CELL BIOLOGY Syllabus, Spring 2013 The Cell Theory. The importance of weak interactions in cellular structure and function. Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Understand the importance of cell biology in modern science, technology and medicine o Be aware of the tenets of modern Cell Theory o Appreciate the importance of shape and function of biological molecules The classes and structures of biopolymers. Lwoff’s “Biological Order” and the synthesis of cellular components. Learning Outcomes. Students will: Understand the different “levels” of cellular complexity Have an appreciation non-covalent molecular interactions in higher order cellular functions Know the structure and general functions of the major classes of macromolecules Know the hierarchical structure of the major classes of macromolecules Be aware, in general, of how macromolecules are synthesized The principles of bioenergetics. How the cell captures, converts and utilizes energy. The ATP/ADP cycle. Oxidation and reduction. The chemiosmotic theory. Enzymes. Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Understand the principles of chemiosmotic theory and be able to apply them o Understand electron flow and how cells harness and utilize energy o Be aware of enzymatic function and inhibition Genomes and genes. The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Learning Outcomes. Students will: Know the structure and function of DNA Be able to comprehend basic gene structure and how it compares and contrasts in procaryotes and eucaryotes Be aware of the latest findings of the Human Genome Project and its impact on cell biology Gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Be able to identify the important expression and regulatory signals in procaryotic and eukaryotic genes o Have extensive knowledge of the processes involved in transcription and translation, including RNA processing in eukaryotic cells o Know how gene expression is controlled at the genetic level and the role of activators and repressors of transcription Chromosomes and chromatin. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression and cellular differentiation in higher eukaryotes. Learning Outcomes. Students will: Have a molecular definition of the gene Have a broad knowledge of the chromosomal organization of genes and noncodong DNA Learn about the structural organization of chromosomes and the roles of chromatin and DNA methylation in gene expression Apply their knowledge of how chromatin structure is investigated to epigenetic aspects of cellular differentiation and cancer The structure and functions of biological membranes. The “Fluid Mosaic” model of membrane structure. Learning Outcomes. Students will: Visualize cell architecture Know about the lipid and protein components of biomembranes Learn how cells and their component parts are purified and studies Transport across biological membranes. Membrane potentials and the transmission of electrical signals. Learning Outcomes. Students will: Know about the role of the sodium ion/potassium ion pump in animal cells and linked symporters and antiporters Learn about the role of ATP-powered pumps in membrane transport Investigate the nature of voltage-gated ion channels and the propagation of action potentials in neurons Learn about signal transmission at synapses Membrane systems in cells. The endo-membrane system and cell trafficking. Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Learn about techniques for studying cell trafficking o Learn about the secretory pathway and the modification and sorting of proteins o Know about post-translational sorting of proteins to the mitochondria, chloroplasts, nucleus and peroxisomes o Be aware of key experiments which led to the elucidation of cellular traffic The Cytoskeleton. Learning Outcomes. Students will: Learn about the components and functions of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments Know how the cytoskeleton contributes to cellular locomotion and axonal transport Appreciate that the cytoskeleton in prokaryotic cells exists has similar structures and functions Mitochondria and Respiration: chloroplasts and photosynthesis. The evolution of mitochondria and plastids. Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Be able to compare and contrast the structures of mitochondria and chloroplasts o Understand the processes of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and photo-phosphorylation in chloroplasts o Be aware of carbon fixation in C3 and C4 plants o Critically assess current theories for the origins of mitochondria and chlroroplasts Signal transduction in eukaryotic cells. transduction systems in prokaryotic cells. Two-component signal Learning Outcomes. Students will: Have a broad conception of how cells communicate with one another Will know the functions of G protein-linked receptors and enzyme-linked receptors in eukaryotic cells, with selected examples Develop an appreciation for signal transduction systems in bacteria that regulate osmolarity, chemotaxis, quorum sensing and virulence The cell cycle and programmed cell death Learning Outcomes. Students will: o Learn about the key experiments which identified the regulatory apparatus of the cell cycle, including genetic studies with the budding and fission yeasts o Be aware of the molecular mechanisms that regulate mitosis o Know how checkpoints regulate the cell cycle in mammalian cells o Develop a knowledge of how programmed cell death (apoptosis) occurs Cellular differentiation in model organisms Learning Outcomes. Students will o Be aware of how model organisms (yeasts, fruit fly, worms and mice) are used in modern cell biology research to study cell differentiation o Understand gametogenesis in animal and plants o Know how stem cells generate terminally differentiated cells o Know how cell outcome is determined in yeast and Drosophila embryogenesis Cancer Learning Outcomes. Students will: Know the hallmarks of cancer and cancer cells Develop an understanding of the cell biology of cancer Learn how cancer cells proliferate, invade and metastasize Be aware of the role of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in carcinogenesis TEXTBOOK Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts et al. Garland Science (Available in bookstore). Guides to recommended readings will be posted regularly on Blackboard. EXAMINATIONS Regular class attendance is expected. Assignments will be based primarily on the lecture material. You should note that some subjects presented in lecture may either not be covered in the textbook or summarized only briefly. Supplementary reading lists will be indicated in these instances. The semester assignments will be: Two take-home examinations: Questions will include the analysis and/or interpretation of experimental data, designing experiments to address particular research questions and short review essays. The mind-term examination carries 25 per cent of the grade and the final, 30 per cent. Three class examinations: Questions will comprise short responses and the analysis and/or interpretation of experimental data. Each examination carries 15 per cent of your total grade. You are expected to complete all examinations on the appointed dates. Exceptions will be granted in advance only for illness (in which case, a doctor’s note must be submitted) or family emergency. You are expected to be familiar with and comply with the university’s Code of Academic Integrity. OFFICE HOURS Monday and Friday mornings: 9 to 11 a.m. in Bell 404 (4-3882).