seen as an opportunity for reaching out to involve more
How can EUFASA become a more open platform and is there a way to bring motivate and
attract more active members into EUFASA?
The report from the workshop will published in the Swiss Chairs report.
The conclusions of the first day of conference were presented by Mrs. Barbara Zehnder
Schoenenberger President of ACET/VEEDA the Swiss Spouses Association.
Information concerning the second day of conference was given by Mrs. Barbara Zehnder
Schoenenberger in the end of this very successful first conference day on employment issues
for spouses.
Report on Career transition Management Program on Career Networking, SelfPresentation and Self-Marketing was chaired and presented by Mrs. Chris Kotsionis the
delegate from Greece.
The Greek representative presented the outcome of the workshop on Self-Marketing which took
place the day before.
The workshop mainly aimed to train the trainers; the national associations’ members taking part
in the workshop, in order to give them a professional tool to advice their associations’ members.
The workshop highlighted the importance of how to get known by local groups, networks or
markets. Therefore, a well written CV emphasizing on skills, qualities and competencies has to
be prepared.
At the same time, one has to be prepared to present hers or his qualities in a very short time
(e.g. two minutes), in order to rise interest by those interviewing them.
The participating delegates to this workshop should be ready to review CVs or selfpresentations of their association’s members wishing to do so.
The report of the permanent working group EUFASA Welcome Team chaired by
the delegates from Germany, Mrs. Ulrike Seibel and Susanne Reichhardt was
presented by Mrs. Seibel (Active link to presentations)
The EUFASA delegate from Germany disclosed the progress of the PWG EUFASA Welcome
In order to proceed with the publication of the reports, the delegates voted as follows:
23 delegates voted in favour of providing the Project Reports by request only (1 abstention),
none for putting the reports on the public website.
After a short discussion, the delegates voted in favour of publishing the Post Reports on
password protected area of the EUFASA website (12 yes votes, 8 no votes, 3 abstentions). The
technical requirements for setting this up have to be co-ordinated with EUFASA’s webmaster.
The report Children on the move, co-chaired by Mrs. Pamela Gordon from GB
and by Mr. Benoît Van de Capelle, delegate from Belgium was presented by
Mrs. Shiona Morgan representative from GB (Active link to presentations)
The working group presented the results of last year’s survey among member associations in
terms of how children experience their stay abroad.
The group laid stress on the fact that the figures may not be representative as the number of
responses differed significantly from country to country and from age group to age group.
Additionally, the outcome should not be considered as a comparison between countries as most
of them have different schooling and education systems.
However, the results can be used as a base for the national associations contacting their
members in order to get more information if required and useful.
The issue was raised that delegates would like to be able to give results to their members who
have completed the survey. Due to the (at times) small numbers of respondents and the
possibility of misinterpreting the percentages in the report, Belgium suggests removing the
graphs/tables and making only the conclusions, including positive and negative comments,
public. The complete presentation would be available only for internal use by EUFASA
Report on Roundtable EUFASA in the Future presented by Dr. Svala Guðmundsdóttir,
delegate from Iceland, Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management, University
of Iceland School of Business (Active link to roundtable report, Day 2)
Webmaster report presented by Mrs. Daniela Lauer, Swiss delegate and Chair
Annex: Google Analytics 2012/13
Webmaster contract 2013/14
All the requested changes were made to the website. The webmaster’s report is loaded on the
EUFASA intranet; The Swiss chair thanks Evelyn Knolle for her excellent work. Don’t hesitate to
ask Evelyn questions if you have any.
Ireland asked how many passwords are there on the website.
Every association has one password. Password-protected content, for example Job listings, are
only open to delegates. Working groups have access to their documents.
Comment from Germany: Please submit pictures – this makes it easier to put faces with names
before the conference. Adding a few sentences about you would also be nice.
Comment from France: The website is complex and hard to figure out as a new delegate who
has no one to ask at home for assistance. Suggestion: spend 5-10 minutes during the
conference to explain it all for those who need it. There is a handbook on the Intranet, this can
be useful and can answer many questions.
Prolongation of the contract with the webmaster: delegates voted unanimously to prolong the
contract with Evelyn Knolle for web services. The fees for the website would not include costs
for inviting Evelyn Knolle to the next meeting in Rome. An alternative would be to invite her by
The new Topics and subtopics proposed for next year’s 30 th Conference in Rome, Italy
were voted by the Swiss Chair and accepted successfully by the delegates assembly
(Active link to Topics 2014 and PWG EWE Sub- topics Self- employment and
Portable- career)
PWG EUFASA Welcome Team - EWT: no voting, just a reminder
PWG EUFASA Work and Employment, hereafter EWE proposed by the Swiss Chair to
become a permanent working group.
Delegates voted unanimously to make this working group a permanent working group. The
actual chair France will be the permanent working group chair and will be the reporting chair,
issuing for each annual conference an annual report.
Renaming the group “EUFASA Work and Employment” hereafter EWE was successfully voted
and approved. Delegates voted unanimously to change the name as stated.
Self-employment and portable career as next year’s sub- topics for EWE was successfully voted
and approved. One abstention (white card); the remaining delegates voted for the motion.
Switzerland will chair this sub - topic and work on this issue.
Health insurance when working abroad became a Sub- topic for EWE next year chaired by Mrs.
Marianne Repo, from Finland. Three abstentions (white cards), the other delegates voted for
the motion. Finland, Spain will be part of this sub-working group and work on this issue.
The Reporting Chair of EWE, will be by Mrs. Nicki Epinay, delegate from France who
will issue an annual report of the permanent working group EWE.
Members of the EWE are delegates from Italy, Finland, Portugal and Switzerland and
represented as follows by:
Mrs. Ilaria De Franchis, delegate from Italy, is keeping track and constantly updating the
structure of the EWE in the public (external) and internal website.
Mrs. Marianne Repo, delegate from Finland is working on Insurances issuers as a sub- group to
the EWE.
Mrs. Daniela Lauer, delegate from Switzerland will draft and propose Self-employment and
Portable Career solutions as a sub - group of EWE.
Mrs. Veronica Scherk, delegate from Portugal will lead the sub- group Start Kits.
Mrs Adriana de la Riva, delegate from Spain and Nadia von Bassewitz, delegate from EU are
new members of the PWG EWE.
Comment from France: This group will provide an annual report.
Comment: all new terms and new terminology should be added to the EUFASA glossary. It is
among the duties of the steering committee to make sure the glossary is updated.
The idea of a EUFASA Think Tank, hereafter ETT, was suggested and presented by Mrs.
Daniela Lauer, Swiss delegate and Swiss Chair and suggested as a free brainstorm and
“research and development” for EUFASA Organization. Two abstentions, the other delegates
voted for the motion.
The group would address the following three sub-topics:
EUFASA Information management (already existing 30 years database and paperwork,
recommendations and existing resolutions)
EUFASA Image and communication (PR, rebranding, expand international awareness)
EUFASA Interaction and strategic partnerships
Co-chairs for ETT: EU (Florence Cunningham) and Iceland (Svala).
Further members: Italy (Francesca Vattani) and Ireland (Alexandra Branningan) and Switzerland
(Daniela Lauer).
EUFASA “Contemporary diplomatic spouse” hereafter ECDS, was suggested by the Swiss
Chair and delegate Daniela Lauer.
One abstention, the rest of the delegates voted for the motion.
The working group will address the following sub-topics:
New concept, profile and contemporary role of the diplomatic spouse, will be analyzed.
The changing role of spouses based on the Vienna conference resolution.
The Foreign-born Spouses concerns will be analyzed as a majority in many spouse
Specific topics for the group of Male Spouses will be addressed.
Austria and Switzerland will co-chair the ECDS working group.
Further members of ECDS group: Ireland (Cliodhna Noonan), Poland (Katarzyna Braiter),
Netherlands (Marja van Loopic), Portugal (Carla Sofia Domingues), Spain (Adriana de la Riva)
and possibly Sweden (to be confirmed).
The working group on Children with special educational needs will follow-up on the
resolutions from the Berlin Conference under the responsibility/chair of the Netherlands. UK and
Cyprus are members of this working group.
Czech Republic (Martina Lazarova) is interested in participating in a working group; to be
confirmed later.
Comment: As there are so many new people, Spain suggested a short explanation of the
steering committee and how it works. Italy: The steering committee is formed by the troika of
past chair, present chair and future chair; plus the past-past chair and the future-future chair and
two volunteers. The offices change on the 1st of July. The Steering Committee has the
responsibility to update information, and organizes the annual conference and the program.
Comment: it is important to know the participants of each working group.
Comment from Swiss Chair: Working in a working group is the best way to get to know
EUFASA better and to build your network. It is important to work in a timely way and not lastminute just before the conference.
Closing of the conference and conclusions
Daniela Lauer (Chair) and Barbara Zehnder (President of the Swiss Association) thanked the
participants for their support and commitment, and the volunteers from the Swiss association for
their valuable assistance.
Active link to the audio file of the 29th Conferences in Berne, Switzerland, 2013
Active link to Eufasa song, Berne, Switzerland 2013