CHINESE PROGRESSION POINTS LEVELS ONE TO FOUR VELS LEVEL Listening (PREP) Follow basic 0.50 classroom directions with aid of gestures. 1.0 Demonstrate understanding by responding to questions and instructions with single words and short phrases and non-verbally (e.g. by pointing) Follow simple classroom directions. Match pictures to sounds. Respond appropriately to simple, oftenrepeated questions. Speaking Participate in choral use of the language, in simple songs and rhymes. Repeat teachermodelled use of the language Participate in choral use of the language. Repeat teachermodelled use of the language. Greet and farewell teacher and friends appropriately. Respond appropriately to questions about their name. Use single words and phrases in action-related Reading Writing Identify the names of visible objects and items from visual clues. (e.g. by pointing) Identify a limited number of simple pictographs. Trace strokes that make up Chinese characters. Identify simple characters, including some of the characters from one to ten and selected pictographs. Trace or copy simple characters, including some numbers and pictographs. Recognise characters of specific concrete items and their different sounds. Identify names of objects and items from aural/visual clues. Intercultural Understandings Language Awareness Recognise some culturally-specific gestures and body language (e.g. slight nod of head when greeting someone). Notice that the sounds of Chinese and English are different. Demonstrate an understanding of some of the differences in how people eat, gesture, write and say things. Notice and discuss the different writing system of Chinese. Recognise that characters represent ‘words’. Repeat tones correctly by following the teacher or using interactive computer program. Create own mnemonics, e.g. ‘pizza’ for 鼻子 (nose) activities (e.g. games) and to answer questions or follow instructions. LEVEL Listening (Years 1 -2) Recognise and 1.25 repeat words correctly. Respond using actions in songs and games. 1.50 Identify words and phrases. Follow instructions to complete a given task. Speaking Reading Writing Recognise and repeat words and phrases correctly. Respond to simple questions, including zodiac animal. Read poems and rhymes with the aid of pinyin. Copy and trace characters selected from units of work, demonstrating some awareness of stroke order. Name some colours, objects, places associated with countries where the language is spoken. Begin to notice the similarities and differences between English and Chinese, e.g. sentence structures. Respond with 2 or 3 words to questions. Read familiar characters with the aid of pinyin. Label pictures. Understand that other people do things differently and that in Chinese culture there are special events at different times of the year, and that they are important in Chinese family life. Recognise the difference between using characters to write and letters. Know that there is correct stroke order when writing characters but don’t always follow. Read aloud familiar characters such as numbers and other selected vocabulary as shown on flashcards. Copy and trace selected characters. Identify two or more landmarks in China. Write a few simple characters correctly from memory (e.g. Understand that different terms are used for older and Notice the use of the enumerative comma as used in songs and rhymes. Fill in gaps with pinyin. Introduce self. 1.75 Demonstrate comprehension through colouring, drawing, mime or action and by Respond to questions about name, age and family. Ask questions about age, numbers and colours. Express likes Intercultural Understandings Language Awareness Understand that responding using single words or short sentences. and dislikes. Match pictures to short sentences. 一、二、三 、十 、 人). Identify known characters in poems or songs. 2.0 Understand longer utterances with the aid of gesture and mime. Generate simple, original sentences (including expressing likes and dislikes). Respond orally to questions asked about family and pets. Greet and farewell the teacher and express thanks and apologies. Respond to short questions about songs, stories and rhymes. Follow instructions to complete simple craft activities. Take part in simple roleplays. Read aloud and for meaning short repetitive texts with the aid of pinyin (e.g. picture story books, rhymes). Write selected basic characters associated with particular units of work. Produce simple multimedia presentations using the language they have learnt. E.g. about their family and pets. Complete gap-filling exercises, selecting characters from a list. younger brothers and sisters. Understand that these terms are often used instead of family members’ names. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between pupil and teacher by always using the term ‘laoshi’. Compare preferences for different animals as pets and discuss why. kinship terms are often formed by repetition of syllables. Become aware of the use of tones in Chinese. Identify and compare elements of punctuation in context between English and Chinese (e.g. in songs, rhymes). Recognise the fundamental difference between using an alphabet and using characters. Recognise similarities and differences between sentence structures including the use of measure words when talking about the number of pets, etc. LEVEL Listening (Years 3 -4) Complete tasks by 2.25 matching spoken words with pictures, filling in a table, filling gaps with required words or ticking alternatives. Speaking Reading Writing Make a simple oral presentation using correct pronunciation and intonation. E.g. selfintroduction. Read captions and short illustrated sentences with the aid of pinyin. Adapt models to write descriptions and simple stories (e.g. by filling in gaps) Take part in a role-play of three to four turns per person, with guidance. 2.50 Respond orally to questions asked about self, family and sports. Exchange personal information with a partner, taking three or four turns. Use appropriate forms of greeting and leavetaking. Read aloud short texts containing familiar characters and pinyin, with correct pronunciation, intonations and phrasing. Match text with meaning (e.g. short Write selected characters using correct stroke order following modelling by teacher. Developing understanding of proportion in characters. Intercultural Understandings Compare and contrast like events in cultures which use different languages (e.g. festivals) Have an understanding of the customs associated with special festivals, especially Chinese New Year. Developing awareness of culturally appropriate behaviours. Compare and contrast different customs associated with birthdays between Language Awareness Use substitution strategies to generate changed meaning. Use an English/Chinese picture dictionary to find new words to expand their vocabulary range. Begin to understand that the number of characters that they can read is greater than those they can write and to reflect on why. Understand that there 2.75 3.0 Complete matching activities related to units of work (e.g. descriptions of animals, modes of transport to different locations, likes/dislikes in sports). Provide basic factual information about self and others. (.e.g name, age, family). Listen to short, simple texts and show understanding by completing both oral and written tasks, e.g. by answering questions, completing a grid, completing a drawing, matching items and numbering pictures. Construct questions themselves using information from answers they receive in structured situations. (e.g. 你有狗吗?没 有。 你有猫吗?). Ask and respond to questions about self and family. Describe attributes and abilities using 有 and 会. Use connective 和. (她有蓝色的眼睛) statements with pictures, vocabulary item with picture). Recognise familiar radicals in new characters. Locate specific items of information in response to questions. Select and order information (e.g. jumbled word order tasks.) Recognise simple characters individually and in context. Read and write known characters and expand their repertoire of known characters. Use correct word order as modelled by teacher. Australia and China. are different types of questions patterns, e.g. with interrogative pronouns or 吗。 Understand the importance of the family in Chinese culture. Recognise a growing number of the radicals that form parts of characters and identify significant ones such as ‘san dian shui’ and 木. Demonstrate an understanding of culturally appropriate values, responses and patterns of behaviour in particular situations related to the topics being studied (e.g. restaurant) Use of effective language learning strategies, e.g. recognition of linguistic patterns. Write simple sentences based on a model. Write simple sentences based on modelled examples. Use basic structures in response to simple questions. Use both ‘ma’ questions and other question words such as ‘shenme’. Use substitution strategies to generate changed meaning. Use simple software applications to demonstrate understanding of known vocabulary and structure. Use a picture dictionary to expand repertoire of characters. LEVEL Listening (Years 5 -6) Comprehension of 3.25 short, simple, factual spoken information. Speaking Reading Writing Intercultural Understandings Language Awareness Awareness of culturally appropriate behaviours and similarities and differences in cultural practice; e.g. appropriate modes of address. Use of culturally appropriate behaviours when interacting with speakers of the target language; e.g. bowing when greeting, making appropriate eye contact, allowing for personal space. Use of culturally appropriate writing Use of effective language strategies for example, recognition of linguistic patterns, keeping word lists of useful vocabulary. With teacher guidance, participate in oral interactions on simple prepared topics in Chinese. With teacher guidance, read short, familiar, modified texts for meaning. Use characters with correct stroke order and proportion in writing based on models. 3.50 Comprehend simple, factual, spoken information, and discriminate between sounds and tones when listening, e.g. matching items. With teacher support, participate in oral interactions on simple topics in the target language. With some teacher support, read short, familiar, modified texts for meaning and enjoyment. Use substitution strategies in writing to generate changed meaning with characters, using correct stroke order and proportion. 3.75 Comprehend simple, factual, spoken Participation in oral interaction on simple Read short, modified texts for meaning, using Use known characters in linked sentences, with Use and evaluation of effective language learning strategies, e.g. grouping of characters. Confident use of and reflection on effective 4.0 information, and make appropriate oral responses. topics in the target language. previously learnt language skills and knowledge in new contexts. correct stroke order and pronunciation. Demonstrate comprehension of longer texts, (e.g. in descriptions, weather reports, accounts, a sequence of events and a set of instructions). Students participate in oral interactions to convey and receive information. They adapt language and gesture appropriately for the role, audience and purpose of the discourse. They initiate and lead communication and respond to communication initiated by others. They acquire and use new information and language, and recycle previously learnt language skills and knowledge in new contexts. Students read short, modified texts for meaning. They read aloud, demonstrating knowledge of phrasing and correct pronunciation. Students write characters paying attention to shape, stroke order and proportion. They categorise characters they have learning into groups based on meaning and appearance, e.g. with same radical. They write sentences using appropriate characters and form paragraphs by following modelled examples. They use pinyin for basic word processing. conventions, e.g. writing emails from left to right, and not vertically, for character language such as Chinese. Students apply relevant conversational rules and expectations, e.g. those related to politeness (e.g. use of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’). They interact with members of the Chinese language community in Australia as a means of extending their understanding of perspectives on the themes and topics in the classroom. (e.g. using email, wikis, etc.) Students identify ways in which Chinese language and culture has impacted on Australia. Know some basis facts about Chinese geography and famous places/sites/ language learning strategies, e.g. observing and using language rules. Able to explain distinctive rules relating to writing in Chinese Students demonstrate effective reflection on their language learning by sharing a learning strategy they use successfully or by evaluating and improving a strategy they have tried. Recognise differences in use of localizers, e.g. 上、下、前、后 are used after nouns, not before as in English.