Professor Chow`s CV. - The City College of New York

Peter C.Y. Chow
Curriculum Vitae
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I. Basic Information:
Name Peter C.Y. Chow
Rank Professor
Department Economics
II. Higher Education:
Ph.D. Southern Illinois University, Economics, 1976.
M.S. Southern Illinois University, Economics, 1973.
B.A. National Taiwan University, 1968.
III. Work Experience:
1993-present, professor of economics, The City College and Graduate Center
1986-1993; Associate Professor of Economics, The City College, appointed as a doctoral faculty
at the Graduate Center in spring 1989, tenure granted in 1990.
1983-1986; Associate Professor of Economics, Southeastern Louisiana University (tenure
granted in 1986).
1981-1983; Associate Professor of Economics, Berry College.
1976-1981; Assistant Professor of Economics, Berry College.
IV. Membership in Professional Societies:
American Association for Chinese Studies, American Economic Association
V. Academic and Professional Honors and Prizes:
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. New York. 1991-1993;
PSC-CUNY Research Grant, various years, Senior Research Grant from CCK Foundation, 199193, 2000. Gulf Life Development Grant, 1976-83.
VI. Fellowships, Grants and Contracts:
National Science Council: 2007-2008, visiting professor of economics, National Taiwan
Ministry of Education-Japan, summer, 1999; Visiting professor, Economic Research Center.
Nagoya National University. Nagoya, Japan.
National Science Council 1993-1994: Visiting Research Fellow, Academic Sinica. Taiwan.
Hoover Institution, Visiting research fellow, Stanford University, March 1986-August 1986.
VII. Publications authored:
1. Books Authored
“Growth and Stability in a Small Open Economy,” Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN.
“Trade--The Engine of Growth in East Asia,” New York: Oxford University Press, 1993 (coauthor: Mitchell Kellman, Winner of the R.R. Hawkins Award of the Outstanding Professional
and Scholarly Titles in Economics by the Association of American Publishers, Inc. in 1993).
." China's Economy after Deng: A Long Term Perspective” Occasional Papers/ Reprints Series
in Contemporary Asian Studies, University of Maryland School of Law, No.5, 1995 (130).
“U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Area Agreement: A Bridge for Economic Integration. “ Maryland
Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, Baltimore: School of Law University of Maryland.
Number 4-2002 (171)
“Social Expenditures in Taiwan “Washington, D.C.: The World Bank Institute.2000.
“What Can Be Done after the Asian Financial Crisis?” published by the Economic Research
Center, Nagoya University. 2001.
2. Books Edited
Edited with an introductory essay, China's Modernization in Relation to the U.S., Burgess
Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN.1984. (Co-editor: Peter Lawyer).
Edited with an introductory Chapter, Weathering the Storm: Taiwan, Its Neighbors, and the
Asian Financial Crisis, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. Forthcoming (co-editor:
Bates Gill)
Edited with an introductory chapter, Taiwan's Modernization in Global Perspective. Westport,
Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002.
Edited with an introductory chapter, Taiwan in Global Economy.
Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002.
Edited with an introductory chapter, Economic Integration, Democratization and National
Security:. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2007
Edited with an introductory chapter, The ‘one China Dilemma, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Publishers, 2008.
3. Book Chapters
1." Myths Versus Realities: U.S. Trade with PRC and ROC “in China’s Modernization in
Relation to the U.S., Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, MN. 1984, pp.78-100.
2." The International Competitiveness of the U.S. Chemical Industry," Institute for International
Economic Competitiveness (IIEC). Symposium Proceedings, edited by Michael Evans, 1988, pp.
35-54. (With Adesida and Kellman).
3." The Relationship between Trade Deficits and Exchange Rate: A Causality Test," Institute for
International Economic Competitiveness (IIEC) Symposium Proceedings, edited by J.R.
McCauley, 1989, pp. 35-45. (With Adesida and Kellman).
4." Economic Liberalization in Taiwan and Its Implications for Pacific Development," in
Bernard T.K. Joei (Ed) Taiwan in Transition, Center for Area Studies, Tamkang University,
Taipei, 1989, pp.117-127.
5.” Economic Integration in the Pacific Basin Countries," in Bernard T.K. Joei (Ed), From
Pacific Region Toward Pacific Community, Center for Area Studies, Tamkang University,
Taipei, 1989, pp.331-348.
6." Financial Liberalization and Macro-Stability in A Small Open Economy: The Case of
Taiwan," Proceedings of International Seminar on Economics and Finance, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, 1992 pp.181-205.
7."Asia-Pacific Economic Integration in Global Perspective" in James Hsiung (Ed) Asia Pacific
in the New World Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1993 pp. 195-216.
8." Complementarity and Competitiveness of the Economic Trade Relations across the Taiwan
Strait" in Winston Yang and Deborah Brown (Eds) The Republic of China on Taiwan in the
1990s.1997. Center of Asian Studies, St. John's University. pp. 173-189.
9.” The Changing Trade Patterns in the Pacific Basin Countries” in Advances in Pacific Basin
Business, Economics, and Finance. Vol. III. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc., 1997.
PP.1-44. (With M. Kellman).
10” Technology Hierarchy, Globalization of Production Network, and International Division of
Labor among Pacific Basin Countries” The First International Conference on Multinational
Enterprises. National Chi-Nan University. 1998. 311-344.
11." Taiwan's Economic and Political Policies toward China" in Winston L. Yang and Deborah
A. Brown (Eds) Across the Taiwan Strait. Center of Asian Studies, St. Johns University Press.
12. “What Have we Learned from the Asian Financial Crisis” in Peter Chow and Bates Gill
(Eds.) Weathering the Storm: Taiwan, Its Neighbors, and the Asian Financial Crisis.
Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 2000. pp.191-222.
13. “The Change and Continuity of Taiwan’s Economic Policy toward China under the New
Administration” in Deborah A. Brown (Eds) Taiwan’s 2000 Presidential Election. Center of
Asian Studies, St. Johns University Press. 2001. pp. 339-397.
14. “From Dependency to Interdependency: Taiwan's Path of Development" in Peter Chow (ed)
Taiwan in the Global Economy. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. 2002.
15. “Economic Integration and Political Sovereignty” in Deborah A. Brown, T.J. Cheng (Eds)
Taiwan in the 21st Century. Center of Asian Studies, St. Johns University Press. 2002. pp. 161197
16.” Financial Restructuring and Corporate Governance in Korea and Taiwan after 1997:
Toward Sustainable Development in East Asia”. In The Newly Emerging Asian Order and the
Korean Peninsula. Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, Vol. 15, 2005. pp. 77-101.
17. “The Impacts of Financial Tsunami on Taiwan’s Economy” Special Issue on “Taiwan and
the Global Economic Storm” published by the Asian Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center.
October, 2009.pp. 5-12.
18. " Linkage Effects of Foreign Enterprises in China: Problems and Prospects in the 1990's" in
Cheng F. Lee (Ed) Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, Vol.1,
Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc., 1995. Pp. 49-65.
4. Articles in Published Journals
1. “Political Economy of Technology Transfer to the People’s Republic", Journal of the
Southwestern Society of Economists, 1984, Vol. II, no.1, pp.23-29.
2. " Stylized Facts of Imported Inflation in A Small Open Economy, Journal of the Southwestern
Society of Economists, 1984, vol., no.1, pp.30-34.
3. " The Universal Brain Exchange: A Socio-Economic Study of Career Attitude among
American-Chinese Professionals, Journal of Chinese Studies Vol. III, April 1986, pp.97-108.
(With Louis Levy and Thomas Thompson)
4. " Causality between Export Growth and Industrial Development: Empirical Evidence from the
NICs," Journal of Development Economics, (26), 1987, pp.55-63.
5 “A Tale of Two Deficits" The Journal of Economics, vol., 1986, pp.192-195.
6. " Ranking Top Economics Departments" Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol.XV, no.1, March
1987. (With J. Brar and A. Nazemzade
7. " Money Market Segmentation and Financial Liberalization: A Reversed Financial
Repression Thesis in Taiwan" Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 4, no.1, April 1987,
8. " The Relationship between Energy and Employment: A Reexamination," Energy
Systems and Policy, Vol. 11, 1987/88, pp.287-295, (with Yu and Choi).
9." Foreign Debt, Trade Balance and Future Growth in Korea and Taiwan," Renaissance
Universal Journal, Vol. 5, No.4, 1988, 72/12-74/14.
10." Anti-LDDS Bias in the U.S. Tariff Structure: A Test of Sources Versus Product
Characteristics," Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. LXX, no.4, November 1988,
pp. 648-653. (With Mitchell Kellman)
11." Causality between Export Growth and Industrial Development: Reply," Journal of
Development Economics, (31), 1989, pp. 416-417.
12." The Comparative Homogeneity of the East-Asian NICs Exports of Groups of
Similar Manufactures," World Development. Vol. 17, No.2, February 1989, pp. 267-273.
(With Mitchell Kellman)
13...” Monetary Coordination in A Tripartite World: An Empirical Test of the
International Monetary Rule," The Journal of Economics, Vol.XV, 1989, pp. 55-62.
14." Output Effect, Technology Change, and Labor Absorption in Taiwan, 1953-86,"
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol.39, no.1, October 1990, pp. 75-88.
15." The Revealed Comparative Advantage of the East Asian NICs”, The International
Trade Journal, vol.5, no.2, winter 1990, pp.235-262.
16." The Coordination of Chinese Economic Systems: Problems and Prospects" Issues
and Studies, Vol. 29, No.1. January 1993 pp. 99-118.
17." Intra-industry Trade among Pacific Basin Countries “Journal of Asian Economics,
Vol. 5, No.3 1994 pp. 335-348 (with Kellman and Shachmurove).
18." Foreign Enterprises in Mainland China: Integration or Isolation?” Issues and Studies,
Vol. 31, No.7 July 1995. Pp. 79-99.
19 " Outward Foreign Investment and Export Structure: A Case Study of Taiwan's FDI in
Malaysia" Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 5:2 1996, pp. 183205.
20." The Role of Taiwan's Economy in the International Economic Community" The
American Asian Review, Vol. XV. No. 2, summer 1997. pp.61-79.
21." A Test of the Linder Hypothesis in Pacific NIC Trade, 1965- 90", Applied
Economics, 1999. 31. Pp. 175-182. (Co-author: Kellman and Shachmurove).
22. " The Impacts of WTO Membership on the Economic/ Trade Relations among China,
Hong Kong and Taiwan" Pacific Economic Review (co-authored with Francis T. Tuan
and Zhi Wang). 6:3, 2001. pp. 419-444.
23. “China’s Economic Development in Global Perspective”, Journal for Asian and
African Studies, Vol.38. Issue 4-5, 2003, pp. 392-415. Also in “China after the Sixteenth
Party Congress” (edited by. T.Y.Wang). Ontario, Canada: de Sitter Publications. Pp. 6992.
24. “ China as the World Market and or the World Factory in the Global Economy” in “
China and the World Economy –New Perspectives on China’s Economic Rise after Three
Decades of Reform” in Berliner China Hefte/ Berlin History and Society, No. 37 (2010)
pp. 39-63 .
25.” Liquidity Traps or Minsky Crises: A Critical Review of the Recent U.S. Recession
and Japan’s Heisei Recession in the 1990’s” Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics (coauthored with Kevin Foster) pp. 571-590
VIII. Invited Presentations:
Woodrow Wilson Center, Center of Naval Analysis, The Sigur Center of George
Washington University, Tokyo University, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
Hitotsubashi University, Meiji Gaukin University, Chinese Academy of Social
Science and several universities in Taiwan and Hong Kong. .
More than 100 papers presented at national and international conferences.
XI. Professional practice and professional service:
Economics editor, American Journal of Chinese Studies,
Referees for Journal of Asian Economics, World Development, Journal of Economic
Executive Director, American Association for Chinese Studies since 1998.