THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT £7 million House-building Infrastructure Loan Fund Application Form All applicants to the Housebuilding Infrastructure Loan Fund are required to complete this application form. All information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 SECTION A: PROPOSAL OVERVIEW This section looks for an overview of the project proposal and the loan applied for. Please provide details of the location and /or address of 1 Location of proposal the infrastructure to be funded and the associated housing. Please include a map. 2 What is the total capital cost of the whole project? (including costs for land, infrastructure and any house building over the terms of the loan applied for) This includes the total cost of all land, fees, remediation work, construction costs, other capitalised expenses. Please provide any evidence you may have to support the level of certainty associated with these costs, including confirmation of whether these works have been tendered. Land £ Fees £ Decontamination £ Public Roads £ Construction £ Capitalised Expenses £ Infrastructure £ Total: £ 3 Nature and Cost of the infrastructure / house building works Please describe the works that the application relates to, and their estimated costs along with any evidence to indicate the certainty of these costs e.g. tender returns etc. As the state aid rules are different for decontamination works and public road provision, we ask for these elements to be set out separately. Housing Infrastructure works Costs £ Description of works Public Infrastructure (e.g. Roads) Costs £ Description of works Decontamination Costs £ Description of works House building works Costs £ Description of works 4 Housing that will be delivered Please provide details of the number of units by size, type and tenure that will be delivered on the site. 5 Loan applied for Loan applied for: £ Period of loan (max 5 years) SECTION B: THE APPLICANT This section asks for core information about the applicant. Please provide the organisation’s full legal name. Where 1 Name of applying part of a larger organisation please provide parent organisation organisation details. 2 Full address of Registered Office 3 Contact details Please provide detailed contact information for a named individual in the bidding organisation. Please describe the relationship of the contact to the applicant e.g. partner, agent, director, project manager Name: Address (if not the same as 2.) Tel no: e-mail address: 4 What type of Organisation are you? Please describe what sort of organisation you are and tick as many boxes as apply. If (e) applies, please provide a full description of your organisation type (a) Private Developer (b) House Builder (c) Local Authority (d) Registered Social Landlord (e) Charity (f) Other (e.g. URC / joint venture/ single purpose vehicle) 5. Organisation’s Track Record Examples of housing projects previously developed by applicant, including location, number of units, tenure and sales achieved 6 Please provide the details of any bodies that your organisation is registered with. If you are registered, eg with NHBC, OSCR or Companies House, please detail which body or bodies you are registered with and supply all registration numbers 7 Is your organisation (named at 2) capable of entering into Please indicate that you are a legally constituted body capable of entering into a legal commitment with a legal commitment with the Scottish Government? 8 9. (Mandatory Requirement) Financial viability of your organisation. Has your organisation received any de minimis State Aid during this or the previous two financial years? If so please indicate the level of this. Scottish Government. Please provide audited accounts and annual report for the 3 most recent financial years. Where most recent audited accounts may be over 6 months old please provide management accounts. Has the organisation named at question 2 above received any de minimis State Aid this financial year or over the last 2 financial years? Is there any existing commitment that would result in the organisation receiving any de minimis State Aid over the period of the loan? (Mandatory Requirement) 10. Are you bidding as part of a a) consortium or other form of b) partnership arrangement? Yes – please answer questions 11, 12 and 13. No – please move directly to question 14. 11 Who are your partners and Please provide full names and addresses for any partner what sort of bodies are organisation(s) and state what sort of body they are. they? 12 What is the legal nature of Please describe the nature of the relationships and your partnership / provide evidence of the legal agreement which governs this arrangement. arrangement? 13. If you are not the lead Please provide full contact information for a named partner/body, please confirm person in the lead partner body/organisation which organisation is and how to get in touch with Name: them. Address (if not the same as provided in Q3) Tel no: e-mail address: 14 Are appropriate levels of Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability insurance in place? Please provide a statement to confirm the type and level of insurance in place. Evidence of this will be required prior to any loan offer being made. SECTION C THE SITE This section requests information about the site which is the subject of the application, including with regard to site ownership and planning permission. In addition, it requests information about the housing to be delivered on the site to which the infrastructure relates. 1 2 Is funding in place to deliver all the other parts of the project, not covered by this loan application? Please provide a statement confirming the funding that is in place to support the project. Please include copies of any relevant documents that show this is in place, e.g. letter from a lender, a loan offer or any appropriate information from accounts or bank statements (Mandatory Requirement) Does the proposal have outline planning permission and/or an approved masterplan? Please provide planning consent ref number(s) and copies of approval letters for all works associated with this development. (Mandatory Requirement) If full planning permission is in place, please provide details. If full planning permission has been applied for, please confirm the date when this is likely to be considered. Where S75 agreements relate to this site please provide details. Please include copies of relevant S75 agreement. Please indicate that any road construction consents are in place and provide copies of consent. Please indicate if building consent is in place and if not when you expect it to be. 3 Are there any off site works contained in a suspensive condition or S75 agreement that must be implemented prior to development commencing? If so please provide details. 4 (Mandatory Requirement) Do you have ownership or control of the all sites that relate to this application? What security can you offer the Scottish Government against the loan? (Mandatory Requirement) Yes / No Please provide details of any off site works required and that these will be delivered to allow development to proceed in 2011. Where third parties (e.g. statutory bodies such as Transport Scotland, Scottish Water etc) are required to carry this out please provide evidence of their commitment to do so. Do you currently own the site? (If yes, please include a copy of the land certificate or, if the title is not registered in the land registry, copies of title deeds or a certificate of title signed by a solicitor.) If you do not own the site, what is the nature of the agreement, that you have with the land owner, to buy? Is this agreement legally binding? Is the land unencumbered? Will the Scottish Government be able to gain security over the site? What organisation, if any, already has security over the site? 5 Is housing on the site wholly Please note that, where private housing for sale is to be built, the loan repayment profile will normally be or partially for sale? constructed to match the anticipated sales profile. If yes, please set out: The anticipated Market price for the units. Where housing is not for sale please indicate your proposals for repayment. The anticipated sales profile for the units per quarter. Any market evidence to support these prices and sales profile. If no, please indicate your proposal for repaying the Scottish Government’s loan over the five year period. 6 What other developments are happening locally? Please provide a statement of what other developments are underway locally that may provide a useful indication of local marketability 7 How quickly could work start and complete? 1. To deliver the infrastructure Start Complete 2. To deliver the housing Start Complete SECTION D: SUSTAINABLE PLACES In this section we are looking for any additional information that you may wish to include in support of your application. We are particularly interested in any aspect of the project that demonstrates added value in terms of contributing to the Scottish Government’s policies and objectives for sustainable placemaking. 1 Please provide a Sustainable Places statement covering Does the proposal the issues outlined in Section F of the guidance contribute to Scottish document. Government policy on 2 sustainable design and placemaking? Will the proposal have any warranties, guarantees or specialist accreditation? Please provide details of any warranties, guarantees or accreditation e.g. NHBC, Building Standards Sustainability Labelling, Eco-Homes etc. MANDATORY CHECKLIST Please ensure that your proposal meets the following mandatory requirements. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered. Outline Planning Consent or Outline Planning Consent is in place and/or an approved master-plan Approved Master-plan in place Ownership or control of Site Applicant currently has ownership or control of all sites that this application relates to. Off site works The applicant can demonstrate that any off site works that the Council requires, in a suspensive condition or S75 agreement that must be implemented prior to development commencing, are delivered or committed so as to allow development to proceed in 2011/12 Other Finance in Place Finance is in place to deliver all aspects of the development other than those costs to be covered by this loan Repayment Period The applicant can repay the loan within 5 years State Aid That should the application be successful, the level of any de minimis State Aid to the organisation would not be in excess of €200,000 over any 3 year period Building Consent Building consent will be in place prior to any loan offer being issued. Road Construction Consent Where appropriate Road Construction Consents are in place Organisational Status Please indicate that the applicant organisation is a legally constituted organisation that is capable of entering into a legal commitment with Scottish Government Please sign below to confirm that you are aware that all applications must meet the mandatory requirements and to certify that your proposal meets all the requirements of this check list. Name: ……………………………………………………… Position: …………………………………………………… Signed: …………………………………………..………… Date: ……………………………..