Syllabus: US History, 1865 to Present

US History, 1865 to Present
Instructor: Ryan Poe
Course Description
What is the modern United States? When most Americans think of the period from 1865
to the present, they conjure up a series of wars, from the Civil War to the World Wars,
and clean through Vietnam. Themes surround these larger events like the end of slavery,
the “rise of freedom” (or its ugly, unfree corollaries, Jim Crow and disfranchisement,
usually portrayed as confined to the South), women's rights, the New Deal, the Cold War,
and finally the Civil Rights Movement. What happens, though, when we trouble this
narrative by raising questions about what counts as an event, about where we look
geographically for certain eras, and about who or what make up American history? This
course surveys that period of history known as “modern” America, from the end of the
Civil War until the late twentieth century, emphasizing contingency and diversity in the
American experience in ways that challenge the dominant progress narrative of American
Beginning from the impact of the emancipation of slaves in the United States, this course
will traverse a range of historical places, peoples, and events in American history with a
special emphasis on aspects of the North American past that aren't often discussed in
high school classrooms or in popular portrayals of the American past. You may have
heard of time periods like Reconstruction, political parties like the Populists, and even
colonial wars like the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars; but how much do
you really know about them? What popular cultural currents were shaped by these
events and what affect did they have on the American public? Why may have these eras
in history have been somewhat lost in popular accounts of history?
We will focus on three themes to help us answer these questions. First is the expansion
of the American state and its relation to individuals, citizen and non-citizen. This is
particularly important as we keep in mind the relationship between the local, the state,
and the federal over the course of American history, and would also be key as America's
place in international politics and world markets changed over time. The bounds of
belonging became increasingly important in the history of the United States. Indeed,
coming to terms with the changing boundaries around citizenship status and the
development of new terms to describes non-citizens, like “illegal alien,” plays a crucial
role in how Americans interacted (and now interact) with federal, state, and local
authorities, making up our second theme. Finally, we will play with geography and raise
questions of regional distinctiveness, exceptionalism, and representativeness. What
areas of the country get to be typical America, and why? What may this obscure in our
understanding of the past? How does incorporating a diversity of American experiences
change popular narratives of United States history?
Learning Objectives
By the conclusion of the course, you are expected to be able to do the following:
 Explain the general trajectory of United States social, political, and cultural
history from the end of the Civil War until the end of the twentieth century.
 Describe the development of the nation, including changes in law, political
economy, and structure of government.
 Understand various contingencies of citizenship, regional development, state
formation, and the general historical trajectory of the classical narrative of U.S.
 Identify a handful of sources available to historians interested in United States
history and evaluate how scholars have used these sources.
 Construct an argument in writing based on a clear thesis, supported by yet
critically engaged with relevant evidence.
The assignments for this course are crafted so that students must employ critical,
written engagement with secondary readings and primary source materials in
preparation for a life of critical thinking beyond this course.
 Discussion Quizzes (10%)
Every Friday before our actual discussion (and only on discussion days) you will
be tasked with writing at least one question or critical observation about that
day's source material. These serve as a rubric for evaluating the student's level of
preparation for discussion, which is sometimes difficult to discern in the oftenterrifying, performative setting of the classroom. Because the discussion material
is generally a mix between primary and secondary sources, it may help think, in
writing, how the historian we read that week would view the document given to
you. Would it contradict or complicate their conclusions? Would it support them?
You will not be given feedback on these essays unless I feel it is necessary or you
request it. They are for the purpose of jogging your minds for discussion and for
me to follow your progress, preparation, and attendance on discussion days.
 Critical Engagement Essays (25%)
Twice over the course of the semester, you will be asked to closely read a primary
source from the syllabus from a section we have already covered. (Note: these
cannot be sources we discussed on discussion days.) You will then write an essay
evaluating, interpreting, and critically engaging that source in no more than
3,000 words. Do not feel a necessity to cite secondary works or read a stack of
books about the material before you read the document! This exercise is to help
you get a sense of what historians do: we use what we think we know about the
past to evaluate documents, artifacts, and evidence that the past left behind.
By close reading, I mean for you to dig down into the nitty-gritty of the document
and its various details. Who was the target audience? What did the author intend?
Would it have been read differently by different audiences? What was it printed
on and why? What do certain phrases indicate about the author's historical
position, standpoint, or circumstance? What is strange to you here, what doesn't
make sense to you, and why? (After asking the latter question, try going about
piecing together why you feel that way—is it because you held assumptions about
the past that may not be entirely true? Is it because you have never heard of this
type of thing before?) What is not said in the document, and why might that be
Essay One (10%) – Consider this your practice essay!
Essay Two (15%)
 Book Review (15%)
You will be tasked with writing one very short (no more than 800 words) review
of a serious academic book that covers or majorly overlaps with the time period
covered in this course. I prefer your book selection to be from the list provided at
the end of this document. However, if you wish to explore a different topic, you
are free to do so as long as you request my permission.
The goal of this exercise is put you in the mind frame of a historian, but in a way
slightly different from the critical engagement essays. Instead of engaging
critically with a single document, you will instead engage with what an author is
arguing, ask why they are arguing it and to whom they are directing their
criticisms, additions, or correctives. Your review should briefly summarize the
author's main argument, identify what aspects of their narrative allowed them to
make such arguments, and discuss what you perceive to be its strengths and
weaknesses. Is the author convincing? What sources do they use? In what
historiographical debates does this author intervene, and how?
 Exams (50%)
Students will be separately evaluated in writing in two very short exams twice in
the semester. The course is specifically designed so that if you participate in class
at expected levels throughout the year, you will not need to prepare any more
intensely for exams than you do for regular discussion days.
Each test will be made of one longer essay question from a choice of three
pertaining to one of our themes (nation, citizenship, region) and a handful of
identifications for the student to choose from. Because it is not the teacher's job
to trick their students, I will be providing the three essay questions that you will
choose from on test day ahead of time to enable ample preparation should you
require it. Keep in mind, however, that no notes will be allowed at actual test
time, so prepare adequately!
Students should write no more than four, single-spaced hand-written pages for
this part of the test.
The three identification questions from a list of five will be somewhat random, but
again, it is not my job to fool you. Although I will not be providing a list of
possible identification questions prior to the exams, if you participate in class
regularly and keep up with the readings, you will have a decent idea of what
events, places, and people will be worthy of an identification question. (Keep in
mind that I will almost never use people as identifications unless we discuss them
extensively.) Answers to identifications should include no more than three
sentences explaining the chronological placement (exact dates are preferable!)
and historical significance of the event, place, or thing in question.
Midterm Exam (20%)
Final Exam (30%)
Students may notice that attendance does not factor into the above grading scale save
for the discussion quizzes. Only on discussion days is attendance required. Because the
course structure is weighted toward lecture the first part of the week, textbook readings
may supplement an absence or two. Note, however, that I can tell by reading your
essays, quizzes, and test answers whether or not you have attended lectures and will
couch my grade evaluations appropriately.
(This section must be altered to take into account any institutional attendance requirements.)
Readings and Course Structure
It goes without saying that any class period with an assigned reading, students are
expected to have fully read the material in question. The only exception to this are
textbook readings, which are listed for the benefit of unavoidable absences, review
purposes, or as a primer before lectures. For this reason, you are not required to
purchase the textbook, but be forewarned: having the textbook makes preparing for
your exams and writing essays infinitely easier.
Every week will generally follow the same schedule. Monday and Wednesday will be
mostly lectures, with sporadic close readings of documents and short articles. Discussion
will be light on these days, but students are encouraged to ask questions and spark
impromptu discussions should any interesting or complicated subject matter come up.
Fridays will be devoted to discussion of a handful of extremely light readings. I have
sacrificed volume—and at times secondary sources entirely—for the sake of terse
secondary sources and those primary sources I find the most compelling. Participation is
required on discussion days to demonstrate that students have read and understand the
material. The goal of discussion is to spark critical engagement in both secondary and
primary sources, to both understand and question every aspect of an argument or
historical document one can manage.
Above all, keep in mind: do not be afraid to ask what you think is a dumb question!
There is no more basic of a course in history than this one, and we are all here to learn.
Code of Conduct
(This section must be altered to take into account any institutional attendance requirements.)
 Required
◦ Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, Edward J. Blum, and Jon Gjerde, eds. Major
Problems in American History, Volume II: Since 1865. Third Edition.
 Recommended
◦ George Tindall and David E. Shi, America: A Narrative History, Volume 2 (to
the Present). The Sixth Edition or newer.
Course Calendar
Readings Key:
* Required Reading
- Suggested Reading
Week 1
Course Overview and Introductions
Introductions and
This lecture sets the basic progression for this course by beginning
with Emancipation as an international phenomenon (affecting world
markets, drawing from a transnational dialog), being the product of
a national system of slavery in which both North and South
benefited, and affecting regions differently (that is, troubling the
geography and the “who freed the slaves” aspect of Emancipation).
* Ira Berlin, et al., “The Destruction of Slavery, 18611865,” in Slaves No More (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1992), chapter 1.
- Sven Beckert, "Emancipation and Empire:
Reconstructing the World Wide Web of Cotton
Production in the Age of the American Civil War,"
American Historical Review 109 (2004): 1405-1438.
- Eric Foner, Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and
its Legacy (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, 1983), particularly Chapter 1.
- Steven Hahn, "Class and State in Postemancipation
Societies: Southern Planters in Comparative
Perspective," The American Historical Review 95, no.
1 (1990): pp. 75-98.
Week 2
Wartime and Presidential Reconstruction
This lecture will focus on wartime and presidential Reconstruction,
which I will pair with a section on the expectations of both
freedpeople and Congresional Radical Republicans for
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 18.
- W.E.B. Du Bois, Black Reconstruction in America: An
Essay Toward a History of the Part which Black Folk
Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in
America, 1860-1880 (New York: S.A. Russel
Company, 1935), Chapters 1-6.
- Armstead L. Robinson, “The Politics of
Reconstruction,” The Wilson Quarterly 2.2 (Spring,
1978): 106-123.
Congressional Reconstruction
Here I want to talk about changes in the state during congressional
Reconstruction as well as what was going on on the ground level at
the time, including thinking about the Freedmen's Bureau, what
was going on in the North, and how freedpeople met the challenges
of southern intransigence.
* Eric Foner, Reconstruction: America's Unfinished
Revolution, 1863-1877 (New York: Harper & Row,
1988), selections from Chapters 6-9 (supplied).
* Risa Goluboff, “Reconstruction Amendments,” PBS
Theme Gallery, Slavery by Another Name:
* All of the (total of six) short videos about on the
page, “Reconstruction,” PBS Theme Gallery, Slavery
by Another Name,
- Mary Farmer-Kaiser, “'Are they not in some sorts
vagrants?': Gender and the Efforts of the Freedmen's
Bureau to Combat Vagrancy in the Reconstruction
South,” The Georgia Historical Quarterly 88.1
(Spring, 2004): 25-49.
- James McPherson, “The Dimensions of Change: The
First and Second Reconstructions,” The Wilsom
Quarterly 2.2 (Spring, 1978): 135-144.
- Eric Foner, “Blacks and the US Constitution,” New Left
Review 183 (September-October, 1990): 63-74, esp.
pp 68-72.
Discussion: Race and the West
Here I want to really hammer on the West, immigrants and
immigrant labor, Northern ethnic minorities (white or otherwise),
and bring in a bit of Shwalm to discuss the impact of slavery's
demise on the nation as a whole in order to visualize
Reconstruction as a truly national phenomenon with radical
* Moon-Ho Jung, "Outlawing "Coolies": Race, Nation,
and Empire in the Age of Emancipation," American
Quarterly 57 (2005): 677-701.
* Elliott West, "Reconstructing Race," The Western
Historical Quarterly 34, no. 1 (2003): pp. 6-26.
- Leon Litwack, “Trouble in Mind: The Bicentennial and
the Afro-American Experience,” The Journal of
American History 74.2 (September, 1987): 315-337.
Week 3
Urbanization and
Railroads, Transportation, and the Nation
The section is all about the development of railroads via investment
by both states and the federal government in railroad building; also
can incorporate canal building, road improvement, and the
proliferation of telegraphs in a bit of a longer history (as review). I
want to talk specifically about Southern Reconstruction-era
railroads as well as roads into the West and the affect they had on
domestic extractive industry (including logging). I also want to
briefly discuss the rise of modern American cities, including a bit on
planning, taxation, and internal improvements.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 19.
- Mark V. Wetherington, The New South Comes to
Wiregrass Georgia, 1860-1910 (Knoxville: University
of Tennessee Press, 1994).
- Sean Dennis Cashman, “Industrial Spring: America in
the Gilded Age,” in Fink, ed., Major Problems in the
Gilded Age and Progressive Era, second edition, pp
- Maury Klein and Harvey Kantor, “Technology and the
Treadmill of Urban Progress,” in Fink, ed., Major
Problems in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era,
second edition, pp. 132-141.
Transformations in the American Economy
This is all about the consequences of the above lecture and in the
change from slave labor to sharecropping and renting in the postemancipation South. I'll incorporate the international economic
portrait to show how America's place in coal extraction, logging,
and cotton production changed over these years and why that
mattered for laborers, owners, managers, and renters.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 20.
- Thomas G. Andrews, “'Made by Toile'? Tourism, Labor,
and the Construction of the Colorado Landscape,
1858-1917,” The Journal of American History 92.3
(December, 2005): 837-863.
- James L. Roark, “From Lords to Landlords,” The
Wilson Quarterly 2.2 (Spring, 1978): 124-134.
- Gavin Wright, “The Origins of American Industrial
Success, 1879-1940,” The American Economic
Review 80.4 (September, 1990): 651-668.
Discussion: Living the Transformations
With this section I want to discuss how changes in society affected
people in urban environments, in rural farming locations (probably
the South with an emphasis on sharecropping), and in Western
localities (mining?). I want to tease out the similarities and
differences within each to have students come to terms with the
affects of things like Reconstruction-era railroad investment,
national economic crises, and so on.
* Major Problems Chapter 1, Document 1; Chapter 2,
Documents 1 and 8; Chapter 3, Documents 1, 6, 7,
* Bobby Clayton, “Company Towns,” PBS Theme
Gallery, Slavery by Another Name:
* “Reflections on a Company Town,” ibid.:
* “Native Americans and the Transcontinental Railroad,”
The Transcontinental Railroad, part of PBS's
American Experience series:
Week 4
The Gilded Age:
Corporate Power and
Organized Labor
The Panic of 1873 and the Gilded Age
With this lecture I want to discuss the Panic of 1873 as one of the
things that began leading national political discourse away from the
race- and reconciliation- consciousness of the previous decade.
Still, I never want to declare an end to Reconstruction due to how
dramatic the transformations I document here and above were on
the American landscape. I do want to argue with this section,
though, that something changed in these years that led to an
increase in corporate power and a focus on political corruption,
huge money, and concentrations of both wealth and power.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 22.
Workers' Democracy: Labor Fights Back
But here I want to emphasize the sheer amount of labor strife in
this era—labor unions, moreover, that advanced a radically
different vision of society from that of corporate giants and their
political allies. The conclusion, then, is that although national
rhetoric changed, organizations like the Knights of Labor were
keeping alive a vision of workplace democracy—and although I
don't want to argue that they were egalitarians or anything, they
were bi-racial and at their peak, they were very much connected to
national and even international developments.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 20.
- Eric Arnesen, “'Like Banquo's Ghost, It Will Not
Down': The Race Question and the American Railroad
Brotherhoods, 1880-1920,” The American Historical
Review 99.5 (December, 1994): 1601-1633.
- Tera Hunter, “'Washing Amazons' and Organized
Protest,” in Hunter, The 'Joy My Freedom':Southern
Black Women's Lives and Labors After the Civil War
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997), pp.
- David Montgomery, The Fall of the House of Labor:
The Workplace, the State, and American Labor
Activism, 1865-1925 (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1987).
- Robert E. Weir, “A Fragile Alliance: Henry George and
the Knights of Labor,” The American Journal of
Economics and Sociology 56.4 (October, 1997): 421439.
Discussion: Hierarchies of Power, Workplace
With this discussion I want to compare the various visions
advanced above: one of communal rights versus one of individual
rights by showing different developments in law, texts from the
Knights and Henry George, various prescriptions from business
organizations on how to manage the labor force, and so on. The
goal is to get students thinking of the more abstract difference
between democracy-conscious unions and individualist-minded
management, an abstract difference that continues to this day.
* Major Problems, Chapter 3, Documents 2, 3, 4, 5.
Week 5
Labor Strife, Robber Barons, and Rural Producers
Here I want to incorporate rural producers, particularly those in the
South, with the picture of labor and capitalist development above. I
particularly want to focus on things like the Knights' various
railroad strikes, which were supported by (or at least witnessed by)
many rural folks who are traditionally seen as having few
opportunities to organize. This will be the section that steps into
rural lives in a big way, but also begins connecting them to national
developments (in preparation for the Populist discussions).
The Gilded Age:
Technology, and
Agrarian Rebels
* Leon Fink, ed., Major Problems in the Gilded Age and
Progressive Era Second Edition (New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company), Chapter 2, Documents 1,2, and 5;
Chapter 4, Documents 2 and 4 (supplied).
Agrarian Protest and the Populist Revolt
One of my favoritist subjects in history. Here, I'll breakdown the
difference between seeing the Populists as a regional (largely
Southern) phenomenon, and seeing it as a national one. Then I'll
give a brief narrative of the movement while keeping in mind the
various things Populists themselves prescribed for society so that I
can remind students of these when I talk about the Progressives.
Discussion: Populists: Agrarian Rebels or BusinessSavvy, Bohemian Technophiles?
Here I want to use a few key sources in Populism's history (keeping
in mind the person/place that produced these sources) in order to
raise the question of “who” were the Populists, which includes and
implicit “where.” I want students to get the sense that the who and
where matters when we envision them, and get a debate going
about just how radical were the Populist visions.
* Leon Fink, ed., Major Problems in the Gilded Age and
Progressive Era Second Edition (New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company), Chapter 2, Documents 1,2, and 5;
Chapter 4, Documents 2 and 4 (supplied).
Week 6
The West
This discussion will be a bit remedial in that it will begin with the
argument that the US was never not an imperial nation, and briefly
detail how Western expansion was always conquest and
colonialism. It will also, however, bring us into the late nineteenth
century, discussing further Indian wars, resettlement,
homesteading, annexation, Chinese and Mexican labor, and so on.
American Empire
* Gale Bederman, “Gendering Imperialism: Theodore
Roosevelt's Quest for Manhood and Empire,” in Major
Problems, Chapter 4.
* Major Problems, Chapter 2, Document 10.
- PBS, “New Perspectives on The West,” (1996)
- Edward Countryman, “Indians, the Colonial Order,
and the Social Significance of the American
Revolution,” The William and Mary Quarterly, third
series, 53.2 (April, 1996): 342-362.
- Frederick Jackson Turner, The Frontier in American
History (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1921).
- Elliot West, The Last Indian War: The Nez Perce Story
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
Overseas Empires
Detailing (very briefly) American interest overseas before the 1880s
and 1890s, then getting into the Spanish-American War, the
Philippine-American War, and the conquest of Hawaii. I want to
focus here on the various racial and gender discourses funneled
into contemporary understandings of imperial conquest.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 23.
* Emily S. Rosenberg, “Spreading the American Dream:
American Economic and Cultural Expansion,” in Major
Problems, Chapter 4.
- PBS, “Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War”
- Barry Rigby, “The Origins of American Expansion in
Hawaii and Soma, 1865-1900,” The International
History Review 10.2 (May, 1988): 221-237.
- Walter L. Williams, "United States Indian Policy and
the Debate over Philippine Annexation: Implications
for the Origins of American Imperialism," The Journal
of American History Vol. 66, No. 4 (Mar., 1980), pp.
Discussion: Civilization and Gender
Here I want to compare a few of the documents discussed in
Bederman and Hoganson to get students thinking about the
commonalities in civilization discourse (mainly the racial and
gender hierarchies involved in each), but also the regional
circumstances that affected each person's understanding and
interpretation of civilization discourse.
* “Chapter 2: The Language of Empire,” in Leon Fink,
ed., Major Problems in the Gilded Age and
Progressive Era, supplied.
- Gale Bederman, Manliness & Civilization: A Cultural
History of Gender and Race in the United States,
1880-1917 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
- Kristin Hoganson, Fighting for American Manhood:
How Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish-American
and Philippine-American Wars (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1998).
- ibid., “Cosmopolitan Domesticity: Importing the
American Dream,” The American Historical Review
107.1 (February, 2002): 55-83.
Week 7
The Progressive Era:
Jim Crow and
Black Alienation in America
This is the big lecture on the narrative of Jim Crow segregation and
disfranchisement. I want to sort of gloss over regionalism for the
time being and give an almost traditional narrative here, focusing
on southern developments in anticipation for the Wednesday
lecture. The pairing of them I think will be a cool way to show both
how traditional narratives obscure national angles of seemingly
regionally-isolated phenomena, as well as how some historical
elements are much more connected than we think.
* Leon F. Litwack, “Jim Crow Blues,” OAH Magazine of
History 18.2 (January, 2004): 7-11.
* Read the following excerpts and watch the following
short films on post-Reconstruction race and labor:
* “Black Codes and Pig Laws”
* “Convict Leasing”
* “Jim Crow and Plessy v. Fergusson”
* “White Supremacy and Terrorism”
* “Voices of Protest”
All of these are located on the PBS website, Slavery
by Another Name,
- Elsa Barkley Brown, “Negotiating and Transforming
the Public Sphere: African American Political Life in
the Transformation from Slavery to Freedom,” Public
Culture 7 (1994): 107-146.
- Steven Hahn, A Nation Under Our Feet: Black Political
Struggles in the Rural South from Slavery to the
Great Migration (Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, 2003).
American Racism, American Freedom
This lecture will be a bit of a reminder of past lectures on things like
Indian removal, citizenship expansion and contraction, voting,
imperial conquest, Reconstruction-era violence in the North (and
during the Civil War) to begin a large-scale demonstration of the
affects of southern Jim Crow on the nation: lowered national
election turnouts, established precedent for voting restrictions and
segregation, increasingly marginalized the country's minority
populations, and affected the course of national development via
the strong southern voting block.
* Matthew Lassiter, “De Jure/De Facto Segregation: The
Long Shadow of a National Myth,” in Lassiter, ed.,
The Myth of Southern Exceptionalism (New
York:Oxford University Press, 2010), Chapter 1
* Elizabeth James, “'Hardly a Family is Free From the
Disease': Tuberculosis, Health Care, and Assimilation
Policy on the Nez Perce Reservation, 1908-1942,”
Oregon Historical Quarterly 112.2 (Summer, 2011):
- Stephen Kantrowitz, “Ben Tillman and Hendrix
McLane, Agrarian Rebels” White Manhood, “The
Farmers,” and the Limits of Southern Populism,”
Journal of Southern History 66 (2000): 497-524
- Mark Wahlgren Summers, Party Games: Getting,
Keeping, and Using Power in Gilded Age Politics
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
- Elliot West, The Last Indian War: The Nez Perce Story
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
Discussion: Regressive and Progressive Voices
I want to do something similar with Progressivism here as I did for
Bederman's subjects above, pitting various interpretations of
Progressives against each other. In this, I want to include different
things like urban reformers, southern progressives, temperance
advocates, and the whole cast of characters (along with a bit on
their background and history) to get a sense of the diversity of
Progressivism. Who, in other words, were the Progressives, and is it
fair to lump them together with Jim Crow and disfranchisement?
* “Teddy Roosevelt and Progressivism” and “The Rise of
Progressivism,” PBS Themes Gallery, Slavery by
Another Name:
* Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Why America Stopped
Voting: The Decline of Participatory Democracy and
the Emergence of Modern American Politics (New
York: New York University Press, 2000), Chapter 4
* Glenda Gilmore, ed., Who Were the Progressives?
(Palgrave: New York, 2002), introduction (supplied).
- Gale Bederman, Manliness & Civilization: A Cultural
History of Gender and Race in the United States,
1880-1917 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
- Glenda Gilmore, Gender and Jim Crow: Women and
the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina,
1896-1920 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1996).
Week 8
Industrialization and its Discontents
With this section I want to begin to connect the aims and goals of
Progressives to those of the Populists by dropping hints that they
were both striving to correct inequities spawned by similar
problems (industrialization, urbanization, mechanization). I want to
focus mainly the early twentieth century, before the big victories in
the later eras.
The Progressive Era:
Trust Busting and the
Populist Legacy
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 21.
* “Debs Attacks 'the Monstrous System' of Capitalism,”
History Matters,
- Major Problems, Chapter 3.
- Brian Gratton and Jon Moen, “Immigration, Culture,
and Child Labor in the United States, 1880-1920,”
Journal of Interdisciplinary History 34.3 (Winter,
2004): 355-391.
- Jason D. Martinek, “'The Workingman's Bible': Robert
Batchford's 'Merrie England,' Radical Literacy, and the
Making of Debsian Socialism, 1895-1900,” Journal of
the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 2.3 (July, 2003):
The Sweet and Sour Fruits of Reform
Here I want to detail the various reform measures passed by
Progressive-era reformers, including democratizing measures
(ballot initiatives and referendums), labor goals like child labor laws
and anti-trust exemptions, civic reform and public health, etc. Then
I want to switch it around a bit and talk about some of the darker
aspects of Progressive-era reform, like eugenics, racism,
heteronormative legislation and means, civilization rhetoric,
immigration and exclusion, etc. The goal is to show that when we
play with our spacial framework, we get different answers to the
question of “how progressive were the Progressives?”
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 24.
* BackStory with the American History Guys, “'Aliens' in
- Jack Kirby, Darkness at the Dawning: Race and
Reform in the Progressive South (Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1972).
- Eileen Lorenzi McDonagh, “Representative Democracy
and State Building in the Progressive Era,” The
American Political Science Review 86.4 (December,
1992): 938-950.
- Nancy MacLean, Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The
Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1995).
Discussion: Progressive Triumphs as Populist Legacies?
There are two goals for this discussion. The first is to raise the
question in the title quite simply: how can we chart the legacy of
Populism if we see Progressive reform as part of its long legacy? I'll
use a few documents here on a specific issue (cherry-picked from
Postel) to demonstrate this. I also, though, want to keep in mind
the darker side of both of these movements, by comparing two
documents showing an unbroken string of troubling aspects of the
racial pasts of each movement—because if Progressivism is a
legacy of Populism, we can't ignore the fact that neither have great
histories on race, gender, and ethnicity.
* Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform: Farmers,
Workers, and the American State, 1877-1917
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999),
introduction and conclusion (supplied).
* “The Omaha Platform: Launching the Populist Party,”
History Matters,
* Theodore Roosevelt, “The Liberty of the People,”
History Matters,
Week 9
World War I to the Early New Deal
This section quickly covers World War I, a bit on migration, the Red
Summer of 1919, and the Great Depression in an effort to gloss
this period. I want to get to the New Deal, but the background
information is important: migration and the Red Summer of 1919
matters, because I want to show the affects of the New Deal on
different localities by the end of this week! Thus, I need to have a
bit of a focus here on certain city locations (perhaps Chicago, to
bring in Cohen) as well as rural areas first.
Depression and Deals
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 25, only these sections “An
Uneasy Neutrality,” “America's Entry into the War,”
and “Lurching from War to Peace.”
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 26, only the section “The
Culture of Modernism.”
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 27 (entire)
- Major Problems Chapters 6 and 7.
- OAH Magaine of History: World War I 17.1 (October,
- Jennifer D. Keene, “Americans as Warriors:
'Doughboys' in Battle during the First World War,” 1518.
- Ronald Schaffer, “The Home Front,” 20-24.
- Joe William Trotter, “The Great Migration,” 31-33.
- Alan Brinkley, “Prelude,” The Wilson Quarterly 6.2
(Spring, 1981): 50-61.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal
This section covers the rise of radical unionism (Cohen here) in the
1930s, the discursive affects of New Deal policy on different
sections, and the later period of federal legislation that takes us
into the 1940s, when historians see it going into more laissez-faire
means to correct economic downturn.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 28.
- Major Problems, Chapter 8.
- Bradford A. Lee, “The New Deal Reconsidered,” The
Wilson Quarterly 6.2 (Spring, 1982): 62-76.
- Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial
Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 (Cambridge England
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
- From the Fall, 2008 issue of International Labor and
Working-Class History 74 (Fall, 2008): Scholarly
Controversy: Rethinking the Place of the New Deal in
American History.
- Jefferson Cowie and Nick Salvatore, “The Long
Exception: Rethinking the Place of the New Deal in
American History,” 3-32.
- Jennifer Klein, “A New Deal Restoration:
Individuals, Communities, and the Long Struggle for
the Collective Good,” 42-48.
- Nancy MacLean, “Getting New Deal History Wrong,”
New Deal Era Labor and Civil Rights
With this lecture I want to bring in various scholarship on how
various groups like organized labor, early civil rights activists, and
more brought to bear the openings afforded by the New Deal and
federal legislation to start a comprehensive social movement for
community and democracy. Use here Kelley, Cohen, Korstad, and
perhaps some stuff by Jeannie Whayne on how planters, on the
other hand, could use things like allotments to displace their
migrant labor force.
* Don West, Jacquelyn Hall, and Ray Faherty, “Oral
History Interview with Don West, January 22, 1975,”
Documenting the American South:
* Please print off your favorite excerpt from the
excerpts section so that you can quote West, and
give students a clear idea of what you were/are
- Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore, Defying Dixie: The Radical
Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950 (New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, 2008).
- Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, "The Long Civil Rights
Movement and the Political Uses of the Past," The
Journal of American History 91, no. 4 (2005): pp.
- Robin D. G. Kelley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama
Communists during the Great Depression (Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990).
- Erik Gellman and Jarod Roll, “Owen Whitfield and the
Gospel of the Working Class in New Deal America,
1936-1946,” The Journal of Southern History 72.2
(May, 2006): 303-348.
- Patricia Sullivan, Days of Hope: Race and Democracy
in the New Deal Era (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1996).
Week 10
Changes in the Land:
Economic Change,
Development, and
American Regionalism
Agricultural Modernization
Here I want to bring in Daniels and company to talk about changes
to various agricultural sectors from the late nineteenth into the
mid-twentieth century, showing the affects of technological
innovation, government policy, and migrant/immigrant labor on
rural and agricultural regions. If I have time, I want to discuss a bit
about how much life changed as a result of this in anticipation of
Crews for Friday.
* Nate Shaw and Theodore Rosengarten, ed., All God's
Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press), selections (supplied).
- Pete Daniel, Breaking the Land: The Transformation of
Cotton, Tobacco, and Rice Cultures since 1880
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986).
- Alexander Yard, “'They Don't Regard My Rights at All':
Arkansas Farm Workers, Economic Modernization,
and the Southern Tenant Farmers Union,” The
Arkansas Historical Quarterly 47.3 (Autumn, 1988):
Urbanization and Beyond
With this lecture I want to bring in literature by the likes of Tom
Sugrue and Bruce Schulman to describe the changes in American
and Southern economics and living patterns during the twentieth
century. I want to ultimately raise the question here of regional
distinctiveness in a country rapidly changing from an industrial and
agricultural economy to a service-based economy. Perhaps use
Cowie and Tami Friedman here, too (Hamilton/Moreton may be
instructive, but probably a bit too late).
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 36.
- Tami J. Friedman, "Exploiting the North-South
Differential: Corporate Power, Southern Politics, and
the Decline of Organized Labor after World War II,"
Journal of American History 95 (2008): 323-348.
- Thomas J. Sugrue, The Origins of the Urban Crisis:
Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1996).
- Merda Sigmon Cobb and Carrie Sigmon Yelton, June,
1979 Oral History Interview by Jacquelyn Hall,
Southern Oral History Program Collection:
Discussion: The Autobiography of Harry Crews
There are so many cool themes to play with in this book that it will
be hard to focus, but I think I'll assign the whole (very short)
autobiography to the class just to see what kinds of discussions we
can generate. The main theme I want to focus on is the affects of
allotment and moving to the city on the life of young Crews. Some
of the most traumatic events of his life are a direct result of having
to move out of Bacon County and into the big city (Jacksonville)-we can also use the fact that he moves into a rapidly industrializing
town to discuss changes in Southern cities in the same time period.
* Harry Crews, A Childhood: The Biography of a Place
(Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1995), entire.
Week 11
World War II and
The Cold War
World War II and the Cold War
With this lecture I want to discuss briefly the war and in the
international dimensions of its domestic ramifications, then I want
to get into the Red Scare and the Cold War affecting things on the
ground in the US. However, I want to do so in a way that
demonstrates that if you play with boundaries and frameworks, the
purge of communists is less of a totality than it's easy to assume
(bring in Camacho here, Salt of the Earth, and so on).
* Tindall & Shi, Chapters 29, 31.
- Martha Biondi, To Stand and Fight: The Struggle for
Civil rights in Postwar New York City (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 2003).
- Margot Canaday, “Building a Straight State: Sexuality
and Social Citizenship under the 1944 G.I. Bill,” The
Journal of American History 90.3 (December, 2003):
- David K. Johnson, The Lavender Scare: The Cold War
Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal
Government (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
- Jeff Woods, Black Struggle, Red Scare: Segregation
and Anti-Communism in the South, 1948-1968
(Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 2004).
The Movements
With this lecture, I want to discuss early Civil Rights, the affect of
World War II on black veterans, continued migration out of the
South, and prepare students to talk about the modern Civil Rights
Movement as one that emerged as part of a long struggle beginning
as early (for the purposes of this course) as Reconstruction, rather
than being the product of a Supreme Court decision or some sort of
“revolutionary” baby boomer generation who came of age in the
1960s. Still, I want to also use this lecture to discuss the legislative
victories of the black freedom struggle.
* William P. Jones, “The Unknown Origins of the March
on Washington: Civil Rights Politics and the Black
Working Class,” Labor 7.3 (2010): 33-52. (Note that
this is required reading!)
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 30, only the section “Social
Effects of the War.”
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 32 (entire).
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 33, only the section “The Early
Years of the Civil Rights Movement.”
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 34, only the sections
“Expansion of the Civil Rights Movement” and “From
Civil Rights to Black Power”
- Major Problems, Chapters 12 and 13, particularly the
essays by Harvard Sitkoff (chapter 12) and Kenneth
Cmiel (chapter 13).
- Charles Payne, I've Got the Light of Freedom: The
Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom
Struggle (Berkeley: University of California Press,
Discussion: Feminism, Civil Rights, and Labor
With this discussion I want to discuss early Betty Friedan as
emerging from a vibrant labor movement, and tie that to early civil
rights campaigns. I also want to pair it with a few documents
by/about Maida Springer. This brings in Horowitz and gets us to
talk about several things: how separate we can envision civil rights
in its various forms (feminism, black freedom, and labor); the
constraints placed on social movements and activists by
anticommunism; and the international dimensions of these
interconnected struggles.
* Bayard Rustin, Down the Line: The Collected Writings
of Bayard Rustin (Chicago: Quadrangle Books,
1971), Introduction; “Feminism and Equality,” pp
325-326 (supplied).
* John d'Emilio, Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of
Bayard Rustin (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2003), Introduction, Chapter 9, (supplied).
- Yevette Richards, “African and African-American Labor
Leaders in the Struggle over International Affiliation,”
The International Journal of African Historical Studies
31.2 (1998): 301-334.
- Ann Z. Ziker, "Segregationists Confront American
Empire: The Conservative White South and the
Question of Hawaiian Statehood, 1947–1959,"
Pacific Historical Review Vol. 76, No. 3 (August
2007), pp. 439-466.
Week 12
The Great Society: A New New Deal
I want to focus here on LBJ's positives, and the 1960s through
these programs, including civil rights, healthcare and welfare,
public spending on things like the North Carolina fund, and so on. I
may add Bob and Jim's book to the list because of this.
President on Trial:
Lyndon Baines Johnson
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 34, only the sections “The New
Frontier, “The Expansion of the Civil Rights
Movement,” and “Lyndon Johnson and the Great
- American Idealist: The Story of Sargent Shriver
(2007), written, produced, and directed by Bruce
- Robert Korstad and Jim Leloudis, To Right These
Wrongs: The North Carolina Fund and the Battle to
End Poverty and Inequality in 1960s America (Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010).
The Vietnam War
With this, I'm going to talk about the latter part of the 1960s, but
chiefly through LBJ's war in Vietnam, the increasing congressional
and public hostility to the conflict, and so on.
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 34, only the sections, “Foreign
Frontiers,” “From Civil Rights to Black Power,” “The
Tragedy of Vietnam,” and “Sixties Crescendo”
* Robert MacNamara, James Blight, and Robert
Brigham, “Cold War Blinders and the Tragedy of
Vietnam,” in Major Problems, Chapter 14.
- Scott Laderman, “Hollywood's Vietname, 1929-1964:
Scripting Intervention, Spotlighting Injustice,” Pacific
Historical Review 78.4 (November, 2009): 578-607.
- If you're really interested in the Vietnam War, check
out the 2006 published internet discussion of a group
of historians on the legacies of the conflict and
historiographical trends as of 2006: “Interchange,
Legacies of the Vietnam War,” The Journal of
American History 93.2 (September, 2006): 452-490.
Discussion: Lyndon Johnson, A Legacy on Trial
The discussion for this week is what it's all about. I want to use this
week as a fun exercise to hold a mock trial for LBJ's legacy. I first
want to ask students their initial thoughts on him that Monday, and
take a few notes that I later read back before arguments are given
for and against by folks on different sides of the room. With the
documents I give, I essentially want the students to think about
why it's important to incorporate a wide variety of voices when
making analytical conclusions like the efficacy of programs like the
War on Poverty—it depends on entirely on where you look and who
you ask. At the end, we'll tally up the score and relative merits of
each argument and make a decision!
* Rescan the week's required readings.
* Robert Griffith and Paula Baker, eds., Major Problems
in American History since 1945 (New York: Houghton
Mifflin, 2007), Chapter 6, Documents 1, 3, and 4;
Chapter 8, Documents 1, 2, 5, and 6 (supplied).
* Major Problems, Chapter 14, Documents 3 and 6.
- “War on Poverty: From the Great Society to the Great
Recession,” American RadioWorks,
- Sandra Scanlon, “'That Bitch of a War': Lyndon B.
Johnson and Vietnam,” History Ireland 16.3 (MayJune, 2008): 42-46.
Week 13
Nixon's Times
Here I want to talk about Nixon and the political crises around his
administration, as well as the black power era of the black freedom
struggle. This week will serve, it bears reminding, as kind of a foil
for next week. I setup the dominant narrative here and trouble it
with the final week's theme. I also want to talk about new trends in
capital development—that is, how capital begins migrating South to
Memphis, then to Mexico and into the world, restricting labor rights
at home and abroad.
The Right
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 37.
- Major Problems, Chapter 14, especially Documents 9
and 10.
- “The Great Textbook War – Books and Beliefs: The
Kanawha County Textbook Wars,” American
- Jefferson Cowie, "Nixon's Class Struggle: Romancing
the New Right Worker, 1969-1973," Labor History
43:3 (2002): 257–83.
- Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, “Sunbelt Boosterism:
Industrial Recruitment, Economic Development, and
Growth Politics in the Developing Sunbelt,” in Sunbelt
Rising: The Politics of Place, Space, and Region
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
2011), pp. 1-57.
- See also Matthew Lassiter's contribution in the
same volume, “Big Government and Family Values:
Political Culture in the Metropolitan Sunbelt,” pp. 82109.
Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and the Right
With this lecture I want to give the classical story of the rise of neoliberal, economic-minded conservatives with Reagan's second
electoral victory as the crescendo. Again, I'm thinking here about
next week and, to an extent, Friday. I also want to bring in here a
bit on Hamilton and Moreton, and the rise of new forms of
mercantile business practices. (Korstad and Lichtenstein here.)
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 36.
- Major Problems, Chapter 15, especially the essays.
- Jefferson Cowie, Capital Moves: RCA's Seventy-Year
Quest for Cheap Labor (New York: W.W. Norton,
- Bethany Moreton, To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The
Making of Christian Free Enterprise (Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard University Press, 2009).
Discussion: The Not-So-Rightward Turn
With this section I want to begin challenging the rightward turn
literature's overly-played hand by introducing students to
MacLean's introduction and a few documents troubling the narrative
of the black power movement as purely violent, and so on—this
section leads in nicely with the next week, which will go back a bit
and talk about the long history of progressive reform that continues
into the present.
* “TRIALS: Joan Little's Story,” Time Magazine, August
25, 1975 (supplied).
* Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Speech Delivered at the
National Press Club in Washington, D.C., February
14, 1978, American RadioWorks,
- “Attica Prison Riot: Memories Strong after 40 Years,”
Democrat and Chronicle:
- Dennis Deslippe, “'We Must Bring Together a New
Coalition': The Challenge of Working-Class White
Ethnics to Color-Blind Conservatism in the 1970s,”
International Labor and Working-Class History 74
(Fall, 2008): 148-170.
- Nancy MacLean, Freedom is Not Enough: The Opening
of the American Work Place (New York Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard University Press, 2006).
- Annelise Orleck, Storming Caesars Palace: How Black
Mothers Fought their Own War on Poverty (Boston:
Beacon Press, 2005).
Week 14
The Uninterrupted
Radical Past
Discusison: Feminism, Gay Liberation, Labor, and Civil
This discussion incorporates a ton of the previous authors ranging
from the 1940s to the present to discuss the combined histories of
gay rights, civil rights, labor unionism, and women's rights. The
goal of this lecture again is to play with geography and inclusion in
a way that troubles the narrative of the Rise of the Right.
* Kitty Krupat, “Out of Labor's Dark Age: Sexual Politics
Comes to the Workplace,” Social Text 61 (Winter,
1999): 9-29.
* Elsa Barkley Brown, “'What Has Happened Here': The
Politics of Difference in Women's History and Feminist
Politics,” Feminist Studies 18 (Summer, 1992): 293-
Reaganomics, the Nineties, and NAFTA
We're nearing the end here, so I want to incorporate this lecture as
a gloss on the 1980s and Reagan's political and international
victories that facilitated his sweeping reelection and Bush's election.
Then I want to bring us up to the late 1990s, discussing
globalization and global social movements. I also want to touch a
bit here on Rodney King and modern race relations, but we'll be
saving that mostly for the last day, when we discuss the carceral
* Tindall & Shi, Chapter 37.
* John Biewen, “After Welfare,” American RadioWorks,
Discussion: Globalization and Modern Economics
With this section I want to analyze several key documents around
three things: 1) the creation of increasingly difficult national
borders to cross for individuals and laborers, using selections from
Ngai and perhaps some testimony from Camacho's book; 2) the
legislative relaxation of obligations and regulations of corporations
to the United States, its employees, and its communities; 3) the
increasing ease by which capital crosses borders. I may try to find a
good documentary here instead of trying to find three or four
documents to cover these all...
* Chris Farrel and John Biewen, “Global 3.0,” American
* Assignment: read and send to me a (substantial)
article in any publication about globalization,
American economics, global capitalism, etc., and be
prepared to share the details within with the class. I
may call on you if discussion slows down.
Week 15
Discussion: The Carceral State and the New Jim Crow
With this discussion I just want to read Heather Thompson's article
on the subject and perhaps assign a news article or two from
several sources I've kept handy describing the penal process for the
impoverished, the wayward, and ethnic and racial minorities. I may
also cap it off with something on voter ID and felony
disfranchisement in the new century, to get us back to the original
Jim Crow. The point I want to emphasize is that old inequalities find
new ways to proliferate in globalized worlds that seem to lack
regional specificity to certain problems. I want students to
understand that poverty and injustice aren't just southern problems
and never have been. They were always American problems.
* BackStory with the American History Guys, “Serving
Time: A History of American Punishment,”
* Heather Ann Thompson, “Blinded by a 'Barbaric'
South: Prison Horrors, Inmate Abuse, and the Ironic
History of American Penal Reform,” in Matthew
Lassiter and Joseph Crespino, ed., The Myth of
Southern Exceptionalism (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010), Chapter 3 (supplied).
- Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass
Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (New York:
New Press, 2010).
Course Wrap Up: The Unfinished Business of
Reconstruction: Race, Labor, and Democracy