All Personnel OP 4119.42.01/4219.01/4319.01(a) HEALTH CARE AND EMERGENCIES It is the intent of the County Superintendent to provide a safe environment for employees and students and to make every effort to anticipate and prepare for the health care needs and emergency situations that may occur in County Office worksites and classrooms. Definitions Contact: A contact is a term used to refer to someone who has been in close proximity with an individual who is, or is suspected of being, infected with an infectious disease like influenza. Contagious disease: A disease spread by contact or close proximity. Hand hygiene: Hand hygiene is a term that applies to the cleaning of ones hands to prevent to spread of disease. Human-to-human transmission: Human-to-human transmission refers to the ability of an infectious disease to be passed continuously from one person to another. Some viruses can be transmitted between animals (animal-to-animal), some can be transmitted from animal-tohuman (and vice versa), and some can be transmitted from human-to-human. Infection control: Infection control is broad term used to describe a number of measures designed to detect, prevent, and contain the spread of infectious disease. Some measures include hand washing, respiratory etiquette, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), prophylaxis, isolation, and quarantine. Infectious disease: An infectious disease, or communicable disease, is caused by the entrance of organisms (e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi) into the body that grow and multiply there to cause illness. Infectious diseases can be transmitted, or passed, by direct contact with an infected individual, their discharges (e.g. breath), or with an item touched by them. Influenza: Influenza is a viral disease that causes high fever, sore through, cough, and muscle aches. It usually affects the respiratory system but sometimes affects other organs. Influenza is spread by infectious droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air. These droplets can land on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth or be inhaled into the lungs of another person. Infection can also occur from contact with surfaces contaminated with infectious droplets and respiratory secretions. Also see seasonal, avian, and pandemic influenza. Isolation: Isolation is when sick people are asked to remain in one place (e.g. home, hospital), away from the public, until they are no longer infectious. Pandemic influenza: A pandemic influenza or pandemic flu, occurs when a new subtype of influenza virus: 1) develops and there is little or no immunity (protection due to previous infection or vaccination) in the human population; 2) it is easily passed from human to human; 3) is found in many countries; and, 4) causes serious illness in humans. Also see influenza, seasonal influenza, and avian influenza. OP 4119.42.01/4219.01/4319.01(b) HEALTH CARE AND EMERGENCIES (continued) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is specialized clothing or equipment worn to protect someone against a hazard including an infectious disease. It can range from a mask or a pair of gloves to a combination of gear that might cover some or all of the body. Prophylaxis: Prophylaxis is an infection control measure whereby antimicrobial, including antiviral, medications are taken by a healthy individual (e.g. nurse, contact) to prevent illness before or after being exposed to an individual with an infectious disease (e.g. influenza). Quarantine: A quarantine is when people who have been in close proximity to an infected person, but appear healthy, are asked to remain in one place, away from the general public, until it can be determined that they have not been infected. Respiratory etiquette: Respiratory etiquette, or good coughing and sneezing manners, is one way of minimizing the spread of viruses which are passed from human-to-human in the tiny droplets of moisture that come out of the nose or mouth when coughing, sneezing, or talking. Healthy and sick people should cover their nose and mouth when sneezing, coughing, or blowing their nose and then put the used tissue in the trash to prevent the spread of germs. Seasonal influenza: Seasonal influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is an infectious disease. In the United States, flu season usually occurs between December and March. The influenza virus is one that has the ability to change easily; however, there is usually enough similarity in the virus from one year to the next that the general population is partially immune from previous infection or vaccination. Each year experts monitor the influenza virus and create a new vaccine to address changes in the virus. For this reason people are encouraged to get a flu shot each year. Also see influenza, avian influenza, and pandemic influenza. Social distancing: Social distancing is an infection control strategy that includes methods of reducing the frequency and closeness of contact between people to limit the spread of infectious diseases. Generally, social distancing refers to the avoidance of gatherings with many people. Infectious Diseases and Prevention 1. Employees of the County Office have responsibility for taking necessary steps to protect the health of all employees and students and upholding privacy policies. 2. The County Superintendent assigns responsibility to assistant superintendents for developing procedures and in-service programs which minimize student and staff exposure to infectious and communicable diseases. 3. County Office employees shall not be required to travel for work during a Travel Advisory issued by the Center for Disease Control or the Public Health Department. OP 4119.42.01/4219.01/4319.01(c) HEALTH CARE AND EMERGENCIES (continued) Exclusion from Work for Health & Safety Reasons The County Superintendent expects employees to work cooperatively with local health agencies in the prevention and control of communicable diseases. In order to protect students and employees from communicable disease, no employee shall be allowed to work in a County Office program who is known to have, or suspected of having, a contagious or infectious disease if that employee’s presence would pose a hazard to the safety and welfare of other employees or students. Any of the following are authorized to make a determination that an employee’s presence poses a hazard to the safety and welfare of other employees or students: • County Public Health Officer • Superintendent of Schools, or designee • Emergency Command Officer • County Office First Aid Team Leader, or Alternate • Department Head or Program Manager • The employee’s treating physician An employee shall be required to go home or seek medical care if they are suffering from an active contagious or infectious disease that poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of other employees. The County Superintendent recognizes that there may be cases where the exclusion of an employee may be necessary because her/his presence in the work setting presents a danger to, or could compromise, the life, safety or health of other employees or students. Exclusion from work may be applied to employees who fall into the following categories: 1. Employees whose physical or mental condition is such as to prevent or make inadvisable attendance at work as determined by a health care provider, public health officer or a SCOE manager 2. Any employee suffering from contagious or infectious diseases with a temperature of 100 degrees or more, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or other evidence of a serious medical condition 3. Any employee who resides where any contagious, infectious or communicable disease exists, or has existed, which is subject to quarantine by the public health officer 4. Any employee who is exempt from immunization or who is inadequately immunized against a certain disease may be excluded from the work place if an outbreak of a specific communicable disease occurs. OP 4119.42.01/4219.01/4319.01(d) HEALTH CARE AND EMERGENCIES (continued) In such instances, before returning to work, the employee shall be required to submit a written statement from a licensed medical practitioner, or in the case of a pandemic from the Public health Officer, verifying that the employee is under treatment and/or is not contagious to others. An employee who is cleared by his/her medical provider or the Public Health Officer to resume his/her job duties, but who is not yet cleared to return to work, may request to be allowed to perform some job duties through telecommuting. Such requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. SONOMA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Policy Reference: SP 4119.42/4219.42/4319.42, Exposure Control Plan Blood-borne Pathogens. Procedure approved: February 4, 2014 (4550.01)