TERMS OF REFERENCE Position: International consultant on the assessment of energy efficiency, data integration and monitoring of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in residential sector Project name and number: UNDP/GEF Project “Energy Efficient Design and Construction of Residential Buildings”, № 00074950 Contract type: Individual Contract Duty station: Home based with possible mission to Kazakhstan Duration: 2 months after contract signing Introduction: Long term goal of the UNDP/GEF project is the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the residential sector of Kazakhstan by increasing the energy efficiency of new residential buildings. Framework of the project includes the following components: 1. Improved enforcement, implementation and enhanced monitoring procedures of mandatory construction norms, building energy codes, rating system, and energy efficiency. 2. Standartisation and certification of energy efficient construction materials and its components. 3. Education and outreach to promote energy efficient design, applying best practices and technologies. 4. Demonstrate the application of energy efficient building design. Background: Residential sector in Kazakhstan is the third largest energy consumer in the country, after the energy and industry sectors. In general, buildings in Kazakhstan consume 2 to 3 times more energy per m2 than buildings in Western European countries. Most part of building stock consists of multy-storey buildings with district heating and power. In addition, more than a half of GHG emissions from heating and power sector of residential stock in Kazakhstan accounts for heating of buildings. As a result of conducted research, considerable number of buildings in Almaty city was built during 1960s, while there is also a similar situation within other regions throughout the country. These are panel buildings, in which specific energy costs many times exceed the existing norms. Thus, for instance, in 5 storey old-built residential buildings more than 50% of heat loss accounts for heating of infiltrating and ventilating air, more than 20% of heat is lost through walls, more than 10% of heat is lost through windows and about 10% - through underground floor and roofs. Expected growth of the construction in residential sector of Kazakhstan supposes an increase in energy consumption and, consequently, GHG emissions. Based on official projections, the share of energy consumption in the residential sector of Kazakhstan will double by 2016. At this point, energy efficiency increase could considerably decrease GHG emissions from the residential sector of Kazakhstan. Therefore, primary goal of “Energy efficient design and construction of residential buildings” Project is to decrease GHG emissions from the residential sector of Kazakhstan by increasing energy efficiency of new residential buildings. Currently, national statistics on energy consumption in residential sector is based on the data come from the central supplier of energy services. There is no widely used and methodically standardized system in the country for data gathering on energy consumption separately in buildings. Data management system based on energy performance certificates could solve an existing problem and fulfill the gap. Energy performance certificates, which will be included into national electronic database, ideally, should posses information on projected data, energy consumption calculations, and factual data on energy consumption, and, where possible, data on inspection and permissions, and assessment of building’s energy efficiency. Ultimate goal is to develop complete electronic roster of energy performance certificates that is to be used not only for monitoring and integration of data on energy consumption, but also, in terms of primary resource of methodically unified data to conduct monitoring and assessment in future, possibly, as a baseline to determine market incentives in order to decrease GHG emissions. Therefore, according to the Annual Work Plan 2011 in the framework of the Component 1 «Improved enforcement, implementation and enhanced monitoring procedures of mandatory construction norms, building energy codes, rating system, and energy efficiency» an analysis is planned on existing assessment of energy efficiency, energy performance certificate and labeling system for buildings as well as consideration of opportunities for development of integration of data and monitoring systems on energy consumption and GHG emissions resulted during maintenance and operating stage of buildings. In order to implement best international practices in the area of assessment of energy efficiency, energy performance certificates and labeling system as well as data integration and monitoring of energy consumption and GHG emissions there is a need to hire an international consultant. Objective: 1. Based on the analysis of international practices on the assessment of energy efficiency, building energy performance certificates and labeling system to provide appropriate recommendations. 2. Based on the assessment of international data integration and monitoring systems on energy consumption and GHG emissions, including the use of energy performance certificates for residential buildings, to develop and present appropriate recommendations on the possibility to implement those international best practices. Scope of work: Expert executes and coordinates its work under the guidance and supervision of Project Manager and Project’s Expert in the field of energy efficiency in buildings in collaboration and coordination with other project’s partners if required. He/She is responsible for accomplishment of the following tasks. 1. To conduct comparative analysis of international legal framework in the area of the assessment of energy efficiency, energy performance certificates and labeling system for buildings, including: Building codes requirements for regulated indicators on energy efficiency; Energy efficiency grades for buildings for those countries based on regulated indicators on energy efficiency; Preparation of building energy performance certificate. 2. Taking into account best international practices to develop recommendations on the advancement of the assessment of energy efficiency, energy performance certificates and labeling system for buildings in Kazakhstan. 3. To assess international methodologies (systems) on data integration and monitoring of energy consumption in the residential sector. 4. To assess international methodologies (systems) on data integration and monitoring of GHG emissions from the residential sector. 5. Taking into account best international practices, to develop recommendations on possible implementation of data integration and monitoring system on energy consumption and GHG emissions in the residential sector, including the use of energy performance certificates data. Expected results and payment: № 1. Type of work Intermediate report on the stated scope of work within current terms of reference is prepared and approved by UNDP/GEF project manager. Deadline 6 weeks after contract signing Payment 50% of total amount of contract 2 Final report on the stated scope of work within current terms of reference is prepared and approved by UNDP/GEF project manager. 8 weeks after contract signing 50% of total amount of contract Duty station: home-based with possible mission to Kazakhstan. In case of travel, daily subsistence allowance will be reimbursed according to UNDP procedures on travel after completion of mission and submission of all the required documents and the travel purpose report. The payment is done in the form of two installments upon satisfactory execution of work on authorization of Project Manager, and in compliance with UNDP procedures. Reports and other materials should be submitted in not less than 30 pages in Russian or English languages in MS Word (2003 and/or later) on the format of UNDP/GEF Projects, used font: Arial, size: 11. Responsibility: Coordinates His/Her activities and reports any action to UNDP/GEF Project Manager; Provides compliance with the requirements of technical assignment stated in Terms of Reference in time and at a high quality level; Provides unconditional fulfillment of the requirements specified in the Individual Contract; Materials of the implemented works are submitted to the project implementation unit (PIU) (for the name of Project Manager) for comments and approval. Knowledge and skills: University degree in technology, economics and/or ecology (Master’s degree, PhD would be considered as an advantage); At least 5 years of work experience in the field of energy efficiency, data integration and monitoring of energy consumption and GHG emissions from the building sector; Knowledge of international legal framework in the field of energy efficiency in buildings, data integration and monitoring methodologies of energy consumption and GHG emissions; Knowledge of international practices on the assessment of energy efficiency, energy performance certificates and labeling systems of buildings, and other knowledge required to fulfill stated in terms of reference scope of work; Previous relevant work experience in CIS countries would be considered as an advantage; Experience of preparation of analytical reviews and reports; Knowledge of English or Russian languages is compulsory. Evaluation of applications A two-stage procedure is utilized in evaluating the applicants, with evaluation of the technical proposal (CV/application) being completed prior to any price proposal being opened and compared. The price proposal of the Applicant will be opened only for submissions that passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score in the evaluation of the technical proposals. The Technical proposal (CV/application) is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR). - Best value for money (cumulative analysis). A total score is obtained upon the combination of weighted technical and financial attributes. An Applicant is evaluated and points are attributed based on how well the Applicant meets the defined desirable criteria. Cost under this method of analysis is rendered as an award criterion, which should not be less than 30% of all the desirable factors of the TOR. In this methodology, the maximum number of points assigned to the price proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion. A suggested formula is as follows: p = y (μ/z) Where: p = points for the price proposal being evaluated y = maximum number of points for the price proposal μ = price of the lowest priced proposal z = price of the proposal being evaluated The Applicant obtaining the overall highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal (CV/application) and the price proposal is the proposal that offers best value for money. Project ID 74950 Total: COA (MUST BE INDICATED IN NUMBERS) Dept Activity Account Amount Fund ID Activity 1 71200 62000 55205 JOB DESCRIPTION AUTHORISATION Supervisor Bayan Abylkairova/Project Manager Name/Title Signature Programme officer Irina Goryunova/Programme Analyst Name/Title Signature Date Date Impl Agency 004310 Donor 10003